League of Legends General /lolg/

Old: eyosongive.us

Phreak's Summer Vacation

cuck edition

I want to purge heresy with Leona!

>Ban yasuo
>"Nah he's not that bad"
>Team gets stomped by said "not so bad yasuo"

xth for trying to convince myself to give Ranked a serious try
I've got over 2k games in normals with a barely above average win percent beating silvers/golds in norms but I'm ranked at b1, I don't know what to do

>You will never own Zombie Brand or Zombie Nunu
End my fucking life already

you cant get better by playing a mode where noone is even trying

lolg might meme about making fun of people who take too many games to git gud, but they are silver anyway unless they prove otherwise so you might as well give it a shot


Literally just get an assassin to kill him from behind. Particularly any stealth champion. He's squishy and slow as shit.

Though I do agree he needs damage/crit nerf. Real, real bad. Then all of the bandwagoners and teenagers will stop abusing him for their freelo.

It's not hard to see why.
>hype as fuck teasers and reveal
>very fun kit that makes it extremely satisfying when you get kills
>playstyle oozes with atmosphere, down from floral particle effects, to smooth animations, to the god-tier voice acting, to the eerie humming and ambience you get once you enter a match
>extremely deep characterization (by League standards) that paints a picture on just how fucked up he really is
>lore and backstory is largely a vauge mystery right now, but it's tied to two of League's most popular (Ionian) champions

Aurelion came close, but failed to capture the playerbase due to his kit being difficult for shitters to bother mastering. The rest of the releases this year can't even compete. Taliyah could've but she turned out to be ugly and not that cute girl that the male playerbase had been begging for years. Kled felt forced to a lot of people. Illaoi was just unpopular all-around and didn't even get a cinematic teaser. I doubt the upcoming jungler will be a huge hit either.

just try man
treat ranked like normals for a season

>Literally just get an assassin to kill him from behind. Particularly any stealth champion

Maybe he would be balanced if there wasn't a need for an assassin in the team every single match just for him. When Riot starts a new assassin meta that makes adcs completely irrelevant and hell to play just so someone can play without Jhin ruining the game, remember whose fault it is.

This, you literally just need to not take this game seriously and have fun while improving your game.

I mean, in the end, even if you're stuck in bronze, what do you have to lose?

Ever tried 100% crit Jhin? It's the funniest shit. Permanently on MS steroids and every AA is a nuke.

you can beat him up in lane easily desu

his farming is hard enough as it is, just play caitlyn and make him want to sodoku with le trading stance

It's called countering, it's a part of competitive play.

Hell, you don't even need a stealth champion or ab assassin, just get someone tanky to take him out from behind while the rest of his team are too busy focusing on a teamfight further ahead.

idk anymore

>take him out from behind

Well wish me luck I'll start my ranked journey probs tomorrow when I wake up

>doing le epic trole pik xDd every game
I hope get reported every single fucking game

>farming with jhin is hard
???? ? ?

>you can beat him up in lane easily desu

It is for people who're new to him/trying to master him.

Thanks to the user who said to play damage wu.

>didnt know what to pick
>panic picked wukong
>didnt know it was ekko top
>killed ekko twice by myself
>second item went GA LOL

user what
none of my picks are particularly trolly save for maybe that time I tried yi mid



>using your ammo system and abilities to farm leaves no opportunity for harassment from the other side

ok silver

no it's not
unless you're silver or someshit, it takes a couple of games to get used to the reload which isn't much at all

>When Riot starts a new assassin meta
You should see what the next update is

>this retard can't balance farming and harassing

ok bronze

>implying he doesn't get movespeed whenever he runs out of ammo to get out of harassment range
>implying he doesn't have a nuke every 4th auto to shit on you if you try to do anything
>implying he doesn't have spells to farm with even when he's out of ammo
>ignoring that he's constantly pick in competitive settings and high elo even with enforced 2v2 lanes
ok bronzie

>got it in a chest

It's a really great skin, actually. Makes him a lot more fun to play.

Not that user but I'm also silver, that explains it from my case.

Either way, farming with him is not hard as long as you're gud or git gud.

>unless you're silver or some shit
you realize that 80% of the people that play, are in silver right?
or somewhere near that retarded number, myself included lel

I do
but then again, if the guy who said that is silver, should he be giving arguably misleading advice about the game?

>There are people in this thread
>Right now
>That think they know shit about balance while being silver

I don't. That question was about CS though.

>Know you're bad at csing
>Still offer your own experience as proof of something

>soraka players are going to drop 3 leagues next patch

I need the list of links since nobody puts them in the OP.

I'll play ranked with you. Give me your name.

Except I'm decent at CSing (with Jhin) now.

To the average (albiet bad) player, it's difficult to get a hang of farming with him at first.

Wait, wait wait.
There's some catch 22 shit going on here.

If his experience of him being bad doesn't mean anything, which in turn means he's wrong. Doesn't that mean that either, his experience (and by extension, his opinion) has to mean something, or that he's not actually bad?

What's a legit Teemo build?

I've seen a bunch of different shit, like FM first, Torment first, Hurricane. Top players on op.gg seem to be all very inconsistent with their item builds, which confuses me.
Not sure which is best for learning the little faggot.

What kind of dumbass backwards logic is this?

>Hey if he's bad, that means he's good!

Most people who play the game are bad though, which is where good players fail to understand their issues or difficulties with the game.

>guy on my team playing Taliyah
>raping enemy mid
>every time he gets a good roam or a solokill, he goes in all chat and screams all-caps quotes from the Boulder from A:TLA
an example
>First blood
>oh, nice. he killed Leblanc
autism is truly a remarkable thing.

Most people who play the game are dumbasses. Stop balancing a game around people who don't know how to play that game.

That's exactly my point. The only logical conclusion that can come of this post

stop right there thats how they balance lol

And Riot doesn't know how to balance for shit. That's common knowledge.

>1/10+ mid lane
>Nobody did anything all game, this team sucks

Let him have some fun before his champ gets gutted, user...

It already balances around "competitive" """""""""LCS"""""""""" play.

Basically, to sum it as follows
>Jhin's farming is easy for good players, or bad/mediocre players who get used to him
>Jhin's farming is hard for bad/mediocre players who don't know him

There you go.

Riot forces balances chances based on a number of things. And certainly not just gameplay.

>Current PBE W cd at max rank is the same as live


the best part about teemo is flexibility, just think about what you're facing before choosing what to build
double dorans into bork is a safe bet against something like a shen or a maokai but it won't work against something bursty, consider getting hexdrinker if you're facing something like a swain or a lissandra but then again why are you picking teemo into those
if the enemy team is fullsquishy the ap build is fun as fuck

a teacher might be bad at teaching but it's still better than a guy who's bad at the subject that he's trying to teach
anyway, even in low elo, the fact that jhin is weak in lane is blatantly untrue

you can argue that farming is harder for less experienced player but then again those are probably bad at farming with anything else too and should just learn, not get lowered standards

Gunblade Mallet and Portal for being a cunt
Gunblade Hourglass and Mask for being a cunt
Gunblade Tooth and Tri for being a cunt

balancing and patching isnt the problem s2 and early s3 were really fun and probably the best time ive had in lol ever even though it was poorly balanced theyve just made the game very forgiving and streamlined so the average noobie doesnt get beat too hard and feel bad since pre s4 theyve added the following to appeal to bad players
pink wards visible
every bush can be covered with a single ward
catch up xp if your behind in the jungle
removal of green wards
removing most silences

it makes all the difference still
before if you wanted to snowball you'd better look to another lane to do it
after the patch if you aren't going all in right after soraka uses W in early lane you're at fault because it's essentially a 2v1

Anyone wanna coach a bronze shitter, I have literally no idea what I'm doing anymore. I have zero friends to play with and don't have the ability to make more. Everything I know has be learned from streams or old tutorial videos.

>anyway, even in low elo, the fact that jhin is weak in lane is blatantly untrue

I'm not the user who stated this.

He's not weak in-lane by the slightest means.

what server senpai
how long have you been playing

>get promoted to gold 2
>get silvers on my team vs plat and high golds
>amumu jungle goes 0-5
>support goes afk after feeding and having teleport
>mid feeds

im not even tilted its literally just team bunga
why do you always get rigged matches straight after promos

how do i lower my mmr without playing ranked and getting demoted

NA. I started playing back in Season 3, played adc/sup for a while then quit shortly before gnar came out. I played in small stints but never seriously up until a few weeks ago. Now I do jungle/bot and just feel lost. I've got the basics down byt beyond that I just don't know.

Does any male champ have a sluttier voice and attitude than Vlad?

you have to play ranked
go on a big losing streak, like 2 divisions worth
you'll start winning again and go up 3-4 divisions before your mmr is unfucked

From what I've seen from teemo mains is that their builds are different for every matchup. Though they tend to do similar things in lane and are almost always hard splitpushers.

My best top laners are Tahm Kench and Mundo, who would I like?

I don't like Maokai, and already play malphite.

I'm the guy talking shit about the catch 22 thing.

I completely agree with you about Jhin. I was just poking fun at the other user's wording. Though with how blatant his meme arrows were, he was probably just having a laugh too.

Yea, people will just be bad with him in a different way that they'd be bad with someone else. He just has a different autoing dynamic.

well rip, I'm EU
watching streams is a good habit to learn tho, but to improve you have to play with other people that can call out your mistakes

>get banned on d2 account
>level smurf to 30 and hop into ranked
>finish provis 6/4
I'm sorry for doubting you shitters. Elo hell exists, these people are so fucking braindead on my team that I actually have to play at my full capacity to even win

I might just quit this game, I'm not gonna go full tryhard mode just to win in silver just because these apes don't know how to take towers with a lead

but i want gold 1 NOOOW

>finally get 6300 IP
alright who should i get? i prefer fighters and tanks

Is ARAU gonna be on Howling Abyss?

Shen maybe?

Kled or Illaoi, personally I find kled to be a ton of fun

I literally have no idea how to go about that. I've posted a few times here asking for people to play with but being I'm bronze I don't get many bites.

Used to play him a lot, didn't he get gutted? Or is he still playable? His champion.gg stats look bad.

is Vi any good?

wanna have fun? Illaoi
wanna win? Irelia, Hecarim

vg chat? add random people after the games, say you had fun playing with them and invite them to another game?

do people still use the in game chat for generals?

What's this Veeky Forums chat?

Jhin comes close too.

Ezreal just looks and acts like a twink fuckboy.

he doesn't really win lane, requires some strong team coordination to be useful (aka they have to not be total morons)

not top, and she's not that great jungle either
I also forgot Fiora, she's broken as shit

it's pretty alive in EU, not sure about NA

Jhin voice, but not attitude
Taric attitude but not voice

Ez is just meh in every way, I prefer guys who've seen puberty and graduated it with honors.

>tfw your dating a twink fuckboy who looks and acts like a super slutty Ezreal
the dream

Jhin is a drama queen.
Taric has the voice of a Disney prince.
Ezreal is a literal fuckboy in terms of looks.

How is any of this not slutty?

>BC/DD Yorick



So with rumble top, should I rush rylais or go for a more magic pen oriented early build with liandry's? I was thinking my core 3 items would be rylais liandry's and protobelt with sorc boots and some sort of tank item based on how the game's going - I just don't know what I should be rushing on him

I'm really enjoying this guy though

I'm at the point where I dodge any game that looks slightly unfavorable, or I just play with 4/5 man stacks. It's just not worth it since the game can be entirely won or lost because people are repeatedly being willfully stupid.

>toplane kench

isnt he shit there since his big damage nerf?



so you never play?
you gotta remember that the enemy teams have retards as well

Commando is best user
Don't worry everyone makes mistakes


the enemy team can be all retarded, it doesnt matter if they're playing autowin fotm champs and my team has snowflake picks

>You've got two players
>A silver Jhin and a diamond Jhin
>The silver Jhin can't cs correctly, gets cheesed by easy to counter strats, has no idea how to play when behind and constantly complains about champions every player above Gold learned how to counter years ago
>The diamond Jhin gets almost perfect cs, knows now to fight his opponents when they're at their strongest, knows to bide his time until the right moment to strike and then push his advantage and defines the meta
>Hurr durr the silver Jhin's opinion is more valuable

I miss AP yi, gp10 gangplank, and veigar with dfg

>losing streak coming up
>forget to stop playing my mains
>winrate on those champs drops

>warlords khazix
they do it on purpose dont they

They're both valuable. Two different worlds. Though the diamond player gives better advice long-term.

I miss old sion

No they're not. When you follow the silver Jhin's advice, you're actively harming the game by adapting it to the experience of someone who has no idea of how the game works. It's why there's so many champions that get gutted and left to rot, because shitters don't know how to deal with them.