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WoWg guilds:
Literal Who @ Illidan (Horde)
RIP in Peace @ Sargeras (Alliance)
Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance, formerly MAGA)
Wrench @ Shattered Halls (Horde)

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>tfw 850 healer
>tfw kicking people left and right because they don't want me to leave

Post Sin'dorei!

>Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance, formerly MAGA)


When is the projected date for the 7.1 patch anyways?

The Fire Rises @ Ravencrest (Alliance) EU

What melee DPS should I level, /wowg/?

>when you kick the tank

>Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance, formerly MAGA)

I wonder who made this thread

Casuals actually did have a higher chance of getting legendaries.
The PRNG algorithm that was supposed to increase your chances of getting a legendary each time you didn't get one was inverted, so each time you opened a cache or killed a mob, the chance went DOWN (if you didn't already have a legendary). So the casual players who killed less overall npcs and heroic/mythic dungeon bosses, but logged on to open daily caches, had a higher chance of receiving one than someone who killed more mobs, because daily caches have the highest currently available chance of containing a legendary.
Subsequently, getting a legendary was supposed to decrease your chances of receiving another, but because of the inversion, it increased your chances.

This expansion went from good to a total disaster, how did they fuck up THIS badly?

is 200k dps for 823 ilvl mm hunter good? fight was rokmora

Death knight, frost.

>hurr guild is made out of 9-5 working people
>still spams his shit all night long


warrior or roghue

late october-mid november

Nighthold raid comes out in early 2017 and kharazan is the "tier" between nightmare and nighthold

frost DK

>doing warden world quests
>guy says he needs help with boss
>party up with him, first boss goes smooth
>wants to do boss in highmountain
>tell him im heading there
>im there
>wait for a min
>ask him where he's at
>no reply
>look at map
>fucker's in stormheim

fucking worgen

So are shadow priests shit tier atm?

Xth for not being containable by robes

What's your naming process for new characters, especially on heavily populated realms where most good names are taken?

I'm on a roleplaying server and I'd prefer to keep my names... I don't know, in-character, I guess? But the more characters I make the harder it gets because everything is already taken. I'm not really into using special characters or going for funny names, so I'm feeling pretty stuck on how to name my last couple of characters.

I'm to the point where I end up deleting old characters I don't play as much just to re-use the name, only to regret deleting them and end up hating the name anyway.

>all this replies
>treating to step

So mad you can't even type properly.

@ Silvermoon EU Alliance

Well, at least that's a while for them to tweak the changes according. I am not looking forward to some of them.

>bought a sky golem for 38k
>only have 7k left

No regrets, I've always wanted one but was too poor. Before this expansion I've never had more than 20k

It's really funny how tanks still think tanks are hard to find, take skill and deserve respect.

It's literally the most bitch spec in the game and there's a ton of them because blizzard keeps making them do more damage and take less damage so you can solo with them like a fucking crazy person.

>still no race which has more than two legs

When are the first raids being released

Whys everyone hate them? At least give evidence instead of shitposting




Fuck off newfag, we're not here to spoonfeed you.



I like it the most.

slutmogs ≠ consent!!

Stop samefagging and forcing your trash, everyone hates you because you're underage /pol/ goer shitposters that invite redditors to the guild.

How many artifact traits do you guys have? I've only got 15 on my ms and 13 os.

The Sin'dorei reign supreme!

Blizzard will surely buff them, right? Right?
Blizzard pls

Link to a source on this please?

>tfw you have a month to get your second legendary and equip both or else your top 30k cesspool guild might bench you
I don't think I can take the pressure.

>for once melee dps is considered better overall then range
>better nerf them
God damn it Blizzard.

And I don't suppose there is any proof of this claim? Surely you aren't just spreading lies?

Don't Dranei have like 10?

Fuck someone was selling it for 25k on my server, but I didn't know if it was a fair price or I was getting scammed. I bought a wow token with the money instead.... daaaaaaaaamn

Metzen made them bully our waifu sylvannus they get nerf.

>lul kek xd
>still posting this old fake shit

TFR posters are truly the worst and most delusional.

Nine vagánias

>get a temporary name for new character
>spend a few minutes every day clicking the randomize name button until i get a name i like
>use delete character function to get free name change

guys, am I too late to the party to be relevant? or can I catch up in a reasonable amount of time?


>>still posting this old fake shit
>TFR posters are truly the worst and most delusional.

Not old, Not Fake, Not TFR poster.

Can someone post some fem orc in slutmog? like I never see them posted here.

I want to level a DPS class.

What is a good DPS that kills stuff fast? I wasn't paying too much attention when I was leveling up my priest because I did it in groups and was looking at healing and keeping people up.

Essentially I want a class that can zoom in and kill stuff fast.


>p-p-p-please join our guild we're cool we promise ;_;

P-please respond. Also I swear I can spell stats.

Currently at 833 ilvl. Is there any point in trying to get it higher?

Thinking of playing other games until raids are released.

You can catch up for 2nd week of raids, sure

Hi guys,

I havent played since MoP. Some IRL lads want me to play with them on their realm that I have 0 characters on. My question is:
should I use the level 100 boost from buying Legion on a fresh new Level 1 character, or should I level up to 60 first and then use the boost?
I just read that if you level to 60 first, and then boost, you get all your professions to level 700 skill, but NOT if you use it on a fresh level 1 character.

Thoughts? Is it easier/simple to level 1-60 or get professions from 1-700? Thanks.

Thought so.

literally all of them besides dk

whoa cute nelf

How do you even get to a name you like?

I can never decide on one because they all end up being so awful.

>level and gear an Outlaw Rogue to 848
>Do all the suramar stuff unlocking both dungeons
>Realize I want to play a WW Monk instead

So are shadow priests not good right now?

Nice damage control, but that image is from the end of MoP. And it's really funny how you included the one where you're getting called on being cancer, not only does it show how retarded you are, but it's also my post and I'm not in that guild.


they are actually being nerfed on the ptr

They're ok.

>not playing frost dk for the sick 2.5m damage aoe nuke

Does making your artifact weapon higher ilvl by giving it better relics make it do more raw damage or will it only be a boost to your ilvl and nothing else?

Nice damage control, but that image is from the end of WoD. And it's really funny how you included the one where you're getting called on being cancer, not only does it show how retarded you are, but it's also my post and I'm not in that guild.

>your guild is in the OP only when you make the threads yourself

Thought so.

Great for raids as always, bad for mythic+

Nice damage control, but that image is from the end of WoD. And it's really funny how you included the one where you're getting called on being cancer, not only does it show how retarded you are, but it's also my post and I'm not in that guild.

Did they remove the fucking nat pagle guide from alterac valley? I've been zerging and looting for hours and nothing.

thanks blizzard

Fel surfer lol

They're awful in dungeons and amazing in Raids but there's only dungeons right now so they're garbage at the moment.

Tauren females: LITERAL LIVING Goddesses of breeding and sex

Females of all other races: Subhuman Trash

It makes it have better stats.

we live off startup time and we are kind of pigeonholed into stm which is worthless outside of raid environments its ok we will shine soon buddy

Why do we have so much drama over our EU community? Why not sit down right now, make some strawpolls to put together a definitive EU guild to put an end to all of this? Please this has been going for too long


so is horde making a comeback pvp wise like they said they would? or is everyone still humans and nelfs?

>get proven wrong
>start acting like a retard to show how new you are

As always. Nice 1 person guild you got there, kermit the sad reddit frog.

>playing disc with randoms

>meanwhile enhancement shaman get buffed

>Need to buy potions for raids at some point soon.
>Don't want to wait till raid night or close to tuesday because I know the costs will skyrocket.
>Currently Potion of the Old War is bugged and doesn't work properly/
>All guides say for melee DPS to use Potion of Deadly Blows until it's fixed.
>Afraid to buy Deadly Blows potions now because Blizzard will likely hotfix Old War before the raid causing me to have wasted all that money.

What the fuck do I do? I doubt I can even afford potions come raid price spike.

it looks like her head is on a pole
or that she has a really long neck

she will do it eventually...


holy shit this made me rofl

>put together a definitive EU guild

Trying to do this is exactly why we have this drama right now and why so many non vg EU "guilds" we have right now shitposting in the thread. It's the circle of EU life.

I hate this expansion for just that reason. You play a character to 110, get a feel for it, decide you don't like it and it's an awful fucking grind to catch up once you've realized that.

First character I leveled was my warrior, didn't really care for it so I leveled my paladin next. Didn't like that much either so I gave up on it and now I'm scared to level anything else because I'm gonna be so far behind that there won't really be any reason to keep playing until they add catch-up mechanics.

What if I don't like the next character I level? Or the one after that?

I can't just spend the first two months of an expansion trying to figure out which class I like while everyone else gets further and further ahead of me.

>check my gear
>only good piece I got in dungeon are my back (ilvl 805) and my belt (825) rest is class set/wq stuff with bad stats for me
>still have a 780 trinket after farming heroics for 3 days

it makes me miss the badge system

the guy complaining isnt even EU, hes just some guy who fell for falseflagging and cant accept that fact that hes in the wrong because nobody other than him actually cares

No, they're not.

>legion raiding rewards titles
>legion dungeons reward a pet

What happened to achievements giving mounts
What happened to rare spawns giving mounts
What happened to world bosses/bosses in GENERAL giving mounts this expansion?
All scrapped for the cash shop?