/parag/ - Paragon General

The Fuzz Edition


Previous thread: >What is Paragon?
Paragon is a new MOBA by Epic Games. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, the game possesses most of the trappings of other MOBAs: 5v5 objective-based games, heroes, lanes, towers, minons and so on. With a a sci-fi fantasy feel to it, the game is available on PC and PS4, featuring cross-play and cross-progression. It is currently in open beta.

>What's special about Paragon?
Similar to SMITE, Paragon uses a third-person behind-the-back camera and WASD controls instead of a top-down view. Unlike SMITE, this game takes full advantage of the Z-axis: you can aim up or down and there's multiple levels of elevation. In addition, Paragon uses a card system, which is, for all intents and purposes, a player-customized item shop for individual characters that you build before the game; cards can only be earned with in-game currency, meaning you can't buy power.

>Do I have to unlock heroes?
No. Like DOTA 2, all heroes are free to everyone. What you can purchase with in-game currency is a character's Master Challenge, which essentially lets you unlock extra skins, taunts and boosters.

Upcoming Patch Notes: epicgames.com/paragon/news/v31-1-release-notes

>Popular Decks

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Discord links were eschewed from the OP to avoid thread drama. Other posters may provide Discord links at their leisure.


This orc slaps your girlfriend's ass and asks her to join him on tour. What do you do?


ded thread

Not even popular enough to stay alive

Because everyone is having fun and actually playing the game

>cloak, slash, dagger, then ult for a billion damage in a guaranteed flowchart, then turn invisible and jump away
>one of the most effective heroes at higher level play and recommended for advanced players only in-game
>buffed recently, could be better than we even know

>this is somehow a shit hero

Kallari's ult doesn't hit for a billion, though. It does minimal damage but gives her a global enemy teleport and global vision. She simply doesn't hit as hard as she should.

Reposting from the previous thread:

The problem with Kallari is that she doesn't feel like your typical assassin. Your MOBA assassin has three pillars:
>Is difficult to catch
>Is able to delete targets of opportunity at a moment's notice
>has the weakest defenses
Kallari is 2 for 3: she's incredibly slippery with her stealth and double jump, and she will get wiped out very quickly if she's caught. Right now, she doesn't have the raw killing power you'd come to expect from an assassin. Old Kallari was a one-trick pony: either you hit your ult, or you lose the fight. Current Kallari has a lot more utility (permastealth, a slow on her dagger, global enemy vision/global teleport on her ult), but she can't remove targets of opportunity by herself. That's a problem.

Also, her basic attack chain looks stupid as shit.

is there a list of what rewards you get at what paragon levels, or is it actually random?

I guess all we can really do is wait for a second assassin to arrive and contrast with Kallari. Right now, she feels like a utility assassin, which is admittedly rather unique as MOBAs go. I'm waiting for an assassin with absolute killing power. The funny thing is that the closest thing to that is Khaimera.

Some early levels are clear-cut rewards, like deck slots, card packs, boosters, etc. Most of the time, though, your reward is a "Tribute," which is a randomized reward of the previous offers.

have a webm

Gideon is crazy fun

that looks smooth af. My game stutters like crazy, any large fight and it drops to 4fps or less.

Sounds like it's time for you to upgrade. I'm pulling 1080p60 on medium settings with a mid-tier card from last year.

These better cost 650 funbucks or less, because that's all I have at the moment.

What time is the patch for whatshertits? Is there even a patch or was that what the maint on the 10th was for?


New hero tomorrow

damn, well thank you. I was hoping she was already out, she looks pretty fun. At least i'll get to sleep before she comes out.

Someone asked this in the other thread.

"anyone know if co-op vs. bots gives the same rewards as regular matches, for grinding out boosts?"

It gives out exactly the same time-based rewards as PvP, but matches tend to end quicker so smart players typically drag out the match to the rewards cap of 42 minutes. Any less than that partly wastes a win-boost or daily.

Why is combat movement so slow this game feels like Smite but slowed by 50% .

GOOD BURGER: discord.gg/ZQQuyff

MONDO BURGER: discord.gg/KAskceE

You fucking autist have two discords when you can't even keep a thread from dying without bumps?

How many fucking packs do I have to open before I get some tokens?

Sage Advice For Dealing With Card Pack RNG


Fucking desire sensors


immensely satisfying

Spend ALL of your rep on card packs.

Wait for card crafting like the rest of us, while Epic delays it to rake in the shekels from boosts.

They could probably program a card buyback system or a way to burn cards to get unowned cards in a day, but the grind-to-win, pay-to-grind-faster system is proven and effective.


Are any of the heroes useless?

Who should I play of i want teammates to be grateful?

A good dekker

>TWO discords
>Thread dies

this is why I said discord is shit
fucking retards

Dekker if you want to want to be responsible for keeping people safe/locking down enemies and setting them up for kills.

Muriel if you want to keep people safe in a slightly less effective, but much more noticeable way.

Don't play Narbash.

As long as you buy a 3 cost ward item your team will be grateful regardless of who you're playing.

>I have minimal health it's a 2v1 and i'm going do minimal dmg to these minions better waste my peel on that instead of gtfo

that steel was retarded was that AI?

>Don't play Narbash
It hurts so much

Narbash is great, actually people love any good support so Muriel, Dekker or Narbash

DO NOT PLAY KALLARI like ever she is the only useless character atm because even after the buff her dmg is shit especially in a armor/health meta and Grux and Khaimera literally do her job better than her in every way

Bunch of Morons

Some of them are, in the sense that other heroes are simply better though not unplayable.

To name a few: Sparrow, Rampage, Fey, Kallari.

Just make sure to view their abilities instead of their role/type which doesn't really mean anything.

>Who should I play of i want teammates to be grateful?
If "grateful" is the sole reason, then Muriel or Dekker. You win matches more by using a jungler carry though.

Don't listen to these idiots

Fey and Narbash are unplayable

>look at the other Narbash

>Narbash is great
How so?

His heal sucks
Dekker also has a stun
Dekker also has a speed boost and the jump is great
Containment is better than crash bang boom

>look at this 59 vs 14 stomp
>truly this is a good representation of this hero with only 3 abilities

>can solo towers most of the time with his ult

>annoying as fuck and can cripple minion wave easily

You guys need to stop giving bad advice to the new players, jungler is the worst thing you can advise some one new to play because it's already bad enough most "skilled" junglers have no fucking clue how to jungle and you end up with 3 of these fucks on your team leaving the other 2 players to get fucking deathballed.

well, you can always play them vs ai or something.

Pls post build.
What do I do with him early game?

Narbash stun is more reliable and last longer
Since he's a fighter his dmg and health etc. scale better than the casters
he has a higher win ratio than the other supports


yeah he has one skill that's under performing which you can just balance out with a circlet of healing and clearheart anyway

>yeah he has one skill that's under performing which you can just balance out with a circlet of healing and clearheart anyway

>use two items just so his one skill becomes mediocre

That's fucking awful

2 cards that SUPPORT you AND your team are bad ( you know Narbash doing his ROLE )

sorry man that was an old deck I got from agora.gg I don't remember which one I use my own for solo queue though since it's not as premade necessary like that old one

►Empyrean Mask
►Circlet of health w/ 3x Advanced Mana
►Quartzblade w/ 3x Greater Health
►Satori Cloak w/ Greater barrier
►Clearheart w/ pure spark and perfect spark
►Madspore Sash w/ Divine guard and beta heal

You start with the circlet so you can sustain longer early game

2nd I usually find it best to go to the Quatzblade giving you a bit of mana regen and dmg early also you can start pumping health making you a tank even earlier before he gets to lvl15

3rd fill out the circlet's mana so you can possibly heal at least a little for you team/minions

the rest in what ever order you feel you need though I usually get the mask since you can switch between regen, armor or dmg on the fly

it's an eccentric build but it checks out.

If you don't have all that (you most likely won't) I recommend his premade "caster - physical dmg" deck until you get those cards.

Try to stay in the back of team fights and either
thunk(stun) to initiate or get retreating heroes, he works well with other heroes that can also stun like Rampage or Khaimera, you basically lock someone in place to get rapped by your teamates you can use his ult in a similar fashion.

his kit is ABSOLUTELY difficult solo though so try to never EVER solo lane.

>ult that literally slows you upon using it, allowing people to walk out of it much easier
>18hp regen at max level for the whopping value of 40mana per second
>medicore stun on an 18 second cooldown

>Since he's a fighter his dmg and health etc. scale better than the casters

Nigga. His basic attack has .4 scaling like a caster. The fact that he's a melee hero is a drawback because he has to farm from melee range.

>Since he's a fighter
he's a caster

I really hate the card rng

there are so many good cards for specific heroes

Siren Song, Wicked Stigma or Shockwave for my final slot on Riktor?

Shockwave and Stigma have better actives but have worthless stats whereas with Stigma I can reach 40% CDR and get a little extra health.

>there are many people who still think greystone isn't a carry

fuck epic for not making this clear enough despite them even say this in the overview video

i get angry whenever i'm asked if i'm jungling or "tanking"(although i do fuck shit up with satori cloak and tempered plate, it's definitely not reliable tanking)

god dammit i'm a laner


Also, why hasn't anyone tried to make SFM porn of the females yet?

Can those even handle Sparrow's hair?

not with that attitude

He's not a carry though. He scales like shit. He's just a shit hero in general, but building damage on him works the best because he's bad at everything else.

Soon. The game has to catch on first.

probably by using simplified models

Migrating something from UE4 to Source is bound to look kinda ugly. That, plus Paragon doesn't yet have the penetration to warrant SFM porn.


>tfw shitting on noobs with Sparrow
>mfw Murdock tries to 1v1 me

She's the best

>I will spend today finishing up some single player games i've had going for a while
>play paragon all day


Assuming Sparrow can be kept free, she is a deadly duelist at range.

>snipe with murdock across map

>yfw you land a double

I'll be happy with just a single.

Patch today, boys. Who's actually going to try and queue as Lt. Belica, knowing the day one rush?

gonna try her in solo v bots some, then just go to playing iggy/grux/riktor

She honestly doesn't seem like she'll fit my playstyle so i'm not too worried about being able to play her off the bat.


is it only her or will there be balance changes too?

It's mostly her, but there are a couple other changes.
>New emotes for Gideon, Kallari, TwinBlast, Greystone, Murdock
>Black and prime camps will spawn and respawn two minutes faster
>Prime guardian has less health
>Change to super minion spawning

user, those match length fixes were patched in early a few days ago

this patch isn't really going to give shit beyond commanding waifu and cosmetics

not like this

My condolences

>Belica is flagged as a support

more shit damage heroes

You can still build her as a regular caster, just like Gadget has a "support" build. Belica's default decks are both caster and support decks.

Also, Belica's ult is player-targeting, so you can't miss.

>Belica's ult is player-targeting, so you can't miss.
fuck this

I want Sparrow to _____ Dekker's ______ while Belica ______ her ________ at the same time.

>Max rank Void Drone drains 2 mana/second

You want Sparrow to hold Dekker' hand while Belica holds her other hand at the same time?


On the bright side, it does hit pretty hard if an enemy casts anything in its range.

Also, if you hit an entire minion wave with your mana bomb, you effectively refund 3/5 your mana spent on the bomb.


belica looks like powercreep

the generic bass music for this game fucking sucks

>people just straight up dodging if they don't get belica

cool this is gonna be a fun week

This always happens day one of a new hero. It doesn't help that the hero race is on for her as well. I just played her in a solo vs. AI game to get it out of my system. I'll let everyone else fight over the new waifu.

So, does cop slut's ultimate deal damage based on total enemy mana missing or % missing mana?

>Deal 125|175|225 [energy damage] plus an additional 0.75|1|1.25 [energy damage] per point of target's missing [mana].
Per point of total mana.
Lt. Belica is not a slut; she is an upstanding arbiter of justice.

>narbashes face when

So everyone who builds raw mana against Belica is fucked.

Paragon doujinshi when?

just don't cast spells

Belica's lore bullet points say her personal life is a "flaming mess." She's clearly someone who dove into her career to get away from everything else.

>1500 damage nuke against an empty mage

fuck. This shit is wack.

>like playing pushers
>they're ass in closed beta
>until update .27 makes their basic attacks good
>that change is reverted in a couple of weeks
>meanwhile it takes rangers half a year to get nerfed into line
>rangers finally get the nerf bat in .29
>then we get an anti-mage hero

the horror won't end

narbash is fine, they said
just stack mana up, they said

Maybe now the "mana regen sucks" meme won't be such a meme anymore