/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: Lewd lolis edition

>[Magical Girl Journey ~Prisma Corps~ from 9.8 to 9.21]
-Welfare Kuro von Einzbern
-Following Servants have increased damage during the event
- Mashu, Medb, Illya, Kuro, Helena, Nursery Rhyme, Medea Lily
-Limited shop CEs
-4* Kaleidoruby: +10% Buster up/+8% NP damage up
-4* Kaleidosapphire: +10% Arts up/8% NP damage up
-Gives female servants, D'Eon and Astolfo +50% damage during the event and additional +50% Buster/Arts up during raids with the appropriate CE
- Fuyuki must have been cleared to gain access to the event
- Event missions pastebin.com/LAYW9Qi6
>[Prisma Cause gacha]
Servants on rate-up
-5* Caster Illya
-5* Rider Medb
-4* Caster Medea (Lily)
-4* Caster Nursery Rhyme
-4* Caster Helena Blavatsky
Female only gacha + D'Eon and Astolfo

Limited CEs
-5* Magical Girl of Sapphire: +40% NP charge/+25% NP charge rate, +1 Lion-kun drop
-4* Search and Destroy: +8% Arts up/+15% NP damage up, +1 Magical Bushido Musashi drop
-3* Zunga Zunga!: Damage block (100)/5% increased healing, +1 Pudding drop

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
-New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
-Mashu Kyrielight voice actress Risa Taneda on hiatus to recover from illness


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


ded thread

first for ded

Emulators still kill? Haven't checked since Swimsuits


Why didn't Nasu just about all the futa bullshit by writing that Mordred was Lot's bastard instead of Arturia's?

Still dead, another five days and they'll miss the Prisma event entirely.

Yes. DW wised up and the cracking will take however long it takes; that is to say, there's no ETA.

Meant to reply to >Implying that the futa wasn't jammed in deliberately.

I want to be taught how to make homunculi so i can create my own Illya with Illya.

>Take Waver & Mashu w/Support SuMo-san
>NP Charged every other turn
>Damage becomes an alien concept
>Didn't even get to use Kuro

Is this the power of Arts teams?


Best archer

Yes, Karna with Vijaya really is the best archer.

what a qt

>next gacha will be Bryn return

For people that have successfully acquired their waifu, what do you do now? Do you save up to roll them again and max their NP or do you mindlessly roll on new characters you end up liking.

I love this Oni!

Reminder that Jeanne Alter is where you should farm Lions even though P has more drops

Extella PV soon.

Soon to be best Caster

Level your P and he might tell you.


the latter

tfw can't play anymore

Next ST Arts Rider when?

Not saying that Georgius is bad, mind you, just too defense-oriented.

I don't have to wait again because I maxed her the moment it was possible NP and level.


>releasing bronze

He will be the 2nd silver single target Caster with Quick NP

When they released a new silver Rider.All of the new Rider have been gold so far and 3* Riders is still the launch one.

Wait for Perseus.

What about pudding and cards?

Such a cold blooded cruel oni loli

Well, Georgius is supposed to be a tanker, there's no proper offensive ST arts rider yet.

>such a cute, loveable Oni loli

silly EOP not getting the reference

Pudding and Books are still Mephisto and Fergus

Apk is out, get it here
pan baidu

Who would use a Grail to summon Scat Alter? Aife?


I took the liberty of mailing DW about using multiple accounts on a single device because people were fretting over it and here's their reply

No idea what you were referencing but it still doesn't change what I said.

What even is that?

DW use Hassans for mail now?

I wish Saber Gilles had three buster cards.

こちらは『Fate/Grand Order』運営チームです。





今後とも『Fate/Grand Order』をよろしくお願いいたします。

Stupid sexy doll

Wait for best proto.

I cannot even begin to guess how actively they track this kind of thing

So is Drake Elizabeth I?

Fuck off overweight neckbeard wai fucuck, go get raped in jail like MadThad already.

Fate is for powerlevels and Zero selling more than all the other trash in the franchise is proof of it.

she's liz

It's been known this for a while now, they have checks of what phone the specific account is logged onto.

Almost there!!!

I love you guys.

>responding to a 6 hour old post in another thread


How long does it take to get there? I am planning to complete the event on my two account by the end of the weekends. At the moment, part 2 is tedious as hell.

without slacking?
It took me like 16 hours in total time.
2 each day.
1 week until this point.
9 apples if you want an intensive session.

Just report him for bypassing filters and move on.

Oh fuck i just realized.
>part 2
6 hours
just use 3 apples and everything will be done.

Hectic week and no time to play.
and still no fucking chink APK? WTF I'm gonna burn DW right now

Just getting Kuro to NP5? 3 days for 2 account using apples.
Farming everything? Probably take 1-2 more days for each account.
Highly depends how much you play a day.

Well, at the moment, I've been putting most of the effort in my main account, 2 hrs per day. Haven't touched my other account recently but it's after the Medb raid boss. I am only focusing on getting the welfare because farming in this event is not worth it. How fucked am I?

the event ends in 3 days.

5 days

Till 21st, so 5 more days.



Thank god. Guess I'll just have to rush on my other account.

They're having trouble cracking the security.

tieba.baidu.com/p/4776715412?pn=17 simon's post.

Cry more poorfag. go get a real job and buy a phone

Shut the fuck up

What the fuck you are talking about


hope he releases it just after the event ends

No. Go to hell.

Has anyone actually gotten banned though?

FUCK you.

Some chinks did, but I've no idea if they are perm. Also they don't actually check the logs unless you lost the account, then they'll just tell you to fuck off.

Medb is cute but I prefer her first sprite better

Why do they care at all how and where I play this shit? Game has literally zero player to player interaction, it doens't have any impact on anyone except the player himself.

It makes sense that they'll give you the finger if you somehow fuck up switching around the accounts


because SS-chan decided to edit the apk to see how high she could set the damage

that's basically the reason why DW hate emufags now

Is there any way to make Kiyohime more viable? I'm still blundering through the game, I've been given shitloads of cards of her so her Noble Phantasm must be stupid powerful, but I'm having trouble keeping her alive long enough to let it fly.

I've given her a craft essence of Joan reflecting herself, which seems to build her NP quicker. I've levelled that up a bit as well. Most of the time I try to get Masha to shield her and if I'm lucky, she's able to get the phantasm out. Mostly she dies in a few hits.

Also, is there any clue when previous event servants might become available again? Have they done so in the past?


Here is a chatroom with a collection of people waiting and hopeing for a cracked APK that will work on emulators. Lets all join in and pray

berserkers have shit NP gain / arts cards int heir setup (ignoring vlad)
that CE just nullifies 3 debuffs that are cast on that servant, not increase NP %.
nope and no.

>tfw no Twice

It was because nips from 2chan made a complete cheatAPK with more speed, damage and NP skip button

So what are the odds someone fairly new with a really bad team for this will be able to complete the second part of the event?

I'm just about done with the first part, and my best servants are:
Euryale -30

as you can see, the only decently leveled servants are male, and not the questionable gender type either. I'm going to definitely spike Kuro with everything I have to get a decently strong female servant, but I have some incredibly strong 5* at 90-100s on friendlist that have been carrying my pathetic ass through part 1. A bit lacking in good art ones with sapphire equipped but buster supports I have available have been clearing raids with one NP.

How far would I get into part 2?

Put a CE on her that gives some NP at the start of battle, like Kaleidoscope.

>He doesn't remember the obscene amount of damage she did with the apk that got posted on twitter and made all this bullshit happen due to DW getting butthurt

>STILL loving the whore

fucking cucks.

Vlad actually has the lowest gain among berserkers. He needs arts chains to get decent gains.

>he doesn't know

A nips sent a pic of SS-chan cheating on emulator to DW Twitter during first Oni raid.
No she doesn't use cheatAPK that time,but the value changer or some shit.
The next update,emulator was banned.

Raikou has a better NP gain than Vlad.

>SJW normie

Do I really have to see this screen each time I complete a quest? DW please

>arts cards int heir setup (ignoring vlad)

how the fuck i'm sjw normie

Wtf I hate SS-chan now
