/ps2g/ - Planetside 2 General

Last week's thread NC edition

>Patch 9/7 Notes
>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made

Other urls found in this thread:


CLAIMING THIS THREAD FOR who am i kidding, nobody even plays anymore

why did you make a new one

haven't we suffered enough

This is my dedicated shitposting general. I wouldn't know where to unload my memes without this thread.

It's it obvious?

This is Hell. You're in it, baby.

Praise werl

I do

p-pls no
getting paid to spend 30 minutes a week shitting out random numbers is pretty comfy

I actually would kill werl if the opportunity arose. Make it look like an accident like, wouldn't be malicious about it.

Literally who are you? That's right, you're a nobody.


no, it is dead

So what is this I hear about enlarged head hitboxes? The new hotness in hacks or something?

That's an exploit used by cykas. You can literally change client files to achieve bigger hitboxes))

Amazing. How long has that been going on?

Since launch.
Then it (((somehow))) got five times more frequent on EU servers after the Werner shutdown.

Has gaybreak been doing anything about it, or is it "undetectable"

I wish there was something good to do

it is """"undetectable""""

Awesome. Thanks for all the info.

what if they just went and banned for life all the players with +70% accuracy beyond 50m

I just decided to try PS2 recently, this is after playing PS1 for about 4 years so I have a fair idea of how it should be.

I uninstalled in about 2 hours. Am I missing something or is it really that garbage. Infantry play is just complete fucking ass, trudge around like you've wearing concrete shoes, weapons are complete shit apart from 3 exceptions, sprayandpray upclose, you're a faggot sniper, you're a faggot infil.

Fights are a complete clusterfuck where you die in 2 hits from every which way before you've even registered the threat. Didn't even make it to the vehicles. And yeah, I could grind out points to "upgrade" my stuff but honestly, I'd be surprised if it made any difference and fuck that noise.

>sprayandpray upclose,



you click head

mans die when hed klickt

i bet you mindlessly spawned into a base and pressed shift and W and expected high level tactical play with combined arms

give the game some time and join squads, you shitter

Well yes, I spawned in and expected some kind of reasonable gunplay, not a stodgy clusterfuck.

If I spend more hours and join more squads, will the core mechanics behind the infantry gunplay actually improve?

>gently tap out of cover to see what is going on
>getting shot
>behind cover
>still getting shot
>run away behind friendlies
nice game planetards

no, you will come to understand and appreciate them better in the context of the whole game

planetside 2 is 4 years old and has been like this from the start. what it offers that is special is not fantastic gunplay and MLG first person shooter action.

it's the seamless transition between one battlefield and the other. combined arms in the sense not that each team is allocated 2 tanks and a helicopter, but in the sense that everything that happens is completely player driven. it's a sandbox shooter, a base construction, defense and assault game, a strategic battlefield all the way down to the lone wolf infilshitter

no other game offers what planetside offers, and this is why a lot of people refuse to be turned off by horrible performance, abhorrent graphics, terrible gunplay, awful netcode and HORRENDOUS faction balance

try again.

is of skill comrade))))))))))))

>From the wiki
>It is a faster paced game than the original Planetside


lol shitter


hello wher r de memes

Someone needs to aim better :-)

Aisle 3 right side, if you look at the bottom and the top you'll find the cheaper ones if you're on a budget. If you're looking for Rudolf Boobsy Artwork that's in the back, we keep those in display cases

Good night!

good night memer

>Fighting VS for a while
>It's a long slog of a fight but it is good fun
>After an hour come to a realisation
>Every single vanu i've died to and/or killed has been an infiltrator or a vehicle
>Check memetracker
>Not died to or killed a single LA, HA, Engineer or Medic (unless they were inside a vehicle) in over a fucking hour of solid fighting

That's fucking strange.


>played off and on since beta
>still not level 100 yet
>have TR big horn 50 cal platinum sniper rifle
>have mastered all infil guns, knives, pistols, etc

Why does it take so long to level?

literally kys

Is there a way to avoid getting directive points?

I'm on 420 right now and I want it to stay that way in order to maintain the meme.


Is it gay if I, a normal redblooded male, find Higby attractive?

I mean, in a no-homo way of course.

it would b gay if you didn't

t. not higby

Higby is a true manly man that all men should aspire to

It'd be gay to NOT find him attractive



y is he always drinking ;_;

washes away the pain


>be me
>a carbine shitter
>1.5 KDR
>switch to shotgun
>4.5 KDR in a 2 hour session against the VS

is of skill comrade)))))))))))))))

Speaking of which, I shit on one of those DA autists repeatedly the other day and he pulled LA+shotty and started warping all over the place until he finally killed me. It's basically a way to say "im mad as fuck" without even saying a word.


What attachments should i get for the cyclone? For an infiltrator

soft ammo, flash suppressor

Don't bother with the silencer, you don't want to be that sort of cunt. You want silent, use your rebel, it's the pistol all pistols wish they were.



Your sensitivity is too high



I'm real bad at this game but I've played it for years now, same with PS1.

You lot probably farm me regularly, I have memetracker but it usually just shows me a list of who killed me and says "Embarrassing" over and over.

But I still have fun. I love the atmosphere, I love being just a single guy who nobody is looking at twice in the middle of a huge battle, tanks rolling past, aircraft splitting the sky, explosions and gunfire and maxes oh my!

I focus on repairing and resupplying mostly, sometimes I pull a prox radar flash and park it under a biolab for a while to help everyone out with radar cover. They are small helps but I know someone is appreciating it.

Thing is, I know it's my outlook that makes me bad, I'm far too laidback and relaxed to have the twitch reactions a game like this needs. The playing-field is even, I'm given all the same tools and abilities as everyone else so I can't complain.

I understand all the mechanics and nuances, i'd have to be legitimately fucking retarded to not know them by now, effective ranges, noise thresholds etc etc so I always find it amusing when someone complains in here or on steam or elsewhere about the game being unfair, everyone hits too hard, everyone moves too fast, everyone has better guns because I know the truth, just like you all do;

They really do just need to aim better or accept their place in the food pyramid.

>twitch reactions a game like this needs
It's more about crosshair placement and situational awareness than twitch.

Have you tried to improve your performance at any point are you just fine the way things are?

you can turn the taunts off in recursion

You ever complimented the person who just killed you for their outfit before?

I did today, there was a TR sniper who nailed me in the head from miles away and on the death screen I couldn't help but stare at their character.

I don't know the names for TR cosmetics but the helmet was round and smooth and the color they had applied was wonderful, a deep metallic cherry red that reminded me of a classic christmas bauble, they didn't look garish at all.

I sent them a message saying I think they looked real great in that gear and I got "THX :DDDD" back which I think means they appreciated it.

its too bad the guy who made recursion doesn't play anymore. He got busy after he found a job at intel, then got more busy when he found a female.


sned help quick..


Except: faction balance is an issue, but frankly, you can always find a zerg to join. The real secret to Planetside 2 is finding and staying with the zerg.

That means getting in a large group. When large groups clash, the battles are incredible, and you can't find anything even remotely like it. Stuff like:

>Be me
>Be Heavy Assault Vanu, who are always short handed, so we're fucking better and you know it.
>Outside TR base, 100 yard sprint needed to get inside.
>Shit exploding all around
>Mosquitos flying in and killing doods all around me.
>Sprint the 100 yards, mosquito explodes over head, pieces all around me, smoke and shit, can't see.
>Get inside, blow up their vehicle station, get run over by asshole on a quad bike.
>Respawn and kill quad bike asshole with a tank mine.

aim worse



aim better

yea, thats it, aim better

You may not have noticed but none of those deaths were in fights against people.

Sniped from render range by AV turrets and infiltrators.

Reamed from all directions by scythes and fagriders.

Not an actual person to fucking shoot at in sight.

but did you shott better tho?

I definitely shotted at the tanks but I'm not sure it helped much. Archer can only accomplish so much in 5 shots.


u shuld meme them with a deci

or 'decimeme' as we in the biz call it

Will do, they'll get it next time.

thx 4 the hints

i know, the only person who can add my 1000 killstreak achievement is fucking gone

>tfw sniper shitter

yw yw

>Missing more than half his shots

"Sniper" doesn't mean range, it means accuracy.

>TFW you're walking along doing engineer things when you spot a dot on a hill, pop up your archer and dome a sniper

Out sniping the snipers makes me hard as fucking steel, especially considering how shite the archer is.

should I bump the thread yet?

no let it die


what if i post a picture of her signing this KEKā„¢?

will that save thred sav geam?


So when will the VS get a visual overhaul so all the weapons aren't the exact same and we get to be purple again

So when will the NC get a visual overhaul so all the weapons aren't the exact same and we get to be blue and yellow again

So when will the TR get a visual overhaul so all the weapons aren't the exact same and we get to be red and grey again


Hey guys, remember when that really cool Planetside 2 trailer showed blood and vehicle interiors

brb watching that again and imagining something better than what we got

When will Isreal get a overhaul so it looks like 1915 Germany

I wish the Valkyrie was useful
I wish it was the only vehicle

How much longer does this game have I'm dumping money onto it ;_;

the game stops when people stop dumping money for cosmetics

It's a comfy taxi to put beacons on roofs, it could use a boost in terms of acceleration and top speed but it's the only vehicle in the game that wasn't designed with the intent to ruin infantry fights.

Let's respect the Valk.

But it's a giant cert pinata
And nobody ever gets in it when I pilot :(

TR has the only good valk. 2 strikers 2 engies and it's invincible. It doesn't work well with any other faction
t. Yoshilikescandy

Fuck you. I'd rather it gets a performance upgrade. The game runs like shit in big fights of 96+. I literally phase trough the floor from lag.

So I've been playing for years now, but only recently created other faction twinks.
Any idea why I already have some non-default and non NS weapons unlocked on a brand new characters?

It's good at being a cheap taxi, of course randoms won't get in.

Must have the werlfare shotgun, and maybe you bought some anniversary bundles.

>directives broken
ebin :DD:DDD can't unlock my FPS killing meme c4 now :DD

thank u grunwald trubsisky

The game has performance issues. That is why the gameplay feel wonky sometimes.

Also you should find the right weapon for yourself.
For me it is the basic shotgun upgraded with x4 simple scope and slug ammo. I snipe the snipers with that and as long as i am not lagging i am ok in close combat too.

You should also try engi turrets. If you position properly so you don't get sniped immediately you will mow down people(until a cheater comes with an aimbot).

I play TR and their basic weapons are just fine.

P.S upgrading your armor will improve your lifespan dramatically