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hana song .

Jamison Fawkes!

Quien es Sombra

Reminder that Metzen is leaving Blizzard

There's a chance that we might get non-moronic character backstories now

Post flanks.

>''Wof wof, i'm a dog user!''

Cutest and best pairing


Mei is ugly and Junkrat is stupid.


>thread warring again
Fuck off.

This makes me immensely sad

He announced Overwatch with Kaplan.

Now, we're carrying on without him. Fuck. Who's gonna voice Thrall and shit now? I mean Varian's dead so I guess we dont need him for that voice anymore


It's high nyon

>Metzen is gone
Where were you when Blizzard was saved?

Is there any other general that is as retarded as us with making new threads?

>play Rein
>my team of five people is unable to kill a single Tracer that's been shooting me for ages
>have to switch to McCree so I can delete her from the match
How can it be SO HARD to kill a 150HP enemy?

In WoW, this lead to parties bullying solo queuers into quitting early and reporting them if they didn't.

Should I play Mei in every comp game from now on?

>shitty tattoo

He could still do voices, without even leaving his house. So I doubt that's really an issue.

Nth for good cosplay

Yeah well, Blizzard's marketing department proves one again that if you shove a nice pair of tits and ass in front of peopleyou'll come out on top 80% of the time.

And the free advertisement they got from fans helped.

what's in the pouch

Hey that's pretty good.

How did he get the leg to work?

her mine

>sexualizing 19 year old Hana
>making SMF porn starring poo in loo

Why not play actually good heroes instead?

Either he's bending his leg at the knee and is hiding it behind him, or dude is missing a leg.

19 is perfectly legal

>not liking her tattoos

Widowmaker is pure.

When will the stat sites start working again? I keep checking overprogress but nothing

Emergency snacks. Can't go get lunch if you're supposed to be sitting in one place for hours or days on end.

She made a sort of holster for her leg to fold back into while she's wearing the crutch. You can see it when you look for the black thing behind the knee.

his leg's bent out of sight the peg leg is just attached to the knee

It doesn't work when walking it's just for pictures

Junkrat? More like, Stunkrat

I have a feeling that Metzen left to start his own company. I doubt he's actually retiring. Someone at Blizzard just didn't agree with him about something (Maybe he felt they didn't pay him enough, or they didn't like orc Jesus, good guys becoming corrupted and everyone-thought-he-was-dead Overwatch agents)

Requesting the comic of Morrison opening a Jam Jar for Mercy and Zarya trying to get McCree to do it
pls respond

>Someone leaves after we win a round
>Still doing well 5v6
>Everyone else leaves
Yes, giving me a loss for this is completely fair

>implying some tattoos that weren't even made by her choice will stop me from loving her

They should just cancel the matches automatically, because there's really no point in sticking around, once someone has left already.

>that blue skin
>that smug
>that figure
>those assassin skills
I want to fug the smug.

Seriously though fuck blizzard I'm done with this bullshit AR game they're playing. Other AR games actually accomplish shit but but this one. It's annoying as fuck.

Then you're denying the other team a win because there was a salty baby who left because he was losing

Widowmaker really is the hottest girl in this game. Post widowmaker butt please


Give the leaver a loss, give his teammates a 'cancel' (as in pretend the match never happened), give the winners a win.

Not really, because they would also automatically win. The current system just wastes everyone's time.

or just make the team with 6 player instawin
and only make lose 50% of what MMR you were supposed to lose
If someone leave that mostly because his team was losing in the first place

That bitch won't fucking stay still. You said yourself you had to switch to a hero that makes her stop moving just to kill her. She's annoying as fuck.

The best way of having it would be
>player leaves
>was he in your party?
>if yes, experience the full rank loss
>if no, experience only half rank loss
Honestly sick of random undeserved losses because some pubbie fuck decided to leave

I've left only one game ever, and it was because my game glitched out and I couldn't pick a hero for the second round, so I re-joined instantly
Some people are either selfish or just plain dumb, don't play comp if you have to leave for somewhere in 10 minutes


No, user! He's cute! CUTE!

What they should do is reduce the person's career high at the end of the season based on the number of abandons.

This goes back to the problem of "shitting on teammates until they quit" problem. Sure a quitter deserves it but what happens when you have a couple people in a party just screeching at the mic at someone to quit because clearly that one person is the reason they lost not and they are in no way at fault for losing.

Still a better solution than we have now.

>do well with a character
>next round someone on my team locks that character
>they do considerably worse than me

>tfw no qt Smugberry to use my face as a seat warmer

I prefer
>Give leaver 3x rank loss
>Throw out the game for the team with the leaver; no points gained or lost
>Give the team without the leaver a draw so they get something for their time
>Give winners a draw

>"shitting on teammates until they quit"
The dude just have to mute them
How fucking beta you have to be to leave because someone is telling you to do it in a online game

>tfw no qt Smugberry to use you as a Dakimakura

are we ever going to get sombra? where did that arg go?

Are there any live play pick rate statistics? I want to see if Hanzo is #1 because it feels like so.

>shoot a genji with highnoon that deals 150 damage, he has 50 hp left (genji has 200 hp)
>shoot a genji with highnoon for 150 damage, but he deflects it
>mccree dies (mccree has 200 hp)

explain this you stupid retards.

>Can't aim to save my life
>Everyone constantly locks in tanks and healers and shit that doesn't require much aim leaving me stuck having to take an offense

>>Give the team without the leaver a draw so they get something for their time
>>Give winners a draw
Uh, omit that redundant last line

Still puttering along while nobody gives much of a shit

>player leaves
>was he in your party?
>if yes you get a leave too
would be better

Also, why does Tracer's bomb 1 shot a full HP Reinhardt?

I currently only have 2 trophies remaining: Roadkill (which is glitched and unobtainable at the moment) and Rapid Discord.

How fucked am I? How do you even attempt Rapid Discord?

Junkrat is a gangly nosferatu looking mother fucker. Nigga creeps around like he belongs in the sewer.

I enjoy the dynamic the lore is implying between Jack and Gabe and I hope that First Strike either improves upon it (greatest hope) and doesn't ruin it completely (greatest fear but won't be surprised when it happens).

The best way to ruin it would be not providing a proper reason for Gabe's anger for Morrison. Which can be done a number of ways:

>no information on the two of them before Overwatch
>no information on why they wanted to join Overwatch together
>Gabe's anger comes from solely the fact that Jack took his position and nothing else
>Ana is somehow part of the reason Gabe's angry in some manner and she has been blissfully unaware of it for several years

Deflections can headshot if the original shot can headshot.

Just play Roadhog. He is basically an Offense class.

Kotaku wrote about healslutting, expect 100x more healsluts

>Can't aim to save my life

it was a deadeye. it doesn't matter if it's a headshot or not, it deals static damage

i tried it with bastion too, genji deflect increases the bullet damage


>surely the dude with the best aim in the team
>everyone pick dps and tank
>Zen is always a good alternative
>tfw your shitty teammate took him

>leaving would give the cunts shouting at you an easy escape while you get a suspension and an exp penalty
Anyone who would leave because someone was being mean to them would probably deserve it, if someone is going to be a cunt to you, don't bloody reward them.
Just mute them lmao.

And yeah, it's better than what we have now. I said the party thing so you don't have people abusing the system and having random smurf accounts leaving for a cushion if they lose, but it's just not fair for other people currently.

>>Throw out the game for the team with the leaver; no points gained or lost
>>Give the team without the leaver a draw so they get something for their time
>>Give winners a draw
No no no, you can't go punishing everyone else, that would make another problem in it's self
Ideally you need to punish just the leaver and only the leaver, but like I say, people would abuse the system to cushion their losses, so all I can suggest is reducing the punishment for the rest of the team of the leaver, except those in his party.

Nah, that's a bit too harsh. Not the other player's fault if say, a connection failed or someone just legit ragequit, but most certainly don't give them a reduced rank loss because it would be abused.

They either like that character and wanted to play them too, or they think you did poorly and are trying to deny you.

It doesn't. It only does 400 damage.

so how the fuck does a McCree kill me when im a full health roadhog then?

>Think having the Ult right next to moving forward is silly
>Think having melee in an inconvenient place like behind the space bar is also silly
>Switch the bindings
>Start playing
>Melee someone
>Realize why the ult took the better spot

>Soldier 76, a literal super solider who commanded Overwatch and saved the world.
>Hp - 200

>Mei, a fucking Chinese environmental scientist who has next to no combat experience
>Hp - 250

Explain this shit

He's just got such a good attitude about everything, I can't help loving him! And his smile! Does it not fill you with joy?

you're stupid

>leaver gets 5 games no points
>auto lost for the game he leaves
>voice and chat mute but not the quick chat

hard mode: has to win the next 5 games in qp to be able to play rank again

>tell Bastion to switch off
>he switches off
>we win

the absolute madman he actually did it!

Play some other game or lock Mercy/Reinhardt first pick.

>4 golds as zarya
>still cant win
why are people so bad half the heroes dont even need aiming

>All that edge in one picture

Game balance

Well, I think I have to accept I just suck at aiming. Guess I'll stick to supports... At least Ana is forgiving with her "high requirement" for healing.

she is thicc, while 76 is lean and muscular

She's protected by a thick layer of fat

>the edgiest fuckers in the game get edgy fan art

who knew

What the fuck is the garbage matchmaking in this game?

>enemy team has 4 (F O U R) diamond players
>everyone on our team is platinum
>except the unranked level 26 who charges at every opportunity as reinhardt and tries to 1v1 tracer away from his team all the time, causing us to lose

And then my next match I got stuck with a Bastion on KOTH for teh trollz. It's like this game senses when you're 2900 and about to reach diamond so it throws an incredible amount of bullshit at you

Mei is The Thing

I thought Hulk Hogan shut that place down.


>6 to 6