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Karazhan was a mistake

it was just what we needed. the worst decks in the game: aggro shaman, dragon warrior, yogg druid and midrange hunter all received a nice buff and are now viable on ladder

The return of OC.

Repostan for glory of yogg

As much as I love Abyssal Persecutor and Platinum Angel type of effects, that is way too strong in HS since you can just use for board control or outright suicide it into opp's minions

This is a TGT card

You could also just silence the thing with spell breakers or something. It's a better 477.



>following up loe with literally sidegrade for current decks; the adventure

whats a good lucksaron druid list for ladder?

pgl about to start lads

can't wait for more yogg and shaman mirrors

visit tempostorm

He said good user

nah fuck trashnad

visit tempostorm


he said good user

visit tempostorm

not in a trillion years


get out cuck shill, go back to writing reynads articles for 50 cent apiece

visit tempostorm

t. rank 20

visit tempostorm

t. rank 20



I told myself I wouldn't disenchant any golden cards from here on.

...now what do I do?


Begin to lose rank as priest

it's a pretty cool card i think


>Yogg draws out my entire deck and fills my hand
>and then immediately plays Astral Communion

Every time, friends
Every single time

it looks dope as fuck desu. I just know I'll never use it. I'm thinking about dusting it and making some golden commons or something. I don't need any legends.


You deserve it.

if you play with fire you get burned

I don't know why Yogg had to become so cancer to people.
It was the first lego I crafted from the set because I like funny bad meme decks and every single pro said it was a joke card.

Now I can't even have fun cards anymore.

People needed s boogeyman to blame their losses on, unless you're playing a tournament then its memery is fine


dude cool

Is dragon warrior suppose to be a control deck, because it sure fucking feels like aggro

Its not a control deck

It controls the board so it's an aggressive control deck

now THIS is how you play shaman

I've been alt tabbing in and out of the game and have no idea how the fuck this happened

It controls my fucking patience for this game

they should take batstone a step further, make a tournament and simply ban every card that has the word "random" or "randomly" in its card text.

>shaman hero power: summon a random totem

shaman banned, no downside there.

>Tfw no classic hand lock mirror meta

>Be yogg mage vs yogg mage
>Play my yogg after his
>Board ends up clear, yogg gave me a pally secret and hunter secret
>both me and him have 4 health left
>I know for a fact he has a fireball because he got some from antonidas earlier
>he pings my face to test for eye for an eye
>it was just repentance, my hunter secret was dart trap though

>try to get some quests done quickly in tavern brawl
>literally 10 mill druids in a row
as if mill decks weren't cancer enough
interacting on your opponents turn would be too complicated for this game

priest beats mill druid easily

yeah but I'm trying to get warlock quest done

soulfire and leper gnome + elven archer

was doing soulfire + fist of jaraxxus + the minion that gets summoned when discarded from kara
was quite meh, I'll try yours

just play the soulfire, fist warlock? Whatever for third since you dont need imps in that matchup you can just play dark bomb or something.

How did Yogg Druid get buffed.

I haven't seen Yogg Druid since WotOG launch.


>aggro beat tempo
>tempo beat control
>control beat aggro

What happened?

>buy the bundle
>get only one epic and one golden common

Tuskarr is fair guys, i swear
>totem golem
>mana tide
>mana tide
>mana tide

>turn 6 oponent is at 7 HP and you got that board

Hope y'all having a good weekend

Post your decks

What's the best iteration of dragon atm?

priest warrior paladin? Just cracked open a dragonlord deathwing

>new player buys welcome bundle
>tirion, grom, tony, vancleef, jaraxxus all great
>cenarius, wiiiinds are good
>velen, krush both absolute shit

over 1 in 5 chance to be screwed out of 1600 dust as a new player because Blizzard refuses to rebalance anything

good game design

>want to play Dragon Warrior
>no Grom and I disenchanted curator and finley while drunk a few days ago

What are some possible substitutes for these?

Warrior, and D-wing isn't good in any of them

>disenchanting anything ever

nigga you got meem'd

>replacing grom, curator, and finley
You honestly can't, you will have to find a completely different version online. Since Curator molds the deck to include choices like finley and fierce monkey so he can draw them, you can't just simply replace them 1 for 1

Missing cards on all decks, gotta save them dust

Is there at least a good substitute for Grom though? Is the charge important as important as the enrage, or would anything big like nefarian suffice?

>Is there at least a good substitute for Grom though

not him but there is no good substitute for Grom, not in the optimal iteration of dragon warrior. that 10 dmg to the face has won too many games for me.

grom is often your finisher

>Is there at least a good substitute for Grom though?
Honestly not really, the problem with replacing Grom is that he isnt a one trick pony
You can use his to insta remove a 4 health minion on board and leave behind a big threat
You can enrage him with blood to inchor and get a 10 damage face finisher
Heck you can just play him raw, charge face for 4 damage and challenge your opponent to remove a 4/9 from the board

Looks like I'm memeing with control dragon warrior then, since grom won't be as important there.

Healing Wave? That's a control card.

This is CONTROL shaman, bruh.

Here's turn 4
And it's not even midrange, it's straight-up control (no 1/2 drops, mostly spells)
The guy was running reno lock with malchezaar and couldn't play anything until turn 5
So i played brann > barnes > tuskarr > tuskarr unopposed

I don't think there is a Warrior deck that doesn't benefit hugely from Grom. How the hell are you playing this game anyway, just buy a few packs or play for a week to get the dust?

Well I stand corrected. How is someone playing renolock with malch on the current meta I'll never understand.

>I don't think there is a Warrior deck that doesn't benefit hugely from Grom.
>Tfw there was a time when Patron Warrior was getting so perfected it was starting to cut Grom and a copy of War axe to perfect the combo

>just buy a few packs

I just bought the Welcome Bundle and 30 packs to go with it, and all I have to show for that is a King Krush and Illidan

>play for a week to get the dust

How's that possible? Even if I go at a rate of 1 pack a day, I'll still be nowhere near enough dust because I only have 160 dust now.

fucking retards don't understand drawing cards is complete rng fucking kill yourselves

>Maelstrom Portal gives Shaman another Tunnel Trogg

so many salty fuccbois in ranks 3-5. half the games where I pull ahead results in them ragequitting

I can only imagine which deck you are playing.

patron warrior was retarded and I'm not sad that it's gone

Ohh man i remember when we cut the second war axe because it fucked with card draw. Dealing 54 from hand against a warrior or stomping through a handlocks 2 taunts and getting 20 damage in there was amazing.

>remove force roar combo druid
>do nothing to stop malyfire combo druid
when will blizzard learn
just gimp this stupid class already


>Malyfire combo druid
>Ever being consistent enough to require a nerf

It isn't even competitively viable, you're just terrible at this game. Here's your (You).

druid players go and stay go

>bikes are dangerous
>well just because a bike hit your car once, doesnt mean all bikes are dangerous
>bikers go and stay go

>Give everyone a set amount of mana each turn
>The viable decks are the ones that cheat the mana curve each turn
Huh, really makes you think

I can see shaman overload, druid ramp and maybe tempo mage sorcerer discount. But what else?

le yogg spurts

This. Might as well play malygos shaman, it might even be more consistent at this point since it can reliably survive long enough.
I just played as shaman against a druid and my barnes pulled malygos turn 4, coined a nice 8-damage bolt to face