Monster hunter general /mhg/

GET ANGRY edition


>I have a question! (embed)
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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>He isn't a solo hunter


little slow there


I'll take 5th place

sixth for monster hips!

I want to BE Meowstress!

Remember to stay determined!

Even if you cart in V Hollow zone 7 for 2 hours straight!

shitposting in a new bread




Shitters be getting crapped on by Crystalbeard

>this fucker

Just started a hbg main. Never really used it before. I feel so OP.

The worst part about charm farming is finding good charms that you don't need.

Just give me a god damn fastcharge+5 OOO

how can you argue SnS is not Godtier?

Friendly reminder that statistics which have a standard deviation almost as broad as the average value itself means the data isn't accurate enough to set things in stone.

Pinkian's a cunt but you can bring poison resist and a shield and she's somewhat bearable

Azurelos on the other hand is just... pure cancer
The only monsters that can even try to match that level of shit design are red khezu and black gravios

I want to hotdog all of the monsters!

repost because im an idiot


actually SnS was the last weapon made in the Japanese version of MH1.

Dual Blades was the actual last weapon made in MH1 but only got in the overseas release while JP had to wait for Freedom1/MHG

>Azurelos was one of my favorite fights back in 3U, i'd fight him even if i didn't need any parts

why must I be cursed with such impossible desire?

Here's the TA graph for quests that only have 10 or more weapons submitting times, which should be slightly more accurate than the overall average one.

I want to be hunted and used by the monsters!

You're weird but I respect that

>range weapons at the front of the pack
gunner superiority confirmed
blacklist all bladeshitters

>HH and GL even farther down

Bow cannot possibly be that fast. It's litterally the worst dps weapon in the game unless blast got buffed this game


>it's literally the worst dps weapon in the game


It could just be that Japs are awful with those two weapons. There are some quests where GL and HH aren't actually the worst, but there are some where the times submitted are just awful and throw off the average.

Because the GLers submitted to that graph are a bunch on incompetent niggers and any average Moba player can wreck their shit first time.

>MFW when everyone was talking all that shit about tripping lancers during the demo days

This is lewd!

I've been saying this the whole time, blademasters should be lucky that gunners let them hump the monster's legs and pretend to do something while we do all of the damage

Those are statistics from the TAnon chart.

It's been awhile since i've fought him (or played 3U, for that matter), but i remember having fun hunting him in Misty peaks. I eventually got to the point of "getting good" against him, and could predict what he would do and fight back.
Liked him much better than regular Rath. He felt more aggressive and didn't spam flying attacks as much, or at least i thought so.

Well, those are solo runs. If everyone trips Lance users, they should be less efficient than even GL.

Name at least one quest where HH or GL gets at least middle of the pack instead of dead last.




>tfw someone understands you
Tie me in vines and let your pack use me, oh great jaggi

That's easy m8
> Glavenus
> Tigrex
> Mizu
> Bulldrome
> Volvi
> Uragaan

Just speaking for myself [gunlance]. I can stick to mobs just as good as dual blades

So its pretty much confirmed that Raw LBG >>>>>HBG right?

/mhg/, r/monsterhunter and minegarde forums seems to agree.

Not gamefaqs though

would you prefer a pack of jaggi or maccao

Being overpowered and slowly trained into a proper member of the pack under him!
He sure is Great!



>this meme again
No, as long as it's a quest where hbg doesn't run out of ammo without combo pro.

On What a Girl Wants (Guild 6 tigrex) HH and GL are 249 and 268, LBG, LS, and HBG are 253, 290, and 373. Not sure why HBG is so awful.

>Raw LBG >>>>>HBG

when was this decided?
maybe I'm out of touch but I always try to make elemental sets for my LBGs

cringe, you better have quick sheath or you'll still be unsheathing while the monster is halfway dead

>tfw support cb
>tfw you give everyone around you a max potion every few seconds

>talking about weapons when you don't even use them

absolute readiness
You never have to manually unsheathe except for the first time you walk into the room with the monster

It was never decided

jaggi so I could mate with the wonderfully voluptuous females while he's out hunting then get punished when he learns about it!

Who's skipping out on MHX/Gen and just waiting for the next one?


we get it, you vape

I'd rather fuck the Great Jaggi.

what a funny guy lol

I'm going to use Astral but not sure what I want to mix it with. Main points are Composed, Trump Card and Razor Sharp. Not sure what else useful to add. This is for fun.

you will
that's your punishment: to be tied in vines and used by him personally for days until you learn your lesson!

I want to be in Meowstress

I want him to treat me like his prized jaggia!


Good thread, guys. Really stellar.

I want to be vored by mizutsune

I want to torture that rathalos until he loves it!

Turns room
Usual pass

I want MH5 to let me hunt monster fuckers and castrate them so they don't have kids.

I'd like him to toy with me with his tongue but I don't want to be eaten

pretty sure most of the people here and now are gay

>Magnitude and C. Blango Destructor
Good times

I want to drive Mizutsune extinct.

Agnaktor is the best Leviathan.

I didn't ask for personal experience. I asked for times.

I would have researched this myself but I can't find times on the Japanese site. Where are you getting that info?

Literally all I want in MH5 is underwater back and a new ranged weapon.

Is that too much to ask for?

Today on Naked Hunter: comedic timing


Don't know why, but he's kinda shitty in this game.
>hyper version constantly burrows
>like the ground version of a rathalos
>does the redirected slide and goes across the entire map making you chase his dumb ass
>nearly everything he does has chip damage included
The only cool part is the lazor beam easily avoidable and the lava armor. His armor never found a use to me too. It's a shame because I used his stuff in 3U.

Can hunter arts crit?

Please mister jaggi take me away from my societal woes!
Make me yours!


I would like to see one Gunlance video that doesn't make me cringe.

>People still believe shelling is GL's core DPS


Fucking gross

>how it feels to naked hunt


Adept is literally the best style for gunlance

But shelling as core DPS is retarded as fuck

I hate Adept in general because of the parry animation.

Every day without his touch is a day wasted!

True, but is it bad to WANT shelling to be core dps? is the source for the Tigrex times but our TA sheet has them converted to seconds on the WR TA tab. Our TA sheet can be found in the pastebin in the OP. HH is mid-low tier still but it isn't dead last at least.

Litterally the best for shittiers

I get better with striker

>That blast dash and breath buff

>Ab Re keeps me in position

You know it!

dear god I'm so alone


not running adept gl on some stuff is like running adept db against rajang or zinogre.

pretty darn silly.

You're not alone, user, you have me for company in this hell.

but adept db is the best adept dodge for those monsters because all the other dodges are punishable

>I like striker so it's better!
fuck off

adept is the best for damage.
Push-up reload and strong slam are the gunlance's strongest attacks and are exclusive to adept.

Adept gives gunlance the ability to be in the monster's face the entire time without having to worry about massive chip damage and getting guard combo'd.

Dragon's breath just locks your heat gauge and increases shell damage, if you're not a shitter you can just keep your heat gauge in red on your own without having to wait for dragon's breath to charge.

and you STILL get to use absolute readiness for positioning.

I'll give you that one.

You don't run Adept DB on Rajang or Zinogre because you can easily demon dash through all of their shit. ESPECIALLY Zinogre. You could run Striker on Zin and get away with it.