/dqg/ Dragon Quest General SOLD OUT Edition

A place to talk about new and old Dragon Quest games

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past - 3DS - September 16, 2016
Dragon Quest Builders - PS4, Vita - October 11, 2016
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - 3DS - TBA 2017

>What game should i start with?
3, 5 or 8
>What are the best versions of each game?
I - SNES with fan translation
II - SNES with fan translation
III - SNES with fan translation or GBC (SNES is better overall, GBC has a couple more extras.)
IV - DS or Mobile (Mobile version has Party Chat restored, is otherwise identical to DS version.)
V - DS or PS2 with fan translation (DS has an additional waifu to marry, PS2 has better graphics.)
VII - PS1 (3DS version coming September 16th 2016)
VIII - PS2 (Mobile version is gutted, 3DS version is coming sometime in 2017)
IX - DS (Needs to be hacked to get locked content)
X - On pretty much everything (no plans yet for a western release)
XI - PS4, 3DS and NX (coming sometime in 2017, no plans for western release yet)

Uh, is anyone there?

Cancel your Amazon pre order and go to a normal store. They all have broken street date and have been selling copies for days.

Today's its release date desu

I went to a game store and they had like two copies, I get one of them.

dear lord one day please

I saw DQ Jokers 1 and 2 for DS at the store. Are they worth playing?

>paying $40 dollars for a physical copy you can get for $30

Paying for a copy when you can get the superior ps1 version for free.

>waiting 2 months for a game to save $10
Your choice.

I bought an early copy ad Fry's and will still get my Amazon copy, then give it to a friend.

I'm at the part in VII where you have to find the women who are dressed as animals. Anyone know which is which?

>2 months
It's getting delivered today dumbass

>waiting 2 months for a game to save $10
but my 3ds is hacked. i've been playing it for the past few days. the physical copy is just a formality at this point.

Why is Maribel such a nasty cunt in general?

Cant you handle a Strong Woman you fucking faggot?

>implying strong woman =/= catty bitch who has to blackmail her way on to the team.

Look up on google what a Tsundere is.

>i like lisa
>how do i get her attention?
>i know i'll throw rocks at her!

that's why shes being a cunt is because she secretly wants your dick

Too bad for her I don't like her, I hope it makes her sad}=]

Supergirl is a bad example of a strong woman.

I like the show by the way. Even with all its cheese.

I know what I tsundere is user.
I guess she annoys me more because I'm reading the book "The Enchanted Castle" and the character Jimmy behaves just as assholelish are Maribel.

Your mom liked my dick with all the cheese

It was more of a reaction face pic than an example, but I can see your point.
Come on user, that's not nice!

So what jobs were removed?

Steve and Blow

Heatd some rumours about stuff being cut, first time playing VII and jusy met Ruff, do puzzles come into the gamr a bit more soon? Or is it sorta constant semi-puzzle thing thats super easy?

Loving the game either way, just wana know what to expect.

most of the stuff that was "cut" was the very beginning, they made it shorter. but other than that nothing has been cut it's just that they changed and improved a lot form the PS1 version.

>not pirating

Bought VII on a whim today. Just got to second island. Should I grind on slimes like an autist? Is heavy grinding needed for this game?

Are you having difficulty killing enemies? If not, then you're strong enough and don't need to grind.

I'm on the fourth island and I'm already too strong. Thorn whip + bang is already making mobs too easy.

Are there any english guides to the class system of the 3ds version of vii?

Are there any missables in DQVII?