3 Days till RoI~~~~
3 Days till RoI~~~~
Other urls found in this thread:
BE SURE TO GET YOUR CALCIFIED FRAGMENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pretty infectious colors
How much glimmer per rank would I be spending if I solely ranked up through glimmer for a faction? 62,500 at base rep is what I came up with but I dunno the exact increases causes by class items and the new space cancer buff.
Come get your mats for motes
how would you make a 1 v 1 game mode work?
>removed the pvp tournament
BETA TEAM BTFO BY ALPHA TEAM ONCE AGAIN?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!
Passing out free syphilis on Xbone. VivaDelSol has all 5 baby, come and go real discreet like.
Very easily, just invite that person to your fireteam and set it to any mode
>Tfw the true btfo comes next week when beta team are exposed for being thread betas
Anyone wanna help me do Warpriest challenge on PS4? Last calcified I need and have been trying all fucking week
I meant if there was something like trails but instead it was 1v1, could it even be interesting?
Why is everyone getting space aids?
>shit flinging this hard
get a life
probably siva related
we're trying to outdo /owg/.
>oy vey, goyim! getting pozzed out is good for you!
No thank you.
Sure, set it to Elimination with level advantages on/off, enjoy
The colours are pretty and give bonus rep
Its win win really
Space aids gives you bonus EXP & Rep. plus shiny sparks over your face
>not updating the OP
We didn't sign you for this. Also
>When it comes to alpha team let's drown them in shit
>Don't do it for us though
And we didn't sign you to be a smart ass.
Fuck off.
I never asked for them...
but the band of Xbowners made me their bottom
who is this young man you keep posting?
Kick that smug shitter out of Alpha already, he's making you look bad
Why you leave me with THAT
I have all five space AIDS , who wants to play CoE in exchange for said space AIDS
Anyone on PS4 got the stuff? I've only got Brilliance and I'm digging this lore.
>young man
I'm down, just gotta grab my 'lock.
I haven't played for about a month. How is the space aids spread? Will there be any benefit to being poz-free when RoI releases?
>Cant handle basic thread shitposting
You don't deserve to be alpha team
>having all 5 space aids on Xbox
I join towers and I never fail to get an invite. It was fun at first but damn, people are thirsty for this stuff
>Go to friends list, internet connection is lost.
Anyone still running anything?/plan to?
our glow too thicc
it spreads if you play with/against another person with it
in strikes and crucible and custom games
I think its just a 10% boost to rep for everyone who is rushing their MoT or just getting back into the game
that 10% is ridiculous under boosters though
anyone doing custom games?
Nah it kind of fell apart after we started disconnecting
Fun was had though.
I don't think it has anything to do with MoT.
Thanks for making me a pozzy faggots.
you sound really cute btw :3
Do the exp boosts stack if you have multiple buffs?
Praise goth and alpha for my new infected form.
one more for nightfall.
Funny. It's almost always rift for me.
need 2 more to help with void exotic sword last step, randoms are shitters who kill the knights as soon as they spawn. Have all 5 boosters.
I'll help
Am I just late on noticing these are already in faction packages?
I can help out
yep, they're still cool though
Just sent you a friend request.
First I have heard of it
Also, the faction's fascination with brightly colored stripes finally paid off
Oh shit can I finally get a Dead Orbit Sparrow!?
So are we all just ignoring this shit
Anyone up for Mayhem Clash PM in around 30 or so?
Forgot link, mb.
Oh fuck mang. Is there still no way to receive more viruses?
I thought thats what happens if someone goes invis near you
It can happen when you only have one, too.
Bet it's gong to evolve over the weekend
Have we found out who RAM is yet? This makes it seem like it could be the speaker. That also would lead me to believe the speaker's real name is something like Rameses, which would make sense considering there's already an Osiris. In Egyptology Rameses was the Pharoah who was said to have been birthed by Ra, which in destiny context would be kind of like him being the son of the traveller. Then again, maybe we already know who RAM is and I'm reading too far into it.
you can receive more only on a character who's pure and unsullied. you can get up to 5 but it has to be from the same person, and they have to have all 5.
nope, more than one person has reported it, and it's been reported in empty tower sessions too.
We /DEAD/.
3/6 for a relaxed Normal Mode King's Fall. Doing all challenges, getting the fragments, whatever. Join up for fun times.
>spend entire mission ascending a cliff face to get to a temple solo
>Saladin just beams in at the end no problem
I dont know who RAM is. Some of them are pretty obvious like this one, and just as meta
Supposedly anyone who isn't specifically marked out as Vanguard is part of the Owl Sector, who are all regular civilians and not Guardians.
RAM it's for Ramos, if change the language to Spanish it shows you the real name
Who STD free here
>all this acknowledging player behavior
I actually like this. They did it before and they are doing it again.
I've got 1 character without it
Do you have AIDS?
>open a bunch of packages from Hideo hoping for my titan chestpiece because I need a Spektar one
>last ten packages have been helmet x5, arms x4 and a gun
What the fuck
Anybody up for some casual Striking on PS4 to help a returning player level up? I'm still only 290 Light
I'm gonna be honest.
I have no idea what that means.
Boners that wanna fuck around with groups if you aren't in preview take a look
> Spend an entire mission murdering anything that could shoot down a ship
> Ship just flies in
Yes, and?
Saladin is playing Elder Scrolls
We're playing Destiny
I've got my private club, where's the Xbowner club?
>it's a your HoS doesn't work episode
>it's an enemy sunbreaker is unaffected rerun
eric, simply eric
i wish kojima would give me something other than AR speedloader gauntlets or fusion/sidearm legs, or an arc chestpiece, or a helmet without inverse shadow
fuck you hideo, i don't rike it
Filled up. Thanks.
any xbots doing stuff?
I just finished with spreading the aids to a 130 some odd people.
care to make that 131?
Fuck it why not I've already been doing this for a gross amount of time,
Shoot me a message.
>Finally get my first Y2 LDR
>TACSYS, Eye of the Storm, Casket Mag, Mulligan
Atleast I have a Solar sniper rifle other Spindle, I guess?
I can't find the point in doing yet another character. I've gotten done with all the story stuff up to ttk and that felt so unrewarding to do all over again. Doing the same exact grind all over just to doesn't seem very appealing.
The game might not be for you. It may also depend on how much time you've spent playing. You could be burnt out. I spaced my characters out relatively far, sometimes starting over halfway through. Maybe spend some more time with your current character(s), I bet once you finish leveling the other two sub classes you'll be ready for a new character.
how'd I do?
Solid 6/10 but nothing special about it. No Reinforced, no Luck, no Hidden Hand. At least you got a Sureshot
very solid
bloom still sucks though
better than bob's
Would the two range perks stack or does it max out and still remain shitty?
Would be fun for Small Arms PVE, but ultimately useless for anything else.
You want Rifled Barrel and HH/Outlaw to accompany that Rangefinder. LITC also works.