/bnsg/ - Blade and Soul General

Mushin edition

>9/14 Patch Information

>Continuing Event Information

>/bnsg/ Servers
NA Server Group 2 (Mushin/Old Man Cho)
NA Server Group 3 (Jiwan/Dochun/Soha)
NA Server Group 4 (Poharan/Iksanun)
EU Server Group 1 (Windrest/Wild Springs/Highland Gate)

>/bnsg/ Clans Info

>BnS Resources

>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions


>Lewd Folders

>Community Yearbook

>Previously on /bnsg/
who cares LOL

1st for I love Gulgeun!

dog lyn #1

DEAD edition

who do you think I am?

Reminder not to give up user. Keep fighting and doing your best till you win, You will win!

good thread

Xth for pat all the kind people you play with on the head to show them you appreciate them

I gave up today.

fuck off maraku this shit isnt even funny anymore

I appreciate you user, here have a phantom head pat.

It's okay user. Everything has to end eventually so enjoy the memories you made and move forward. Keep fighting for a new future!

I didn't think it was ever funny!

How long til this game dies completely?

2 or 3 more patches, probably


get out reee

Reminder that Mushin did nothing wrong
and will be back soon

is ryzna back yet

When WoW raids get released on tuesday

Maku is a BULLY

how many people quit for wow or are playing less because of it

i doubt too many

literally every cool person
thats why these threads are scraping the bottom these days

About half of the remaining EU population.

i can't think of any besides gyro and all he does lately is spam "FUCK CHINKS"

So 1 person?

We were scraping the bottom back when Eristic and Kyoppi were shitposting and having drama all day
Now it's just dead

This is dead, only lyn and lewd degenerates will swarm in decaying carcass, like maggots.

Nothing you wouldn't expect from a Veeky Forums "community". No one really thinks long term, everyone for themselves.

My will to smile becomes fainter with every passing day

B r o w n i e s

is that why you're madly in love with him?

Where is ryzna, rrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee


That is not true

You and me both, my friend.

did i miss all the morning daily lobbies again?

It's just the game is shit and has exhausted all real discussion options. Everyone already moved on to greener pastures. Only avatarfags, degenerates and remorseful buyers will stay.
Nothing wrong with that.

i want to lick the sweat under her tits
any brownies wanna rp this?

>ywn have this swimsuit in BnS
why live


How does she even walk with those things.

She needs to watch out for lazer cheese.

would breed

Makes me want to install the game/10

Would the Scorpio Ring happen to drop of the Profane Jiangshi?

Don't think it drops anything but pizzas

Scorpio anything is dropped by Yura or the end of dungeon reward boxes. 6 man only.

Goddamn it

Necropolis is on the daily challenge today so if you just take advantage of that and run it a couple times you'll most likely get it just from high AP people doing challenge and passing on everything.

Is it bad etiquette to afk after doing the wolf

>Is it bad etiquette to do nothing

I want to titfuck porngame Taeyo

Yes. Exactly. Is it?


card plz

Yes I saw it mutiple times now.
Some guy afks after killing lycan pissing of some person and then you get some train wreck party. Even had people leave a few times.

what game

Good morning, /bnsg/

How goes today's slutposting?

I would say the size is pretty accurate

I refuse to believe people are that bad.

you underestimate the country of Brazil

I want to make a static with Taeyo now

I had a guy refuse to use his orbs in cs ebcause some other guy rolled for the drop orb and used it the other day.
People are retarded, lazy and assholes or just dumb cunts getting triggered and throwing a fit against the whole party because of a single person

>free games attract the scum

why do you think everything prestigious requires wealth?

Rare EU c o n t e n t lobby.
What content? Depends on what the people want really...tomb6, masts4/gloom4, erp2 or older stuff like asura/nexus/yeto, it's all viable options.


had a guy that said "let me have silver" then freaked out because someone outbid him on it. he made a big show of taking his orb and going home after

The lack of hugs in the threads lately worry me.

hug me azurling
im NA

it's because people know how to defend themselves against rapists like you nowadays :v)

cool new hair vverety


Not only a rapist but also necrophile

Oh, is it drama time again?

Where is Telena? I miss her

Not with a filename like that.

Why do pub summoners use taunt on their cats?

>ugly bimbo gon

Let me know who you are.
They're not ded /tears

Someone protect Luu from him

Is blade dancer shit?

Can the huglyn be stopped?

Not the class, but the players


I suggest physical violence to stop this rapist.

you'll have to find me

I thought this image couldn't get any funnier until I say Gulgeun offline

but she was 95% prettier than anyone here...

My BM and Des are prettier

name the remaining 5%

name the cool people who left

How am I supposed to do that? :

How do I make a cute lyn boy

hasp, gyro, dukk, rilo all play wow now

Make a dog lyn

Did kyoppi respond to this picture in the previous thread or did he die from the shock?

Play WoW and wait for a Lobby here for daily challenge or just pug it?

dukk and rilo still play bns

the other two are legit gone though they'll still shitpost here

for the love of god, tell me if there's anyway I can buy the scorpio earring

>half play
>that's all he could think of

I guess everyone is shit. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Don't think so, just gotta play the game, user.

NA Daily Challenges, 2 / ??

NA # 400742

Can do CS/JSY after if people want too.

Any skill level/experience/stay for however many dungeons you like. Can go in whatever order Masts/Necro/Talus/Erp/etc.

Come get your welfare gold and Scorpio earring, user.

he did say COOL people, after all.

>tfw so small that your hands clip into the pants on nearly every costume