fucking TEITCH edition
old: eyosongive.us
fucking TEITCH edition
old: eyosongive.us
Other urls found in this thread:
kys ya manlet nerd
>be me
>be gold I
>intentionally feed enemies
>this way my kid teammates will stop wasting their time while spending their parents' money on skins and instead use it for real useful things
You don't need to thank me anons, I truly love what I do!
Leona is cute
fuck off guro fag
That's a really curvy ahri spine
>be top
>get 4 man dived
>"gee team, go dragon at least"
>mid goes b
>jungler doing scuttler
>bot dies to enemy adc alone
nice game lolbabies
how much rp do championship skins usually cost?
>qtpie ended stream early, rush not on for another 6-7hr
G-guys what do I do Im not use to this
what are the biggest noob trap items
It really is, she should get that looked at
Havealotta (you)
You dont deserve it
You just sound like you need some anyways
>be bot
>they have heca jgl and sol mid
>heca ganks after his first camp
>get 4mand every minute from lvl 3
>meanwhile top somehow loses 1v1
this is every game
i want to fuck fizz
>be gnar top vs kled
>suddenly kled, shyvy and ahri come gank me
>dodge them with mad pro jukz, barely escape with 66 hp (they fail 3vs1 gank)
>brand comes top
>he kills them all (1vs3)
remember guys no fun
our super best top is still streaming
>having fun playing normals
Plebeians, plebeians everywhere
>still no news on Ahri's contest pic
Did Contest Guy go with Hmage for it?
i wonder if anyone will ever beat hashinshin in a far way
xth for fertile witches
Oh yes, I've finally reached a level no one else has attained before.
Because no one else plays Corki.
She had her fallopian tubes fucked up, trust ne its canon
Hes fun because hes literally the personification of shit /lolg/ says autism and all
Since he didn't say anything else so far, I would say so
how do I play ZAC
Jump on people
Who wants to coach a bronzie coming back to the game after many years?
NA: L0C0
Do not
I repeat
fail your E. It's 90% of why Zac is worth a shit as a champion. Apart from that, build full tank, still crap out damage, initiate from 3 screens away and have godly sustain and tankiness.
Xth for Garen > Darius
i wanna fill and breed shyvana daily!
ekko or zyra?
What do you play more, ADC or support?
Git gud at E and always max it out first.
Gank from the fog whenever you can.
I like to build items that are a mix of tank and AP damage for him + 1 true tank item. Hextech items are your friend in this regard.
I'm tilted beyond all hell and am probably going to get demoted edition.
>just got msg saying i got mystery gift
>got the summoner icon
>no gift in sight
wtf rito
I'm not good at ADC but I still like to play MF now and again.
Supp then.
I'm just worried because I don't want to pick a champion that's gonna immediately fall out of meta.
I still haven't gotten the message or anything
i want to:
hold hands
gently bully
swim in
share ice cream
have daugherus
with ribbon
why do low elo supps take tp or heal instead of ignite or exhaust?
Not the first person I would have picked to draw Sona and MF, but I still have hope
Some of his faces are downright tardo though
What about those new Star Guardian Skins then, boys?
Anyone care to speculate?
So far, all I got is
>Skins appear to be two male, two female champs
>Star Guardian Ezreal
>Star Guardian Soraka
>Star Guardian Annie(?)
>Masked/Tuxedo Twisted Fate
>plat 1
i am sure her womb can take it
Ez just got arcade, so he's off the list
>tfw it won't be Star Guardian Karthus
>nearly d5 elo
goodnight user
>star guardian nidalee
>star guardian vi
>star guardian aurelion sol
>star guardian jhin
maybe syndra
star guardian garen
i'm ready to die desu
It's been a while since Janna's gotten a skin so I could see one of them being her.
You can do it user I believe at you
Are you the Garen diaper guy trying to make amends with the fact that you posted Garen in a diaper so you're going to post repeatedly to make him seem superior to Darius in regards to the fact that you posted Garen in a diaper?
>That tail.
So, is Cho'gath actually good, or is it just because i'm in silver and anything can happen there?
>tfw you realize this makes WAY too much sense.
I was going to complement you on your CS but then I looked at the clock.
I want Shyvana to sit on my face!
Star Guardian is a transparent SM ripoff/homage, so it should probably go to mages.
I could see that too. Having a staff is a bonus, and Janna's got very few decent skins.
the later
mid/top main here, really enjoy jungle in normals lately (only elise and nid). i'm struggling with invades, what do?
Wait what, someone posted Garen in a diaper trying to prove he's better than Darius?
I've found that Cho is a brainless win in Bronze-Silver, but becomes harder to carry with as you climb up.
If you're getting invaded, ping for help and collapse on him or just try to smite away whatever they're trying to take (or just leave).
If you're invading, remember to track the enemy jungler's movement (you'll usually realize what they're going to do based on how the map looks at that moment) and ward extensively. Vision is everything when invading.
You had no idea user. You truly have no idea.
There's not a lot of male mages that could fit the bill, desu.
Black, also he hits people with a bat
undead zombie guys
Just no.
On life support, also melee
Maybe as a joke
Could work as a paradigm shift?
Gilius has a vid where he plays nid vs shaco, id highly recommend watching it
Going off of champions that haven't had a skin yet this year and assuming they are trying to make a complete team, I would do
Star Guardian Janna support
Star Guardian Sivir ADC
Star Guardian Xin Zhao jungle
Star Guardian Vlad top
hello guys it is me jeremy :)
Yup, already listed her as one of my choices. She's a shoo-in, only concern is that she already has a few skins.
>tfw 60% win rate
>tfw getting 24lp per win
God im so close to plat but I hate playing so much.
I'm even considering an elo boost
Guess the champ
ah well fuck the (auto) funktion
975 my nigga
It's going to be star guardian diana
>First time Kayle with the new skin in every game
>Feeding their ass off, last one was 1/12/5
>Yasuo unbanned almost every game I'm not banning
>not hiding the name
Darius is better than Garen...This is a dark moment for Garen mains
Fits with her theme, good catch. Although she IS melee as well
I want to kiss ___vladfag___!
Pick Kayle against Yasuo.
Resolves both your problems
Why is demacia so shitty?
Oh I didn't even look.
It's ad bruiser nidalee top.
She did the most damage in the game although they lost.
Its so disgusting but I can't stop staring. Send help.
literally what elo/server are you in where people don't permanban yasuo?
when should i invade as nidalee/elise, when would it be best to invade?