Beta is live
/brg/ - Battlerite (Beta) General
Look at all these responses
its a new game, just thought i'd put the post here
What bloodlines are you guys enjoying?
I think the new Vangaurd is fun, but I miss the old Battle Cry
As always, Igniter is my nigga but I'm not digging his voice.
i never played blc, is this basically the same game? sirius is my man
It was pretty much the same, yeah.
what about this game is going to succeed where BLC failed?
It's a bit more casual, everyone moves slower and moves aren't as complicated.
It might fail, who knows. Post-Moba arena games have been popular lately, though.
I fucking love Ranid
I used to play Alchemist more or less exclusively in BLC.
So pretty naturally the new Alchemist feels natural too, however she isn't quite as cute anymore.
As for others, Gunner/Jade is now pretty fun to play with the changes to her.
And Spearman/Shifu feels just OP.
All in all even with the alchemist being a downgrade, in general I really like the new looks, especially for the ladies who look sexy and fun, but not in the full body latex ass in your face way that OW does it.
shifu seems pretty strong especially when you counter and they hit you for free 3 weapon charges unga gorilla impale damage
its basically: E, Q, Space/RMB, RMB, RMB (until full charges), LMB.. rince and repeat LMB+RMB combo, Q if you are getting hit by nasties, E if your target tries to escape.
I need to test him a bit more but feels stupidly strong atm.
Been playing Polona i think, pretty fun with a friend doig 2vs
did we ever get a consensus on what mix of tank/damage/support was best for 2s/3s?
Surprised by how much I'm enjoying the healers.
How much would you guys pay to touch Oldurs fluffy ears?
that one loli healer seems strong
Fuck I was kinda hype for this game but it's just a brawler with moba limits to skillsets without the strategic aspect of a moba. I'd rather be playing Gigantic.
>tfw spamming bubbles on enemy healers
>doing nothing but spamming bubbles and pissing on people with my magic healing piss
feels fucking good honestly
>tfw my first legendary was her ugly aquarium rod
There's a fucking huge amount of strategy, just not the traditional moba strategy.
>went from queues popping before I have time to stop them to 2 minute queues in 4 hours
god damnit
My queues are anywhere from 15 seconds to 2 minutes. That's not bad for 1:30am, especially when you consider how dead BLC is.
Don't even look in my direction if you aren't at least rank 12, you filthy casual.
im 10 but i havent played much :^(
how do you get /in/ ?
rip any spare keys boiz ?
seconding this
bakko a beast
prove me wrong
>shitty cartoony artstyle
>reused assets from previous game
>ugly skins, most of them just recolors
>bad voice acting
>get 2 russians in team and remember why i fucking hate MOBAs
Anyway, what was the point of making this? There is like 10% this game will succeed, because it's just unappealing and cheap as fuck.
This game is gonna fail and its making my blood boil because its fantastic.
People just dont want a hardcore, honest game like that.
>tfw in dota 2 hadcore ninja (very fast paced brawler custom game mode) has 50 players while top 10 is riddled with fucking tower defense games
fuck this gay earth