League of Legends General - /lolg/

What in Tarnation edition



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First for Lux.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

>it's a shaco dies trying to counterjungle episode

On a scale of 1 to leona

How much do you like going in?

good, fuck him

>it's an adc feeds and runs it down midlane episode


>it's a botlane loses lane and comes mid to steal your farm episode


just kys everyone

How do you get used to camera toggle? It either fucks me by flying across the map or doesn't move enough

>It's a toplane never leaves lane and he's not a good splitpusher episode

play with it a lot, user

itt waifufags shit up the thread
honestly just kill yourselves you obnoxious faggots
all waifufags are terrible


So far in that I shuffle them into my team.

not in SoloQ of course, that'd be suicide

Botlane will come mid to steal your farm even if they win lane. you literally can't win.

>it's a your jungler ganks your lane but dies like a retard thus feeding your opponent episode

Do you hate me, /lolg/?

Inb4 Star Guardian Cassiopeia so Cassfag will go and stay go.

lmao dude
think about ur life right now
a post a thread about a league of legends character in a thread designed for league of legends on a mongolian cartoon board is getting u riled up enough to wish death on another human


I want to go planting in Zyra.

You're either a shitter or a meta-slave.

Literally the only two things I like in your top are Jhin, Darius, and Shen. You don't "main" anything until you've broken mastery 5 so everything below that I disregard.

I genuinely love the humor this artist brings.

Star guardian urgot?


Don't you mean with?

think about your life right now
you sit in your room
and fantasize for years about a videogame charachter
get help

> it's a level 4 jungler "ganks" a level 6 Zed with ignite and dirk


>it's a toplaner only uses tp to go back to lane episode

>its a your jungler doesn't focus objectives and dies 10+ times and blames you because you're playing something rarely played by mortal men


I forgot their name. Link?

You really think having dreams is a mental illness? What about people who spend all day fantasizing about their possible futures? Are they crazy too user?
Do you think the only way to exist normally is to muck about in life only thinking about whats important? Your brain has the capacity to experience fun for a reason user, try relaxing sometime and not taking everything so serious in casual topics my man

Awfully lot of >implying there, user.
You sure you're not projecting stuff there?

I'm actually sitting in my room listening to music and wondering what I'm gonna cook for dinner. It's not like we're -always thinking all the time- of our waifus.

Balls fucking deep. Don't stop until Twilight Fades

>It's a enemy jungler ganks but I'm darius episode

any silver supports out there that dont lick windows wana duo on NA?

>can't carry as a solo


>it's a you have tp but everyone on your team dies before you have a chance to tp in and the only targets you have to tp to is their tower because they're getting fucked up at the enemy tower and have no minions or wards for you to tp to and if you do you'll have wasted your tp episode

Bluuuugh I forgot too. Fuck. Sorry friendo. It was a long time ago.

League comics though, are cool.

if you want to post your "dreams" post them where they belong
for example not the thread all waifuposting encourages is non game discussion
your sitting in your room
I was partially correct

why do they even give champs one shitty AP ratio
What is Wukong going to do with one AP ratio on his clone? What is Quinn going to do with a .5 AP ratio on her Q and nothing else? What's the point of this?

>It's a bot lane never wards deep and when they finally do and you start to tp in they literally just watch as the enemy botlane leaves episode

gotta let you guys know shes the best :^3
it builds character and dedication, you wouldnt understand that yet though silver man

don't wana lock anyone into one build path senpai


Darius is so much fun to play

>It's a my team isn't doing everything perfectly so I'm going to blame them for the game episode

Supposedly it's for different itemization and shit for catch-all items like Triforce or Hextech Gunblade or even Guinsoos. Why anybody could build them on a strictly AD is kind of dumb, though the AP ratio on Shyvana and Vi aren't bad with recent triforce.

why not just get into that projecting dreaming shit where you control it
and if you really wanna dedicate shit you gotta hit autismal levels of champion mastery points

samefag that requested help with evelynn yesterday

thanks for tips user, i am really enjoying this champ!


>it's a "WHY DIDNT YOU PICK X CHAMPION THEY WERE FREE AND THEYRE OP!" and they're the ones feeding, episode

> why do they even give champs one shitty AP ratio
Baron buff gives AP.

I saw that in Berserk lel.

I want Shyvana to sit on my face!

>its a first pick sona, take ghost teleport and max e then never stay in their lane episode

I tried Wit's End on Tristana because of this logic

It didn't work

well no
i gotta get good enough to carry any qt katarina
that is my goal
and it will make me a stronger player i know it!

>smite and ignite

Good shit nigga.

You tried the kiting trick yet while you spam hate spikes? You can start wolves and attack them, start your Q spam and walk to raptors. Not only will you more than likely kill the little wolves but you'll also get a shit ton of health back.


Do you think Riot will ever allow players to change their runes and masteries after the game starts? Nothing quite like starting the game only to see three people on your team complaining about having the wrong runeset or mastery page locked in.



i tried lv2 cheese several times, warding their blue and waiting until they get low or start doing wolves, i go in and Q+E+Ignite [thunderlord] it either burns their flash or they die

i always try to camp the squishie lanes, even better if they are overextended

i get blue machete first,boots of mobility and hextech gun for the AA bolt

Try starting at enemy wolves against mana hungry junglers for ezpz first bloods and free blue buffs.

Xth for amazing hot ship of sexy and good story


great start desu. You should also try a sheen. E applies I believe.



All ADC's should be castrated.

Starting Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums lobby, password is vidya

come one come all

tfw the media is making Pepe out to be a "white supremacist"

why do people get so hung up on boobplates in this game when literally none of the armor on display is practical?

my dad actually asked me today if i knew what pepe was and if it was actually a white supremacist symbol

>a bunch white supremacists use pepe as a symbol
>now normies associate pepe with white supremacy

Wow, who could have possibly predicted this?

Kayle's boobplates are pretty hot desu

>Le ebin Zed and LB pickers
There is nothing more frustrating than these no counterplay champs.

Literally just a game of "shove mid and hope you never get ganked" until the mid-game, fuck these champs.

he just wants to be a cool dude playin with his friends man
thats actually hilarious

ummm lolbabs?

Has anyone gotten anything extraordinary from hex crafting, like soul stealer vayne?

well my smurf is d4 hooray

>There is nothing more frustrating than these no counterplay champs.
please tell that to any pro
and watch how hard they laugh at you

Does Magnificent TF count? Says it's a legendary.
I don't play TF, though.

got her and dj sona

>2 Doublelift type names in one game
>Hide on bush

It's a great tf skin.
And wow, I've yet to see a soulstealer vayne in game, and rarely see hextech annie.

>forgetting "hi im x"

>go gangplank with full crit chance runes
>put down barrel
>first blood
how this champion is still able to breathe is beyond my limits of thoughts

welcome to low Diamond my dude

Home of raging autism and giant overinflated egos

yea boi

Gotta farm IP for when the name I want goes available in a couple months

>There is nothing more frustrating than these no counterplay champs.

ADC's and Vayne mains.

soulstealer vayne is probably the best one desu

Is it possible to play ap ezreal without feeling useless for most of the game. I really like playing him mid but it feels like it takes a while to ramp.

Trinity Force or Frozen Fist on Yorick?

Should you rush either of these items?

steal buffs with ult

Any pro will tell you that the only counterplay to these champs is to shove their lane and try not to get killed until they lose a big chunk of relevance in the mid to late game.

Against Zed you can atleast take exhaust to nullify his level 6 all-in, but in blind pick, if you pick something like Veigar or Brand without exhaust, you literally autolose the lane. There is no counterplay to them, they will just all-in you as oon as you get in range, so you get to hug the tower and fall behind in cs, or you roam.

>ywn marry vladfag

How do I make the feeling go away, lads?

didn't mean to quote my bad