League of Legends general /lolg/

Onest truest pairing edition. Thank you based drawfriend.



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euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=a bad time vi

Fate skins when?
Genderbent skins when?

First for fertile dragons

xth for considering hurting myself if i dont get plat

>worst ship makes a thread AGAIN

It's best ship you know nothing

Post gnat the misen len

you got two months bro how hard could it be


You should stop playing then.

I could write a list of my recent experiences but I think i'm too angry right now to hear anymore "just dont be tilted lol" "just carry harder"

if you're having trouble winning below diamond it honestly is just carry harder
you're probably not a good player if you're having trouble carrying
>b-b-but I keep getting feeders on my team
Yeah and the thousands of people who constantly boost or level up smurfs past plat just got lucky

can i have the full comic of that`??

but what if im just a bit better than gold

i shouldnt have to hard carry every game to get higher, i want to improve bit by bit

>tfw haven't got ranked rewards in the last 4 years due to being t0xin

wew lards

bois i made it to plat with shaco
euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=a bad time vi

so broken

>hover Yasuo as bot
>it gets banned

>hover yasuo as jung
>it gets banned

Are you fucking kidding me,I cant play anything else. I just end up feeding with other chars. I cant even use the bloodmoon skin which I bought

Riot should fucking remove ban right from there human wastes.

post yfw this guy

If you don't feed and try your best then statistically you should climb to where you deserve to be as the enemy has a higher chance of getting a feeder/tilted person out of the 5 people while you only have the chance out of 4 people.


>SSS (No counterplay)

>SS (God Tier)

>S (Legendary Tier)

>A (Okay tier)

>B (Good Tier)


B Should just be counterpick/niche tier

youre fucking shit and should feel like shit for posting such shitty shit list

gnar is still way way further up than b

pantheon sucks ass out of lane, you need to take that into account. Take him out of S for got sakes


You see, I am not a common spider. A common spider feasts on its' prey the second it gets caught on its' web. But I am different.

When my prey gets caught on my web, I never even let it know of its' predicament. I feed it. I caress it. I perfect it. I sacrifice parts of my self for my prey. I sacrifice my own comrades for it. The more parts of myself I give it, the prettier it becomes. The more treachery I commit for nurturing it, the healthier it looks.

And when this process is complete... When my prey has reached perfection... This is when I strike. This is when I FEAST on it.

And trust me, there is no better taste out there. The more I feed it, the easier it becomes to devour. The more I sacrifice for it, the tastier it is. The more ignorant it is of its' hopelessness, the greater the warmth inside my heart.

>pantheon sucks ass out of lane
I'm guessing you mean out of early game, because he's pretty much the best roamer in top lane.

You can easily fuck up Ekko with Quinn.

And even with the recent nerfs Gnar is still an S or SS Tier.

user I had the same problem a while ago. I entered a fucking rampage after rationalizing and calming down. I did a 11-13 match win streak and now im steadily getting to Plat after dropping from gold 2 promos to gold 4.

Its not carry harder. But its definitely a matter of trying to identify your problem and working on it. Youre definitely gonna lose some games because of dumb people but that happens all the time. Maybe your MMR is a bit low? Get some people to play with while it increases. I had 75~50 points below my laverage when I had this problem myself. Maybe your builds are kinda fixed and not situational enough.

If ALL else fails, you might want to consider you must git gud little by little and you might be at your current skillcap.

Ask for advice with certain scenarios every once in a while but try for the most part not to put yourself in the me unga team bunga mindset.

Good luck user.

I want Shyvana to sit on my face!

Yeah, thats what I meant. Once lategame comes and full 5 on 5s begin, you essentially are a stun bot who can hopefully blast an enemy adc out of position before things go badly for you.

t. former pantheon mayne.

ekko, fiora, gnar

gp, irelia, yas

panth, trundle, garen, darius, shen

naut, kled, rumble, swain, malph, naut, sion

>D (dick shit useless Tier)
rene, riven

For some odd reason, I've been getting a moderately high win rate with a non-standard tank amumu
>hunter's talisman then boots
>finally finish cinderhulk
>game ends
I think I'll keep on continuing this and maybe get lvl7 badge for amumu


I want to go swimming in Leona

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Playing as Pantheon is basically playing on a timer.

Ill just spam Gnar anyways.


Is deadmans plate decent on Shaco as the third item?

Something something kogmaw op, I don't have any images of Kog on mobile but press F to pay respects and get your freelo while it's hot

I can't believe I wasted to much time not climbing for free with this nigga

I can see that working if your enemy is too ignorant to invade a jg mumu.

Janna is pretty fun watch out sona o:

How do you guys keep motivated climbing ranked?

I lost plat 3 promos like 4 times now, been trying real hard to get Diamond recently

why are normals so fucked up, why can't i have a normal normal game. thresh+blitz bot, ad ahri/azir and all that shit every time

I just play normals for when I wanna have fun even if we lose. Theyre prolly under the same logic.

depends on the team. most of the time i would go jungle item > mobi > tiamat > statiks > situational

if you dont go mobi boots and need the move speed to gank better or have heavy ad enemies you might go jungle item > other boots > tiamat > deadmans

never buy swiftness boots anymoe since they got nerfed

tiamat is essential now since you get extremely faster jungle clear

>No counterplay

Trynd, Yasuo, Jax or literally any champ with more mobility and more consistent mitigation/sustain.

it took me 1 whole years to get from plat 1 to Diamond 5 (got to promo only twice).

i just wanted to be Diamond so bad and then never Play ranked again. felt good when i made it

I am looking forward to that myself, then I remembered the new decay system, which means if I ever reach diamond this season I'll have to keep playing so I don't get booted back to plat 1.. kinda sad

lol you only have to Play once every 28 days m8
and since season will end soon you maybe have to Play 2 games in total to Keep your rank. and even if you lose them you wont drop since you Need at least like 10 games t odrop from div 5 to div 1

Are you sure? I thought they changed it so you decay after 10 days, in the last patch

If you're challenger or master ya fuckin goof

Low quality b8, git guuder

yes. otherwise i would have decayed already
i think those 10 days are for master/challenger

the only difference in decay between plat and Diamond is how much you lose (25 in plat 50 in Diamond)

I am fucking dumb I guess

Sell me playing Draven ADC. One of my friends tells me he's shit.

>my yi says vlad can't go top
>mid sona says to report me for int feeding when she went 0/9 and i was 0/4
silver's a wonderful place

High skillcap. Snowballs to a victory or is useless. Easy to carry with if youre realllly good with him.

> riven
> useless

maybe in shit ass silver, but in mid elo and higher, this bitch is aids

no my mmr is too high so i lose matches because i cant carry silvers who feed against plats

obviously its low again now but it will grow again when i go on a winning streak

>shit ass silver
im diamond you mong

Step 1: pick kogmaw
Step 2: win game and collect elo

This is gold elo, so exactly what you're looking for. Make it to 30 minutes and you win, and as a bonus if you get even a few kills they surrender at 20 because they know you'll fuck them

Riven is so fucking cancer plat + lol.

Like top laners seem to think they can eat her combo early and trade back.

So fucking dumb.

I was in such a good mood to play LoL today, but then the servers died. Fuck my life and fuck EUNA. Oh, and fuck you RITO, you incompetents
Is this a nice girl?

>i cant climb because my mmr is too high
>in other words "im too good to climb"
you shitter who are too shit to climb are getting more and more creative about why you cant climb

holy fuck just git gud and shut the fuck about noob

Evelynn is cute!

she's a fucking bitch and everyone who plays her should kys asap

>implying anyone can carry when a team mate has fed 10+ kills

if no challenger ive watched can do it, neither can some presumably silver user on Veeky Forums

Are you ill-tempered faggot? Do you rage and afk often? Do you want to be? Then play Draven, the adc only the douchiest douchebags play.
Seriously in victory or defeat, every Draven player in ranked that I've played with have been an horrible person.



noone said you should have 100% winrate you idiot

if you cant climb period then you are just too bad

if that wouldnt be the case who can i boost people from silver to plat in one week consistently with having 75% winrate and playing alone?


>ywn be dominated by a horny shyvana

Youre making no sense buddy. Like said in a fit of rage, you're jus contradicting yourself.

How many points is your MMR compared go your league?

Again, stop the "its my team who cant do shit" mentality.


>no proof


Thank god for that. I'd never wish to be dominated by a filthy halfbreed whore

That's what's beautiful about Draven. His thematic, gameplay and playerbase are in perfect sync.

Some of these /lolg/ posters just can't handle the cute, I guess.

> plays against riven one tricks
> think they're useless

>smurf 1 (decayed because banned for flaming shitters like you)
>smurf 2
euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=a bad time vi
>smurf 3 (started playing him a few days ago with xerath and shac. before my bro played)

man if you are euw i can log in for you too in a few hours when im home from work.

just git gud

im happy if i play vs riven. its kinda free lane for me

>being homo

What a shame. I feel so bad for them...


Gas the queers

uh user only one of those is plat

t. Someone who never faced a good Riven


post in-game profile so we can see dat team queue preference badge, boi

So, as a top laner, is it better to destroy the enemy laner early on or pick something that scales well and bide your time while making sure you don't feed?

Who do you play? Quinn? Kennen?


What do I build on Janna?

After I've finished my support item and censer, I feel like I have no idea what to build.

>mfw plat 1 99lp

Depends, as a Naut top main, I just wait until midgame teamfights where I'm way more useful

>afk next game
>zzrot heimer game after
>afk game after

have fun user!

t. riot

>There are people that don't find Best Girl cute

i dont see riven on the list, user

are you legit stupid?
first one is obviously decayed. you can check lolking and see he was plat 4
second one is plat 5
and as i said i just started with the 3rd one
see last ranked games

just accept it that you suck and Need to get better in order to climb.

also stop being jelly. everyone can see im legit and not shittalking. just check mutual friends i Play with on These accounts or just add me

if you are on euw and can pay in bitcoins ill boost your sorry ass

IMO just pick the top you want to play. Both are pretty viable. There are extremes you should probably avoid though: Nasus/Pantheon.