One Piece Games General - /opgg/

Busywork edition

old General guide, read before posting

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>Drops/XP spreadsheet

- Special Events -
>Sabaody Archipelago is OUT
>V5.0 is OUT
>Colosseum is OUT
>Set Sail for Sabaody Sept 13 - Sept 26
>Summer FN: Perona Sept 13 - Sept 20, All three Sept 20 - Sept 27
>Skill up Sept 25 - Oct 1
- Raids -
>Buster Call Sept 15 - Sept 16
>Ivankov Sept 18 - Sept 19
>48 hour Clash of Clashes from 25th to 1st, Garp Aokiji and Zephyr
- Fortnights -
>Wapol Sept 13 - Sept 27
>Sept 13 - Sept 20 T-Bone FN, Hogback FN
>Sept 20 - Sept 27 Wanze FN, Warriors of Shandia FN
>Sept 27 - Okt 4 Cobimeppo FN, Arlong FN

>fucking ZEPHYR soon
>CYO half stamina princess turtles from 14th
>FP turtles from 13th
>SW Strawhat replacements+ 6* Jimbei coming soon
>Shooter boosted RR pulls coming soon

- Special Events -
>Sep 6 - Sep 21 Save Ace Campaign
>Akainu twitter event
- Fortnights -
>Koala and Hack Sep 6 - Sep 20
>Sept 8 - Sept 15 Breed FN, Afro Luffy FN, Absalom FN
>Sept 15 - Sept 22 Bride Nam FNi, Lucci FN, Morgan FN
>Sept 22 - Sept 29 Kimono Crocodile FN, T-Bone FN, Supersonic Ducks FN
>Sept 29 - Okt 6 Men are Forbidden FN, Wanze FN, Ganfor FN

first for Vivi best girl

Young boys when

>random picture of a generic girl in bikini
>lol le nami xd
what a terrible picture

what stopped you from making a thread?

didn't even notice the post count

Please, pretty sure those boobs should give away who it is.

yeah a terrible artist's terrible rendition which serves as the most generic OP we could ever have

>one piece on the boat
>nami bikini
>red head
pretty sure its nami

>Colo, Himes and Buster on when I need Psy Slashers for Zephyr who is also coming
>Need Tbone for when Zephyr comes
>Have Legend Marco and Jabra
>Wapol goes amazing with Kuma who my inventory is full of

Too many fucking things at once, fuck.
Himes especially, just always eat a stamina bar.
Upside is I can probably max Zephyr the day he gets here.
At least I figured out a Wapol strategy that isn't too slow, only RR on the team is Caesar, got pretty unlucky with Driven/Shooter.

>Young Sengoku
>Boost units up to level 30
Yes please

>Need Tbone for when Zephyr comes

so why didn't you farm him when his fornight was first up?

Buster Call is really tedious to farm with G3. It doesn't seem worth the effort for a group whose best unit is a situational type booster with bad stats

I did man, for two solid weeks.
I got so few Tbones I got him at a 1:3 ratio to SW shanks books.
Closest I've ever come to legitimately quitting the game, two solid weeks for one special level and 3 sockets.

I farmed him for two weeks as well, and got 85 copies. You did something wrong
>one special level
You did something VERY wrong. Please don't tell me you fed him outside of a skillup event

His biggest thing is just being a good psy slasher with three sockets and better stats on average than Tbone/Ryuma/Shanks.
At least, in his defence, Psy has a TON of cerebral in it, he boosts a good chunk of all psy units.

I hate M

Nope. Ran it for two weeks, at thirty stam, and got literally 9 tbones. Stamina never hit max once either, I'm a bit neurotic with this game.
Feeding at skillup I got one special level, and three of my 15 sockets.
I told you user, closest I've come to quitting the game, it was actual fucking insanity.

Don't type boosts cancel out class ones? Like I couldn't use Impact Usopp and Momonga?

I've had terrible luck socketing Momonga too which just makes it more disheartening. Dalmatian though is nearly done, the useless pupper

No idea why that post cut off
Was saying I hate how Momo only gets any attack at max fucking level

Yeah you won't be able to use both.
I use him for Slasher teams with Shanks/Tbone/Momonga, as he buffs all three. I wouldn't use him for that if I got 3d2y Zoro, but it's fine in the meantime.
Momo is just as good as Caesar, I guess, so he'll be good for some fortnights somewhere, just like Caesar is right now.

No, the first one you use is the one that matters. That's why some enemies can boost your attack and orb boost by 1.1 and you can't override it.

>badly needs evolution materials
>can't get them there's too much things to farm right now

>using Momonga ever to boost a psy team

I'm fond of Kaku/Marco/Coby/Noland orb boosts for that reason, use it the wave before and cancel it out.
I did it to clear Beach Robin last week.

that looks even less nami than the OP
like a bad cosplayer you'd see in a live-action porn video with a budget of 5 dollars and a burger

Just slashers in a slasher team user, maths out a bit better than Mr 1 considering he isn't Psy himself.
Planning on Mihawk/Mihawk/Tbone/Shanks/Momo/GPU for Zeph, incidentally.

You're going to have a bad time.

>no koza
>no impactsopp
>no orb control
Zephyr is going to absolutely waste you, you know that?

I farmed Impact over 400 runs, now fortnights have come that I just HAVE to do.
It's the best team I can really make, so just hoping it feels like working.
>Ever fucking typing ">RR unit"

just do garp/garp/gpu/coby/mirage nami/alvida
it'll take a long fucking time to beat zephyr but you won't die

I have totally unaltered CD Alvida, but a ton of books.
He's coming during skillup isn't he?


Who deserve the turtles

BB already have 32 copies of himself waiting

Uncrop the image.

30 fucking copies of Momonga took me the better part of 5 hours to get, thankfully pretty casually while watching Farscape but any other raid and I'd have at least twice as many copies. As much as I want to max him, I think I'm happy to wait til next time we get Buster Call, I still need to save room for T-Bone and skill books from Wanze before we get skill up.

Bring BB to about 70. You won't max him with 32 copies.
Also Kuma.

BB and Hack

If you really want to farm you gotta be prepared to gem for it man, you're going to see an absolutely fucking massive return on your gem investment for Stamina vs one (1) RR pull. If the unit is that important to you then there's no excuse to complain if you've just used natural stamina the whole time, it's not like we don't get free gems out the ass.

Calgara or Oars

Oh shit man I just watched all of Farscape for the first time a few weeks ago.
There are SO MANY hallucination episodes.
I'm literally gay and I would absolutely the blue skin/white hair lady

>two laboons


Didn't seem worth doing when I'd had so little return by the end of the two weeks for a unit I could replace with momonga for the most part, and be guarantee'd three copies a gem.

two EVOLVED laboons

Neither of them are evolved, ya' dink.

first one for raid mihawk in the early days before rolling G3, the second one because i want to lv up and evolve. Not enought motivation to evolve or lv up and laboon is useless, also i'm lazy enough to not delete it

>miss perfect
>wapol on a COMPLETELY black bar kills me

I remember watching it ages ago, I'm talking like 10+ years ago whenever it was on TV (I forgot what channel, I'm assuming pay TV back then) and enjoying it a lot, all the zany puppets and really kind of fucked up story lines that I couldn't appreciate when I was younger. I just finished all of Star Trek: Next Gen and wanted to take a break before starting DS9 (on a bit of sci fi binge the past few months) so I thought I'd visit Farscape again and actually watch it in sequence.

I forgot just how many Aussies are in the show, I remember it being about the American astronaut guy and had a few Australians but it's more like everybody is Aussie except for the main dude. Which is weird as I generally dislike Australians in entertainment (even being one myself), we just sound so damn weird when put side by side with an American accent.

Netflix is definitely propelling my OPTC farming, I might be a bit slow but it takes a lot of the tedium out of it.


git gud

git gud

git gud

git gud

git gud

git gud

git gud

thats why you always bring the Sunny and use it, and every minor damage dealing special.

finally finished aokiji forest

thanks vergo

Post team nigga, I have Vergo and wanna see how you did it.

It's log luffy. Didn't have a max aokiji so I just used him.

Got really lucky near the end. God that shit is stressful. Sorry.

Welp, back to farming Buster Call to build my Inthawk team for Aokiji forest then.

Nice work on completing it though, must be a good feeling.

I can't believe Thatch is fucking dead...

juicy meme

he's not dead

Hey guys, if i bought one of those pre-paid google play cards and redeemed it, could i buy gems on the jpn version of optc with that credit even if im not buying a japanese pre-paid card?

like, just look at her arm tatoo... for christ sake

Ran through Sbaody to clear it real quick, got Macro and 2 pacifistas.
What kind of hellish setup do you need to actually farm Sentomaru? He's not even worth any effort you put in too, which is stupid.

probably because you use a retarded double Zoro team instead of this

>got Marco

Macro, or whomever. That big yellow literally who that drops

Oh that guy, my bad. Dyslexia.

>implying I have a single caesar friend
>implying I leveled that spider nigga at all

>"lol literally who"

I still don't know who user got


did you even add me you stupid fuck

Why not use double Enel, Capone, Log Zorro, Nero and GPU?

Sorry if you don't have those units.

Listen idiot. We're not like those thirsty micro penis losers on /a/ that will take anything they can get. We have standards and class here.

You know, after binge reading through Dressrosa I came to the realization that Luffy is still weaker than Doffy. Doffy tanked two of Law's ultimate attacks and all the other shit before going down. If it was 1v1 Doffy would have won.

I don't really think that's the takeaway, powerlevelfag.

>boss hp is higher than main character hp
That's not news.

Luffy was never fighting full strength until the very end. If luffy had just 1 shotted Bellamy and burst through the ceiling in gear 4th going full ham on Doffy right out of the gate Doffy wouldn't even have known what hit him

>enel is driven
thanks user that worked

He has a steering wheel on his back, did you think he was the driver?



For shitty jokes, I'll be here until the game dies.


>yfw Usopp is ripped as fuck
>yfw he would beat your ass IRL easily

this works for me if anyone needs a sabo team

>using Sabo
No, thanks.

If Enel learned armament and defense haki Could anyone stop him? He already has the best observation of anyone shown. Besides maybe Usopp now...

Luffy got shit on repeatedly in melee by Enel even though his lighting was countered.

You mean to tell me if Robin wasn't a filthy traitor that Luffy would've died the moment Crocodile pierced him and left him to die in the desert?
MC's have plot armor? Wow really makes me think

>defense haki
u wot
and yeah Kizaru would dump him


Now that I got a new phone I can finally use a fake gps app

and I have a gold chest so since I've never actually been able to use this effectively before. Do I jsut start tapping and now that I told you guys to tap too and if we are friends it just finds one?

I forget the term but you know they make a spot haki'd up to take a hit.

Hows that? Kizaru might be faster but not fast enough to hit him with his god tier observation. And eneru can travel through anything that conducts which Kizaru can't.

if my friend code sorry


>Pull SW Ace way back when.
>People laughed and said he fucking sucked on global.
>Heracles raid comes out.
>Gem the fuck out of him, socket him, and max special him.
>People called me retarded.
>Now we're getting Zephyr
>And we're getting SW Franky

Suck on my cock, you mindless sheeps.

>still missing boat
You're not sailing these waters yet, youngling.

I didn't do all that but I did always say it was just a little standoff between bamco and funimation and that sooner or later one would be forced to accept a compromise and let licensced characters come to global.