Cute and fertile edition
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Cute and fertile edition
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Worst and most useless "girl".
>Woke up around 11PM
>Played a few games of LoL
>Check clock
>It's already 12 hours later
Can we get some Annie posting in this thread pls?
>Rumble one for all
This is so good
xth for all these whiny bitches being butthurt over losing in custom games because they arent as good as other people
then fucking pick gp yourself if you think hes such a godlike champion and carry harder, or alternatively get good enough so you can out carry people that pick gp?
do you really have a mental block that badly vs someone picking gangplank? or are you just not good enough to carry?
Why is Kayle so strong?
Which part of her kit makes so powerful?
I dont play in vg vs vg, but he's right you know. playing an OP champ in a custom where everyone isn't trying too hard comes across as very try hardy for no point
>tfw no welding gf
>tfw i destroyed their yasuo so hard his teammates went afk and opened mid at 18 min
did he change someones experience?
Isn't only her E really different in terms of what she actually does?
Kayle autist here. What makes her strong is her uptime and man cost on E. She can basically have it up all the time. And at 38% CDR, she literally can.
>allies feed relentlessly
>allies stomp their lanes and we ride easy street
>my impact literally does not matter either way
>loss adrift the sea
This shits depressing
Isn't the damage scaling on her E shit though? It feels like she should be doing less damage than she is
ranged character but with melee benefits like scaling mr
overpowered ultimate
too much damage
mixed damage so you can't itemize against it
rylais is extremely broken on her
very good utility with ult and the heal/movement boost to ally so she is even relevant when behind
holy fucking shit, how the fuck does vladimir lose to a fucking yorick? all these fucking retards right now
But Kayle doesn't have scaling mr.
oh and you can't wall her autos because they're not projectiles xd
>barren womb
Can you even call her a woman at this point?
All of her kit combined?
She has resistance shred, a slow, a self-speed boost and heal, benefits from hybrid itemisation and synergises extremely well with on hit.
And her ult to top it all off.
Stfu silver tard
she need to get an aids test
yes I should pick the highest tier characters I can find and practice them to an incredible extent so I can enjoy a custom game. Think of all the lp and rewards I will earn at the end of the season
you truly are a fountain of knowledge. ruin games more than they already are because few obnoxious retards insist on meta whoring.
the other option which most people choose is not playing, which leads to the current problems of hour lobbies for 30 minute shit stomps
i guess it doesnt matter since her uterus was riven
You know, I wonder how Niels will react to this considering I've seen (incredibly cringy) art of her "daughter" requested by him.
post rank mr diamond player
>inb4 gold V
i will never forget
i will never forgive
kayle has ranged champion stats for everything but range
She has about as much chance of getting pregnant as I do, so no.
Quick, someone ask Riot customer service if Vlad is fertile. I'm amused by this whole debacle now.
Go on, that was good.
Can Vlad pool out of the Yoric wall?
That shit was so cancer when I was playing Singed against him. Then I just proceeded to ignore him and it was k but still
Who the fuck started the Yasuo top meme anyway?
The concept of him going top was a mistake to begin since he runs the chance of having to face other bruisers and better duelists 80% of the time the other 20 being ranged tops or the uncommon AP top.
Yasuo was made to counteract AP mids with skill shots and not much for escapes. So why take him to lane where he would be put in at a disadvantage most of the time?
I mean fighting your counters every now and then can serve as a good method of learning your champs flaws and overcoming them, but still if you run up against a counter and the said person who knows the counter will is just gonna curb stop you and bring down your team.
So in the end it's just a question of...Fucking why?
>Bronze Jungle
>Every lane is feeding
>No idea what to do
>Everyone if flaming me
>lose the game
I'm climbing slowly but it's shit like this that makes me want to get coaching since I have zero friends to teach me how to play, YT and streams can only take you so far
>that feel when over half the entire teams kills as support
>lose promos to boot
Wow plat is a fuckin joyride.
Hybrid damage
2-3 seconds of invulnerability
.45 AP Ratio auto attacks with Nashor's (.15 less than azir)
AOE Auto attacks
15% armor/MR shred
18-30% movespeed buff
ap scaling heal
And a 35-55% slow.
Kayle's pretty nuts.
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
>salty yasuo main
git gud
Guys I feel very bad the few times that I feed, even if we win at the end I feel like shit, should I be that hard with myself?
i guess you can say her eggs were singed
I've been memorizing results. So far we've confirmed that Fiora and Trist are fertile, Shyv can mate with just about anything and that Riven is about as fertile as a rock.
>Behavioral restrictions
Typical riven player
Post sad moments of your fav players.
Huni tried, but he's just not strong enough. Yet...
Just her ult. You could combine her QWE into a single ability and slap it onto a new release and no one would bat an eye. 3s of invulnerability with no delay is insanely strong though.
I am going to bed so i cant discuss further but is GP strong right now? yeah i think hes pretty good. does he hardcarry games well into lategame? definitely. is he op? nah, there are other high priority champs that need to be banned out rather than gp. at least in ranked
reason why moosh carries is because 1) moosh is good 2) vg vs vg games are just clusterfucks that usually go into lategame so gp will get his items 3) he has a lot of practice on his main champ. does it come as tryhardy? i guess to some people. but moosh has played gp since the rework, and he enjoys playing it, its a fun champ to him. its not something he plays to purposely stomp people; you should try talking to him, moosh is a chill dude that doesnt deserve the hate he gets
i think you missed my 2nd point where i said you could alternatively get good. but yeah, not playing the game also makes you good at it i guess, idk
i love jessy as much as the next dude here but i feel its still a fair and valid rating. you never told me what you would have rated her compared to others here btw
reminder that na scene is objectively harder than eu scene since the same two players couldnt carry their team out in NA like they did in EU
Ranged Tryndamere
Post powder
Feeling bad about yourself doesn't help you improve. Saying "I'm bad" is detrimental because you just give up with an implication that you are inherently "bad" and can't get better. Instead try to find exact mistakes that cost you to feed, formulate them properly and avoid them in the future.
I wanna creampie her.
>LAN is literally so fucking dead they dont have enough players to fill more than one game at a time
>my experience was changed
xth for vladposter needs to chill
are we posting Lee sin's webms ??
Does that shitter Pendragon still work for Rito?
Me on the left!
>we've confirmed
Repeating the same thing over and over again isn't the same as confirming it.
Post throws
s-source me senpai
I wish I had Slayer Jinx. /
We should just send RIOT a request to unlewd Jinx asap.
hopefully, nobody really cares about losing a custom, i think its more about the quality of the game
i personally dont care about getting stomped and shit on, but at least be fun about it
i dont think i have ever seen this moosh guy say anything in chat, ever, besides calling a lane
By the time she becomes an adult she will have so much power she could easily become the lore's final villain.
Literally any time someone picks a champ that only builds for one type of damage in One for All.
I'm a Yasuo main and there's nothing you kiddos can do about it.
Who is this qt girl?
>that face to body quality disparity
at least it's piss easy to climb
fuck you yukari you old hag, no one likes you
That just makes me want it even more.
I love it when she's lewd.
XDDD you're so kuuru and sheet, how can I be like you, senpai?
yukari, 2hu
i guess that makes me no one
Except ban him.
>these fucking names
>undertale and 2 people with moon in their name
But you are already dead.
>Zyra: I dont need zhonya because I'm a support
>she's saying this while having void staff in her inventory
Bonus points: Yas being Yas
post more lewd jinx please
*dashes away*
>implying you dont call your 0/15 fiddlesticks adc a faggot every now and then
>You have been demoted to Bronze IV
*locks in kayle*
Let's see you windwall my point and click ranged autos
Your wish is my command.
anyone else play poorly after playing a lot of games consecutively?
I don't understand how streamers manage to spam games all day without performance loss.
By the 5th or 6th game everything just kinda blends together and I start to zone out a lot.
Fucking spics
They should be erased from the world
riven is literally free elo, prove me wrong
pro tip: you cant
>paheal doesn't like my phone
But I don't want to leave my comfy bed
You're wrong because infertile.
>Playing infertile champs
hi zharkos
> no sightstone in plat II
> jungle Amumu going skirmishers instead of tracker
Zhonyas wasn't the problem.
>Reddit mods deleted the "riven is infertile" post
So have we reached a point where riven players aren't considered turbo cancer?
I played top for years and never had a problem with Riven, she was a fun matchup. But rarely played her because everyone always cried when I started winning
>Believing Riot's shit about ribbon
lmaoing at you all