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>Mei's warm, soft body

Reminder to treat old soldiers with love and care

Best girl

welp just unboxed a tracer legendary skin after levelup loot box
do I main her now

So is Platinum considered average? I don't know much.

Post the 2nd part.

Cutest and best pairing

I bet she'd be AIDS but a Darkest Dungeon PD could be cool

Only problem is ranged stun and DoT is kinda taken by Ana

best booty girl


Like people joke about it but they have more lines together than former overwatch characters.

Best fart girl you mean

>play Lucio well while communicating with my team
>half ass it as Genji while muting myself and listening to bad music
I understand now


Better not make Ana angry

For you

Sym fan art always makes her look far more attractive than she is in game.

Yes, gold and plat are average

I spent an entire match just ruining Genji's ults once.

>Genji screams angrily at my team in Japanese
>Absolutely ruin his ult, not one kill
>Repeat 3 times throughout the match
>Match is about to end
>Get one more kill on him seconds before we win
>See the dragons come out of his corpse as he hits the ground

I could taste the salt.

holy shit I'm dying

I like her ingame look too

>moth in the corner of my room
>i figure as long as he's not flying around he can stay
>doesn't move for a good 4 hours of overwatch
>turn off light for shitposting in the dark
>now it's going nuts bashing itself against the ceiling


shit art

I like her ingame look too

user you're the best.


I'm super new. Played free week on console and enjoyed the game. It seems super rock paper scissors to me. I have heroes? Champions? That I like but seem to get utterly devastated against certain other characters. It could be my overwhelming lack of skill, but it seems like the game is go do whatever, die, pick a hard counter until you get hard countered unless you need to save an ultimate for whatever. But where do I begin? How git gud?


Good work

You've more than earned this (You)

Is symmetra in anyway a viable character? Wouldn't you rather have an additional healer instead of a teleporter, would you not rather have a tobjorn turret instead of 6 sticker lights?

who else /attacktorb4golds/ here?

Should have used another thicc Pharah pic baka

Why doesn't anyone want to talk to McCree?


>solo queue, rank up pretty high
>start to play against surefour, seagull, gods, and other streamers and pros
>realize i had more fun climbing the ranks with fun strategies and heroes than I did being railroaded into the meta at master rank

grass is greener on the other side, boys. enjoy your innocent, casual ELO hell while you still have it.

This is great, holy shit.

Your enemies expect you to use a competent character. You should always do what your enemies least expect.

>Payload torb is a viable tactic vs shitters
it honestly makes me laugh how effective it can be sometimes

Symmetra has the highest skill ceiling of any character.

I recommend playing all the heros. Best way to learn how to counter them is to learn what they can all do.

It works in higher ranks when your team understands to quickly focus on someone hitting the turret.

If they're hitting it, they're not hitting you motherfuckers so kill him. Usually I just whiff a sniper rivet but w/e.

How'd he get his arm back?

She's extremely niche on very few maps, but I've gotten good enough with her that she's become invaluable to me on said maps. A good Symmetra can potentially guard an objective all by herself (and her little friends).

Only bad thing about her is her shields. They just don't really make all that much of a difference. Changing that into a health-to-shields power or true healing would make her more reliable on more maps, but it is what it is.

Play each hero for an entire round. Don't switch even if you're getting stomped or countered.

Learn how each hero plays and find out what counters them. Try and find 1 or 2 heroes from each category that you enjoy most and focus on them. The more heroes you can switch to in a pinch will make you a more valuable player.



Mercy has the highest skill ceiling of any character.

Does Junkrat have a stick-leg because he's a hipster, or what? Many other character have legit cybernetic prosthetics.

How's that Sombra ARG coming along senpaitachi

>been trying to get the The Floor is Lava trophy for ages
>after dozens of hours the stars finally align and I push a 3rd guy off a cliff
>get so excited and scared I won't get it I start wallriding early
>I mistime it and the wall I'm riding on ends literally 0,1 second before the elimination pops up


> teammate immediately locks a defense hero

He broke, nigga. You think they got cyborg medicare in the falloutback?

Her laser chainsaw is pretty fun and can kill multiple enemies in a row if you're clever enough with it.

That said, she's best played for Defensive arguably more so than any other character in the game.


Sometimes i feel like torb is a surprise people dont expect to be effective.
but he has a decent gun, and if you learn the ark the single shot can get you some heads
plus 75 armor isnt anything to sniff at for your flankers
and as you said, if theyre shooting at your aimbot, theyre not shooting your team
I have had surprising success putting a turret on the moving platform on Volsk attack for point B to interfer and fuck with people

If we're on defense and it's Junkrat or Mei I'll give them a chance

D.Va is such a colossal slut

Screenshot comparisons imply that Junkrat salvaged his arm from a dead Bastion. Bastions don't really have feet that would compliment his remaining one.

How 2 airshot as rubbishrodent?

If only sym looked like her concept

I don't think I can play this game long term without a solo queue and group MMR separated

probably only play few games every new hero update etc


Maybe because blizz has no idea what to write since they are hacks

that's not d.va, it's just some slut

>Sym fan art always makes her look far more attractive than she is in game.

Sadly true.

It's beautiful isn't it


Torb and Phara's are lame.

And Tracer's would give you too much of a boner.

if your rank is below master then you need to drink bleach imo

>Mei: Sorry! Busy baking cake for hubby

Uh huh

You got a link to the rest of this or is this it. I can find it myself but I'm lazy rn.

> It's 2077
> This guy unironically wears a full cowboy getup
> Even speaks and behaves like a rejected extra from a spaghetti western
> Has a belt buckle reading BAMF and chews on a half smoked cigar
> He is a gang member turned shady black-ops agent turned vigilante

Gee, I wonder why no one wants to talk to him...


can this game be saved?

or is it doomed to become an empty shell of memes?

how do we stop the player bleeding and general loss of interest most people are experiencing with the game?

>people who draw Junkrat with full hair

t. plat. player

no, it can't
from yesterday


Why would I watch people playing video games instead of playing video games?

Stop letting yourself get hooked in the first place retard

needs to go the way of other games and host big official tournaments

Shutting down Genji ults is far more satisfying than it should be.

We don't. We enjoy the game while it lasts.

>samefagging THIS hard
>he actually uses Twitch views as an indicator
honestly fampai, you should turn off your PC and enjoy the outside world

or maybe kill yourself

dude OW is fucking boring to watch but great to play.

Blizz can't save it no matter what they do.


You say that like it's easy to not get hit by a hitbox the size of a continent.

He's so hot, people are too nervous to talk to him

Does anyone else just get annoyed by most of the heroes? It's not like CS where if I die it's almost always because I fucked up or was outskilled, although that definitely DOES happen in OW because I'm only diamond and not a god. There are too many heroes that don't require much mechanical skill.

thanks for your (You) tho, i appreciate it

>game comes out
>think McRee is probably an actor character or something
>this is supported by the Hollywood map being an Old West setting
>no he actually just dresses like a fucking cowboy for no reason
This bothered me.

Afraid of getting pregnant.

t. rank 56 season 1

Matchmaking is amazing

Want a fucking cookie?

>samefagging THIS hard

Holy shit, that literal autism.

>Araignée au soir.

>he doesn't dress like a cowboy for no reason

There are also ninjas, knights and monks. What's so out there about a cowboy?

I don't understand why people watch MOBAs. They are the least interested to look at.

>not dressing up as a cowboy and enjoying life
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