/dng/ - Dueling Network General

Dueling Network General #2300
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Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market
OCG decklists
ygodr.blog.jp/ - possibly ded
TCG decklists
TCG/OCG news sites
ygorganization.com/ blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-Volt (September 24th)
●OCG: Raging Tempest (October 8th)
●OCG: Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers (November 12)

●TCG: Rivals of the Pharaoh (September 15)
●TCG: Legendary Decks II (October 7th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (October 21st)
●TCG: Invasion: Venom (November 4th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● If you want to improve, playtest constantly.

Xth for please let the old protags show up in Arc-V so we can get new support for those decks.

nth for how many copies of The Dark Illusion should I buy and should I buy the Invasion: Vengeance boosterbox because I've not seen many of the cards there ran in top OCG decks?

Technically Edo could shill E HEROES.

Who /ancientgear/ here?
How's your builds coming along?
How strong do you feel ancient gears are now?

Sulphafnir + Trystvern is a 2-card Phoenixion.
But that means nothing.

They are still shit.

Still tier 3.

>your turn is my turn.webm

I messed with them for a little bit. Seems like it's just an entirely new archetype now, I don't see any reason to use the old support other than Geartown and maybe Castle

That's pretty interesting.

do they not use golem?

geartown is still core, gadjiltron for geartown plays and golem is still useful for fusion plays


No, it's worthless.

The support is fantastic but the problem is all these great cards support only mediocre boss monsters. Reactor dragon needs to SS ancient gear gadget first to get all his effects and even then he can't hit over most other boss monsters these days. How can AGs be a beatdown deck without a good beater? 3k was outclassed by BE already.

leave the beatstick-making to me

>wish konami upped extra size to 20 so i can fit in more variety in my synchro decks
>remember that Scythe loli is a thing and that more decks could make space to splash Lighting and other Rank 4 cards i hate

Even better would be to set a hard limit on 15.
Pendulums can only go if there is room. If a card would be sent there and its full, its sent to the grave instead. That would make them tolerable for konami.

They're cool when the stars align but they can't do anything without Geartown and Catapult and Geartown is only searchable through terra and AG Drill which sucks complete ass. Maybe it's just my build but AGs build bricks for days and don't even have a lockdown like Monarch did.

Pendulums don't need new restrictions, they're already underperforming as they are.

Pendulums have already been nerfed to irrelevance, no need to kick them while they're down.

They're under performing because their shit keeps getting limited

I mean, Pend decks are already struggling to maintain a foot-hold in the meta. But this is something i'd like just because it means you can't pend 5 go into a bunch of synchro's and XYZ's every other turn.

when the starter deck comes to the US i plan on picking the stuff up. may pick up a few staple between then and now though

the one thing geartown is good for makes it technically searchable through magical hats

but the safest way to use hats is by having a guy alive at the end of the battle phase, which makes me really want to see a ancient gear marshmallon

Fusion, Xyz, and Synchro had their stuff limited too. And they're still doing better than Pendulums.

>still no real pendulum synchro deck
Is Konami afraid to go beyond the pendulum?

>what is D/D/D

Are you being purposefully retarded? Fusion and Synchro have only had monsters limited from specific archetypes. Xyz has had a bunch of monsters from different archetypes limited and banned (mostly Rank 4s) but Pendulums have had monsters AND Pendulum support getting fucked by Konami's banlist. It's not the same thing at all. for every limitation you can list I can list at least 3 more and that is just TWO YEARS since the mechanic actually became a thing

Pendulums aren't doing well simply because you gay faggots will not allow them to do well

As much as i love synchro's and as much as i hate having my combo's fucked because cards mess with my grave. if they did something like make Synchrons but slap on some Pendulum shit they'd probably make full power clown-blade blush.

How often do you Pendulum Summon in your D/D/Deck?

It's more of Pends are either retardedly broken because "lmao free resources because we don't have anything that fucks with the face-up extra deck" or weak because of all the S/T hate we have.
The mechanic is just way to volatile to balance.

I can't believe we spent so long in the Synchro Dimension and still haven't gotten tons of new Synchrons. Jet Synchron/Warrior are goos, but it still needs more. Why did Synchrons get so little support during 5DS era?

About as often as I pendulum summoned in PePe.

So always then?

fusion has felt loss before

When you have Kepler, Thomas and Oblivion but none of the little guys or anything to search them with, which is one in every twenty games or something like that

Synchro's been cucked ever since ZeXal.

This. They feel like sixsams revamped in a way.

I didn't pendulum summon once in PePe because by the time I'd finished doing all my regular special summoning my board was full, the scales were literally just there to get popped and then search.

Konami hates synchro's, needs you to do basic math and make trade-offs in your deck to balance tuners and non-tuners.

T. Buttmad synchro fag who hates XYZ

TCG D/D has already tried to implement regular pendulum summoning
I told you that the deck would be unrecognizeable when it came to the west

Tier 3 is a meme

Luster Pendulum - Limited
Draco Face-Off - Limited
Majespecter Kirin - Limited
Pendulum Call - Limited
Wisodm-Eye Magician - Limited
Performage Flame Mascot - Banned
Wavering Eyes - Banned This one kinda deserved it though tbqhwyfamilia
Ignister Prominence - Limited
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker - Limited
Performapal Monkeyboard - Banned

And I'm positive I'm missing a couple others. Point is that in TWO years, Pendulums as a mechanic have suffered more hits than any other. Before Metalfoes were even a thing in TCG people were already fucking talking about finding a way to hit them so that they wouldn't be as good here as they were in the OCG. Niggers refuse to leave well enough alone but then turn around and complain about how underwhelming the decks that use Pendulum summons are doing.

>TCG D/D has already tried to implement regular pendulum summoning
Source me, No youtube shit please only topping builds.

Is ancient gear gadget any good in the deck? does ancient gear even do much tribute summoning with geartown and catapult shenanigans?

You forgot
Qliphort Scout- Limited

Maybe, Just maybe
it's because Konami keeps printing broken cards for their broken mechanic?

I use Planet Pathfinder to search Geartown. It actually works really good. Sure, it takes up your normal summon, but it tributes itself to search which allows you to play catapult. Also, it is a Rank 4 body for Utopia/Back the Cook plays.

Scout only supports qlis, not pendulum as a whole.



The mechanic itself is fine. Some decks abuse it more than others, which lead to a lot of cards getting hit.

Dracopals were pretty dumb though
the pendulum call hit still upsets me

Yeah, but it going to 1 along with Wavering Eyes (and Towers) getting banned pretty much made Qlis ultra-cancer.

>Wavering Eyes deserved it's hit
>Flame Mascot and Monkeyboard somehow didn't

>any of those cards

Only Wavering Eyes truly deserved to get fucked, almost everything else would have been perfectly fine at either 1 or 3 (Mascot and Monkeyboard at 1 and Joker at 3 for instance) but you fags will complain about anything and Konami will listen so long as its not their precious BA and Kozmo

I wouldn't mind Pendulum Call at 1 if we had Wisdom-Eye at 3.

Dracopals were at the very bottom of tier 1 from the emergency list to the current one. And now they're dead.

terraforming also lets you search town while having an empty field, and doesn't kill your normal which you should be using on the goodstuff gears can use their normal for, like searching and fusion and double attacking double backrow popping piercing 3k armades

It's broken not in a "Wow it's OP"
but it's broken in it's either really good and does shit like Clownblade unbreakable fields or triple mist birb.

The whole mechanic is balanced around "Does he have S/T hate?" so when you try to make it competitive you need to do shit that abuse the whole "goes to the extra for free advantage" deal and that's such a hit or miss thing.

Pends are Broken because it's balanced around that janky as fuck "goes to the extra for future summons" and "I lose if he uses twin twister"

Don't get me started on shit like Pendulum call.

his name is "best bird"
you need to have the alliteration from "apex avian"

That is a bit catchier.
Thank god that think isn't searchable.

Is it a good idea to just forgo hound/fusion because it seems incredibly bricky and unreliable

You can run Planet pathfinder and Terraform. AG really needs it's Field Spell, so running PP and Tertaform isn't that dumb.

Will they ever Print more Charmer support?
We're still missing the Light dark and Wind Familiars.


Dante to 1 and Beatrice to at least 2 when?

>tcg even touching dante

During the 30th anniversary

>wanting rank 6 spam decks to come back

>rank 6 spam
Beatrice and Utopia Beyond are the only ones that can be called good

Lyna never even got a Familiar-Possessed form to base the familiar off of. Even Dharc got his FP.

>he doesnt know about that beatrice volcanic bullshit pojo were wanking over a few months back

I just want a semi-viable charmer deck damnit.
They're one of the most fun Rank decks i've played and i'm still mad that they stopped printing support since they made Unpossesed and Archfiend eater.

Yeah, no shit he doesn't know.

The deck still needs work but the future anime support COULD fix it.

Should I switch to Magic or no

don't sleep on ptolememe m8

Just like how Desires is a -9 right ;)


No. Whatever problems you are having with this game will only come tenfold if you switch to magic, trust me. Just keep playing yugioh or give up playing altogether.

Rank these TCGs:
>Magic: the Gathering
>Pokemon TCG
>Weiss Schwarz
>Cardfight! Vanguard
>Future Card Buddyfight
>Force of Will

You can try, but transitioning to Magic is tough coming from yugioh. There's still a certain level of inherent inconsistency from running 60 cards minimum, dealing with lands and mana screw that I'm still adapting to

I only play Yugioh, but I heard Magic has set roation, so it's automatically trash.

They're already in order for me.

Duel Masters >>>> the rest > shit > Magic

M7 Gishki Hand Loop

So when the next series comes, they'll also need a new gimmick, which they will have pull out some unbelievable combo the first episode that leaves the villain saying "NANI?!" or "SONNA BAKANA!" So, I figure he has to be in some unbeatable position and the new (Yu) pulls something out his ass to win. And that's when it hit me what it will be. So, I decided to write what I feel would be how the anime showcases it off.

>"You have no cards in your hand, field, or grave, and all your banished cards are face down. You can't do ANYTHING! It's over! I attack your lifepoints directly!"
>"I activate [trap pendulum card]... from my deck!"
>Some elaborate bullshit where he gets it into the pendulum zone but still takes (half) the damage ending at 100lp
>"It can't save you, I know you only have one more monster card in your deck, next turn is your last. Kado ichi mai setto, taan endo."
>"I play pot of desires, banishing the top 10 cards from my deck to draw 2. Then I play [other pendulum trap]. Now, I pendulum summon!"
>"What, but you have no monsters in your extra deck or hand!"
>"[trap pendulum monsters]... summon banished monsters!
>Mysterious rival? watches from the side, intrigued
>(Yu) summons his 2500 monster that was banished by his opponent and something that will never be meta that was also banished
>Combining the nonmeta's effect and the other card he drew with desires, he bypasses the bad guy's effect to bring him to exactly 0
>One flash of light, explosion, cry of SONNA BAKANA and mysterious guy leaving later, (Yu) meets up with his friends and is on his way to the pros with the new card type

So, what do you think series 6 will add?

I only play YGO and CFV so I don't know about the others.

I've been meaning to try out Cardfight Vanguard, it looks really neat.
Anyone here play it that can give me a few tips and tricks?

I honestly think if we get a new gimmick it should be something main deck based like Rituals.

>he slaps your girlfriends ass and special summons 2 of these
What do?


Raigeki, Mostly

SUPER Synchros
Konami kill themselves promptly after the announcement

Summon a card.
Summon Moisture Creature using my card and his Monsters as a tribute (totally legal move according to that card)

>So, what do you think series 6 will add?

YGO is pretty much the same thing but with banlists

Red-eyes fusion, Go into Black Dragon Archfiend laugh when they try to run over it with the other one.

Don't try it.