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Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on na needs 6 players
pw vidya
xth for FERTILE Demacia's who can safely bear children (unlike certain Noxian whores).
me and friend are about to end game
I've failed my plat 2 promos like 4 times now. last 2 games was teemo smite top and the one before that was a int feeding lucian.
About to kill myself.
>trying to get back into this game
>no runes
The rune system in this game fucking sucks.
Where were you when Riven was confirmed infertile?
>winning a fucking 4v5
>end up stomping all lanes
>late game pushing for the win
>kinda winning 3v5
>kinda losing 3v5
Nothing would make me happier than that person getting struck by lightning. I haven't felt rage like this sense the days of flashing blitzcrank pulls.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3
Bullying a Riven main about his barren waifu.
But only this noxian is cannon for bearing children user...
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on the NA server.
It needs three people to start.
tfw no adc gf
Try to play pic related, hover in lobby.. Adc bans her.
>Be Vel'koz support.
>Trying to be nice and get my Jinx ADC fed.
>Poke like the champ I am and start harassing the literal shit out of the enemy Alistar and Jhin.
>My Jinx, however, is a certified idiot.
>Decides to melee form on top of Alistar.
>Gets outright destroyed.
>Fuck this.
>Beast mode: ACTIVATE. New goal: Drop support/start carry status.
>Kill the enemy lane twice over. Then again in a 1v2.
>Roam the map and kill everything there.
>Start taking enemy jungle.
>Park mid and shove it non-stop until I take an inhib.
>Force my team to take baron.
>Get to the point I can simply ult the enemy ADC into death.
>After game.
>Enemy team built a shitton of MR and no armor.
>I was the only AP.
>My team still raged at me for, "Not supporting," despite being carried and having their asses wiped like a bunch of drooling infants.
Not even mad. Still won. Get fucked shitters.
I can't find it
It already started.
Proactively put in place you should congratulate that adc but duo with him and ask if he'll let you play it.
It was Caitlyn yesterday you need to keep better track of your totally true story that totally happened.
What should I do with my loot shit?
Is there gonna be another after? I have two people who want to play
tfw no vladfag gf
I once had to do that in normals. Except it was because of two retards going duo top. I had 2v1'd an sona Vayne because they couldn't do shit to my Waveclear, CC and poke.
>people don't play more than one game over the course of two days
Stay mad; stay bad.
Thinking about how much I hate Riven and want her to suffer.
vg vs vg, place em
Blue team 50 shekels.
i wanna hold hands with ribbon and breed her like a rabbit
Disenchant Voli, Kennen, Trundle and both wards.
Why the hell do I get autofill I'm only fucking plat 3.
i've only been away from this place a couple of months but i feel like i've missed out on something
Yeah dude it TOTALLY happened man them adcs xd
>Teammates flame me for playing Xerath
>mfw I go 12/1
>They don't even thank me when I singlehandedly save the whole game
What's the easiest role for somebody that hasn't played in a while? Other than support of course that shit is boring.
You have a better chance of getting a rabbit pregnant than Riven.
She does look a lot better with her hair down.
>implying I wasn't dissing my entire team
>but you took it personally
But I did spot the ADCuck, it seems. Nice little bonus.
Bronze and silver gets autofilled.
Same dude I bet tomorrow it'll be a Jhin!
>someone is still salty they got carried by a support
ADC in 2016 LUL
xth for the defender of tomorrow
stop playing girly champs if you want girls to play with you
all on master style
sucks to be in your shoes user sorry to hear
If I carry another Jhin, yeah, it will. :^) Can't wait to see your butthurt then, too. Tell me, how does it feel being the easiest yet most useless role in League?
How's Poppy support work anyway? I imagine it's something like this
>pick her against engage-y tank support lanes like Braum, Alistar, Leona, etc.
>ding people with shield for +10g with bandit mastery
>use steadfast presence to deny them the engage
>make use of her two passives giving her tank stats to stay alive in extended trades
>pine for a wall-stun on their ADC
>late game be a peelbot with steadfast presence and ultimate to keep assassins/melee carries off of your backline
Didn't she barely survive Singed's toxic gas? That probably explains the infertility, wouldn't be surprised if it fucked up her body and shortened her lifespan by years.
Judy is not for sexual
please respond
>UH we totally know they're scripters they're all gonna get banned don't script!!! Please...
This really tells me they definitely know all the scripters.
They DEFINITELY know guise!
Maybe if I wasn't silver, slutty support user. Sorry.
Riven is likely only barren because of her exposure to Singed's chemical warfare. Singed is not a very nice man.
>play olaf for the first time
>laning against jax
>crush him so hard that he has less cs than leona at 7 minutes
>nocturne ganks at 6
>kill them both
>just stay top and push it
>mid varus stops by
>kill him so fast jax doesnt even attempt to help
>knocking on their inhibitor 1v2/3 while my team takes every single out turret
Is olaf secret OP or something?
It's a good feel, isn't it? It's like, "BAM MOTHERFUCKER. YOU LOSE."
That's a lot of fucking games to be silver though, didn't he say he's plat or something?
No, you just faced a jax top, and jax top is god awful right now.
ONLY lonely
Based poison man making sure Riven doesn't pass on her defective genes.
Exactly, he's plat.
Meaning I'm too inferior to be his ADC dominatrix gf.
You had a pretty good matchup plus dumbasses going against you.
you'd be too inferior to be his gf because youre not a girl anyways
Ask him if he has a smurf then baka desu.
>play one-for-all
>vayne wins the lottery
for fucks sake
>have to subtly feed and end the game as soon as possible so I can requeue for something better
>tfw you will never be Vlad and force Vladfag to watch as you fuck another woman in front of her
>super close game
>they have baron but their jungler is dead
>we can hold 5v4
>our thresh flashes into 4 people, misses all of his abilities and gets instantly killed
4 people
4 people just had 40 minutes of their lives wasted and 20 lp lost because 1 retard decided he was gonna go for le lcs plays instead of just playing his insignificant support role like he was supposed to. And he'll queue up another game and move on like nothing happened, convincing himself it wasn't his fault. I don't even get to flame him for wasting my time.
I'm not sure why I still play this game.
>Tfw when a qt, good hearted, league girl like Leona Kayle or Shyvana will never Slaughter you and savour your screams while laughing hysterically at you
Hold me, my fellow anons
>tfw when
>people who build offensive items on melee fighters/bruisers
You fucking stupid assholes, the only damage you need is Sunfire Cape/Cinderhulk and maybe, MAYBE Iceborn Gauntlet. If you aren't building tank you're a liability and a disgrace.
shit mindset
vayne's pretty good in one for all assuming you're not up against yasuos, zilean, malz, and just about any assassin since you can all proc each other's w pretty ez
>He doesn't know the terror that was Comfy Warrior's AD Garen.
Fucking when?
>assuming you dont get matched up against half the champion roster in the game, vayne is good!!
I'd rather impregnate them 2bh. Preferably all in the same night.
>every fucking game has jhin vs lucian or at least one of the two
Epic meta Riot
>tfw I build cleaver on poppy
>darius buys an infinity edge
>Building fulltank on champions that aren't tanks
Actually user, you're the retard. Items like Titty Hydra and Black Cleaver are 100% needed on some bruisers, and bruiser junglers like Shyvana love bloodrazor.
Building them full tank is a disgrace.
Not building ad items on your bruisers with one or two tank items.
user pls. two tank items + boots is enough to survive long enough and shit more damage than most glass cannons
>Assuming an ADC doesn't go against champs that EVERY OTHER ADC have problems with it's fine!
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, honestly?
Why hasn't Graves been nerfed since 6.3 (february) ?
isn't he universally considered op/top tier?
(I don't consider the changes in 6.8 enough to be considered a nerf)
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums going on here, password is
i dont think youre sure what youre trying to say did you reply to the wrong post retard
>Not going Triforce Ghostblade into full tank
Popping squishies and not dying is what Poppy is all about.
please respond.
>playing lissandra against a yasuo mid
>feel i'm doing pretty well, about 8 min in i've died once, 90cs, outpacing both ad carries.
>hit tab and realize yasuo is at 180.
what the heck. did i fuck up hard or just get smurfed? I'm too new to have any sense of scale.
Yeah, not sure why it linked your post. But whatever. Carry on.
not seeing it my man
what server
hey wanna play league of legends together?
it's double IP weekend!
Veeky Forums vs vg
its up
when she gets her vu
>did i fuck up hard or just get smurfed? I'm too new to have any sense of scale.
All of this.
He's picking up jungle here and there. And more than likely roamed and taxed other lanes.
Doesn't necessarily MEAN you were smurfed but it's a damn good indicator.
Wouldn't your damage fall off hard late game? I think cleaver would be better for cdr, hp, and better scaling damage, with very similar ad. Plus you don't need to AS boost. I can get behind triforce though, but I would go iceborn in most situations simply becasue the bigger mana pool, no wasted AS, no double phage passive, and extra tank stats. You can still delete squishies.
Love isn't bound by elo user. Love and friendship traverse all divisions.
I care little about rank. Mine or yours.
If you'd like to play sometime, it would make me happiest user in this thread.
sometimes l wonder why do l play this game when it only stresses me
We need 3 more people, get in here, password is vidya
don't do it kubs
it's a boy
>22.5 cs.min
Unless you accidentally meant 18 minutes in, that Yasuo was taking goddamn everybody's farm and his lanes all had to be behind,
>180 CS at 8 minutes.
Lanes don't even produce that much CS in 10 minutes. The only way he did this was if he perfectly farmed his lane AND someone else's AND picked up jungle.
user is most likely mis-remembering what happened.
Source on this?
not clever, ghostblade. no double phage. triforce + ghostblade and full tank is enough to walk in 1v5 and kill the adc in a single rotation and then get out. in soloq there's almost no peel so in a chaotic team fight you could probably just walk up to the adc and kill them