Is this really true? Any Australians here to confirm this?
Australian government crushes you car
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Yes we also have cunts who think they are mad max
USA also does this especially in la
Very true. The nanny state is fucked
It's 100% true. Aussies will tell you that 'nah m8 just the highway patrol cops are bros' but it still happens.
It's the kind of shit you'd expect to see justified by pseudointellectual commie fedora tippers ranting about the greater good or social cohesion and maximum producrtvity or some shit, but it's not. They just do it. Like a bunch of robots programmed to destroy fun.
They also wanted to ban porn that wasn't THICC so at this point the world is beginning to suspect that australia is in fact populated entirely by Veeky Forums shitposters
I live in LA, they never do this. They just ticket you and then suspend your licence.
All states here do it don't they?
Only if you're brown or a junkie looking fucker
Some police departments decided to sponsor drag strips events instead.
>Australian people have had their S15s, BRZs, Evo, STIs, crushed.
And nothing of value has been lost
>Not road courses
>highway patrol cops are bros
I thought highway patrol was completely fucked and corrupt.
I've heard plenty about it though it seems to come more from cunts on ACA and no-fun officers having a whinge about "hoons".
I reckon it happens on occasion, though certainly not on the first offense. Why shoot the cow when you can milk it for all it's worth first?
>Aussies will tell you that 'nah m8 just the highway patrol cops are bros'
Nobody will say this, ever. Fucking vultures are on par with those assholes who check parking tickets.
This is just a meme word now, innit? Like "racist" or "problematic".
Never known anyone who it happened to, couple though that ended up with the car impounded for a while.
Generally for an impound they need to be unlicenced, unrego'd, the car is completely unroadworthy or some kind of repeat offender who just yolo don't give a fuck.
>"She's young,"
>"and she's excited,"
>"and she's inexperienced,"
Yeah, seems that way with NSW highway patrol.
>tfw from Melbourne, moved to California
A much shit people give California, it's immensely better than Vic.
Check this one out,
>it frightens the kids
Fug, I remember when I was kid I had autistic fascination with cars. And the noise didn't bother me or anything, I actually liked hearing my older siblings and extended family rev up their cars. I come from a family of car autists.
highway cops exist for one reason, revenue raising. They never have to get involved in domestic disputes, gang warfare, murders, etc.
They just sit in the car with the speed camera.
They will never let you off with a warning, they will fine you every single time.
That said, if all the hoons had their cars taken away they would make less revenue.
Australia is fucked
Source - am Australian
Cali has stupid smog laws, but other than that, it's alright. You can have a loud exhaust or straight pipe it or whatever.
Vic's basically our token communist police state
>"It may look like your average Aussie residential neighbourhood,"
>"but there's an infestation of softcocks and sooks."
im pretty sure its only Victoria that crushes your car
I think SA they only impound it
top kek, fags btfo
California's "stupid" smog laws are a necessary evil. If we didn't most California cities on the coast would resemble Beijing.
For the most part the only real rule that California has is that if you want to mod your car you need to pay the California tax if it could potentially affect emissions.
If you want to talk about California's shit laws, the real bullshit is surrounding guns.
Oh man don't even get me started on my god forsaken states anti-gun legislation.
>the real bullshit is surrounding guns.
Yep, you need to shoot more niggers
I'm and I plan to move out soon. I lived through the '96 ban. I'm not going to live through that shit again.
I still think cars over 25 should be except.
I would argue that if your car can't pass emissions tests, it shouldn't be on the road, especially the laughably simple steady state testing that the current smog tests use.
I really wish it was easier to do grey market imports but I'm not really going to lose sleep over it.
Lived in Vic all my life and I've never known anyone to have their cars crushed, I know the law exists though.
Nobody I know is stupid enough to do burnouts in the CBD of Melbourn though. Save that shit for country back roads and private property.
Nah senpai, we can just agree to disagree. Getting a car to pass smog isn't even hard to begin with.
>an open scoop is a danger to pedestrians
Thank God I live in America
To think I'd feel bad for the Lebs.
i got let of with warning from highway patrol for first ever time i got caught speeding.
second time speeding the guy either didn't fine me for speeding and just did other stuff instead, or he didn't clock me over enough or something (i slammed on brakes as soon as i saw the front of car come around corner, so that might be why).
i'm pretty sure you need to be doing like 30-50 over in a resedential zone (50km/h), or like 80km/h over the speed limit in any other zone for them to get car crushed. unless im thinking of something else
Fuck, this reminds me of my Korean Walt Kowalski neighbor Kim years ago who did a burnout in front of a gay pride parade...
You think calis gun laws are worse than Australia?
Complete ban on semi auto
Very hard to obtain a handgun license (upto a year)
Everything including airrifles are registered
Airsoft completely banned
>A blue Subaru
God help me
Most recently they were trying to ban lever action shotguns
NOPE i got done for 10 over oncoming and the guy was being a smartass about it but let me off with a warning-ish as he dropped the fine amount to $100
>truth is that the highway patrol has to show they're doing their job when they pull you over
LOL keep telling yourself that
If they dont like you you're fucked
I have one word if you get a big fine mr deleted
At roxburgh park shopping centre the other night unloading fuel watching all the burnouts going on i the car park next door, not a cop in sight..
i have a 2nd sense when the cunts go on a blitz here in the mid north.
best to just try and not hoon in daylight hours since piggies go to sleep at night here
pedestrians are a danger to them self
Haha fair enough, im complaining it was good to watch. Was a fairly tidy maloo and s2k doing some circle work. There was an r34 gtr? there as well but separate to the burnout crew, plates were mzjdm I think
She's got a manface
And a yuge arse
i cant find a bit of tarmac big enough to sling my calais v8 around
No skid track except raleigh and its too small 4me
ive got 2 stockies i want to roast sitting in the garage but idk where to do it
I used to think that all the hatred and scorn about poofters queers and women's blouse's was only done in jest
but the amount of truth in what at first seems unbelievable has become horrifying as it comes to be
worst of all is that what people will believe and defend has no basis and chages all the time
im sick and tired of people who say they are doing the right thing and the moment you probe into any reason or detail you find that...
the right thing is only what they are told to do and think by some deluded and narcissistic ass-hole who wants everyone to live out their madness
>the right thing is only what they are told to do and think by some deluded and narcissistic ass-hole who wants everyone to live out their madness
sadly the only sane people left in aus are literally carfags
>"She is also very, very fat"
How can these faggots be in charge of 'compliance' when they can't even tell the difference between fucking makes?
All of these cars are clean, while they have niggers driving around rust buckets and are left alone.
how does an arse get that big and square i will never know
Thats fucking classic.
Not because its anything to do with gays. Who gives a fuck.
Its protesting a £14,000 waste of money.
Cross walks are bullshit anyway. Just cross the fucking road. Mongoloids.
>fourteen thousand australian monopoly dollars
>for fucking rainbow paint stripes
holy shit
The real problem is the visual inspection. It doesn't matter if your exhaust blows clean or your ODBII scan has no problem codes. If they open up the hood and see ANYTHING that looks remotely after-market without a CARB EO #, you're fucked. I have been failed for things as small as oil catch cans (which actually reduce emissions because they keep the intake manifold from sucking in oil from the PCV system). It's fucking dumb.
Thankfully, it's still fairly easy to find a "nice" smog guy who won't fail you on the visual inspection if you give him a few hundred bucks. It sucks that car enthusiasts have to resort to bribes at this point.
At no point did user compare Cali gun laws to Aussie's. We know Ausland is supreme no-fun country #1. Nobody challenges that.
>cops are cracking down on modified cars
>crushing cars on first offence
>car registration costs recently doubled
>the one racetrack around here and driver training center that sometimes hosts track days all under fire and facing being shut down over noise complaints
wew lad
Don't know which state you guys are in. Police lost most power to force forfeit and crush cars in SA as it was deemed the police didn't have the authority to hand out punishments and that it was a double punishment (courts) and a rights violation.
They had to pay out compensation to the owners of cars they'd unlawfully seized and/or crushed. It's VERY rare for cars to be crushed now. I can't even remember the last time I knew of one.
This guy gets it.
That's pretty shocking, the law specifically states that only things that could affect emissions need a CARB number.
There are also a ton of testing labs dedicated to testing to provide CARB numbers, if the company you bought your parts from refuses to do the testing you can still do the testing yourself.
Damn, sorry Ausbros. No wonder your bantz are always on top, you are salty from all the stupid laws.
>be australian
>wake up next to your sister
>"ay dahlin fahk moi that was a noice root last noight"
>ride a kangaroo to the shitposting plant
>get stopped by abos
>their faces haven't loaded yet because of high ping
>give them all your petrol anyway
>apologise for invading their country
>say thank you to the traditional owners of the land, the irrawajjialabumbajjiju people
>continue on your way
>shitpost hard on Veeky Forums all day so you can afford to pay your internet bill ($1000 for 0.1bps connection, 3mb data cap)
>go home
>get mugged by abos again
>no petrol this time, give them some of your ping instead
>switch on the tv
>the wallabies lost to new zealand again
>"fahkin no worries m8 she'll be roight I'll just watch the loigue instead"
>the kangaroos lost to new zealand again
>"m-muh cricket"
>"m-muh afl"
>can't see what's happening, players' mullets blocking the camera
>go to new zealand, steal some pavlova and claim it was yours all along
>cry yourself to sleep muttering "m-muh hdi, m-muh gdp per capita"
>get bitten by spoidah
>die within seconds
watching this made me physically uncomfortable
In Australia LHD cars are illegal.
t. buttblasted sheep fucker
Fucking triggered
haggard garage video huh?
Yeah but you're probably a dickhead if you got done for 10k over.
Or you drive a wrx or skyline and brought it on yourself.
Just has to be something like 25 years old.
See plenty of old yank muscle cruising around on the weekends around here and most are LHD.
I looked it up, it has to be 30 years old.
>tfw she will never crush you with that ass as an alternative to having your skidbox crushed
Fuck, why live lads?
>Or you drive a wrx or skyline and brought it on yourself
It's a pity these are cop magnets. Wouldn't mind a 25GT-T sedan to build up.
Lol this is QLD isnt it?
Fucking shithole
NSW Countryside is quickly catching up
Doesn't sound like QLD to me, though I'm in Brissie and can't speak for whatever happens out in bumfuck nowhere. They're sneaky enough with speed traps on slopes and right before the limit goes up but there's just not enough of a "scene" to warrant them putting more effort into it.
Really? The scene here is pretty huge in coffs we're getting tonnes of performance shops and we have the 'rally' here every year now
>I lived through the '96 ban. I'm not going to live through that shit again.
You're the real hero, gtfo commiefornia
Better give Tracy a ring about it. Sounds like the hoons are multiplying again; they breed through spores which smell like burning rubber.
>the hoons are multiplying again; they breed through spores which smell like burning rubber.
my fucking sides
That's Victoria, Canada you fucking retard
it was a joke
It was a shitty joke.
fuck off leaf
100% true.
Also canaries which any cop can issue.
Dont you have some emus to waddle away from you fat fuck?
Nice meme, fatcunt
fucking leafs
>MFW two irrelevant countries try to fight
It depends on the state. Victoria is a shit hole for cars.
In South Australia they can crush a car on it's third impounding under the same name of registration. Or they crush it if you don't come to collect it after like six months.
Police lost the ability to crush cars for basically anything but repeat DUI in 2012.
Shit states
Google it.
It was considered a rights violation As it's the courts job to punish people not the police. There was a large compensation lawsuit around it.