>Schedule for September: 8/31 - 9/8 - Detective Barowa and the Unfortunate Fortune 9/7 - 9/15 - Fall of the Dragon (Vampy Event Rerun) 9/16 - 9/19 - Arcanum: The World Beyond 9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War 9/30 - 10/8 - Scenario Event
9/1 - 9/21 - Order of the Lord (LoV Collab - Defend Order) 9/15 - 9/18 - Tokyo Game Show (Maybe Something Nice Will Happen) 9/21 - Defend Order Shutdown Sometime this Year (Hopefully) - UI Improvement (Skill Queue, Ougi Skip, etc.)
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
I've married Vampy and there's nothing you can do about it.
Brandon Jackson
What do?
Jeremiah Robinson
No, never.
If not him then this guy here.
Cameron Gray
I hope she outlives you faggot.
Christian Scott
Bentley Gray
I got exactly what I wanted.
By the way, next thread is a DJ thread.
Alexander Lee
have they pretty much admitted DO was a gigantic failure
Adam Walker
Are people that like quatre just closet homos that don't know they're straight, or are they fujoshits that like self inserting as feminine guys?
To me it's almost as weird as someone straight liking a girl with no boobs, a broad ass chest and back, no ass, and a beard.
Robert Powell
Please let every thread from now on be DJ thread.
Leo Nelson
That's it I'm ending it. Fuck you trannies and your tranny OPs
Camden Russell
>that navel
Matthew Flores
I intend to.
Michael Nguyen
Agreed DJ is best girl, and Beato can go fucking hang herself for all I care
Chase Gray
So you can have my sloppy seconds?
Carter Hernandez
2nd, 3rd, or even 4th are fine.
Carson Price
I dunno, I kind of like tomboys too, but that's pretty much it for women. I'm more in the fuccboi and otter camp. you can try and find a word for it if you want.
Samuel Rogers
Ethan Wood
>DO failed >So let's make DO2.0 with shitty summons as a reward >Also none of these characters that have good designs will ever be grindable or obtainable when's nuke #3
Tyler Turner
>Futanari is a western concept Wow you're fucking retarded, what a supprise.
Josiah Flores
>not playing Baha >tf it'll have actually sprites soon >missing 5th anniversary
Joshua Johnson
I don't know, I think I'm a lesbo because I really like girls and I actually started to play this for the girls but then I also like traps and feminine boys.
James Adams
Nothing in the post you quoted mentions futa.
Michael Foster
>what is a related topic *rolls eyes*
Colton Martinez
>SS killed off any chance of more puchi stuff being introduced into CG
Benjamin Davis
DO's mistake is that there were no half pots.
They should have made it tiered, and also had it drop coop materials for nightmare level bosses.
Elijah Johnson
It's okay, user-chan. I'm polyamorous and willing to share.
Logan Garcia
Carson Rogers
Good good.
Dylan Russell
You guys must be pretty bored again.
Owen Turner
>polyamorous thats a nice way to call yourself slut.
Gavin Edwards
Not him but, can you please link an up-to-date .APK for it? I apparently need a Japanese phone number too for my account?
Gabriel Ortiz
>Unironically not fully embracing your femininity to prove your masculinity Ladiva is literally swimming in pussy at the Doraf ladies' dormitory, what's your excuse?
Isaiah Cook
>not being a yurifag
Chase Johnson
Ladiva loves Men though.
Dominic Gray
Yes, sadly. In order to trade cards in the bazaar you need a verified nip number. They put that in place when people would make alt accounts and trade cards out of the ass.
>tf no gbf bazaar >tf can't trade Heles for something else
Elijah Carter
Fuck off Marie.
Caleb Jackson
>user is assmad I get my dick wet more often than she does
Gabriel Morales
>kissless virgins pretending to be lesbian girls on the internet lol
Jaxson Nguyen
Where did he ever suggest that, screenshot please or point me in the right direction.
Blake Butler
His passive.
Alexander Walker
>no being a lesbian and liking homomen and posting homomen
>tf Rock clone >no SNK crossover
Cooper Fisher
xth for the balance update will save Sochie and Fire all at once Dirt will be nerfed
Bentley Garcia
What's his passive? I don't have him
Isaac Green
His stats gets stronger the more men in the party which includes men int he back row
Luis Rivera
That makes him more like a real life Spartan warrior, they got that whole battle bonding brotherhood thing but that doesn't mean he fucks dudes.
Noah Parker
It's love.
Hunter Harris
I just want more playable MILFs.
Jordan Turner
There's also the fact that he talks like a straight up campy homo.
Blake Torres
It he literally talks about loving men and hits on several of them whenever he shows up. He's a gay Japanese stereotype to the letter. Have you even played his fate episode or seen any of the events with him?
Michael Butler
Reminder that the Spartans got BTFO by the Sacred Band of Thebes, AKA real actual homomen.
Julian Campbell
Nolan Wilson
Shota lusting hotaruposter is cute!
Adam Cook
>spartan okama
Julian Lopez
Robert Watson
Well then. He's still got the most access to the most Doraf pussy if he wanted it. I bet he even gets to use the women's bath.
Caleb Sanders
>a paradise of doraf girls
just imagine if senpaitachi
Adam Allen
Sounds boring, give me a paradise of male eruns. Jamil and Joel can come too. Especially Jamil.
Luis Cruz
He is, in fact, treated as woman by in-game systems that run on gender and I'm pretty sure he did go in the woman's bath during one these events, I just can't remember which one. Doesn't change the fact bruh is looking for man, not a lady.
Evan White
Rate the farewell messages of the recent traitors and losses from Little Girls
BerryMelon - [No text] Destination: Quit during guild wars and got kicked.
Yari - [8:52 PM] Yari: Alright guys, I have decided that I will be leaving the crew. I am in favor of a little more strict monitoring of GW participation, and at the same time don't think it is fair to force that upon everyone else here. With that in mind I think it is better that I will look for a crew that is a little more strict in enforcing this. Thanks for everything, and good luck. It's been fun talking and playing with you guys. Crew Destination: Nausicaa
Fleur - [4:57 AM] Fleur: Well, gonna bail and take Rin up on the poaching offer from July since Berry quit. Thanks for the little girls time. [4:57 AM] Fleur: Laters Crew Destination: Aqours
pawz - [12:02 AM] pawz: I think I'm out too friends, goodbye and good luck in the future Crew Destination: Nausicaa
DAOKO - [2:06 AM] DAOKO: I like this guild a lot and had a bunch of fun but I want to be more esports [2:06 AM] DAOKO: I'd stay in the guild chat too if I could [2:06 AM] DAOKO: here's a goodbye song tho youtube.com/watch?v=kksk4Pm7Oko Crew Destination: Nausicaa
FX - [3:17 AM] FX: Hmm i am being poached by a few crews too but i decided i will stay until atleast next gw to see what happens. Yari is a good friend of mine. A few months back after leaving our previous crew, we decided we'd join the same crew no matter what and LG was the choice. So for now i'm just waiting to see how this crew reacts. [A guild discussion and poll occured here with the purpose of letting people plan their future] [4:38 AM] FX: So since i want some esports, i guess i'll be leaving. But u guys are cool so if u ever need my help with any hl raids, feel free to pm me on discord. Crew Destination: ?
Julian Howard
I like you
Luke Thomas
>doraf DCT go away
Logan Thomas
This is rude. Delete this.
Nicholas Myers
>Cag's spine
Nolan Campbell
This is really bad, please delete something this private.
>tfw you can look at your own ass while wiping your butt.
James Sanchez
How does it feel to have shit taste desu?
Blake Morgan
>Being this salty
Oliver Perez
What are you doing?
Christian Butler
If he can't even get a spine right, there's no fucking way the cunny is going to be well made either!
Isaac Martin
i want to be in the same crew as marie and chenni so i can talk about cute boys with them 30 characters is too much of a pain in the ass or at least their discords
Samuel Morgan
How does it feel to be a normalfag oppai lover? I bet you're not even a /d/ regular.
Nathan Wilson
Not sure what you want me to feel here, user.
Luis Miller
Hudson Morgan
There's still more room in Nausicaa if anyone else wants to jump ship
Mason Russell
>I am in favor of a little more strict monitoring of GW participation, and at the same time don't think it is fair to force that upon everyone else here. With that in mind I think it is better that I will look for a crew that is a little more strict in enforcing this
Ha ha what the fuck is this? So, you think people should be monitored to make sure they're not leeching cockroaches but at the same time you don't think it's fair to "force" that on people that are voluntarily in the guild? That thought process is completely at odds with itself.
If you're a guild that makes its intentions known of doing SOMETHING during Guild Wars then people should automatically be held to a certain standard. No exceptions. If you can't take that then why are you there?
This shit is dumb.
Justin Carter
Of course he can't get a cunt right, he's literally an immortal virgin wizard who spent his entire existence perfecting alchemy and not getting pussy. The fuck would he know about women?
Josiah Perez
This is so touching All these heartbreaking messages
Caleb Walker
>it's a guild drama episode
Isaac Allen
t. autism
Hunter Murphy
>some dumb EOP patreon is canon
Austin Powell
Shut the fuck up, Eureka. Why don't you go save your dying ship?
Carson Robinson
Jayden Flores
>being a casual Nice autism, normalfag
Matthew Adams
Calm down, dumbass.
Austin Martin
Lincoln Morales
rage at namedroppers and faggots who think this thread is their guild chat.
Owen Cooper
They're in two different crews. But they probably do talk on discord.
Sebastian Ramirez
Bentley Nelson
Tell me /gbfg/ are you a big spoon or a little spoon?
Zachary Stewart
I felt pretty bad about leaving but honestly after seeing someone post private guild chat logs I'm glad I'm not in the same guild as this kind of person anymore.