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Blueberry waifu

Who is writing for Overwatch now that Metzen has retired?

Are you satisfied with his work on the game's story? He spent a decade writing it.

Why so soon.

Me, i'll make Widowmaker pure again.

>ilios ruins
>lucio on the pillars near point
>"im on top of the world" voiceline spam
>people ask him to contest/get off
>answers in voice yelling "IM ON TOP OF THE WORLD"


Michael Chu has been the main lore guy for at least a year.



"Soldier is ass, don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise." Sure4

Is he right?

Cutest and best pairing

post potgs

Sombra is getting delayed because blizzard are busy shelfing their man vs machine gamemode for a new character because of the overwhelming demand for OMNIC LOLI BUTT

Continue the Mei bullying

It's just a less-good Mccree. He has lower DPS, isn't as accurate, and worst of all, his damage profile is 'constant stream' instead of '140 damage sledgehammered into your forehead as mcree peeks around the corner for 0.0001 picoseconds'

Can you do placements with a friend still?


Yes. might not be the smartest idea, but you still can


>I completely spaced out during the second Death Blossom

>people wonder why they don't have good aim while others do
>they probably don't play this game much at all
>they probably never practice flickshots and shit at the practice range

Islander or Toa?

I know they are both shit but i like them, so i wanna choose one.

How do I flickshot on console

the blue gree one

>practicing at practice range
>not doing a custom game with 6 ana bots, cooldowns to 0 and headshots only

also remember to lower your sensitivity. going from one end of your mousepad to the other should let you do a 180 turn, or more depending on size of mousepad


The one where he isn't black

the bots are good for tracking but i prefer widowmaker on the practice range for flicks

I can actually do flickshots reasonably well

However I've practiced flickshots so much that it's actually really hard for me to just smoothly follow someone with my cursor now. I find myself doing nothing my quick jerks when shooting people, rather than fluid movements.

>that Smugberry
Why is she so perfect? I want her to violently hold my hand

desu the best way to just practice raw aim is to make your csgo sens the same as ow and go onto an aim map

>be playing Lucio
>team asks for heals
>amp it up
>they keep asking for heals
>type "I am healing you retards"
>mfw healing aura wasn't on

Every day, every fucking day, I do something to embarrass myself like this. When will it end?

He said Soldier was ass though as in not playable. Not just bad McCree

I did that once to a McCree on KOTH and he died just as I turned on the heals, after amping up speed and everything
I'm still sorry

He should have used the speedboost to go get the nearest healthpack, obviously.

typical lucio main, already got yor HIV?

I got tested a month ago, my neghole hasn't been pozzed.

this would be pretty damn cool

pudge is balanced because
1. The hook has long travel time
2. The hook also has long return time
3. Once the hook button is pressed and the cast point reached, you can't change its trajectory
4. Pudge has to stand still for ~3 seconds and ult+rot the enemy to kill them, if they are even squishy enough
5. Pudge needs items to stay healthy while ganking and needs kills to scale into lategame
6. Heroes and items exist that counter pudges heavy ganking presence

roadhog is unbalanced because
1. The hook travels so fast it's almost like a melee attack
2. The hook travels back just as fast
3. The cast point for the hook is virtually instant but until the hook lands you can change its trajectory
4. The instant roadhog gets control back, he kills whoever he hooked instantly with a headshot+melee, if they are squishy enough.
5. Roadhog can press E for the biggest heal in the game excluding winston ult, and is just as effective coming out of spawn as he is after 2 minutes on the point
6. No hero hard-counters roadhog. Even the heroes which soft counter roadhog need to outplay the roadhog to win

He is awful. People bring up this retarded idea that he is flexible and can heal but it is bad to be jack of all trades and doing every job bad instead of doing your own job well. I mean, even in my gold level games (low 2000) there are healers. If you are any lower than that then you should uninstall.

Can someone draw an ulted genji nano boosted with a harmony orb with mercy damage boosting him with speedboost with armor with shields

They broke roadhogs hook in the latest patch so you can fuck off with your complaining until they fix him.

>quick play

it's a given that they are going to "fix" it, so i'm whining now to warm up

It's a 205 damage projectile, any non-tank/non-Reaper hero is going to die in one shot.
You either reflect it, dodge it, or stun/kill the Bastion before it can kill you. It's actually a pretty good ult so you really have to not let the Bastion get it off properly or else that push is as good as dead.

Also hiding works too, as long as Bastion doesn't try any tank jumping shenanigans, getting immediately behind cover is probably going to help immensely. The more time Bastion wastes looking for something to shoot like an idiot (like webm related), the more his 8 second ult is wasted. He gets like 9 shots total if he's spamming M1 so every shot that misses or he doesn't fire is 11%-33% ult charge wasted (33% since he gets like 3-4 kills max on average).

>He usually just pops out from nowhere and fucks us up.
If you haven't seen Bastion for a few seconds after he's been shredding your team or respawning, he's probably waiting to pop his ult. At this point, your teammates should be screaming "WHERE IS BASTION, BASTION IS MISSING" and backing off until he uses it like you're playing Dota.
Followed by furious pinging and "gg noob mid no missing no gank"

>but I can't understand a word from Bastion.
It's Bastion, you don't need to. If he starts tooting like he's about to start a victory march, you get the fuck out of there.

It's so easy to bait out hook and avoid it. The only time I get caught is if I didn't know Roadhog was there.

Another hand earned (you)



>hold m1
>receive potg

Yes, but don't.

Get placed where you belong, not where the combo of you and your friend belong.

Otherwise you'll be kicking yourself for getting placed into Gold just like I did.

>It's so easy to bait out hook and avoid it
Found the sub 1000 player. You literally can't "bait" a decent hog player because he fucking actually aims at you.

There is also the time when you are behind your whole team and the hook just decides to ignore them and take you.

>tank jumping shenanigans

Having a comfy sleepover with your best friend is fun and definitely not gay or anything.

Roadhog is balanced because
>he has the hitbox on 4 76s taped together
>if he manages to flank you, you should probably visit a doctor because you're deaf af famalam
>if you tried to 1v1 him and died you're a fucking moron stay with your team jesus christ just pick Reaper
>you can dodge the hook as long as you aren't standing 5 fucking feet away from him
>whenever he presses e you can just left click his head for a free 30% ult charge, I do this all the time as Lucio
Don't whine about hard counters in a team based game where there's no stat gain.
If you can't play around a hog then you should just stop playing.
Here's your fucking you.

of course not

It still amuses me that out of all the heroes in Overwatch, Bastion is the one with rocket jumping powers.

Actually I watch some Seagull, Surefour, and Mendo streams where they run circles around Roadhog with Genji and Tracer. You must be bad.

>starting earthshatter that high in the air
I was bad with that too, but all it does is give them a second to prepare and leaves you defenseless midair
Wait until you're like 4 feet off the ground.

dota 2 is shit

>Genji and Tracer up close aren't getting hit!
No shit, you fucking clown. Show me someone reliably avoiding his shit at mid range, or with the rest of the cast who don't have tiny hitboxes and 100 movement options.

So many good Morrison and Reyes pics ruined by god damn cat ears.

So many of of them.

>cat ears

I will never understand this particular fetish


See this? Roadhog is fucking d-tier. It's the bad players who have trouble with him.

>you can dodge the hook as long as you aren't standing 5 fucking feet away from him
Maybe if the hog is shit as you are.

>pick reaper
>get hooked and killed instantly unless you sneak up (which you should be doing, but still)
gg, gotta love 250 damage instant kills from across the point.

>tumblr fangs
Mchanzo is the most cancerous ship

how about: Hey dude nice video or whatever.


Hoggy is best on CP defense, especially if they also have a Zarya covering his ass
He's particularly annoying because he's bound to get at least one hook and kill, leaving your team a man down for the push
He's also fairly hard to kill because he can retreat back into his teammates for safety and heal himself, you really need to swarm the cunt and that's hard on CP when their team is grouped up

I don't think Hog is overpowered, though. I'm saying the hook is anti-fun. Roadhog may as well be Tank Mei as far as I'm concerned. He's a one trick pony, and that trick is really stupid for both him and the person he hooks. He gets his one kill for free, the rest of the team shits on his fat face.

Are we posting cancer now?

>Play D.va
>17 killstreak
>silver elimination
>gold damage
>cuck a nanoboosted Tracer

Kind of fun.

>The hog doesnt heal himself
bad player detected

no thanks

Watch any pro game. Discord Roadhog and reaper or mccree kills him instantly because he has no mobility. It's especially so easy for mccree to headshot the fucker and kill him instantly.

Thing is his hook was nerfed in the recent patches. He no longer pulls targets close enough to him for the blast to kill and sometimes people are able to backpedal away outside of melee range.

The Hook + M1 + Melee combo isn't guaranteed kill anymore.

>saw pictures of all my favourite male heroes with vaginas

Why do people act this way, /owg/?

Which legendary skin is best for Zenyatta and Hanzo?

Did you get that Potg for blocking McCree's Ulti...?

>Mfw nanoboosted Winston ultimate


>still whining about getting hooked
Stop being predictable.
Know when he used his hook, get aggressive when it's on cooldown, get ready to doge when it's not.
It's pretty obvious when a hog is looking to hook someone, just juke it then let him have it.
Dueling Roadhogs as Reaper is one of the best feelings in the game.
You shouldn't be playing Reaper and le epic flanker either, I see way too many assholes going around as him that are somehow oblivious to the fact that the only other heroes in the game that broadcasts their movements more obviously are Reinhardt and Hog.
Just stick with your team, break Rein shield, punish their tanks for being aggressive.
If you want to pick off squishes you can play Genji or Tracer or even fucking McCree and 76.
Reaper has 250 health, use it stay in the fight instead of trying to close the gap with their back line.

Oh yeah for sure, I know that.
But not every game is a pro game lel, he's still good in high levels if played correctly, but pro stuff is the top of the top, and there are heroes that simply have higher skill ceilings that get mastered and played over him.
He certainly took a hurting when Zen came into the meta, and he's shit against a crowd of people because low fire-rate and low ammo capacity, but he's alright at assisting the team defend.

What about wolf ears?



>Nanoboosted 76 ult


I swear to god, almost half of the /d/ users are women, the rest is over at /y/ and they all want fucked up shit.

>Block half of pharahs ult with Rein shield
>Block McCree's ult with teh rest of it as it breaks
>get two finishing blows
>potg goes to a genji triple kill
When are they gonna make potg actually fun to watch?

It's kind of funny I guess but I will never understand how anyone can find animal ears on a dude arousing.


Well, if the japs and greeks do it, then it's fine by me as well

i wish i was as cute as d.va

Nice, i didnt know, that you get PotGs for sth like that

He really isn't. The only time he is used is in cheesy NiP strat. He is an awful hero against good players. If this general had their way Winston would get buffed and Roadhog nerfed. lel just uninstall

ok here u go

Why is Tracer so much thiccer in HOTS?
Not fair desu.

With a little bit of work, that would be a really good talon skin

got more Tracey?

You want to know something outside of that tumblr garbage? From the way Hanzo is written, there are two routes he can go:
He'll be corrupted by Talon only to face his brother in battle resulting in his "death" and redeeming him.
He stays neutral searching for a path and connection that brings him out of the void he's currently in. Zen can't be this character due to conflicting ideals.

Should be go the later route, he needs a character that balances out his harsh sensibilities but also comes from his "world". Not the same hierarchy, but the perspective of dealing with a seedy organization and over coming the guilt while leaving it buried in the past. Currently, there is only one character who's done this. McCree. His personality also compliments Hanzo's.

But this is under the impression Blizzard is still as predictable with their writing. I still very much believe much of the lore of this game isn't even written yet. Which means the way fans react to it is going to effect how it's written. It's simply what happens to stories that aren't fleshed out and still in development. Even if you try to avoid it, it's impossible not to.

/y/ is absolutely horrifying, I swear they had an actual conversation on how gay men are misogynistic in the last OW thread.

>He plays on a different platform than me
>HaHaha what a faggot
>such a funny and original joke