when you do the paladin hall chain he talks to Arator the Redeemer HIS SON
Nolan Russell
arent professions super easy to level in legion, costs like 100g to get to 700
Jose Walker
Henry Bell
You can make everything and do everything with crafting/gathering profs at 1 in WoD/Legion now You can level from 1-800 solely on legion crafts/gathers
Luis Perez
Nicholas Nelson
>get some retarded "go find out what happens to Illidank in the next episode" quest >dont even want to go do it
Matthew Sanchez
i hate all this random shit in gear. i just want to run a dungie and get a bis and know that the item i got is the best i possibly could have at the time. i hate having a good item but knowing it could always be a tiny bit better with a socket or tertiary or 5 more tf ilvl. it just doesn't belong in wow.
James Jones
Is there really a buff for mages in dalaran to increase rep gain by 5%?
Camden Bailey
First post best post as usual!
Jaxson Collins
yes but he's still just the hologram
i completed the hall campaign
Liam Edwards
My dick does.
Christopher Thomas
I too would like to know this
Daniel Robinson
Julian Brooks
>might aswell use boost instead of transfer+realm change well ok
Cameron Stewart
bisfags btfo
Tyler Carter
yeah, i really hope they would just keep it at thunderforged but now it's all going downhill. soon there'll be other stuff like relic slot procs for armor or something like that
Adrian Hughes
Joshua Anderson
The weapon i'm happiest to get so far
>the Sunstriders will never get a chance at redemption like illidan because they're not as edgy
Camden Thomas
then what is the advantage of leveling professions?
Adam Murphy
I'm a gnome hunter. I'm cute.
Jaxon Morris
I want her to stomp on my dick, call me a worthless pile of shit, then ram her strap on up my ass while making me feel like a useless sorry excuse for a human being and telling me I should just kill myself.
Nathaniel Lopez
Is there even any benefit to having level 700+ professions in legion?
Connor Carter
garbage please stop posting these
William Clark
> get free shitty character boost to 100 > no free race / faction change
Blizzard pls.
Joshua Hall
>Blizzard in full defense force mode and silencing people that speak up negatively about their garbage qna and warlock debacle where they literally blamed the players
This is fucking pathetic and hilarious.
Hudson Perez
tfw i havent been able to transfer off stormrage for 3 fucking days because of a bug saying 'i have active auctions'
i've even contacted live chat twice and they havent been able to help me
what the fuck dude
William Rogers
her time is limited
she couldn't even stop some old wolf man from slapping her shit
Carson Flores
Cosmetic shit like mounts and toys still requires more than 700 No advantage for gathering professions tho
Nicholas Hughes
More like Felo'Melon.
Jonathan Sullivan
If you have ebonchill you can get a xp and rep boost buff
Nicholas Anderson
samefag, only you care.
Carson Miller
>mfw alliance try to pretend they're in the right.
Every source of faction conflict is the result of Alliance war mongering. It's been the case since vanilla and it's still the case now.
Back in vanilla you've got Kultiras soldiers in Durotar planning attacks on the local settlements. In Mulgore there are Dwarves digging up sacred Tauren land without permission. Baine has the audacity to send you to... break their tools. In the Barrens you have Dwarves again doing the same shit in Mulgore, except this time they massacred a Tauren village and attacked a diplomatic party trying to resolve it peacefully. In tirisfal you capture a Dwarf spy who is dealt with accordingly. In Hillsbrad you learn the humans there attacked the Forsaken first and are responsible for murders, raids and the like. WSG? Xenophobic Night elves attacking Orcs in a new land just wanting to collect lumber instead of bring diplomatic first. AV? Dwarves trying to drive out Orcs who actually live there for selfish purposes. AB is null since both sides just want the resources.
In BC, Night elves in Eversong are sabotaging the Blood elves sanctums causing them to malfunction. You also have another Dwarf spy, posing as an ambassador that's in with the Night elves. In the ghostlands you have a fortified night elf base up to no good. You don't see any Hordies being bullies to the Draenei now do you?
In Wrath. Alliance constantly tries to start shit with the Horde, like in Howling Fjord or Varian trying to murder Thrall. All this when we're supposed to be fighting The Scourge.
Theramore and by extension the Alliance starts the war in Cata by invading the Barrens and Stonetalon.
In Mists, we have Jaina Bitchmoore murdering neutral Blood Elves in a neutral city on no evidence whatsoever.
And in Legion we have Genn and his thugs breaking a peace treaty and attacking the Horde when we're supposed to be working together.
The Alliance doesn't want peace and is a faction filled to the brim with war mongers.
Nolan Thompson
Bout to boost a spriest main, help me /wowg/. Alternatively, pick my week 3 professions for making dosh
Owen Sanders
What's the cheapest lv25 pet I should be able to get on the AH? The AH search is a mess. I have 2 lv25s and just need one more lv25 to be able to beat the nightfallen world quest, I always lose with the last enemy on half hp.
Luke Sanders
I need someone's confirmation, is guardian druid top tier or shit tier? keep seeing contradicting posts saying they're unkillable and other saying they're a bitch to heal.
Nathan Rodriguez
>uhh uhhh nice expect element xddd
Adrian Sanders
Can you elaborate?
Juan Cooper
Why aren't you fully geared this late into the xpac yet user?
>inb4 no legendary ill get it today >inb4 elvui who cares
Nicholas Parker
can I heal heroics at 810 ?
Jose Rivera
Easton Powell
just start a new character????
Gabriel Young
Connor Wood
>no trap healer to seduce you and coerce you into fucking their bp
Luke Robinson
redpill me on mage
is fire the only viable option?
Luke Taylor
Have you idiots been able to level and gear up alts?
I just feel I cant do it, I play for hours every day (being a wagecuck takes away a lot of time) and still feel like I should be getting more done
Adam Ross
>averaging 100-110k dps as arms on a dummy >802 ilvl Is this below average?
Lucas Nguyen
Because I started playing 3 days ago and hit 110 yesterday
Kevin Peterson
Nathaniel Lee
Nathaniel Green
fekkin ssamefeg only u care wtf :@@
Christopher Gonzalez
>You don't see any Hordies being bullies to the Draenei now do you? stopped reading there
Dylan Lee
why cant we just q 1 healer and 4 tanks
Connor Bailey
live chat is completely useless.
Blizzard support did actually improve since wotlk. In Wrath if you send an e-mail and had a real issue it took them a month to respond.
Lucas White
How did WoD mythic raids work? If I join a Mythic Hellfire Citadel mog run do I have to roll for shit or automatically get it in the way it works for Legion Dungeons?
Aaron Wood
what alt should i level first? got everything at 100 :)
Tyler Parker
I see that American quality posting is happening again.
Christian Jones
poley taking a dump
Xavier Davis
What's with all the undead with shitty American accents?
Xavier Cook
>implying I'm going through the shitty leveling >then all the autistic quests for artifact power >then grinding faggot shit for my weapon >then doing all of faggot suramar >on more than one character
No. Fuck blizzard.
Angel White
Rogue or monk for pvp and pve? Want to be comfy.
Juan Price
Fuck spiders man.
Adrian Nguyen
What's the point in rune of power if so many encounters require you to be mobile even as DPS
Joseph Bennett
Literally does not matter at that ilvl. Once you're in heroics people will sorta care but not really until mythics.
Ethan Brown
I just outdps'd a fire mage as arcane on trash and half the bosses. He had 12 ilvls and a legendary on me. But shitters will tell you arcane sucks and might deny you spots because of it and 90% of the people playing are shitters, so tread carefully.
Kevin Ortiz
who purple ilvl here?
Jose Peterson
fukkin americans wtffff this is european board get outt leave me alonee ;2@@
Michael Cook
You look fat. Fatty, fat, fat, fatty horse dick race.
Connor Edwards
no they'll tell you fire is better because numerically it is, and your single anecdote of you beating a shitter doesn't change that
Christopher Nelson
Demonology warlock
Joseph Nelson
>item level is a stat now on relics
What's the point of having stats tied to fucking ilvl if you just add artificial increases
Jacob Sanchez
arcane sounds neat with the talking staff
what spec should I use to level?
Anthony Russell
Nice computer lmao
Benjamin Foster
Rogue. It will most likely stay powerful for the entire expansion. Has sin and outlaw is very fun.
Monk if you want a comfy class hall and to be able to tank, dps or heal.
Actually in terms of mobility, I think monk only falls behind a DH. And even then i'd argue that monk doesn't suffer so much from roots and other shit, so it's more mobile in the long run than a DH or rogue.
Alexander Mitchell
Ryan Flores
Why did they turn into driders?
Jordan Green
I did 140k dps at 110 with like 792 item level on UH DK. With arms 150k when I just hit 110
Parker Hall
>870 artifact weapon >does the same as a 750
Dominic Baker
I dont want to brag but i got to this ilvl without even really noticing - i did my first 2 mythics today, but what i got from them i didn't need. I am wearing 6/8 Class Hall set fully upgraded, + got a few from lucky heroics and World quests. And i am doing ok dps considering im a demo lock - i am having fun tbqh pham
Jonathan Thomas
when the HECK is the legendary catch up mechanic gonna kick in?
Nathan Martin
something something dying arcandor something something warped by magic
Bentley Johnson
only white quiver in the game, jelly?
Camden Turner
>tfw theres no mount I like >looked at literally all of them
Kill me pls
I just want a mount that isn't an animal or annoying, and unfortunately the epitome of non-biological mounts is a fucking joke (meme head)
Why can't there just be a bubble mount I can float around in?
Guess I'm gonna use the cloud disc...
Hunter Cooper
What's the rotation/talents? I feel like I'm definitely missing something at least on single target
Landon Scott
But I don't want a new character. Then I would have 2 dks on the same faction, that seems kind of pointless to me.
Juan White
>Went fire mage this expac because I like the idea of getting Kael'Thas' sword and throwing fireballs appeals to me the most
Class hall is full of shitter firemages that I'll likely get lumped with because everyone saw fire was highest dps spec and rerolled
Jaxon Hernandez
woah...... 838................ good thing you didnt want to brag or youd sure be embarassing us
Jason Ward
Yeah, basically friday's qna was a shitfest.
Blizzard said a bunch of dumb shit, and then they got questioned about the state of warlocks and essentially said "we aren't listening to feedback, because you guys are being mean", and that the class will stay as it is.
Now they are editing some provocative blue posts they had made, and are deleting peoples posts if it has any type of criticism in it regarding warlocks. They are literally going full nazi.
Lucas Morris
Then boost the one you have? I don't see the issue here. If you want it perfect delete the first one.
Asher Allen
Is my artifact used in PvP? Do I use the skills I've unlocked?