/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>The Rising (August 27th-September 12th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

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Previous Thread:

>ilvl 215 is low for seph ex
unless you're doing a premade, in which case you won't be worried about ilvl anyway, you have as much chance of getting people who suck if you up the minimum ilvl as you do if you use the minimum ilvl for the instance

if you don't use minimum ilvl you're just begging lore heroes to join and cutting off people who are competent but haven't played in awhile

Should I resub?

xth for sucking trap dick is less gay than sucking Grown Men dick

xth for punching rocks

Nah. Stick to WoW.

I don't play WoW though.

Xth for potd and a rapid descent into the depths of insanity

Its kind of fun.

Time to start.

Good evening people.

>starting WoW right now
By the time he caught up WoW would finally be dead.

Still fishing for Coerthan Oyster, no luck


Sleepy cats.


I don't want to buy a new game.

ahhHH DELETE THAT stUPID male(male) c@

time to go be productive

futa highlanders are an automatic disqualification.


What are you wearing in your feet and leg slots?

I'm not futa at all.

>cheatengine tits


>not liking tits


If you have to ask, the answer is always no.

bully your yokai!

Holy shit Got one

>attempt to gpose in a group while waiting for the one person watching the cutscene
>that second delay where the camera deploys and 7 people all look at the camera the same time
>everyones face when

Ready for battle

>finally getting around to leveling WAR from 50-60
>hit 54
completely fucking lost at this point
I don't know when to weave this into my rotation or when it is appropriate to use as an MT.
I have a hard time believe people think DRK is the most complicated tank.

delete this!


No cheat engine required.
Only Manjimutt is for bullying.

I love huge tits, I just think it's retarded to use cheatengine to obtain them. How desperate do you have to be?

You use Deliverance whenever you'd drop tank stance on any other tank, it's extremely not-complicated.

You clearly don't love huge tits then.

Is that a GC axe? I don't recognize it.

Yes I do.

>he thinks a huge tits lover would want those misshapen low poly sharp as fuck tits

Is there anywhere in the game where the background is white? Not like snow white, but a very light white

>He thinks deliverance is hard

oh boy

>Do you need tank stance right now?
Do not use Deliverance
Use Deliverance

It's not rocket science


male nyaaa~~
also appearently being a straight cat is rare on balmung?

rare anywhere

Please tell me this doesn't require a fantasia. Please.

you are not straight either, selzh

Use at all times.

hello there.

I mean you don't even lose a GCD to switch. I struggle to think of how it could be made easier.

Miqo'te loincloth and sky pirate's shoes of casting dyed dark purple.

LF cute lala BLM/SMN to play foe for and then pet on the head when I outdps them anyways PST

Why in the world are you using 2 trips just to just a different character



you're not making much of a case for yourself


boobs can be pretty fun, but I wouldn't install other things for that sake, probably go for sweetfx first or something

When playing tank, does anyone else ever get healers that get butthurt about you rotating through your defensive cooldowns?

I occasionally get healers that start saying stuff like "You can trust me. I won't let you die :)" And then they continue to say similar things usually getting more passive aggressive as time goes on.

Apparently scat fetishes are disgusting.

I don't stand still long enough for healers to have a chance to type anything, unless I'm standing still while holding enough enemies that they don't have a chance to type anything.

you do know there is actually different people behind those c@s right?

No, never. It makes no sense for them to complain, either. Rotating defensive cooldowns properly means they have more room to either not do anything, or actually DPS

>not liking tits evolves into not liking huge tits
Huge tits are overrated.

n-now will you let me tank for you?


I want to jerk it to an Au Ra. cum on their bellys or backs.

>replying to yourself

The fact of the matter is the game is not built for having tits that big because they did not let the slider go far enough for that, and they did not give the breasts enough polygons for it to not look terrible.

Why would they get butthurt for a tank doing its job?

If anything, I've had to ask tanks to use cds for I can help kill shit faster.

Cutest c@!

The real disgusting travesty is the state of the asses in this game.
Absolutely shameful.

Cant we just agree that all breasts are good
But flat chests are vastly superior

xth for dragon slayers

meant to reply to

Certain gear can make them look larger, but the femroe RSE specifically takes it to another level. I honestly wouldn't say it's worth chugging a fanta for if you like your current character unless you really, REALLY like big knockers.

I got something you can tank allright


>not pictured

??? question mark/?

Why are you covering them with your arms if you are not ashamed of your flat chest?

>they have more room to either not do anything
This is probably the thing.
They don't want to be obviously lazy by just literally standing there because they don't feel like doing any DPS.
I've never encountered anyone that complained about me using or even NOT using my cooldowns, though. I have encountered plenty of healers who literally fucking stand there and do nothing but heal, and healers who come close or let me die because they were tunneled into DPS mode.

Delete that


flat chest is boring and dumb
look at the funbags on faerieroe now that's a chest

xth for not being a slut

Only for the strongest ones (HG/Hg/LD)

why p'roci. you don't like me snuggling with your bitch.
We snuggled all night last night.

If a healer tells me to pull big then I will pull boss to boss if I can just because I want them to fail.

looks like a boy

Just post the erp logs faggot

now thats not nice

there was no erp. hes gay

>but I love shrek

put on some clothes you whore

If i found out my e-girlfriend (as if I would ever be beta enough for this) was ERP'ing with some fag with a scat fetish, I'd blow a gasket.
BUT everyone knows f'telor is a fujoshit.
This is Ippiki-tier shit, nigga went out and found someone that looked like f'tel and is posting screnshots of it.

>as if I would ever be beta enough
I dunno my guy, this post was pretty cringe

What relic should I get next for maximum cool factor?


DCT overrated, DFC is cool
Guns, axes, and fists are pretty cool guy weapons- pick one!

Why did they stop letting DoTs tick when bosses are invulnerable? Is there a reason, or is it just because Yoshi has a hardon for BLM and hates SMNs?

No, it was me
Stop coming to my house, stop coming up to me, I don't know you and I really don't wish to
