Gotta catch that Dragonite, bro.
Gotta catch that Dragonite, bro
New Yorkers are retarded
Never mind about the video, who is that chunky monkey?
I don't know who's worse, the faggot who overran the light, or the faggot who ignored it and went on.
That's what you get when you instill into people's minds that everything must be made as simple as possible, it's better to let others do the thinking for you, if you do mistakes something or someone else is always at fault; and then you force people that don't want to drive because they're lazy and irresponsible and never learned how to drive because they'd get their moronic license anyway onto endless drives thanks to your car based urban planning. Murrika!
Iskra Lawrence: @iamiskra or some shit on IG
Your a gentleman and a saint. Good day.
My fear as a motorcyclist.
>user provides sauce on a fluid druid. Good on ya m8
>no overhanging gut
fucking dropped
Faggot, there is no overhanging anything other than tits. A little meat on the bones is a good thing.
learn to read
>being that goddamned retarded.
Hoped he died tbqh
>My fear as a motorcyclist.
Do you usually ride through red lights?
You shouldn't and you should know to hit the pedestrian switch on a bike.
I'm pretty sure he means that he's afraid some idiot would fly through a red light and hit him as he's crossing the intersection on a green light.
he should look first for traffic then, you can never be too careful
I can tell you've never been in many accidents before.
it's a tiny fender bender.
Or maybe people should pay attention and stop at the fucking red light
Eh, I'd rate that as more than a fender bender but it was far from fatal. Someone might've ended up with a sore neck but I doubt there were any injuries aside from that.
I haven't
How do you just not stop? Fucking retarded.
>A little meat on the bones is a good thing.
if you're into fatties maybe
because they do not understand inertial kinematics
or traffic flow and courtesy
the underlying cause is narcissism and a general lack of physical and mental activity dulling their senses
In a world where everyone followed road instructions to a T, you would be stupid not to do things like run down an ending merge lane and getting in ahead of everyone else.
It's their fault for running the red light and killing you, but you're still dead.
or you can not be some knob goblin ass fairy pretending to be the cool guy in leather.
>protip: you look like a faggot powerranger fucking a bicycle.
Probably distracted driving. People not paying attention is the leading cause of accidents.
>he's using his brain
Fucking nerd lmfao this is 2016
>jacking off on the automotive board again
hopefully the speeder there will get the bill for the blue car there
I believe he means the guy who was just minding his own and driving through a green light at normal speeds.
Right but who the fuck slows down 20mph to check if some jackass is about to run the intersection, do you do that at every green light?
t. Wyoming shit farmer