League of legends general /lolg/

the real edition



first for the star forger

are you boosting imthem back to a 50% win rate?

post em

xth for breast waifu

secondary xth for thank you Riot

How do I get my stubborn friend to play this game?

He tried it previously and got to level 10. Quit and said he didn't like the game. He was pretty shit at it, but that's expected of someone who is new.

I've already tried making deals. I've told him I'd teach him how to play in customs, we'd practice against bots first, wouldn't play normals until he knows how to play, etc.
He refuses to tell me what is exactly wrong with the game. I think it's the people that play it(?), and I've already told him how to mute everyone.

Being alone sucks.

Been playing Sona and Janna, played a couple of normals with Bard too
Who else should I pick?
(no melees pls)

you seem like a real do nothing and hope to be carried kind of player

try soraka!


xth for cute and unfaithful[/spoilers] foxes!

Im not a slut!


don't drag poor souls into this shit show man


I don't like Soraka after they changed her abilities

Am I wrong to hate getting jhin into my braum? I honestly feel like the lane is weaker because of how long it takes jhin to help pop the passive. A number of times I've had ashe, trist and jinx stomp 2v2s and even 2v3s because they could pop my stun so easily. Maybe I'm just shit.

>Have to jungle
>Top hangs around in toplane early on with like 50 fucking health forever.
>Dies giving first blood to jungle and top
>Then for the rest of the fucking game he's never in fucking lane and both the enemy top and jungle are roaming through our jungle hunting me down with Poppy and Lee Sin.

how about leaving?

Xth for Katarina
best girl


Make vladfag fall in love with me and Ill type you up some smut!

From my understanding, Jhin and Braum don't really mesh well. At least that's usually been my case.

ok nami or go fuck yourself are you dumb just go pick a hero

I'm too lazy to make a pic
>I can't pick just one
>edgy samurai of many dashes
>Pentakill Yorick, Pentakill Karthus
>same as best skins

I think Jhin works a lot better with champs like Alistar or Leona who can peel hard for him or lock down his targets.

Not really, Braum benefits from adcs that attack quickly, and Jhin is the exact opposite of those.

that feel when you only get 14 pdl per win with a 50% winrate

Jhin + Braum is reliant on you basically rooting first and then chaining it with the stun, it can work.
Also Braum ult works pretty well with getting the first hit of Jhin ult in.

ill write you some

what do you want it about

>that skin you used to hate that eventually became one of your favorites
I can't not use this skin anymore even if I own all the others. It's just surprisingly great.

Well at least I'm not alone on this. Thanks

you deserve nothing for clogging up the system

50% players are disgusting

Im honestly tired of seeing ekko in my games

no matter what he builds he is so fucking anoying

>land a Q
>Jhin lands W
>pop the stun after the snare ends
>braum ult
>enemies can't play the game for 3 solid seconds @level 6, increasing to a possibility of 5 FUCKING SECONDS for every point Jhin puts into W, and Braum level 7/13 + Ult ranks.

It's a decent lane. Lucian+braum or Kog+braum will obviously always be better, but Jhin is so stupidly good that it's still acceptable.

This should've been a Darius skin honestly


im disgusting for being at the level the system sets me as?

You already did this before, someone already wrote you some, and you should be the fuck off here already.


when you reach a 50% win rate you are no longer able to climb and need to stop queuing for ranked game play until you have improved your skills

please do not clog the system with your 800 game 50% win rate thanks!

wouldnt really work with darius

how about one where kayle cuffs you by your arms and legs to a wall with rings of holy light, before burning you alive with holy fire

let's see just how high we can get the queue times

>Random starts harassing me in champ select
>"Wow ur noob" "kys" "lol this guy sux" "lol ur winrate is terrible" etc.
>Have better winrate and higher rank than him
>Get first blood
>He leaves

What the fuck did I just experience

>duo with someone I found on lolg
>they flame everyone and feed their ass off
Never. Fucking Again. What's wrong with you guys? I thought you were above the typical shitter. I'm never trusting anyone again.

you do realize playing normals is actually useless to increase your general skill in league right? how am i gonna get better playing with silvers instead of people at my skill level?


>duo with euw lolgfriends
>have a good time

step it up fampai

Nunu top is pretty good, actually.
Should work fine until Diamond

>hextech janna is the skin with the biggest tiddies in game


Why are you indulging in this annoying fucking faggot's retarded fetish? But if you actually are writing shit for him, fine, at least make him get a trip as part of the exchange, for the sake of lolg so everyone else can filter his ass.

I could see it, though I'm admittedly happy about getting a Non-Sphess Muhrine Garen skin. Having some more "what-if" skins is nice, especially when they aren't all "wacky and corky" style ones.

probably wanted a que dodge

>expecting anything less than autism from Veeky Forums
Most of the people here are pretty level-headed and alright in my experience, but there are a few autists that rage and shit themselves every time something doesn't go the way they want.

It's a gamble


>it's a "Jhin goes 21/3/15 because everyone focuses the Leona support instead of the Jhin episode"

This one.
I generally hate meme skins, but it fits too well with Zac and it makes him and the match-ups feel much more funthan they should be. It's the only pool party skin I'll tolerate.

These are people that call for guttings on anything remotely good.

Incorrect! But seeing as you are a 50% player, I do not expect you to understand how different game modes MMR works and the advantages of playing vs a variety of skill levels instead of force 50ing your way through the ladder. Good luck on summoners rift!

what other programs do you guys use to edit this. photoshop license ended

ms fucking paint you inbred what the fuck is wrong with you

go ahead actually explain to me how im wrong, all youve done is insult me instead of actually rebuking anything that i said


did you went through all the models to compare the tits?

the mac my dad bought me doesnt have ms paint

>spiked pauldron
>skull motiffs
>literally darius hair
Nah man this is a Darius skin at heart.
They could've even replaced the 5 blood stacks with a skull and crossbones icon.

I'm a high gold support main. Should I be playing a carry role instead to climb?
seems like even if I win lane for my adc I cant make them play better
What to do?

she'd be 100% loyal to an alpha male with a big dick (who knew how to use it).

Despite her soft touch, Kayle's palm shoved Gurofag against the wall, pinning him against it and causing the breath to rush out of his lungs in exasperation. Her delicate looks concealed a strength he had not known before.

"Now," she said, staring straight through his eyes, "You will repent for your sins."

She raised a hand skyward and a blinding flash of light obscured Gurofag's vision. He felt his wrists and ankles sear with a hot, sinking, biting pain - when he regained his sight, he found himself bound to the wall in a crucifix-like position by rings of light. The more he struggled, the more they burnt into his skin, causing sweat to stream down his face as he squirmed about in agony, to no avail.

"Please," he said, gasping, looking for mercy, "Don't, I am but a humble shitposte-"

He was silenced by the tip of her sword, which she has raised to his lips in a second. His ankles and wrists were now blackened, the binding fire slowly eating away at his skin.

"You made this choice." she said, lowering the tip of her sword to his breastplate.

Gurofag looked at her in desperation for a shred of mercy, forgiveness, anything - she stared at him intently, before whispering a few inaudible words. Her sword was ablaze and she thrust it through his ribcage, leaning in to his ear as she did so.

"Taste divine judgement" she whispered, her breath hot on his skin, as the sword sunk into his chest, causing him to scream in agony as it bit through flesh and bone.

more y/n

Why leave the game after it started though? Just seems silly.

why would you use MS paint to edit. you don't like non-shit res?

> photoshop license

Paint.NET is free

look to suicide as a possible alternative to leading such a miserable existence

you went wrong when you let your dad buy you a mac

>waah waah im poor :(((

yea i can see it now that you point those factors out


>the highest wr in all of challenger is swain

explain this shit lolbabs

I want to tease Hecarim for having a gigantic horse dick

How long until the lolg meet ups to play the new league board game?

bets on promos
hope it doesn't draw out to late game where poppy and tahm have millions of armor

swain is broken with his ult+catalyst+ visage, but ya can still win against him with the grievous wounds items

I already wrote you some.

God fucking damnit.

First one to reply gets any 520 skin they want on NA

Include IGN

premade wins

Any garen skin.

rengar is going to get huge and assfuck you

>quadra kill
>4th bullet up
>mousing over the enemy 0-6 kogmaw with nobody to save his anus from whats about to happen
>he flashes mastery 7 as I blast him into another dimension for the penta
I love jhin.

i quit around the start of pre-season 6, it's been a good 5 months since i've played, what's the state of the game right now?
what's the meta?
who's OP and who's nerfed to oblivion?

>pool party zac
>duck icon



I'm tired of seeing Ekko simply because of his ultimate.
>Whoops, I got outplayed
>Better press R
>Wew lad such skill escaping a scenario that should've meant death to anyone else.
But of course, the good Ekkos are only ever on the enemy team. I can't remember the last time I had a good Ekko on my team. People in high gold and low platinum are incapable of playing a champion who literally has a not-die button.


run away and never come back, you managed to stay away 5 months you can handle a lifetime

>best skin is radiant kong

ma nigga

Haha! Well, my friend, unless you are silver yourself or have never played a normal game, your normal game MMR will not be silver! Insane, right?

If the players are worse than you, its an easy game to practice awareness/lane mechanics/item builds/item timings! You can even learn some crazy pocket picks! If they are better, and that's a big if with such a strong player such as yourself, you get to learn how to cope with getting shit stomped in an environment that doesn't ruin the fun for everyone else involved!

But either way that shouldn't be much of a problem, warming up on silvers is a great way to get ready for your gold 3 promos! Lets just hope you win the first one, because we all know the next time you queue its going to be a loss haha :)

Sorry it took so long, I was searching desperately for all those great points you made

Also normal players are better on average than 50% ranked players like yourself

Why are you trying so hard to become another "le epic lolg personality xD"?

Shen, Yorick, Vladimir, Ryze all reworked and with the lowest winrates in solo q despite being good in pro play.

Ao Shin released, he's one of the best roamers in the game.

Udyr got fucking destroyed by nerfs. No more devourer junglers also since it got removed.