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DS3 DLC is going to take us to the Painted World.

Now remember, if you play the DLC and you see what's in this picture, you must NOT kill it.

I repeat, if you see what's in this picture in the DLC, YOU MUST *NOT* KILL IT.

you can't kill what's already dead

i put muh drakebloodfu up on the slider waitlist

hopefully the data and formatting is correct


What happens if I do or cut the tail?

Remember to dress yourself in warm clothes so you don't catch a cold!

or plate armor!

>green hair

is 45 million soul memory active

its not green its blonde, looks good in black though if you dont like blonde

is dark souls 2 still active?

It's shit

Man Dark Souls 2 had a lot of really annoying fur on shoulder sets. The Warrior set in DaS3 by the malaysian studio has the same shit.

ark Souls 2
>Saves DaS2 from being a bad MMO but not everything can be salvaged. Still adds questionable choices such as invasion mechanics and ADAPTABILITY
>Retards think DaS2 is the pinnacle of Soulsborne PVP

Dark Souls 3
>Worked on multiplayer and balance for Dark Souls 3 with Steel Battlion director while Miyazaki gets the main game to his liking.
>Retards cry for Dark Souls 2 gameplay to come back.

Yui 'The Hack' Tanimura.


it's green

Then explain why the maingame is boring linear trash?

DS2 itself is dead as fuck
Do you really think you will find anyone that high?

Tanimura only assures that you have the best PvP experience during Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3!

I want her to appear as a granny just to piss off waifufags.


why doesn't the set include her crown?

So what the fuck took tsorig to eleum loyce?
The chaos?

>Every time I question DS3 PvP

The only people who call it pvp souls are people who avoid pvp in general; every time the suggestion gets thrown at me, it's not "I'm in DS2, come on in and join me!" or anything, it's "GET OUT GET OUT REEE GO PLAY DS2 INSTEAD". It's mostly just baddies trying to trick pvp players into playing the worst game. Ultras were worse because hyperarmor was useless a-la stone ring estoc, katanas rapiers and straightswords were still the meta, dual wielding was nothing more than offhand rapiers and yielded virtually no benefits outside of that, jester's existed, greatshields were still retarded, footsies were horrible, etc. The list goes on.

DS2 also had the worst, most host-centric invasion system.
Which is why i was never invaded past first playthrough, literally nobody wanted to take part in that shitshow.

>people still don't get the post is shitting on both 2 and 3 and how bad the pasta is

>katanas rapiers and straightswords were still the meta
will they ever not be the meta in literally every souls game ever

Way ahead of you user.

What does he have to do with eleum loyce?
Anyway, I'm sure EL was Anor Londo in Tanimura's mind, then Miyazaki said "Fuck DkS2, what is DkS2? I like the idea with ice and all tho" then made Irithyll and called it original content donutsteal.

thank you so much

I'll go as a grave warden to ruin people's immersion

from simply cannot balance large weapons, their balance ends somewhere in range of halberds, curved greatswords and greatswords, anything larger is usually really underwhelming
in fact, i praise ds3 for offhand greataxes at least, that shit is viable as fuck, probably the most viable ultras since des because of a 0.2 second hyperarmor startup delay which means you can trade virtually anything on pure reaction

NOOOO you fiend

Don't worry I'll carry fire surge just in case.

>estus wasn't instant
>phantoms can't heal with an invader present
>host doesn't have a hp bonus and csn even be hollow meaning they have less than 100% to begin with
Real unfair

>soul memory creating an entire fuckload of balance problems, past 3-4m SM you start exclusively invading havelmonsters with 50+ in each stat

>finite orbs you need to farm or increase your sm, insane amount of forced farming in general if you want to stay in specific SM ranges

>agape ring being a late and half-assed solution that failed to solve virtually any actual soul memory problems

>cannot use any switches, open 90% of doors or operate 90% of elevators

>cannot phase through any enemies effectively locking you out of parts of the levels

>cannot heal with consumables while host has 10 types of them 9 of which go to 99 stack

>seeds, which also mean you can't even heal with miracles in peace by running to enemies

>host and his butt buddies are able to turtle in warmth which is even harder to punish than estus in ds3

>hosts can chug on a ladder which is extremely hard to punish in certain locations

>even if host dies he won't lose his souls because 90% of playerbase is rocking ring of sacrifice you can repair

>insanely short invasion time limit

>abundance of shit invade spots, some of them can potentially lock you out of reaching the host permanently, especially in bastille and tseldora coupled with their general horrible level design

>host can clear the area from enemies permanently so you end up losing the only invader advantage completely

>there IS a priority system which makes hollow hosts least preferable targets and coop partners the most

>you can be damaged during backstab animation

>npc phantoms with 5k hp and infinite spells everywhere in sotfs

>almost no chance of ever being summoned as a bluefag

>insane amount of duelfag pandering at expense of everyone else, with arena being the worst offender

>abundance of baby-mode items like jester top pummeling already low skill ceiling even lower

>when you're an invaderbabby and memezakidrone at once
wew lad

Backing up saves makes orbs and sm points invalid

Yet you cant backup saves to unfuck ds3s shit mechanics

Can Twinkling Titanite be dropped as a gift?
If so, anyone willing to part with some of it? Want to upgrade the Chaos Blade on NG++++, but don't feel like rushing to Archdragon Peak just yet.

Platform is PC btw, name your price and your pw, I'll be waiting at church of Yorshka.

yeah i only look at the general when im looking for FCs or im not playing

so every time someone asked i was too busy or not even at home

"insane amount of duelfag pandering at expense of everyone else, with arena being the worst offender"
>goes to a fucking 1v1 arena
>complains about duelfaggotry

Going for a STR build in my first DS3 playtrough.

Heavy Claymore or Butcher Knife?

Read the knight slayer's ring description
It's just the ivory warrior's ring

Can't drop titanite.

Nothing, from caters to casuals

>Backing up saves
Next thing you will say is that cheat engine is acceptable as well.

Both suck as str weapons

Fuck me then, off to Irythil Dungeon -.-

Butcher's knife and offhand greataxe.

I think he means most balance amd gameplay mechanics took duelfags more into account than invaderfags and co-opers/PvEfags, which sadly seems to be what happened to 3 too.
They should just remove RSS/arenas forever

You're forced to fight on arena to simply get orbs unless you want to spend two hours on farming.

However: weapons can be dropped, right?
Anyone willing to part with a Chaos Blade?

I don't think I've ever seen you in any of our FCs.
Could you try to change that by participating more often, qt?

DS3 is very invasion-centric actually. Duelfaggots won't even have their safe space till DLC drops and dueling offers no unique rewards.

>most balance amd gameplay mechanics took duelfags more into account than invaderfags and co-opers/PvEfags
I don't see the issue with that. Duels should be balanced, while invasions were always meant to be unfair.
> which sadly seems to be what happened to 3 too
DaS3 duels are a literal joke in terms of balance, what the fuck are you talking about?
>They should just remove RSS/arenas forever
"Waaaah i dislike something a lot of people enjoy therefore it should be removed :((((("

It's not, hardly any new significant changes were made for invasions, except for weapon memory. Did you know Pontiff's faggy arena cannot be invaded by faithfuls? They knew exactly what they were doing with that place and that they now could jew duelfags more

Fuck this, I can't wait any longer. Recommend me an interseting ds3 playthrough.

What are the best str weapons then?

i was in a few many months ago
used to wear a different outfit and have different hair though

>hardly any new significant changes were made for invasions
You can freely invade with no need to farm orbs like in DS2 or soul memory fucking you over and it's the only change invaders needed.

Not playing the game fixes all the issues I have with it too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It can't be invaded by aldrichfags but it can be invaded via red orb. At least that autosummon works well and invasions are frequent.

Bought tower key but i can't exit firelink shrine to way of tower, the way closed with mist, what to do?

Butcher's knife is a very good weapon
claymore works better as a quality weapon, bastard sword is a little bit more STR-centric
greathammers and greataxes are the designated STR classes, but they're rather bad for PvP (while being godly for PvE)

Pve or pvp?

literally just wait a bit you impatient fuck

>people responding to pastas

>greathammers and greataxes are the designated STR classes, but they're rather bad for PvP
Yeah don't listen to people like this.


Defend this soul fucking shits.

the high AR means literally nothing if anybody with half a brain can easily dodge every single attack


Please... Creighton's axe... PS4...

>greathammers and greataxes are the designated STR classes, but they're rather bad for PvP
Greathammers, namely great club and smuph's hammer, are fucking AWESOME for ng invasions. They break shields, they kill in a single guardbreak riposte, they stunlock entire cooper groups. They are only bad in duels but who the fuck cares about duels, my 32STR SL50 build rapes people.
Offhand greataxes are literally a japanese FC meta.

>twinkbabby is so bad he can't EVEN get to irythill with his low level character

Good thing 80% of the people who you play against don't even have that.

1min lemme check something

Defend what


Yeah sorry m8, don't have it

I mean new changes, stuff they never did before.

It just shows they put more thought into those people having a stealth safe space even before thinking of making dogs and darkmoons work properly.

No, stuff should never be balanced taking duels into account at all, except for plain broken/bugged stuff. DaS 3's duels follow the same idea of 2's, woth a bunch of stuff that sucks, but feels different and can catch newbies off guard easily, so it gets used despite sucking and elludes people inti thinking there's variety. Most signs are people not using the strongest shit, after all.
Duels should be removed because it detracts so much attention from From that they don't work with the important stuff and goes against everything Souls multiplayer stands for, creating forced simetry for a system where assimetrical PvP and coop matters more

>How are you having trouble getting it? If you're twinking surely you've got hornet/chain, which require beating the champ. Who's actually giving you trouble, Wolnir? Did you justfuck Sirrus's quest up?

You know what?
Defend THIS *unzips dick*

Wasn't supposed to be greentext, whoops

>new changes
Weapon memory is an overall awesome system. It still gives invader advantage (it's just not as crazy, but in typical ng invasion ranges you always can be two weapon levels above typical hosts) without making them ridiculously overpowered.
Estus regen from killing phantoms is a great system as well, i just wish it gave 2 flasks per cooper kill.
Permanent dried finger is a based thing that makes ng+ runs packed with action.
And thanks to SL matchmaking stat rings actually matter which allows to minmax some pretty fun low-level builds.

someone post the level design image comparing all the souls game which shows how linear is the map design in DaS3

>deliberately butchering the most iconic scene from pulp fiction

I fucked up and offered Rosaria a tongue, which ended my quest with Sirris basically and thus I can't get the invasion from Creighton in that one spot in Irithyll. I'm thinking of using Astora's sword and the axe, but I'm not going ng+ with this character, so that's that.

>tfw killing her on my first DaS1 playthrough
Purging monstrosities and scalieshits feels great desu.

>artorias hugging sif

who gives a fuck you reddit hipster normie cunt I haven't gotten that far in the video though

please be in anor londo


Play DaS 1

Pyromancer with no physical weapons.
Use sorcery and miracle utility spells like hidden body as well.

What should i do with fire keeper soul?

stick your dick in it

Dump it in the trash.


in that order

Should i draw out inner strength?

You lose the option to do so after you enter the area past the abyss watchers. You can draw it out 5 times. Gives you acess to more questslines and things like the untrue dark ring and untrue white ring (look like a host/white).

then im gonna DO IT