/edg/+/scg/ - Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous #50

Welcome to the merged general of Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. Don't fucking reply to obvious bait.
Previous Thread:
>Elite: Dangerous information:


Gamescom info:
>Star Citizen information:
Gamescom info:

>Current Version: 2.5
Referral code randomize:
>Other games:
If it doesn't have a general, post it here; just don't get upset about sharing. If it DOES have a general, please go. We don't need your baggage.
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

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Previous thread

Forgot to edit it.

>it's a "everyone who doesn't praise Star Citizen is Derek Smart" episode

Literally been called DS twice in-game and half a dozen times in /scg/.

Fuck off Aquila

Real question from someone who's just getting interested recently in SC.
I aim to do a bit of everything, but I like fighting.
Should I go for the Redeemer, the Retaliator Base, or the Constellation Andromeda.
I like the look of the Retaliator but it doesn't have pylon or gimball mounts...


Best ship.


>Watch a couple of his videos
>It's shit I realized on day 1 of Arena Commander

One of these days I'll remember the SC playerbase are a bunch of mongoloids.

getting anything else is literally retarded and a waste of money

example pls b0ss

300$ for vaporware, for less than that you could get freelancer package + hornet.

I have assets around 15mil including my dbx

Just get the Aurora LN anything else and you are just taking gameplay away from yourself.

oops, wrong pic

is this tech demo a scam yet?

On this episode of good idea, bad idea, we look at how to criticize video games.

Good idea
>I don't like this, I like this better or want to see it implemented like this
Bad Idea
>This game is shit, it's never coming out, Derek Smart was right, 90 days tops

Just R&D for now


>fed convoys are more common
>goods stolen from feds are worth more
>fed convoys carry more
>fed convoys have less escorts
>piracy is still bugged
They didn't think this competitive CG through.

Let me spell this out for you, since you're literally retarded. Those people don't think you're actually Derek Smart, they just find your criticism to be retarded in its particulars, being from a retard, and not wanting to waste time refuting your bullshit, they just call you Derek as a way to dismiss you.

tl;dr stop whining about stupid shit and people won't call you a Derek

You know where you are right?

So is 2.6 in ptu for evocati or was the email a fake?

the whole game is a fake

top is the kind of problems elite has

bottom is the kind of problems SC has

Thanks for the answers guys, I guess I'll add the aurora LN to the list.
I am not planning to put money into the game until it reaches beta so I ain't forkin 300$ out for abstract concepts yet.
I'm just asking wich one of them would be better for what I aim to play once the game is mostly finished, and still not paying real money.

They absolutely did. Empire is fdev and the dad's pet faction.

Actually, that's pretty accurate. Top is usually met with accusations of being entitled millennials while bottom is usually met with Derek Smart comments, respectively.

probably when (if) it hits beta all the ships will have been redone 3 more times and changed their stats completely, so who can say?

>mfw they rig a CG this hard and are still barely winning
Shame they'll get to pretend they won fair and square despite being btfo by 3 days in the CZ section.

I gues you're right. I'll just wait and see then.
Thank you.
Tbh I find the lack of any fixed mount or pylon or gimball on the retaliator kinda stupid so maybe it will be changed.

Oh, I forgot that the Fed one was broken for several days.,

freelancer reminds me of this vehicle


Where were you when SC pirates were BTFO?
>So many of us who really don't want to be molested when playing this game, (Unless we are actually in the mood for it.) are adopting the arm for bear mentality. We have spent more money that we should have with one thing in mind, ... Overkill.
If a pirate comes at me nice like, and will provide protection for a fee, I'll talk.... no problem really.
But if they come at me thug like, or pew pew right off the bat, I'm going to shoot that proverbial squirrel in the face with a 40mm cannon. Even if they win, they will spend more than they get in repairs.

I don't care if you say I'm griefing you because I'm stopping you from playing your CIG approved play style.... I just don't care.
You choose to throw a punch at me, I'm going to climb you like a monkey.
Pic related, its a dead outlaw.

>But if they come at me thug like, or pew pew right off the bat
Do these people not realise that theres enough time for you to surrender to an actual pirate before your ship gets damaged?

We need a shoot to kill list.

I love how grimhex has a comm link and you can see public enemy from anywhere

just fly over it and snipe them with your ship lmao. They get mad too


Mentally ill every time

Why.... do dads and internet retards... spam ellipsis... so often are they... dumb....

These people are who we should all be fighting. Not one another in different orgs.

It's far worse when they use whatever,,, these,,, are supposed to be

probably because... they are european and like europeans... they use commas for no fucking reason?...


Next up, our favorite.

>You're assuming there will be player pirates and that's unlikely. The players pretending to be pirates want to kill you... that's their main game. They also want an unfair fight where you don't have a chance so they have no risk. Taking your cargo is something they grudgingly do to pay the in-game bills.

t. Daphne

>playing anything but a bulk hauler is bad

No no, its not that bad, you just need to be an ethical pirate!

>Excessive damage to a ship (or damage to things you don't really need to be shooting at), or harming anyone who doesn't have a weapon out, triggers rep loss among the ethical outlaw communities and sharply affects your 'professionalism' rating.

Come on son, don't you want to impress the other pirates by being ethical? The empire was built on ethics y'know.

I really want someone with an LTI hull to just crash into these people and when they get angry say you're RPing a drunk driver

Remember kiddos the one thing real life criminals and pirates are renowned for doing is letting people walk away when they don't comply or have the ability to fight back or ability to pay demands.

>plead with a hull driver to stop and gimme his cargo
>have to deal with watching him while I take his stuff
>have to talk to some turbo autist over the in-game VOIP trying to appeal to my conscious


>Blow up the tractor module and take my sweet ass time sifting through the loot


Reminder that this is what space dads actually believe

>I want to be a trader, and while the thought of encountering pirates is worrisome, I love the idea of being dragged out of QD and seeing a group of pirate ships that outgun me, but instead of getting incoming missile warnings and the like (which would potentially destroy my cargo anyways lol) I get a notice that we're being hailed, and a player's voice over the comms actually says, "Surrender your cargo or face the consequences. We will destroy you if you try anything. If you surrender we will board you, take your cargo, and let you be on your way."

>Then of course as a trader I could try to kill them when they boarded, or take hostages which would make their friends less inclined to open fire, etc. Or I could give up the cargo.

desu the idea of space pirates is pretty dumb especially when you're shooting missiles and gatling guns at your target

You forgot about the impenetrable cargo containers I was promised by /scg/

>say you're RPing a drunk driver

You know, instead of blowing them up we should leave them out in space in their gutted out spaceship or just in their spacesuit.

While i get this sentiment the one thing that will make the game boring is 100% psycho or 100% ethical. Games need a mix otherwise its a button pushing simulator that only a german could love.

The dads only see the 100% psycho outcome.

So I havent payed attention to Star Citizen or this general for a while.

What's new? H ow's the Alpha?

Is it worth getting that Freelancer package for 120 buckaroos?

I want to be able to capture other players and keep them as sex slaves in a fully featured sex slave minigame.


Of course you do.

>star citizen
>whats new

oh I am laffin

I'm sure we all do

Its fun, 2.5 has a small game universe to explore, basically the upper orbit of a gas giant which is pretty neat. Two player 'hubs' being Grim Hex (green imperial housing exchange) for pirates and Olisar for everyone else.

Just watch out for those non-ethical pirates.

only impenetrable by radiation and paint flecks :)

Bit shit when you encounter micrometeorites.

that's what deflection shielding is for

Reminder that micrometeroites should get an instant bounty on their head for murdering another player:

>For instance if we wanted to encourage theft but discourage thrill kill psycho murder cults, we might make theft something you can avoid being known for but not murder ever.

t. Full Frontal Yeti

Would suck if the shields went down

yeah, welcome to space



So basically everyone is still waiting

Good job you can't cover cargo containers in a cargo bay or else it wouldn't be space

lots of cool ships, some space stations with cool shops etc.

but gameplay is still shit unbalanced
MMO servers are 30fps max and shitty

2.6 (soon) will rebalance arena commander and include star marine so we can see if the gameplay actually gets improved

armor is heavy, heavy means more fuel, more fuel means more thrust, which means more weight, which means more fuel

welcome to space :^)

Its sure useful that light weight alloys and composites don't exist in the future and the super efficient engines and powerplants don't work either.

someone explain to me, if port olisar has gravity generators, what are the rings for?

doesn't negate the fact that every pound of armor is a pound of cargo less for the same size of ship, which might be good for a tanky combat ship, not so much for a hauler

How about an org that tracks the most unsufferable people on RSI forums and adds their monicker to a blacklist and when the game goes live dedicate all their resources hunting them down over and over?

or "how to have your account banned for harassment in 3 easy steps"

>What are the rings for



I mean most orgs have a kill on sight list already, but I make sure to seperate ingame from forums since most of the forum dads rarely actually play the alpha.

Nope. Centripetal force generating artifical gravity for the environment inside.

lrn ur science nigga

The hard limit for space travel at this point will be mass and not standardised docking areas?

your arguing against any form of covered shipping

rule of cool

also gravity generators break

no I'm just saying if you want to maximize your payload then covering it in plates is stupid

hull series are dedicated haulers, something like the freelancer will have less cargo space for its mass

everyone wants to maximise pay load

>lrn ur science nigga


>Someone explain to me, if port olisar has gravity generators then what are the rings for

Is there character creation yet? or just placehodler models for players?

How big is the MMO universe? I heard it was one star system or something.

You don't, apparently.

Its not an mmo universe, there are like 20 or so points of interest, its still big considering this isn't even a full system

>also gravity generators break

>get back from long haul across 12 jump points
>Big Benny's noodles not sitting well
>go back to my EZhab to take a massive dump
>mid-dump the lights flicker and gravity warning

>>lrn ur science nigga
>>Someone explain to me, if port olisar has gravity generators then what are the rings for

well fug, you got me there.

Perhaps the gravity generators were added later to a model original built around the centripetal force concept?

Like, they decided to upgrade an older star station?

everyone looks the same, you can buy armor/flight suits

I think the female and customization are coming in 2.6

yeah like 4 stations and a bunch of comm link thingies

estimated delivery date: nov 2014

>the mere existence of gravity generators means they'll be used literally everywhere with no limitations and with no operating costs in energy, maintenance, etc.
Use your fucking brain once in awhile you dumb nigger.

neither did people in the age of sail it would seem

t. Derek 'Two Weeks' Smark

but they are used literally everywhere in the game right now

even the fucking aurora has gravity inside its matchbox cabin

The space age equivalent of unexpected turbulence while on the airplane toilet.

>why aren't gravity generators used in this one place?
>gets given a reason why
>but gravity generators are used literally everywhere
Do you even listen to yourself?

As someone with ulcerative colitis, this terrifies me.

>gravity generators used literally everywhere
>hurr they're too expensive to use on this one section of a ship that has gravity generators

Times do change. When you need your goods to be safe against environmental factors, below deck is pretty good. When you don't have to worry about it, like you don't with modern container ships where all the protection and temperature control is part of the container itself, maximizing efficiency is the better deal. That's also why we use mostly covered trailers on the roads, they're not large enough to contain the same containers ships use.

I'm probably putting this in a way that doesn't make sense or seem right to anyone but myself, but fuck it.

Listen you stupid chode, he asked

>If there are gravity generators why are there rings

I answered. What the fuck is your problem nigger?

but there's gravity on the landing pads and inside the station all the time, the station has clearly been designed with always on gravity in mind, there's no handrails everywhere to float along with in case it breaks

the rings aren't that big, there's nothing you could put in there that couldn't easily be covered by the internal gravity field of the station