Etrian Odyssey General

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ricky is ricky

It's not time to die yet.

Dumping every single Chinese Monkey pic I have





>tfw Cestus is a waste of a class


>Flatmonk DLC never










>inferior monk


While you are posting of best monk, do you have the EO3 comic by any chance?


No, actually. I dunno why that's the only one I don't have.




Have fun lurking



now you just went full retarded




>"ecstasy DH is OP!"
>bosses all resist everything so it's difficult to get threebinds+ailment perfectly setup
>as soon as the binds are gone you have no more damage

send help

What game?

EO2U expert.

I mean, I can murder even red FOEs occasionally, but stratum bosses are ridiculous.

Isn't the only reliable way to have all three binds up at the same spamming the DH force skill?

>Give a Hexer a level 10 Stigmata Grimoire
>Activate Force Boost
>Unzip Trance
You won't need multiple turns, because everything's going to be dead at that point.

If you manage to get Stigmata grimoire, give it to your Hexer. It will make your life easier.

Another Highlander skill is also great for binds, Blood Fortune. Also that Hexer skill that increase binds/ailments and last, Air Slash monster grimoires.

A good way to be sure to land all the binds by turn 2 is to have at least 2 more support characters that support your Dark Hunter.

>Pick party based on cuteness without thinking about strategy and viability
>Beat every game with them

works every time

That's the right way to play.

How bad is the EO2U story party?

It Alright. If Fafnir was any other class it'd be lacking in damage.

Faf could solo the game on normal, expert wouldn't need Chloe or Flavio but he'd really like Arianna's buffs and the survivability afforded to him by Trand. Chloe is excellent for damage otherwise and Flavio is mediocre.

It's one of the best. But I dislike that everything is an HP sponge.

I think I am the only one that went into every bad door in this quest.

revive weed

Legalize lolis!

What was her name again?

Jenetta, I think










>Trying to hit the image limit early again

for real, what's the point
63 posts 40 images, calm your autistic ass

Don't worry, it's just normal bumping.

We can't have flatties in EO5. Here, a fix.
Still better than either cestus





There. All my pics featuring monk that weren't posted already.

Care to give examples?







Dedrian Odedssey

You don't remember what the stones said when you backtracked through every dungeon? I immediately made notes for all of them. The only one that got me was the last one, which was incidentally the worst.

Was that the one that depleted your TP, left you at 1 HP and then threw a blindside in your direction?

I think so, yes.


War Revive


Strange Journey 2 with EO mapping when?

Do you think there will be an EOV localization announcement by the end of this year?

Not after P5

Gosh, you guys are pathetic.


announcement after smt4f, release after p5

When are you going to post the whole webm?

Never ever.

Right now I'm eating a recipe I learned from EO2U.
Am I weird?

Are you eating spiders?

>posting up the whole webm when it won't have voice

What's the point, lad?

What's the point of posting a tiny mute portion of it, lad?

It's a loopable webm, perhaps?


wil etrian odyssey ever hit playstation4?

More likely for the NX.
My dad works for etria he told me EO3U is in development.