Hit a curb in the new 370. How fucked am I? Do I need a new tire? Will it blow up on me one day? Fuck my life

Hit a curb in the new 370. How fucked am I? Do I need a new tire? Will it blow up on me one day? Fuck my life.

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Learn to drive dipshit

Thanks man. A lot of help. I hit a curb, it happens to everyone. Even my mom has done it

I need to know if I need a new tire though

This is not me

>not you
>literally 2 posters
Not only can you not drive, you're retarded.

You'll need a new tire. See that flappy bit? That's not meant to be like that. That only happens when you're a retard.

Ride on a lower than regular tire pressure for no more than this (5000-weight of car) miles. I cant really tell what type of tire or rating on it but thats how i can help.

>even my mom has done it
>comparing yourself to a woman
>not driving ecoboost


That's almost as bad as someone slashing your tires.

>Will it blow up on me one day?

Take it to a tire place and see what they tell you, they might be able to fix but from i hear generally sidewall damage is more complicated than tread damage. You may end up being told to get a new tire.

Yeah get a tire and maybe get the rim checked for run-out if you hit hard. Surprised you don't have curb rash

Lol no. Nobody will fix that.

>curb rash
This is probably why many 350/370Z owners stance their car.

>Buys new pigfat shitbucket
>Can't afford a pair of tires
Just sell the car and buy something within your means.

The tire can't be repaired, sidewall damage can rarely be repaired, especially to that extent (it looks like the wires might be just about poking through). Get a new tire, and try not to be retarded next time OP because there's no way you "just hit a curb" without amount of sidewall damage.

>it happens to everyone
I've been driving for 4 years. When is my mandatory curb hitting?

Meaningless term. According to Veeky Forums if it isn't an AE86 or MR2 rusting away (muh weight reduction) it's pigfat

With that* thanks phone

>3500lbs is an appropriate weight for a smallish coupe

Thanks, that's all I needed to know. I'll get new tires tomorrow.

I like the way the 370 looks and it is within my means. It's not that I can't afford new tires, it's the fact that if I don't have to replace them, I'd rather save the money or spend it on something else for my car. Just trying to efficiently allocate my assets and funds, so I ask you guys for opinions.

Honestly (not OP) I like the 370z, I like the way it looks, I like the way it sounds, and I think they look great when they're tuned for track racing, but they're fucking weighty as hell stock, and unless you do some serious weight reduction they're kinda slow too.

Where's my (you) asshole?

serious question .
Why on fucking earth would you choose a 370 over a mustang, or an m3 or even a challenger for christs sake?

The 370Z is heavy, slow, ugly, overpriced, and generally a shitty car. Instead of spending all of your money on it, you should have bought something significantly cheaper so you could afford to maintain it. A late SC400 would be a little heavier and less powerful, but literally a tenth of the cost or less.

Tires are the single most efficient use of money if you want to go fast. Buy a set of RS3s or Rivals, you won't regret it.

>alot heavier
>1uz has no aftermarket or moddability
>most powerful version was Japanese and was still a weak I6
>4AT only

literally ever mm of the car was purpose built to be the antithesis of performance. Fuck, even the xx70 supra was a better car

I like the looks. I've had a mustang before and they're nice too but it doesn't compare to the looks I get from people in this thing. I get compliments all the time and more attention from the ladies than I ever did in my mustang. I like the way they look and that's just my opinion. I've gotten value from having this car just in the confidence boost and people I've met alone.

>It happens to everyone

Never happened to me

>even my mom


Also, this pic was before I got the bumper refitted and fixed. I bought the car like that, the previous owner hit a parking curb (hitting curbs happens to everyone). The lighting is bad, the pillar trim and hood alignment look whack, but I assure you it's glare and lighting.

that bumper kit looks pretty good

and i usually hate kits on any car

>Less than 10% heavier
>1uz has plenty of aftermarket, and it's not like you're actually going to be making asstons of power anyway, or else you would have just bought a Mustang GT and been done with it
>At least it's not a V6
>Nearly all Zs are automatics anyway


Tire guy here. If your need to replace the tire,(which it looks like you might have to), ask your tire guy if he knows anyone who's willing to hook you up with a tire of that same size, for a good price.

Don't go to the dealership and try to avoid places like big tire stores, mainly Sam's Club or Costco. Their prices are rarely negotiable.

If you want the same brand of tire, expect to pay huge markup. However, if your tire guy can get a hold of a wholesale tire dealer in your city, you'll pay way less for a tire of the same size and durability, without paying brand markup.

I gather those are probably 17 inch tires you're running (common on those Nissan cars), and if your tire shop can hook you up, expect to pay around 120 to 135 bucks for a wholesale tire without the brand name (All tires are manufactured in China, then re-branded Goodyear for the markup) so, if you don't mind driving around on an off brand tire with the same quality as the "Michelin" or "BFGoodrich", go for the wholesale tire instead.

Also, check the balancing on the tire when you install a new one. It looks like a curb check to me, but I don't think your suspension took a beating because of it. Your pride sure as fuck did, but now you'll know to drive smarter, right?

Do you just making random shitposts hoping they make sense?

>buying a car with dipped wheels
You dun goofed. It was owned by a boyracer faggot and has been abused. Should've bought a mustang gt. Way more performance per dollar spent in the aftermarket.

Tire guy again. Be cool with your tire shop and be hoenst with them if you don't have enough cash to pay for a new brand tire. Some shops are cool with giving you a discount (they'll sell you the wholesale tire at the price they get it from the wholesale warehouse, and just ask you to pay for the mounting and balancing.)

You can drive around on that tire for a week or so, but don't let it go past that. The way thoe tires are made, the sidewalls are stiffer than the rest of the tire (think of rubber bending at a 90 degree angle) and after a while, the sidewall bead won't hold up to the pressure you put on the tire.

If you want the tire to last a bit longer, rotate one of your better tires from the back to the front, and roll on that tire in the back depending on the traction of that car (It's rear wheel or four wheel drive I think). In any rate, you want that tire in the back of the car so that the sidewall doesn't have as much pressure put on it steering from side to side, as opposed to rolling straight on the back axle.

If I had that car and that happened to me, and I don't have enough cash for a new tire, I'd put it in the back and keep the tire pressure at about 35 psi. Inflating it more will only spread the rubber away from the sidewall, eventually leading to a blow out.

If you need to get a used tire, find a REAL good tire shop you can trust. Those tires usually go for about 60 bucks used, but make sure the tread is worth it. Good luck.



There is literally nothing wrong with rice when its done properly

nah it's fine keep driving it as hard as you can, it will buff out. the heat you'll get into the tires as you go fast will melt the surface of the crease and force it to stick

the only way to do proper rice is not to do it

this car isn't too raped so it's half decent, but you'll still look like that kid that cried for 2 days straight when paul walker died, hugging his 2F2F poster and being a general faggot

Oh god the panel gaps on that bumper.

>low profile tires

>even my mom has done it

you sound like a huge insecure faggot cunt who works in IT and lets tyrone cuck his sister

Holy fuck, you got me exactly. I do work in IT.

Yeah it was pretty bad. I bought a new bumper from Stillen and had my buddies install it, they own a bodyshop. Looks much better but I haven't taken a pic since then.

They come like that dude, wheels are stock.

Well shit if it hasn't happened to you in 4 years, I guess that means it'll never happen!

need new tire

lol i did this like 6 years ago when i got my first car and it had baldass tyres

>Just trying to efficiently allocate my assets and funds

You already fucked up this part, why not go all out and stance your shitbox already? Now you can smash into speed bumps too.

No they don't. Look how scratched they look in OP and dull in the whole car picture. They would be silver or satin grey with a nice sheen if they were stock.

Jesus, I've been driving for a year so far yet still haven't manage to scrape a curb but I did fucking crack my bumper from driving fast over a pothole.
Are you a dumbass stancefag or something or car dumb in general?
Dude if that bitch is on coils set it up to near stock height plus your fitment is kinda gross because the offset gap, raise it a bit or you'll probably hit a parking block when parking, also check your tire pressure and tread wear atleast monthly and I'm pretty sure most them new Nissan's have a low pressure warning sensor since my G25 had one. Your car is most likely to low and you are a nigger if your not getting a warning light.

this desu the offset looks retarded as fuck and its way too low and hard

like ops tiny penis

I just realized OP's pic is actually his wheel and a ripped tire
Time for OP's sudoku

yeah same