Fighting Games General /fgg/
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sf5 is shit
sf5 is great
shut up capcuck
Nice OP.
Who bitch this is?
It's always about the wording. The stage show said "PSVR exclusive features".
This does notcement that PC version and even xb1 won't use other VR headsets for the same feature.
sf5 is somewhere between good and bad
sfv is really fun desu
is bullet a gud character for beginners?
when you landed that air spd after the two ex ground spds, i just put my stick down basically
What's the point of separating /blaz/ and /fgg/ if all the threads have a blazblue op and constant sniffs?
what does toxic even mean anymore
Because /blaz/ also has alot of story and manga discussion.
Because /blaz/ has almost the same number of people for BB alone, if everyone came back here /fgg/ will literally become /blaz and other games general/ and the original /fgg/ will separate, restarting the circle.
Is just one 24/7 sniffposter spamming BBMai pictures and creating new threads
>know nothing about athena
>wow that fireball sure looks and sounds annoying
>joe starts throwing his projectile finally
>she has a fucking reflect
I blame Tumblr. Everyone is a fucking pussy victim of the big bad wolf nowadays.
I knew I recognized that name, it's the guy who plays Stylish Terumi on netplay.
fireballs are not footsies
He's a constant source of entertainment. He fails at every single game he plays and blames it on other people.
i dont take orders from dead kusoge boys
so damn tired of being excited for Tekken 7
How do you play kof and not know how to roll
tacos for this d00d
is he just incapable of dealing with projectiles or what was the point supposed to be here? i don't know anything about kof
I like Fighting games
I like SFV and don't shit talk other fighting games
Be like me
No thank you j just ate
Literally no reason for anyone to play SFV when Revelator is out.
They're not even close to being the same, just that they're both fighting games.
I dislike GG and i've tried it.
No reason to play Revelator with CF coming out in a couple weeks
>zoning makes someone toxic
What a fucking pussy
>not playing dead games
>not being slick
It's ok to like different things.
>broski posting a webm of him taking a round from an european top 32 player somehow makes him a good player
u wouldn't have taken a single round from imstilldadaddy in sf4 because it isn't a meme game
It's not fun when I hop on a game on a friday night ready to let loose, I got some weed or beer so I want to have some fun and then I'm unable to find anyone to play. It sucks. It really sucks.
BB is casualized GG with nothing but waifus
If you dislike GG, then that means you should dislike SFV even more. Any "issues" it might have are even more prominent in SFV, differences is SFV has even more shitty one.
that's like comparing call of duty to battlefield just because their both shooters
just play both if you like both. how do people not understand this concept
what a name
broski if you're super diamond why dont you ever place in tournaments lmao
Athena is a character designed for fireball wars.
Apparently, there was nothing special about his opponent as far as I can see, just basic Athena gameplay.
But SF doesnt have 15 hit air cancel combos
But why play a boring as fuck game and an interesting as fuck game at the same time, when you could just ditch the boring as fuck game and play more of the interesting as fuck game?
Have you tried posting here asking for matches?
>lose vs some faggot super gold guile
even the most honest characters have been turned into memefiends in sfv
time to drop this piece of shit
It's okay to like things and it's also okay to not like things.
Just don't be a dick about these things.
because a game being boring or interesting is completely dictated by the players opinion
capcom has never made a good fighting game
daily reminder that SFV turned the SF series into call of duty of fighting games
I don't even like BB that much. CF can wait a few months since Carl and Litchi are the only interesting things there.
dude weed lmao
So you're literally complaining about it being too hard. This is why everyone makes fun of SFV shitters. Anyone playing actual good fighting games wouldn't complain about an execution barrier that makes the game more interesting. All SFV players want is 3 hit combos with no focus on neutral because you don't actually get any reward off your hits.
Fuck SFV and fuck anyone who actually praises this shit. Capcom shits out a turd and tells you to pay full price for it, and a million people do it. Daisuke and his team puts their fucking souls into their work to make sure that the gameplay and general content is top-notch, and nobody bothers learning the game so they can have an actual good experience.
This is why the FGC is Capcom central. The quality of the games don't matter with these shitters who just want the most basic things available.
>I was basically gangbanged, one match right after the other by players exploiting KOF XIV. Teams, and abuse of said teams. Oddly enough, as rac*st as this is gonna sound, 90% of the PSN accounts in question had the Portuguese, and Spanish languages set as their primary language. Only two that I can recall had English language settings. One such PSN ID had factory ID settings (SQUARE WHITE SMILEY Pre-Avatar Avatar) which indicated a freshly made account. Facts folks, facts.
Insanely popular?
Someone shoot this pathetic guy already.
People don't remember about this guy? pretty sure he's a professional troll, people posted his video where he loses to a Ken in SFV and says SFV is broken and he cheated because he won
he wouldnt have taken a round off ISDD but he has the hugo OS
You really need to not get this angry. I've been Playing Revelator for a little while now and while I enjoy it I can understand why some people wouldn't.
wew lad that projecting
so were in agreement then
>we're in agreement
>anyone in fgg being in agreement about anything ever
blathering fool
I've been playing for a couple weeks now but I personally prefer blazblue because it has better teching mechanics, it looks better and it plays more smoothly. The only reason I play Revelator is because my cousin does.
I mean, this guy is pretty pathetic, but you're not much better than him.
It's like Chariot posting screencaps of Max fans posts. Why would you give attention to someone you don't like or even hate?
the zit I got before going out>sfv
At least that zit had character.
What move in USF4 has the fewest frames of startup?
I am so bored of SFV
When is Capcom making a new versus title
That's Veeky Forums for you.
Basically "stop liking what i don't like" and "look at how good is my X and how shit is your Y roflmao"
proof that meitekun players are giant faggots
What are the hottest fgg memes? Haven't been here in ages.
akuma/evil ryu/most grappler supers are all 0f start up
maybe oni too, idk
Personally I prefer the look of Guilty Gear more but it really just comes down to personal taste. I've played some Blazblue and liked it and might pick up CF eventually. But I just prefer the 90's anime style of GG a bit more. That and having a consistently amazing soundtrack.
is broski the only poster on /fgg/ that genuinely enjoys SFV?
what does this tell us
Kusoge being a really over used term.
Because Veeky Forums is full of literal manchildren who just can't fathom someone liking something they do not. Combined with anonymous posting they're free to talk shit without any real repercussion.
I enjoy it
Who do you want in Marvel 4?
Will Darkstalkers ever actually make a comeback?
i don't
make resident evil fighter instead
I don't want a classic. I want something new.
careful what you say around here, buddy.
>I get it, I really do. You guys want me to "Git Gud", and stop being salty. Unfortunately we all have our wants. In my case I wish you guys would accept the fact that not everyone wants to "Git Gud". Some gamers simply want to enjoy a game they paid for on a more casual level without being harassed by trolls, and cheaters
>Depending on the price you are willing to pay I will set aside an appropriate amount of my time to "Git Gud" at a fighting game, or other game that I've b*tched about on my Youtube channel, and Twitter timeline. The more you are willing to spend on me the more time I'll be willing to dedicate to "Git Gud", and STFU. As a bonus I'll throw in an equal amount of time not being salty. Again, it all boils down to how bad you wish to silence the messenger that is me.
>Put your money where your mouth is, and I will "Git Gud", and not be salty as I do so.
wew lad
That is neither hot nor new
tell us more about yourself
are you gay and/or furry?
Based OtakuDante calling out the fgc
KBrad's twitter is absolute gold right now. I've never seen him so happy.
Only if it looks like Xrd and not SFV
Yes, gayfurry. How did you know?
i wish hibiki was my gf...
because i know it's you ghodere
I'd rather see a new Rival Schools game.
That game had some interesting ideas.
Darkstalkers has been made obsolete by the modern airdashers and I don't think there is much to add to the genre by making another one.
Did he retire his trip after the Nigerian Ken incident?
shit's going to be poppin when Yata gets GGPO