Anyone here play Paladins? If so what are your thoughts on the game? I quite like it so far. F2P is always a bonus
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I think it's pretty fun.
It does feel a bit like a poor man's Overwatch but eh, it's free and I like some of the character designs(bring Ying back!).
No hero switching does make it a bit hard if you start with a team full of flankers or damagers though.
I actually quite like it, at first I thought it was just F2P Overwatch, but it's kind of fun.The player base is kind of small but it's not Stillborn levels of player base. It also has a few waifus so I'm not complaining.
With the recent skin giveaways and steam release, the game will get more popular, hopefully.
Like it more than memewatch t b h
It is somewhat of a F2P Overwatch but it does have its own unique twist on stuff so I don't mind.
Overwatch fanbois tend to forgot that their game was also called a TF2 clone before.
Who was the retard at Lowrez that suggested to make the default voice commands to use the announcer? How will I spam Evie's "GG" and "Woohoo" at the end of the match now?
no worries, just pay $5 and you can get your waifu's voice back goyim.
Honestly the change of the voice commands is fucking idiotic. Now if you are in Ranked and one of your teammates either has their ult up or need Grover to bring spring on their ass you have to look who said it, and in a shooter, that's a risky move, an enemy can come up and kill you for not paying attention especially if it's a Kinessa, which will one shot you if she has the right cards.
I agree, it does affect gameplay.
Maybe if enough people voice their complaint against it they will change their mind.
I doubt it though.
>Maybe if enough people voice their complaint against it they will change their mind.
The forums been rather vocal about it, but this is Hirez we're talking about, the chance of them not getting people jew'd for a few shekels is low.
I ain't letting this one die yet. So have an Evie.
any good fanarts of Ying?
Promo art for the Steam release, most of Ying art is pretty shitty.
To save the thread, who is your favorite character and who do you main?
Kinessa and Victor
Currently? Victor.
I would like to try out more characters though.
Which one would you suggest to someone with bad aiming skills?
For people that suck at aiming I would say you could play these heroes:
You get a lazer, a panic button, a healing totem, and your ult attacks 2 nearby enemies and heals 2 nearby allies
You get Turrets, A shield, a panic button to run away, and ult is a shield
You get a shield, a panic button to run away and for reposition, and his ult can keep you and your allies alive so you can push the payload or to stay on the point.
You get fast firing guns, a shield for you and your allies, a panic button so you can run away, and your ult is a rather good damage dealer.
Some may say other characters but for me, those are the ones I use whenever I play with my laptop's touchpad and I still get a few kills.
I made the OP, so use this for the next thread.
>Previous Thread
>Patch notes
>Tutorials made by Hi-rez
>Champion guides made by Hi-rez
>Official site
>Hirez server status
>FAQ about the game
I'm working on the pastebin, maybe.
If this thread going to survive
so far we only have here 4 people
Also I didn't add this on the OP but, if you want free skins, here are a few giveaways.
>Northen Cassie skin
>Commando Buck
There was also a Black Ice Evie giveaway but there are no more keys.
Hopefully it will survive, the /v/ thread has around 54 posters, and with the steam release, the player base will surely grow.
Are there any info on what the next hero will be?
And can I get the Baric skin from training games or do i need to play casual/ranked?
Dataminers found out that the new hero is Mal Damba, and you must play 5 casual games, if my information is correct.
win 5 casual games or just play? I think it's win right?
It's pretty hard when the other 4 players all pick either damage or flankers.
Win. And I agree, that's why I'm not even trying to get that skin, all the casual matches and even ranked ones I've played lately, had been games with 4 flankers on my own team and I got stuck being a support for all of them. I lost them all.
I can't get 5 minutes into the game without being booted back to the login screen with "Unable to Connect to Server." Is the server shitting itself?
I think so, I can't get into a game either. After picking characters countdown stops at 0 and nothing happens.
Probably. At least you're not like me and my potato laptop that lags the second I get near the point.
what do you buy to win more?
I made some research and the servers are shitting themselves because of the wave of new players from the steam release.
Good for the game I suppose.
Not so good for the actual players since they can't really play.
I guess, with the game having more players I will get more Cassie fanart and lewds so I'm not complaining.
Hopefully Hi-rez will fix this quickly.
If anyone is interested, here some spoils for the next patch.
>Next Patch Evie can no longer Blink in Ice Block.
>Ying is coming back next patch.
>New champion will be released in 2 weeks, probably.
>Most major changes are over and done with.
>They're working on things like new maps, skins, champs, cards, etc.
I'd like to see new skins that aren't just recolors.
Also their server is still fucked right now. I guess I'll have to wait a few hours before I try to play again.
A'ight faggots, this thread made me interested in the game.
Sell me it no seriously, do that, I need a fucking multiplayer game to play, I'm fucking desperate
I bet most of the new skins will be for Pip, so don't get your hopes up too much.
And it seems it will be like this for almost a day, so right now I'm just staying(keeping the thread alive) on the general and posting stuff till Hi-rez fixes this mess.
You get waifus and F2P Overwatch. There's also furbait and a few fun characters. There's also ranked, but the only mode for now is Siege. Don't download it now, because the servers are shitting themselves because of the new players from steam, so everybody is stuck waiting till Hi-rez does something.
So what the fuck is "loot"? I open my chests from winning and all I see is "You won loot"
Now this is what I don't get. Waifu in a first person shooter.
Why the fuck?
Why the fuck not? Overwatch's waifus seem to be doing fine.
So waifufags spend money for cosmetics.
>spend money on waifu cosmetics that you can't even see while playing
>spend money on waifu cosmetics that only other people can see
It's baffling to me and it's pretty much the reason I never bothered with Overwatch.
Well I'm downloading the game anyway, good thing it's only like 2GB. How big is the player base? I'd hate it if I have to wait 15 minutes to get matched.
The server is currently shitting itself because of the influx of new players from Steam. Queuing should be pretty fast but whether you'll get into the game or not is the big question right now.
I suggest just play tomorrow after they fix this whole server overload problem.
it's a hirez game
rip tribes ascend
How about solo bot practicing matches? Does it exist? Does it require matchmaking server connection?
I'm fine with just trying it out to get the gist of the game in the meantime.
Considering the matchmaking takes around 3 minutes maximum because of deserters, and with the steam release, you won't be waiting much.
Also first 5 matches are with bots.
As said, wait till tomorrow, hopefully Hi-rez does something till then.
RIP game with literally 100 players.
Devs need to eat and those 100 people ain't gonna feed a whole company.
i meant the first time they killed it, years ago
did they kill it again recently
You can probably enter the solo practice room(it's not a proper match though).
I don't think so. At least they came back to it. It does seem like a logical thing to do. Focus on the game that brings them money and then when they have enough money they continue developing for the one they put into stasis.
Servers got an emergency restart.
I'm also running out of Cassie art, send help.
>running out of Cassie art
just post windrunner instead, it's basically the same
plz respond
start posting Fernando then.
no idea really, you should've gotten cards or if you're lucky, skins.
Maybe it has something to do with the server fucking up so you can't see what you got.
>even the UI is similar to Overwatch
Loot are cards and/or skins.
Cards are used for character loadouts.
When I opened my first loot box nothing showed up, but you definitely do get something.
Thanks senpai.
>It's basically the same
The resemblance is uncanny.
Have 1 (one) Fernando fanart.
I also have some Skye lewds, more specifically, a futa one, and one with her and Cassie.
>That Cassie's face
Is that male or female?
There are a few good lewds, the rest are either SFM or pure shit.
I wish there was more SFM of Paladins usable as reaction faces. Also Skye is best girl
There are a few models ripped from the game, so I could try making some later, probably.
Also have a Skye lewd for your good taste.
It's... actually really fun. What the fuck?
My major complain is that there's not a single explanation of what ability does what though.
Press K while in match, or go to the Champions tab and click on the champion you want to see their skills.
Hey guys
I hope they will keep the ruffled hair but also add other option when she will get converted to the new cosmetic system.
Press "K" in game, or check Characters profiles before the game. You're lucky to get games going, I keep having bad state ones.
>Tfw the only skins that I want are the Vampire Slayer and Operative
Being poor is suffering.
I got Operative only through daily Crystals, Vampire slayer is pretty neat but I'm not really fond of her personality. I would rather use comfy Cassie.
Comfy Cassie best Cassie.
I wasted my crystals on Evie, because at start I had fun with her, but now I can't even kill something without having to soar every 5 seconds.
I can't deal with her new projectile velocity, and what's the point of playing her if I can't spam "MEEEEEEEEE".
The moment they took Evie's voice, they killed Evie.
Also question, should we go by /palagen/ or /palgen/?
Well then, with the servers shitting themselves, I will go to sleep.
Don't forget to use this when the thread dies, or the bump/image limit is hit which is very unlikely but anyways.
Also some skin giveaways. Goodnight.
Does some of the skins change the character's personalities/voice lines?
Why most of the fanart is shit?
Cassie's Vampire Slayer skin changes her voice lines.
It's a "Kinessa player is the one with the least points" episode.
Why am I not surprised.
Give it time, with more people playing it there's bound to be some decent artist who will make fanarts.
Kinessa attracts the worst players. To have a better Paladins experience:
>Block Kinessa playersWhen will Hirez add a block button
>Don't play with Kinessa players
>Ignore Kinessa players
>Kinessa & Androxus instalock
>they do barely anything the whoe game
I wish Run and gun Kinessa was still a thing so I could pick her and be actually useful.
Would some kind user buy me the founders pack? It's on sale and I am but a poor farmer tending to my memes which means college student
We needed a tank so I decided to try Frenado, and holy fuck do I like his right click. He seems pretty damn useful for the team.
If you have time to vidya and browse Veeky Forums, you have time to work.
it's because I left the state for college and left my SS card so I can't really work
>Tfw this thread didn't die like last time
Somebody even made an OP and we got a name, feels good.
Honestly having a good time, might even shell out for the founders pack. Does anyone know when the 33% discount ends?
Even though it pretty much turned into free overwatch from what it was before, is it sad I feel like it's better than Overwatch?
>is it sad I feel like it's better than Overwatch?
That means you have shit taste, so yeah it's kinda sad
why does it says that i didn't accept the eula ?!?!
the end of this month.
Overwatch is for cucks.
TF2 is objectively better/
not really, each game has its own interesting features.
More of lewd Ying pls.
How come there wasn't a Paladins general till now?
Also, did we choose a name yet or nobody made a poll?
It comes and goes because earlier in it's development cycle, Hi-Rez would make it fun and broken on and off way too often.
Right now it works, but it wouldn't surprise me if the next patch fucking killed it again for like the 7th (not even exaggerating here) time.