/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

Closets have many doors, Jake Boy edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE (embed) (embed)
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6 (embed) (embed)
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.1a)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:



More like dead by moonlight since everyone turns on their bots and sleeps

>needing to turn on bots while you can cheat your BPs without repercussion unless you go retarded it with

Are you actually proud you beat a rank 14 with no perks..?

the 40 min standoff by flare, worth the watch LUL

>hook one
>friend thinks hes gonna be slick and follow me into the basement
>see him hiding
>kill him shortly after
>put him in basement
>other guy is gone
>leave to get another trap
>as soon as i get one hes free
>walk back, same two guys
>both die
>last two guys have 1 gen left
>all three remaining are right by each other
>both of them are huge fucking pussies, refuse to go near them
>dont even know who theyre playing
>patrolling for at least 10 minutes, no exaggeration
>finally one starts getting used, find the guy instantly
>hook one, the other is injured
>he runs past trapdoor and i kill him
>one original guy waited in the lobby for ~20 minutes to tell me im a camping faggot
>one of the last guys accuses me of camping also, like camping generators or something

None of them got above 8k :^)

>while you can cheat your BPs without repercussion unless you go retarded it with


killers are op they don't need any perks.

>cheeky rank 20 survivors have watched too many streamers
>keep trying to use infinites
>walk into my bear traps over and over again

I've seen newbies throw down pallets and tbag when I'm playing Nurse.

Another pie in the sky idea that occurred to me, but it would require rebalancing the game in a fashion that might fundamentally alter it, so I don't expect it to work out.

But what if we could solve the issue of "camping is boring because now the camped survivor is done with the game". What if a dead/sacrificed survivor could still affect the game in some fashion?

Like perhaps they become spirits who can roam the map, visible to their teammates (but not the killer)? They could provide spotting support for their living teammates.

If that isn't enough, maybe a new mechanic that enables these dead survivors to interact with the world as spooky ghosts with a long cool down. Like, say, manifesting to unhook the last survivor. Or pulling down a pallet to stun the killer. And give it a big cool down like 90 seconds.

Perhaps not exactly this stuff, but something to give players who died early in the match to continue to participate. If we're going to stick with a game design that almost encourages killing one survivor ASAP in the early game to knockdown the number of people repairing generators, it seems it would be wise to offer the victims of an early round death some meaningful participation in the rest of the round.

Milkymalk I want to suck your cock.

That'd skew things even more against killers than they already are, dying early is punishment for not being able to remain hidden or to evade the killer.

>only one survivor left
>first dead becomes spooky ghost, then 2nd if he left, then 3rd
>spooky ghost actually works for the killer
>flies around at survivor walk pace, bright vision and big FoV
>able to shriek every 45 seconds to alert killer of stuff

sounds good 2 me

i tried and cheat engine wouldn't work, the scanning step didn't work, no values showed up, so ive been botting instead.

have you thought about doing a "i fucking hate myself" round?

I have this fucking item on every single killer, why would they give it to them instead of survivors?

Don't forget whispers to fuck up your footsteps hearing

devs shitty excuse is some bullshit about "crafty killers can turn weaknesses into advantages!" but its bullshit, they are probably too lazy to make filters for the bloodweb's RNG

Did the teleport-past-exit-door and insidious+NOED trick, scared the shit out of a rank 17 Dwight.

Let him go for laughs, but man. That was great.

>cant see a fucking survivor right infront of you
>somehow helpful
the only possible way i see this helping is as trapper so they cant see your traps, but thats hardly worth it.

too late, and im not doing one of those shit rounds again.

this meme round was on asylum too, so infinites and 40 pallets for the surviviors to just self heal behind.

Im going to kill all of (you)

on new moon, the basement is so fucking dark i literally got lost in it.

why would you subject yourself to this

Absolute madman

finally after i fucking face camped the dwight i got down in the basement and everyone else left, i get this fucking faggot saying how i got boosted to rank 5, and im shit, even though i intentionally handicapped myself.

you thought it was anonymous
but instead it was I, Korbin!

for the memes

>I just got to experience the joy of SWF on Asylum

Kill me

>pic related

>rank 17 killer
>easily win against 4 rank 1 survivors using the clutch perks
>get really fucking mad in the after game chat

Truly, killer is the most rewarding thing ive done for a long time

for anyone who missed it, a hyped hatch stand-off :


here's a link shortly before it ended :


>Endgame lobby is glitched
>Can't see the mouse but can see when it's over buttons
>Clicking doesn't do anything
>Can't use any force close options
>Have to shut down computer
>Come back to see I lost 3 pips and didn't gain any BP

k i l l m e

Sloppy is being satirical

ok sloppy

I had a game similar to that on Wretched Shop. Basically from the moment I hooked my first victim (four claudettes mind you) there were survivors just swarming to me. They fearlessly charged at my hooked victims. They ended up with a ton of points, all above 11k, but I got 27k and ended up gutting them all. It wasn't really annoying or frustrating, but I was kind of peeved that I never really got to use my traps. They were just too aggressive and I never had any time to plant any aside from on the hook. They had the brains to not call me a camper though.

I'm not Sloppy. You're an idiot if you think he's being serious. He very obviously plays killer the most and would never say this survivorbabby shit to other killers out of respect for the trade. I chatted with him once and he's not a bad guy, you just fell for the meme

if i knew i had 3 cancerous twitch faggots in one game i would have used an ebony mori, time to go to each of their twitch chats and tell them how badly i shit on their chests.

>pic related
idk y i keep forgetting my image

all three of them were jerking each other off in twitch, in a party. 3 basement kills before second generator mmmm

>playing trapper
>have all 4 players trapped at the same time
played like a god damn fiddle

You can click on the buttons when they're highlighted dummy, its happened to me before.

Hey just wanted to let you guy know that I will altF4 if see a single generator powered after both gates are opened.

>Pick up one
>All of them simultaneously untrap themselves and heal each other
The only solution is to use honing stone forever.

what if some survivor spent most of the game on the hook, and he barely has points to get a safety pip after missing out on points opening the exit gates?

they were already in dying state, so i just stood there and kept spinning in a circle

Yes I've had that happen to me before too. This time was different. It literally wouldn't let me click on them. I tried for a good two minutes. It literally wouldn't let me select anything. Not even the chat box.

>trap outside killer shack window
>basment in killer shack
>they help guy off hook
>guy on hook run out of basment and out the window
>hits trap and gets put back on hook

thanks for the free bloodpoints friend

if they got on the hook in the first place because of a trap, how fucking mad are they when they hit it a second time?

They should try harder to not get caught next game.

deliciously mad

These guys didn't get a single generator.

I'd down a guy and they'd start repairing generators 10 feet away like I'd just ignore them. They'd sprint into tall grass and crouch there. One guy ran into the basement to self heal. Fully expected rank 20s.

>"SWF is balanced"

Literally a dead, shitty game

I think spies is broken. It did not go off once on Asylum.

Dead bodies trigger it as well.

Survivors that are hanging pop it too.

Only one guy had calm spirit I should have seen fireworks

Yeah I dunno. Works alright for me except for dead bodies/hooked guys.

I have it in my billy too, and it never goes off, when will the devs actually fix killer bugs instead of powering up survivors?

>But what if we could solve the issue of "camping is boring because now the camped survivor is done with the game". What if a dead/sacrificed survivor could still affect the game in some fashion?

The issue is solved

It's called exit game at the result screen and look for a new one

It's not like Left 4 Dead where you're forced to stay the entire duration of the match.

What about buffing adrenaline so that if you're on a hook when all gennies are powered you slide off and destroy the hook?

>Nurse needs a nerf because we're retarded

I agree with this post



Give me a source right fucking now!


thank you

Glorious. He needs to make ones of the other killers.

Nurse with a cock WHEN???

Nurse is the ultimate camping class.

The second someone gets off the hook they can just warp back from half way across the map.


- Trapper camps 30 feet away and takes 5 seconds to run in when someone gets off the hook.
- Nurse goes half way across the map and takes 5 seconds to warp back when someone gets off the hook.

I would rather deal with the camping Trapper, at least I have a chance to get away using pallets, etc..Sure Nurse is stunned for 3 secs (and there are items in the game that can reduce that) but that doesnt mean anything when she can just blink right to you again. Then add perks like deerstalker, bloodhound, nurses calling, stridor or thanatophobia and you might as well just put yourself back on the hook to save time.

Yes I understand the Nurse takes skill. But if they are not unbalanced then why does a higher proportion of the player base select Nurse instead of Wraith? The reason is because a Nurse will score a greater number off BP than a Wraith. I understand that people who play Nurse will be offended by this post but prove me wrong and play Wraith or Trapper instead.

A simple solution would be to shorten the distance the nurse can blink. Or shorten the number of blinks to two instead of three. Put a 45 second cooldown on the blink ability after use (survivors have a cooldown on sprint burst, prem, etc..) Any of these suggestions would still allow blink to be used to get past infinites without being unbalanced.

I challenge people to use their big boy words and refute this arguement and explain how any of these suggestions would cause the Nurse to be unbalanced.


According to this dumb bitch I was camping. How do you manage to pop only 1 generator then?

>2 minutes into the game

Here's a pic of the bitch bleeding out for teabagging me at the combine.

You don't find it's wasting a slot to run Agitation/IG? Basement fetish?

Is this power of the Nintendo 3DS? Whoa.....

That's my basement build. I'm using primer bulb and spark plug as add-ons.

>agitation,IG, basement build
>no monstrous shrine
whats the point?

Did they buff monstrous shrine? I remember some post saying it hardly did shit.

It still barely does anything. It's not worth it.

doesn't matter, gotta get it for maximum memes

>It's another 'Survivors all swarm one hooked guy and then yell at you for camping' episode

If I hear someone running behind me I just hard camp now. Maybe they'll learn one day.

>angrypug laughs at the killer for not getting him
>rank 1 vs a rank 17 with no perk

Why are you watching him?

>It's a Nurse in the Asylum episode
>Spend the entire match getting gens at 99% while the other 2 fuckers spend the match getting hit and hooked.
>The 4th guy is actually being credit to the team by unhooking and buying me time to work on gens
>Heal one of the ones that escaped a hook rescue
>The Nurse isn't anywhere around so I can safely heal her
> She activates the gen I just worked on
>Nurse comes rushing to our corner
>Downs and hooks me
>Get saved by the 4th survivor
>He acts as a distraction while I get away
>Escape into a corner
>The same mother fucker from before comes running towards me
>Nurse's heartbeat is clearly audible and I can see him chase the 4th guy in the distance
>He starts fucking healing me
>The Nurse stops following the other guy and heads towards our direction
>Downed and hooked again
>4th survivor comes to the rescue and we both make it out alive
>He was a rank 10
>The other two were rank 1

>Against some SWF team
>They swarm the hook
>Kill them all and two bitch that I camp

>Next game take a Green Mori for fun
>It's them
>Mori the dude who was crying the most
>Instantly get invited to 2 groups
>Bitch at me because I lag
>He's from Texas
>I'm Canadian
>He's on Canadian Servers

Fuck I hate people.

The faggots probably changed to find games, but steam also doesn't always put you on the right server, I'm a short drive from valve hq here in WA and I was defaulted to miami for my download region.

Either he's a faggot for connecting to Canadian servers or he got unlucky. Either way, he's a salty cuck. Look at that profile picture holy shit.

>bitching in after game chat
>salt group spam
>topless photo
>"troll comments deleted"
Is this the epitome of faggotry?

>One of the friends of his in the game is from INDONESIA

Oh I wonder why you lag.

Okay, Sloppy, I actually laughed at this one.

Holy hell, I need to fucking see this.

>survivorbabbies will defend this
Let's face it. The hatch is the most broken mechanic in the game.

At least post the vod, Korbin.

Jesus that Lue person is pure cancer.

ez pz

How to fix hatch

If you're within a certain radius of the hatch, all Killer attacks turn into an instant grab

Get in, or get fucked

Survivors would stay just outside of that radius and then Sprint Burst into the hatch.
No, the hatch is broken at its core.