/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Thank you Big_Spud Edition

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>Patch 5.11(LIVE):

>British cruisers announcement (SOON™):

>Imperial Japanese Navy destroyer tech tree rework (WEEBS™):

>Statistic tracker - Stalk your favorite wowsg:

>Useful Information:
pastebin.com/nuWhcW1K (embed) (poi) (embed) (botes) (; _ ;)

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully ranger
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel", password is "vidya"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

>Ubermensch Clan:
NA: [HURTU]: na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000010943/

>Untermensch Clans:
NA: [KUMA]: na.wargaming.net/clans/1000021519
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EU: [NOFUN]: eu.wargaming.net/clans/50001123

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>Big spud asking Nagato where his hug is

>BB get armour buff
>CA get absolutely nothing
just epic

babbies sure do seem happy tho and the cruiser nerfs just keep coming we deserve this desu

>but is there a bigger spud?

>t. Firebug

>nothing I can do outside of 7km
Objectively false. Torp targets that are approaching you.

>Armour Buff
Who even cares? It only affects other BBs. Cruisers just hold down left click with HE selected if they come across a BB.

>tfw retards cried about fail divs
>can no longer run kiev with a t10 ship for 300k+ credits (after repair costs) per battle

Yeah, I saw the Mutsuki has less torp range than it's detect range. What a time to be alive.

If you want to get pedantic, you are correct. And I do that. But hitting someone with max spread even on the narrow shot is a small miracle.

and armor neutralizes HE damage and relying on pure fire damage is relying on a dice throw within a dice throw

Full secondary memery on Gneisenau, or main gun accuracy?

Are they armoring up the superstructure? You shouldn't spamming HE at the armor belt in the first place.

But you aren't going to be trying to penetrate the citadel of a nagato or arizona with HE now are you?

>most of the time HE relies on hitting the thinner superstructure or upper decks
>buffs to the internal citadel armor belowdecks will somehow affect this



Secondary, you have torps to boot.

Secondary for Bismarck anyways and get that lovely 10km range.

>finding out two of the people in my IT class play world or warboats

I thought faggot battles had 1:2 team ratio? Was that taken out because it was too hard or something?

>Iowa is the only tier 9 in a majority T7 game
>almost takes a torp spread but they expire before they reach him
>STILL complains about destroyer torpedoes for 3 minutes

simply eric

exercise is hard for burgers

Why take secondaries if your going to torp close-range targets anyway?

Will the tech tree split make mutsuki not suck?

This isnt OP at all.


Why do people like this exist? What possible enjoyment do they get from playing this game? We lost the match on a timeout by ten points. An easy victory if he had done literally anything besides sit at max range and snipe all game.


To fuck you for playing solo

It's not pedantic. Those sorts of shots should be a mainstay of your tactics. Launch from an angle ahead of your target so the torps hit their side, stagger your spreads and you're guaranteed EZ damage unless they make an abrupt turn.


Okay, so I'll presume I'm doing something wrong but don't know what- help me understand what it is.

I try to get myself in the vicinity of a 45 degree angle ahead of them. I set my torps to narrow and depending on the terrain they're heading into fire one close to the tracker, one leading the tracker, and one lagging behind the tracker. I try to do this as close to 7/6k as I feel I can manage while being able to peel away prior to being detected.

In the meantime I avoid using guns unless there's a really good reason, and avoid cruisers and other destroyers. Doing this maybe 5-10% of the time I score a hit. More often than not even a battleship still has enough forewarning to turn in and slip between the salvos.

Fucking passive shitters

>Khab is balanced they said

Nobody says that here.

But WG did.
Is balance because is easy to detect )))

No wonder if was always so hard to citadel Atlanta's magazines.

Look at the Bogatyr's citadel loacation

It's late, and to keep this thread fresh and full of life I have stupid questions:

1. How to gitgud with the Phoenix while I save up points for the Omaha?
2. Is the Omaha worth it?

So ah, this game any good? How is it compared to Tanks?

Tips? Downloading now

Tbh unless you really like them as irl botes or something the US Cruisers aren't really worth it compared to any of the other lines just in general.

>German BBs are killing my WTR


I have both the Pensacola and the Myoko researched now, but only enough money for one of them

Which one should I pick up?




Pensa if you want a challenge


Go to sleep pham


She's a big girl

fuck you

Why is raptor such an impatient faggot with more money than sense who skips every single tier 9 ship regardless of how good they are?

He's an impatient faggot who skips just about everything, not just T9.
And I do exactly the same thing except nobody knows who I am because I'm not a namefag :^)

Why is raptor's UI so fucking garbage

A bit too big, desu

I'm really not a fan of her design

He probably spouts anime meme in public around his normie friends too.
Some people, they just lack the shame.

Garbage human, garbage UI.

>We will never get Uncle Adolf's 140 ton giant in game ;___;

>508mm of lolpen
>30kt speed
>345m long
>12.2m draft (wouldn't even fit in the gap in between Two Brothers if modeled to scale)

Could be cool to see her as a challenger like they did with the Salem during the Halloween event last year

>140k ton giant

Brief points from this stream (translated):
The British cruisers received some mixed feedback. They were mostly disliked by testers, which prompted a major redesign of the entire line that is already well under way. They are looking to rebalance the line around AP-focused gunnery, high penetration and flat trajectories. Their HE may be nerfed or even removed entirely (!). Speed boost or repair consumable is a possibility. Individual torpedo launchers should remain a thing.

The new reworked British cruisers may be reintroduced on the live server for supertesting in an upcoming patch as soon as this Thursday [possibly Russian cluster only? - they didn't say].

>rebalance the line around AP-focused gunnery, high penetration and flat trajectories.

Man, I'm so glad German cruisers are coming to world..... oh wait

Would be interesting

Yes I now see that I left the k out

>They were mostly disliked by testers
So it's not that they were overpowered, but that this group was too stupid to make HE spam in smoke work?

>another AP focused cruiser line
i just want something different. AP focused cruisers are already in the game. i wanted RN cruisers to be the ultimate DD hunter killers

Looks like that's not the case anymore

>i just want something different. AP focused cruisers are already in the game. i wanted RN cruisers to be the ultimate DD hunter killers

So you mean like German cruisers?

They werent going to be different in the first place. They would have ended up like all the others spamming HE at BBs. Like germany and America.

So it'll either be those two or it'll be like japan.

Yeah, evey supertester I ran into was braindead. Like their brain was literally a baked potato.

Ex. Lert charging in in the beginning of the game and getting fucked by BBs

Brain ded

Holy shit supertesters ruin yet another potential fun line of ships

wtf are they thinking

I know some of you faggots browse here, do us all a favor and go kill yourselves

The Konigsberg is a good DD hunter killer

At higher tiers, KM CAs are more suited with fighting other CAs. At least, that's how I play them

>supertesters ruin yet another thing

What's the point of supertesters again?

How can someone be this bad after those number of games? I cannot comprehend this.

how have supertesters ruined a line of ships?

I only ask so I can shitpost on the forums and expose them for being shitty people who ruin everything.

Despite what the television tells you, not all humans are born and raised as equally capable beings.

We need a dedicated user to record gameplay of these supertesters literally suiciding into enemies and dying in the most ridiculous ways 3mins into the game

It would have been a whole line of Atlanta's and Flint's, but since STs can't into HE spam while using smoke, we now get a rebalanced CL line focused on AP rather than HE :^)

Not a wonder he was the same shitter who labelled the Dunkerque as being awful with horrible guns.

Did they purposely ruin this line? Seems like the STs didn't want this line performing well to begin with?

personally i am fine with that being the case.

I hardly play my atlanta anymore mainly because I cant handle the sub orbital moon shots.

Isnt that what Russian cruisers are anyways? HE Spam cunts?

Regardless...supertesters ruin fucking everything.

Lesta usually doesn't give a shit about a line's balance once ships hit live server. Did they change anything about German BBs? Or Russian cruisers? Etc etc? Supertesting is more for making sure models are correct and there aren't any game breaking bugs.

Either this "source" about the rework is completely fictional or the supertesters literally had a revolt and told WG that the line was broken and that it shouldn't be implemented in its current state

All cruisers are HE spam cunts
Except the Furry Taco

>Holy shit supertesters ruin yet another potential fun line of ships
The more likely scenario is that they saved us from a shit line with a shit gimmick that would have been fucking shit for everyone involved.

Yes, because the Flint is currently the worst performing cruiser.

Is the Atago still the p2w ship at the moment?

Flint isn't fucking enormous.

Not even Flitlanta is this fucking vulnerable to getting rammed in the ass from every direction.

There's no mention of any of that getting changed though. They'll be just as vulnerable as before, except without the smoke to conceal them. Engine boost won't let you outrun citpens.

>They are looking to rebalance the line around AP-focused gunnery, high penetration and flat trajectories
>flat trajectory

This means a high speed projectile. This means that they don't need to get in close to have a reasonable chance to hit their target, because otherwise you're going to have to deal with a fucking fatter Cleveland with an even bigger citadel.

Granted, none of the guns for these ships fired a high speed, and thus flat trajectory, projectile. They were all fucking Cleveland levels of muzzle velocity, with even lighter shells so they'd lose even more fucking speed. Basically trash.

Oh also, at T10 there's these things called Destroyers, and they have a tendency to shit out a LOT of torps, right into your smoke cloud and right into your ENORMOUS fat ass.

Also when your smoke runs out and you get spotted, every fucking hotel, montana, and GK is going to be planting their fat, throbbing AP into your gaping citadel.

I am beginning to think the STs did it on purpose because they realized how utterly cancerous an entire line of Flints would be for the game.

Truly, the heroes we need.

We can only hope.
That shit is just maximum cancer unless you're a high tier burger/vodka CA with radar


The Best Sealclubber in 0.5.11 - Zuiho [191k damage]

>Did they change anything about German BBs?
They've been out for less than a month. I have no doubt they will be 'adjusted' before the end of the year.




anyone on NA with a t10/t9 who isnt absolutely shit wants to play with me and king?

ign: snoozing_mako

>it's a 'fighting nothing but tier VII battleships in your Aoba' episode

I just want to fight other cruisers, is that too much to ask?


Who is the biggest EU shitter?
