Shugi edition
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Shugi edition
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>tfw someone just before you in pick order puts their champ of choice into the meme window at the start of the game and you hover over alistar for 29 seconds and switch & lock onto their champ at the last second
god i love norms
How do I build this big brute Sion in top?
Never forget
When will the best girl make her return?
Not even 4 months and she went from being dead on release to op to shit to op to dead where we are now
The life of a support
>Get some plat m7 Draven who keeps dying
>Set up a perfect kill for him and he flashes away because "low hp"
>"wtf support? do you not want me to get kills?"
>Start roaming and help top/mid get fed
>We win by a landslide with draven going 0/11/1
>"report my supp"
>In another game, Kennen keeps going balls deep in unwarded areas
>Save his ass late game when two people in bush were hiding
>Stun and kill them because Lux
>We end the game
>Not one honor or thanks
Playing a support in this game. Fun role but one honor once in a while would be nice.
>League of Legends in a nutshell
>Outplays and life saving plays go unnoticed
>One missed spell or human error is report worthy
This game has so many great choices of girls to wife and impregnate
>tfw vladfag will never be yours
Diana what are you doing?
When they give her a numbers adjustment.
>try support tahm
>want to kill myself
>try jungle tahm
>fun as FUCK
would you trust me with your elo
What runes and masteries did you go?
*teleports behind you* I trust no one but myself.
>tfw you will never murder straight people with Trundle fag
I usually go Sunfire/Visage > Mercs > Frosty fisty > tank.
anyone on NA want to aram? leave ign
>0/12/18 SotA
>AS marks
>AP quints
>MR scaling glyphs
>Armor seals
Obviously these aren't the right runes for him because you want CDR or HP on him as well, but it runs very well.
Especially because I didn't get a leash because I was invaded so I had to move to Krugs and Red and my Blue was taken away from that invade.
Stop being so uppity and get back in your place, support slut.
no, but post more akali
i would just love to get a support that doesn't feed my botlane. I really want to learn to adc but its just painful watching silver/gold supports
What have you had for dinner/lunch/breakfast today/tonight?
>tfw you will never see Diana have a merry christmas with Nocturne
>tfw you will never see Azir give Sivir a present as Sivir and him spend time together by a Christmas tree and comfy warm fire and him reading christmas stories to her
>tfw Zed will never tell the kids if their naughty or nice
>tfw Gragas will never hand out Egg Nog to everyone
>tfw Tristana will never be one of Zed's little helpers with the other Yordles
>tfw Rumble will never awkwardly try to get Tristana underneath the mistletoe, meanwhile Malphite, Jhin, and Yasuo all somehow do
>tfw Braum will never break into the room with a giant sac over his shoulder and hand out candy canes
>tfw Taric will never skip to his christmas tree in a one-sie dragging Ezreal and Lux with him at 5 AM to open presents
>tfw Nami will not be given wave clear as a present
>tfw Draven will never kiss Soraka under the mistletoe saying "You're the only one Draven could ever give a gift to."
>tfw Vi and Jinx will never fight over the cookies and milk
>tfw Amumu and Annie won't exchange presents
>tfw Gnar will never make the perfect snowbraum to impress him
>tfw Garen will never drunkenly wrestle Darius at the christmas night
>tfw Irelia will never get a boogie board with shitty ribbon attached to it
>tfw Talon will never steal Aatrox's christmas present and whisper, "PSHHHHH NOTHIN' PERSONELL KID"
>tfw Aatrox will not have the worst christmas ever
>tfw Shyvana and Jarvan won't be found underneath the mistletoe in front of all of demacia and noxus
>tfw Shyvana won't wear a terrible ugly dorky looking christmas sweater
>tfw Pantheon won't bake fruit cake for Leona
>tfw Olaf won't attempt to arm wrestle Tryndamere over the christmas turkey
>tfw Rengar won't decorate the christmas tree all day only to have it be ruined by Kha'zix
>tfw Lucian won't tell Kwanzaa stories
>tfw Karma won't listen Lucian
>tfw Syndra won't give everyone stylish fur coats
>tfw Ashe and Sejuani won't exchange christmas cards awkwardly
Or mercs, yes. I didn't check other players stats at first. Generally when you ult you end up being right in front of the enemys ADC face, and usually it means that half of their HP is gone, and you only need to do a few autos+q again once.
If enemy team uses all their CC on you, generally it means that teamfight is going as expected (good), but CC=/=damage, they had lee, fiora, and twitch which do a lot of damage from autos. Since your team didn't do good, well, pretty much nothing you could do there, unless you could make better plays and for example take objectives instead of kills.
I really recommend to take rift herald between 12 and 20 minutes either for you or for your toplaner, you're a pretty good candidate for it. If your toplaner is snowballing, give it to them. If it's somebody like this gnar, tell him that you need it more. If he tries to take it or takes it anyway, just let him be as retarded as he wants to be, don't argue, it's pointless. Don't forget trying to get first blood turrets.
Sorry if I'm too intrusive.
A fried egg sandwich and I'm currently eating some fruit and nut mix.
>ywn be this autist
>You will never be called a white supremacist.
>Lux support
Stopped reading there. How many kills did you steal?
>internet went out
>lost a game
>riot didnt take LP from me
Is this like a good boy reward???
>"hey guys im gonna first time riven xD"
>ban riven
>he gets absolutely assblasted
>bans my vi jg in spite
>"lol ok at least we have one ban left"
>third guy bans our lux mid just to troll
>we literally used all our bans to ban our own champs
Can someone red pill me on the whole Tryndamere fiasco?
Trynd is an idiot, and doesn't have a personal PR person vetting what he posts on reddit. He repeatedly posts retarded shit.
lul dw, that game was lost because my friends ended up just trolling once I knew I had an S
got to plat spamming shyv, gonna try and go from mid plat to high plat spamming her again
>first pick instalocks trundle :^)
what did he say
Why would any of those champions celebrate christmas in the first place?
>Be Vel'koz support with a Caitlyn.
>She simply can't figure out how to right click the enemy ADC.
>Spends the game hovering under tower.
>I step up and start farming and harassing.
>Get three levels on my ADC.
>Get over a dozen kills.
>Still not enough to carry because mid lane is Morgana.
Why are Caitlyn ADCs all shit?
>I want to play Quinn top
>Team keeps saying "NEED TANK"
>wtf is this NEED TANK meme
>fp takes shaco jungle
>i get asked to go tanky
>pick singed
>say "u wanted a tank :^)"
>team goes bonkers
I'm just sad that every time I play her, I get reminded of the good old devourer days. You'd be the center focus of almost every game.
>playing troll support
>going overly aggressive when your ADC clearly wants to play safe
>playing as a secondary mid instead of building support items
>maybe if you had played a non troll support you would have won the game
Fuck you faggot.
>all AD comp
>"tanky supp plz"
>top locks in Yasuo
Forgive me for wanting to bring some AP damage to the fight...
>afk to troll an asshole teammate when im our most fed player in my promo game
>never afkd or been toxic before
>come back after disconnecting my internet
>didnt lose a promo game when my team lost
it hasn't updated yet but you surely lost
So how do I build yasuo mid now? Is it even worth taking him mid anymore?
>Lucian will never tell you Kwanzaa stories
Whose to say they wouldn't all get together and celebrate Christmas.
Mid is the same build it's always been.
PD->IE->literally whatever you want
Wow, that was really fucking hard.
>Vel'koz is a troll support.
Are you dumb? 35% of the time he's picked it's for support?
Jesus fucking Christ you faggots don't even know your own game.
Damn, those are some really good granite counter tops.
are you retarded?
How do I Nidalee jungle?
>purposely lost your promo game to troll someone
WOW! You sure showed that guy.
repostan because i didnt see the other thread is dead already
>im jungle
>banning phase
>tell my team to ban zac
>nobody does
>enemy doesnt ban zac either
>ally goes "omg switch with me i wanna jungle"
>instalocks zac
>builds AP despite never getting the window for a gank
>immediately dies the moment he goes in
I should've kept my jungle position and picked amumu
>play support
>do retarded shit and don't play in sync with my carry
>feed but don't mention that ever
>blame all my failings on my adc even though i have no wards, terrible positioning and only the vaguest idea of how to play higher than a bronze level
Basically told Regi and by extension everyone else that owns a team that they should be investing more into their players and League of Legends instead of investing in other things when most of the owners are already putting up a shitload of money for their players compared to Riots handouts.
Riot also likes to act like LCS is a charity on their part when it's basically the perfect tool to keep kids addicted to the game. At this point the team owners are pulling more than their own weight running Riot's little circus so it's not a mystery why people got pissed.
Tryndamere also has a magical way with words and the entire post is a meme goldmine.
is frozen mallet still good on him or since his nerf its better to go BT
Yeah? And maybe if Caitlyn didn't play like complete garbage the entire game we would have won, too? But those what-ifs are so cute when you consider Vel'koz has a knock-up and two slows for utility. Not to mention tank-melting damage even without items.
>ADCuck is mad.
Poor baby. Fact is most ADCs are shit. The have one job: right click shit. And they fail that, somehow.
you're the one sperging out here about some guy you saw in a game, funny how none of you mention your score most of the time or how badly you probably played
and im a jungle main actually faglord
i have no idea who you are talking about but i like memes
Really makes you think.
Riot success make em now think they are TO BIG TO FAIL
>I'm a jungle main I'm not sperging out! YOU ARE YOU YOU YOU!
Hue. Doesn't excuse the fact that you probably don't know what you're talking about.
>me unga
>adc bunga
You all need to be put back in line.
Of all the things that totally happened this totally happened the most.
>riven mains
>ywn unga vayne's bunga
>implying ADC isn't objectively the most babied, carried, and overall talentless role in league
>People are realizing Crit Lucian was and still is a thing
>carried and talentless
thats top.
Awww that's adorable, the support thinks it's people!
I have a personal policy to dodge all blitz and bard supports, as they tend to be the riven/vayne of support. I made the mistake of alt tabbing in my last game and ended up with a Blizcrank.
>rushes mobi boots
>dies mid
>20 minute sighstone
Oh man I bet this guy has never even played botlane.
>most played champions; Khazix, Fiora, Ryze, Lee Sin
This stupid fucking dipshit just thought one day 'man, i'm really tired of these long queue times. I'll just play support and carry with sick Q's!'.
Let's say I have a really shitty group of "friends" if I change my summoner name, can they still find me after deleting them?
Can they see my new name through gift history and shit?
Seriously, pls help.
Sounds like you've never played with a good bard.
Only lost that game because jungler dc'd and never came back.
>blitz on enemy team is always that one trick blitz player who does impossible shit and hypercarries the game
I hope they find where you live after the find out you were trying to puss out on the bantz then break your kneecaps then piss in your eyes you fucking whiny cunt.
Kill yourself
Just delete them you dumbass it's not like they can force you to accept their invites.
I put someone's name into Lolking who'd recently changed it, and it redirected me to another summoner name (their new one). Though, at first I did think either I'd made a mistake or Lolking had fucked up.
So it depends on how perceptive they are, I guess.
I like this.
You realize your friends are shitty when they add friends of yours through your match history just to fuck with them to get at you.
That's why I need to distance myself, user. :(
I'd rather drink bleach.
>hi i main tank toplanes
I hope to eventually be that blitz ot. Sitting on 140k mastery and loving every game.
what if new champ is 100% designed to counter jungle??
>why kill when you can save
Did you say...Loki?
What if the the new champ doesn't do any damage but is a support that has only utility and mana stealing abilities?
>New champion is designed to counter jungle
>Nerfed into uselessness
>first pick asks if anyone has their champ
>tell them sure
>They pick your champ
>Pick a troll champ for them and insta lock
Why would you do that? That's not funny
man singed is so fucking fun. Ekko couldnt scratch me.
well, riot do can use some champs that are more role oriented than just WHO CAN SHIT OUT MOST DAMAGE!!!
but that will mean they have to thinks harder about balance, and they cant use the average formula to give a qualification (S+ > D) after a game.
yasuo has enough steroids to ignore armor
everything is fun in silver.
thanks, m8
not sure why but I'm not surprised
true that. it's why i love silver.
they are tho