/tf2g/ - Team Fortress 2 General

previously on /tf2g/: >list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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also post/rate engineers

my rating of engineers:

they are mostly okay

i think

The tf2 comp scene is cancer. I've never been around people so quick and willing to absolutely tear each other apart.

Everyone just attacks others when they get the chance

engineers are only cool when they arent pussies and dont build outside base

It's a gigantic circlejerk, I wanted to donate to Tip Of The Hats but honestly I don't want to anymore after realizing how bad a lot of famous people in the community are.

erect THIS

my engi is shit engi

You should try TF2Classic desu


Add this site to the OP post, it's pretty sick.

>approximately 4-8 servers active
>most are always empty
>rarely will a server have at least 12 people in it
>earraping micspam wherever you go
>retard nazi mods banning for mentioning how to mute someone
>bhopping is on so you can get easily destroyed if you dont know how to do it yourself
>bugs everywhere

yeah great game simply super

>bhopping is on so you can get easily destroyed if you dont know how to do it yourself
Lmao if you don't know how to bhop you should kys

>bhop around someone
>cant shoot at them because as soon as you move the mouse you lose all momentum
>they cant shoot you because you are airborne and travel at triple the scout's speed
>bhop around a sentry, essentially making the whole class useless
>sniping is impossible

great mechanic, i wonder why valve removed it

i want to kys my tf2gfu


so classes like heavy, engineer and demo are really good at defending, which is why they are limited to 1 in community competitive so that

how about these balance changes to fix them so class limits aren't required?

move the accuracy/damage penalty from "when spinning up" to "10 seconds after spawning", to make him worse at defending last
engies now no longer can upgrade the same building at the same time, Spy gets a sapper that when applied to a Sentry, also teleports a copy to all visible Sentries in the area and saps them too
stickybomb hitbox/viewmodel size increased 1.5x, to make stickytraps easier to see, avoid, and destroy

How about no?

oh and the Sapper unlock would do less flat damage

this would mean lone Engineers would be unaffected, but on a team with a massive stack of Sentries, a single Sapper would have a big impact

why not

faggot nigger cuck-cunt shitboy neckbeard autist?

How about no?

They're not limited to 1 because the class is too good you chucklefuck. It's because they become stronger in groups. Demomen can stay within midrange of each other so if you get close to one, the other shoots you. Heavies in groups are just incredibly gay to push against because they have 900 HP collectively. Engineer stacking should need no explanation as to why they get better in groups. Alone the classes (except Demo) are garbage because they have 0 mobility.




>It's because they become stronger in groups
That's exactly what I addressed with my changes though.

Every class becomes stronger in groups; but the reason why Demo, Heavy, and Engineer are limited to only 1 is because they become *defensively* stronger in groups, and as such slow down the game and create stalemates.

It's why they're limited to 1 and Scout/Soldier (who are offensively stronger in groups) aren't.

As it is, my Engineer change is targeted solely at Engineers in groups.

>Give Demo an overall nerf
>Miss the whole reason the Heavy nerf was added and don't fix the issue
>Give Engineer a nerf that can easily be worked around in competitive but completely shits up pubs

>>Give Demo an overall nerf
It's only very minor, only really affects defensive Demomen, and he can totally stand it.
>>Miss the whole reason the Heavy nerf was added and don't fix the issue
Why do you think the Heavy nerf was added son?
>>Give Engineer a nerf that can easily be worked around in competitive but completely shits up pubs
Shitting up Engineers stacking 12 Sentries in a pub and turning the game into a year long snoozefest can only be described as a good thing.

my tf2gfu can only be described as a good thing

that means your tf2gfu will never be able to be described as a great thing


you will only ever have a mediocre tf2gfu

we suck together

can you both suck on me



it's not putting us in any servers

is tf2 really dead

its because you dont have me on your friends list



I told a gay fin to add human and fuck him, but he didn't want too.

i told you
its asddsdw2w

added to discuss

it wasnt putting you in any servers because you live on separate continents you dips


tfw 26dollar and human will never live together and cuddle

my tf2gfu and me also live on seperate continents
we never got to frag as one

lets cut together

my tf2gfu lives in the same city as me.

tfw to scared to ask them to meet

l o n d o n ?


cn can hack me anytime ;)

i just realized what ur name means

what do you think it means


Post and r8 Russians.

i didn't think.

russians are annoying and i am glad there are not many in na servers


what does my name mean

what did she mean by this


pyro vision goggles are sure expensive

>on casual today trying to rank up
>doing whatever playing however, that's not important
>what is important
>this fucking pyro
>he gets called out for w+m1 like literally every person who's ever played pyro
>he loses his shit
>he goes on and on and on in chat about not how w+m1 is a viable strategy, but literally the only thing the pyro's primary is good for and the only tactic that works
>"what, is pyro not allowed to kill people with his primary" shit like that
>several people bring up airblast
>"so i'm supposed to just blow my enemies away instead of killing them?"
>i bring up reflecting projectiles, easily the most skill indexed and fun thing to do as a pyro
>"reflecting projectiles is stupid, it's inconsistent with low ping"
>round ends before i can call him out on what a fucking idiot he is seeing as how the flamethrower is literally broken
like you guys joke about pyro mains all the time but jesus fucking christ, this guy was a pony avatar short of being the epitome of cancer

Why is there a /tf2g/ on /trash/?

why not

sshh don't let them in the secert club of the real tf2g's

the password is dotsy isn't cute

wait what
we are a secret club
i didnt know

secret clubs are scary

tfw not in cocksuckers

I don't know why I play tf2 anymore

cocksuckers is a shitty group
all they do is erp and send either nudes

that is not true

prove it

now i wish i was a part of it even more

who's that one guy who collects pictures of tf2gs

does he have the one I posted recently?

i play this game to frag with my buddies
i dont have buddies
but if i did i would frag with them

i'm waiting for my buddy to come online so we can frag all day
he's been offline for two hours now
when will he wake up!!!

>You have been kicked from this group.
>7 Friends in this group


>only seven

i lied i actually hav e all 13 added

but there's only 11

but my tf2gfu is worth three times a normal person
so its 13

am eye ya tf2gfu

i dont fucking know

Yeah, that big steel jaw of summer fun really set me back.

i also had a metal heavy theme going for a while except i used the purity fist instead of the pyrovision so 0/10 for stealing my very original concept

that loadout is 35 keys max.

post your twitter

The 1/2 Stare From Beyond Bunsen Brave is worth at the very least 84 keys and I'm currently asking 96 keys on it.
Nice little conversation on the price suggestion on that little item as buds were dropping out of the sky.

>Buds dropping and rising are a direct reflection of the health of the unusual market.
By this logic Unusual trading is over forever.

what if charged cow mangler shots did not have a blast radius but instead could penetrate through players

what is i penetrated kiriikp?

Then soldier would have a strikingly new playstyle with that weapon, and the projectile would probably have to go much faster.

Who is complete in the drawing? who is still missing?


valve should make it possible for the community to decide stats on some weapons

>valve opens discussion about sandman/volcano fragment/reserve shooter/natascha/whatever
>community members come up with general ideas for new stats
>members vote on stats they like
>most popular idea gets aporoved
>valve sets up a week of testing where the weapon's stats are temporarily changed
>if 90% of the community likes it valve includes the stats into the game
>if the community hates it or finds that its broken in some situations valve takes other ideas and runs it through another week
>if the community still doesn't like valve moves onto another weapon until and let people discuss the first one more in depth

this way we can get rid of the completely useless weapons and the broken ones at the same time
maybe even create some fun stuff
who knows

>valve should make it possible for the community to decide stats on some weapons
Terrible idea. Valve should hire that one guy who fixes their crap.

are my stats good

if 90% of the voters agree on a weapon its going to be clrealy better than whatever valve would come up with

they also dont play the game or have anyone on the team who knows about balance

>if 90% of the voters agree on a weapon its going to be clrealy better than whatever valve would come up with

you're naive

teach me how to have a good kd
mine is a little bit above 2

you still didnt explain why

Take a look at osrs. The community doesn't know what the fuck it wants, the games getting fucked.

Mine's not even that good, it's only like 4.26

90% of the community would result in redditors getting their way. spend 30 mins reading opinions on there. they're even fucking worse than this cesspit

were not talking about changing class or stcok weapon mechanics, so there should be no problems with the community literally breaking the game

theyre not going to get a say in a weapon's balance unless valve allows them to

this idea is to get rid of the gamebreaking weapons and the near useless ones, not the core mechanics of a class

but you say that as if having reddit 'fix' the gamebreaking weapons won't result in the weapon being gamebreaking in a different way