Private matches are out!
Private matches are out!
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First for banned zippy
Tfw not autistic
nth for titans are best
hunters are cool too
warlocks aresuperfriends
but fuck these invader kings trying to steal our traveller
Praise Alpha
Daily reminder Noobish lost a bet to dragonheart over bravo teams name
As of yesterday Dragonheart now holds all rights to the team name bravo team
Beta team is now noobishs team
Zippy or don I urge you to make the changes in the GDoc in order for everything to be up to date
Wait what?
What was the bet?
Please tell me Noobish didn't bet he'd beat Dragonmeme in a 1v1
He faced dragonheart in a 1v1 with bravo teams name on the line
He lost both games.
Why though, i thought it's common knowledge that Dragonheart actually is really good at PvP?
>Dragonheart good at anything in destiny
My sides, please stop.
>trained autism
even shitamorf will get good results if you force him to play dedstiny for days and nothing else
I could dust him any anyone else here in 30 seconds flat
he's good at running in a straight line with a shotgun.
Youtube suggests me a fuckload of japanese Destiny videos and channels.
Is the game popular in japan?
Dragonheart is shit incarnate.
His ass pals that think he's actually good at destiny are just as bad.
Dragonheart almost threw to steroid if it wasn't for his dual lightning grenades
> all these people talking shit
> will never actually put their money where their mouth is and 1v1 him
> even though now there is literally no excuse
Don't change, /dg/
fuck off dragonfart, why don't you make a tourney if you think you're such a hot shit
Shut up dragon youre shit
>Sucking shitter dick even though there's no reason to
does dragonheart still do the fake out shoulder charge? gets me every time.
Now THIS is a spicy meme.
Too bad the degenerates that fuel his ego are also the most avid neets here that literally spend their days shit posting here so we get saturated with shit like this
> implying
I don't even own a PS4. I just don't talk shit because I know I'd likely get thrashed. And I just know almost none of the people here will never reveal themselves for fear of getting rekt.
>implying it's literally not just steroid
>I don't even own a PS4.
so fuck off then and stop sucking a shitter's dick, no one cares about your irrelevant opinion
So he's not allowed to call people out for not putting their money where their mouth is because he doesn't own your console of choice?
>console of choice?
there's no choice, if you actually own xbone or ever worse last gen consoles you should 1kys right now
Except that since people own one, the other, or in my case, both, by definition of the word there is a choice.
That stream was literally the most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed in my 2 years of playing destiny.
And I'm not talking about thesteroid.
If dragon thinks a playstyle like that which relies on nothing but exploiting the blatantly broken aspects of striker titan in crucible that has been known since day 1 ( skating with shotguns, spamming armamentarium lighting nades, fist of havoc that consistently can kill people through walls) when his actual gunplay is fucking laughable then he probably really is as autistic as everyone says.
>entire titan class is consistently lowest ranked in terms of value in PvP
>"he's just using exploits!! titan is broken!!!"
its not like he was playing a stormcaller
Is there really no other way to get rid of Telemetries or do I have to suffer through this agony called existence?
For once I hope I'm being retarded.
Jesus Christ dragon you're almost as bad as jiro at trying to hide your identity, your stench of unique idiocy reeks.
should I spend strange coins on xur when he arrives? I'm fairly new and only got 52 of them, but I'm not sure if he gets a new stock after the new expansion
Strikers have always been the most cancerous things to walk the crucible.
>exploiting the blatantly broken aspects of striker titan
that's considered being a pro now, haven't you seen that viola faggot on yesterday's bungie stream which used exactly that and somehow got invited to the event? Even comes with traditional "panic fist one guy when you're too shit to kill him with your guns"
why do you want to get rid of them? just put them in the vault.
he might not sell new exotics right away but he'll sell higher light items guaranteed. just save them for the first weekend of rise of iron.
Now THAT is some shitter talk if ever I have seen some.
It's like you conveniently blocked out your memories of shotgun blinkers.
The things you just listed are the only reasons to play Striker, or Titans in general.
You're basically saying that every advantage each of the classes have are broken. I'm not sure this game is made for you.
literally put them in the vault retard, what garbage are you storing there so you have no free space and now waste things which actually stack with generic telemetries/class items?
TrueJiro everyone, THE cousin fucker of /dg/.
The only thing he loves more than fucking his cousin is gagging on shitter dick.
fuck off, blink shotgunners are nowhere as bad as striker cancer
I have a ton of them that I have no need for now that I have all three Gunsmith exotics.
And if they're in my vault then they're taking up vault space. I want it to be as clean as possible for RoI.
And what was the only counter?
Striker shitters
Shotpackaged, Rangefinding & Hammer Forged Comedian wielding cancer dancers would like a word with you.
What's wrong with fucking your cousins?
The only thing they all share is skating, If you weren't oxygen deprived from sucking dragon dick so hard you would realise the statement you just made is retarded.
You're completely and utterly deluded or weren't around during that time.
Holy shit fuck off you waste of oxygen.
look who's talking, a shitter who had trouble dealing with shotgun blinkers
Please seeAnd kindly fuck off.
the counter was not to be fucking bad like you
I just spent 11 hours completing the crucible quest line for the triumph book. I feel empty inside
Hard to look bad when you use literally the lowest skill ceiling subclass in the game and rely on gimmicks to win because you can't hit the broad side of a barn with your primary.
Please recheck who you call a shitter, shitter.
>hard raid with fragments and crucible left
>not give a single fuck
>feel great
>literally the lowest skill ceiling subclass in the game and rely on gimmicks to win because you can't hit the broad side of a barn with your primary
Look, a perfect description of a striker shitan bab like you
Lol your autism is showing.
>you use literally the lowest skill ceiling subclass in the game and rely on gimmicks to win because you can't hit the broad side of a barn with your primary.
Sounds like shotgun blinking alright
I started playing on monday so I'm never going to get all the triumphs anyway, but I'll at least try to get the ones I can. Besides crucible is pretty sweet, I really like RIFT mode. The empty comment was because I've played 11 hours in one sitting.
I was talking about strikers.
Do you need someone to hold your hand while you browse the 4chins?
Lolwut. Are you retarded? The counter was a cancer shotgun of your own or blink around like a retard. Just because strikers get a panic button and shoulder charge doesn't make them OP. Throrn, Felwinters & Corrective Measure was OP. Why do you think Y1 was cancer in it's purest form? In the end, it was either Shotpackaged Felwinter's Lie or a Final Round Effrideets if you did Trials.
I miss Y1
please, ladies, your autism is showing
no man should have to play crucible for the long.
The only thing that made blink shitgunners op was the shotguns, since shotguns got nerfed you barely see them anymore.
Meanwhile strikers are doing the same uncontested bullshit they have been doing since Y1.
>tfw you will never wallbang someone to the body with an Effrideets with Armour Piercing Rounds and Final round ever again
>since shotguns got nerfed you barely see them anymore.
Friendly reminder to stop arguing with people that know nothing about PvP.
wow kys anytime
I was saying you barely see blink shitgunners anymore.
Shotguns will always be the meta as long as bungie is running the show.
Do you have that much trouble with reading and context? You've done this multiple times.
It's not his fault, it's the autism.
next time you pretend to be year1 remember that it's blink that got multiple nerfs
I see all these people saying Dragonheart is shit, yet no one is showing any proof, but it's not like it matters as 9/20 will start everyone at zero, again. How about you put your destiny PvP skills where your mouth is and join the 1v1 tournament?
shitang this is the highest level of autism from you to date
t. shitter/shitposter
> anonymous circlejerking about how much better they are than x, y, this, that or the other
> there is now a tournament being planned
> 1v1 private matches are now a thing
> 90% of people will keep talking shit and slink away when called out on a challenge
Dragonmania, are you serious?
Why do people love the taste of shitter dick?
If you take part in something named dragonmania you've already lost the battle with autism.
Or is it the attention they crave?
>Density PT no longer works since there's less than three members now.
09/2014 - 09/2016
; _ ;7
Go to bed dragon, you need your rest so you don't pass out from the hourly sperge fits you insist on throwing
good, it deserved to die 2 years ago, make your own leddit guild now
It was working yesterday did you kick everyone out?
They raided with noobish, so they were subsequently dealt with
This desu
If these people claim dragon is shit prove it and beat him.
I've never kicked anyone out.
>good, it deserved to die 2 years ago, make your own leddit guild now
I know this is bait, but I'll bite.
This was the first real Clan for /dg/. Although Clans meant really nothing back then, it was a place for hundreds of us.
the clan system is bugged to hell right now. it was working for a few hours on tuesday but no dice just yesterday when i went ghost hunting
Is it working now?
Nothing on my end.
>still sucking dragonfart's dick so he keeps playing with you
yes, "was" is the main word here, it's dead. Why did you came back anyway, didn't you leave in like 2014?
Then it's bugged or there's only us 2 that have it set as our psn clan.
I just set it back to mine.
>destiny 2 on ps4 pro
>native 4k
>no loading screens
>completely open world
are you ready?
>things that'll never happen: the post
Are you well, user?
Hopefully it's just bugged.
Either way, this day was to come eventually.
All this > implying
PS4 is a scam
remember that Destiny was gimped because it had to run on ps3 and x360, and it looked amazing and was rock solid 30.
They will easily double that in Destiny 2. PS4 Pro specs are outperforming nvidia's 1080 GPU
Oh my fucking god, I didn't think anyone could come up with a name stupider than skydragongod lolololololololol
Anyone who buys into Sony's PS4Pro marketing ploy is a retard.
>because it had to run on ps3 and x360
remember ps4 exclusive games aren't this impressive either, not even mentioning this is bungie we are talking about
>PS4 Pro specs
Reminder a company's policy is to make all games run on all ps4, so pro will only offer better graphics. If you seriously expect full openworld and no loading screens you're retarded
>native 4k
supposedly no game will actually be in 4K
angry pc players or xboners?
PS4 Pro is super advanced and Bungie will use it for all its worth. Remember that Bungie helped Sony design their controller, so they already have a really good relationship already. They have probably been designing Destiny 2 with Pro in mind since they've known about it for a long time.
>/v/babs who completely skipped half the presentation jizzing on grafeex