Don't call Kled daddy, call him master Edition
League of Legends General /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck are you people so incompetent at making new threads, is it really that hard to copy and paste links in an op. God forbid if we were like other generals with rules, news, discords all in the op also
is she supposed to be sgt slaughter?
Someone make a better thread, this one is a shitter brand of the regular shit we get
>redditors unironically outraged about something Tryndamere did 4 years ago
I'm thinking of playing Undying Noxian War Machine, give me ancient knowledge.
>meet qt support boi
>chat, play an aram
>says we'll play tomorrow
>it's been 4 days since he was last online
well i fucked up somewhere
>ywn go hiking with vladfag
Why live, bros?
>higher than average
it's relative to his division user.....
People still hate pendragon for what he did back in the early days, although in my opinion its justified a tad. What did Tryndamere do?
I'm cute and would play with you if you're cute too!
It's higher than average for my league
>silver 2
Also, since people are retarded and can't make OP's
Useful links:
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
LeBlanc takes no skill, holy shit.
Was this just a meme?
She's supposed to be the major slut.
Kassadin back in meta WHEN?
I haven't seen Kass in so fucking long
Then play her and carry yourself to challenger if she's so easy.
>ywn RP as Vlad while she RPs as Elise for a sweaty autistic black rose themed fug
>go to a party
>meet a qt italian girl, under 1.5 feet tall, long black hair shaved short on the left side with really pretty blue eyes
>tells me she plays league
>i add her on skype, we play one game, we won it was fun
>We talk the rest of the day then she ignores me for 5 days
At least that game was fun... I actually thought she was interested too, she was probably just drunk I guess.
Shitter incoming
What's with the whole montecristo thing? Please fill me in.
Don't bust my balls, bro. I'm just saying I can face roll with her as I can with say... Master Yi.
But elise is shadow isles, not noxus, which is where the black roses are from.
I don't know why I keep playing ranked. I already got Gold so I get the welfare skin I wanted, but even though I get matched with people like this Orianna whos sole purpose was getting caught out by Olaf, something in me wants Plat.
fuck off eleonore
0/12/16 with meditation is solid in all lanes, 12/0/16 is good into easier ones.
Q max vs melee champs who aren't crazy high on mobility or ways to disrupt it.
E max on ranged and mobile fuckers who won't let you hit a Q.
W second most of the time.
If you're against a tank trying to bait them into an early Zzrot by rushing it yourself guarentees a huge health pool just from killing the extra creeps, otherwise a titanic or sunfire rush is always good. Zzrot is really the best early MR option considering most champs you'll want MR against are pokey sons of bitches that you'll want avoid spending too much time getting harassed by, just keep in mind Zzrot CS doesn't give you W health.
Once you hit 6 if the enemy jungler and top aren't capable of blocking your ult really easily push as hard as you like to draw pressure, otherwise ult down whichever lane is least likely to dodge your ult every so often, follow up a connect with a Q, near misses with E into Q.
>quite higher
You use your E to dodge her stun and kill her.
E her E
Do I max w or e?
What second? What do I rush? People always say Fizz counters Syndra but I've always hated this matchup
Should I buy boots early?
What's Olaf's full build look like?
I want to pick him up and shit on Yasuo mains.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Its genuinely questionable how fuckers will copy and paste one link but not the others
You're only like a week late famiglia. WE NOXUS NOW
She was always suspected Noxus/BR because of Vlad and LB listed as friends instead of shit like hecarim
clear that wave, if you're so great
Always E first
Q second
if you're having a easy matchup, go for Lich Bane. If not, Abyssal.
against Syndra is good to rush boots
Frozen mallet BC is all you need to shit on windroach
dont you mean with?
>unable to beat e skillshot reliant immobile mage
>as FIZZ
>Playing jungler
>Every lane screaming at me to gank
>They get pissed when I get the kill from the gank
>Start flaming
>They start taking my jungle camps
>Really behind in levels
>They flame me for being behind
>Still win the game
Don't die
How to get better at cs? I keep attacking early
I am so glad cancer fish man is no longer played.
Wtf is happening. From time to time I get a pseudo-lag where my ping is normal, I can see everyone else doing their thing but my character stops moving, sometimes accopmanied by attempting to recconect. Also the game freezes for a second when I get to low hp (1-3%), less often when someone else near me gets this low or just after drake/baron kill I assisted. I need that help.
do customs as anivia no items no runes and practice
anivia due to her bad auto attacks
Playing LB well does take skill. A well played LB is a Godsend.
>fizz isnt played
What's in the fucking box, /lolg/?
Just go into a custom and practice getting all the cs you can before 5 minutes.
7 waves with 6 each plus 2 cannons so I think it ends up being 44 you can get by 5 minutes.
>The LB on your team is boosted and have over 10 deaths by 15 minutes
>The LB on the enemy team is a rank 5 challenger smurf
Well I've seen him a lot less tell you what.
>how do I beat mage as fizz
her constant fucking q poke is impossible to deal with and still cs
we did it /lolg/
mission accomplished
pilot license acquired
at least obsess over a good lolg girl like exodus
Well would you fucking look at that.
I guess she's more interesting now than just spidergod worshiper, and she still has her deceiver themes.
Elise x lb lesbian porn when?
if only the cast animation was 3 years long
all these pictures of white skin shyvana
>ywn be Shyvana
I need that shyvana blush image in my folder
>Illaoi - crazed religious jungle-fever fetish cult fanatic with SJW Veeky Forums body type who will murder people to pass her religion's "tests"
>Jhin - self-loathing asexual serial killer with OCD and counter-narcisscism and a penchant for fedora-tier quotes and bondage
>Aurelion Sol - narcissistic space-god with a questionable sexuality and would rather watch the life forms on his creations suffer than bother doing anything worthwhile
>Taliyah - literal SJW fanfiction Mary Sue who can do no wrong and will unite Rune Terra for a greater cause like some shitty shonen anime
>Kled - schizophrenic, stormfront furfaggotry whose pet, dialogue and quotes are reddit-meme tier
>Ivern - ????????????????????
It's very different on I guess he's played way more often in euw and eune.
>challenger smurf
That's me! But I'm not a faggot and play LB when boosting. I'm only like get my dick sucked by a cute looking guy "gay". [/spoilet]So, basically, playing Cait tier. ( ΄ ώ ΄ )
Good. She probably smells bad in a bad way.
Bob Ross Druid
Trumpfag you're a guy??? and you're into gays?
Wanna be my sugar daddy?
mashup of rooftrellen and chen
Violent SJW PETA treehugging faglover.
given what you said about the previous, he could literally be a fucking tree with the personality of rammus, and you'd still find bad in it.
I want Shyvana to sit on my face!
what was that picture?
Trump would be fucking disgusted.
It was a pic of his folder of shyv images, one of them was titled shyvana blush and it was a really good reaction image. Not porn tho.
why? not my fault most artist draw shyvana with white skin
how would being a half dragon feel like?
Jokes on you, I've immensely enjoyed all of the champion releases this year except for Taliyah. And even though Taliyah has shit lore and a shit character design, her kit is still pretty fun.
>rek'sai still nerfed
pls buff her so I can play her again.
I'd suck trump's dick if that meant he'd give me some of his money.
She will remain in the bin due to her not being a white woman, sorry user.
Fuck Tryndamere. Riot is never going to get a single dollar from me ever again.
Xth for Garen > Darius
I definitely agree with you, taliyah is the only champion i can look at and just think, this is just tumblr incarnate. Illaoi is actually really fun personality wise, she's a strong wymyn who doesnt actually give a shit about anyone and enjoys life, but that sort of thing triggere anons.
I'm buying jinx's new skin and you can't stop me.
this one?
deleted post because it had nsfw images
Post the image.
You know the one.
>Taliyah - literal SJW fanfiction Mary Sue who can do no wrong and will unite Rune Terra for a greater cause like some shitty shonen anime
You forgot to mention she's a self insert of the team's diversity """"""""director""""""""
tfw no adc gf
Yesh, thank you oodles.
girls don't play adc
we all want strong adc gf, preferably russian.
Enjoy your Cait only every game
Great, what stupid bullshit did he pull off this time.
Whats the worse role to play, and why is it ADC?
girls dont play league
>russian adc gf
>Take down all their towers but one.
>We had an advantage
>no one would focus jinx or Veigar
>They all get GAs
>half my team doesn't
>We lose
Nice game riot.
Because everyone focuses you, and your lane is dependent on you and a team mate playing well for it not to falter.
He boosted an account back in season 2 and now everyone is mad
Apparently he's donating 10 k as punishment.
>Need a literal babysitter to do anything
Gee I dunno boss