/wfg/ Warframe General

air monk edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: The Silver Grove
> forums.warframe.com/topic/688644-the-silver-grove/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/691098-the-silver-grove-hotfix-3-nekros-prime /
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


What if Ember deluxe had some carbon fiber or neat designs?


My goal is to have every warframe. Will I be able to do it without killing myself?

I don't even have Ember P or Rhino P yet.

I already have that. Once you finish your collection, you will feel no satisfaction.

is it worth keeping the akjagara around just so i don't have to go through the pain in the ass of buying two latos, building two boltos from those latos, building akbolto from those boltos, and then combining akbolto with dual skana to make this goofy ass fucking weapon

One day that shit will become the crafting material, I'm sure of it, knowing DE


post thicc
after dailies I will see if I can do a lewdfic for you guys


suit yourself ketch

Will consider your offer.

I only seek to provide

oh noooooooooooooooooooooooo my eyes!

>sortie exterminate enemies start alert

well fuck you. was going to have some fun with frogbutt but nooooooooooo

Guys did Rebecca go to college? What degree does she have? Does she even make a decent amount of money?

Difficulty without reward is meaningless. This is the problem with endless missions.

Complexity without difficulty is meaningless. This is the problem with everything else.

If you can get them to trigger the lockdown alarm and disable both they'll go back to being unalerted

thanks user, i'll try that

She's a community manager so she has a shitty non-STEM degree. She probably makes like 40k a year.

>non stem
implying you were or currently in stem.

And what are you majoring in?

no prob, the other day when one of the sortie missions was eximus stronghold exterminate on europa i would rush like halfway through the level to make them trigger a lockdown alarm so i could farm focus in peace

Social studies

this is worse than hell

Im majoring in peepee :DDD

Shut up BPNPC

>shitty non-STEM degree
The only degree that will land you a decent job at a baccaulerate level is Electrical Engineering. Even biology/physics/chemistry majors by themselves will land about a 40k job. Unless you're in Engineering, you need to go into grad school in order to get good paying job. It's why I chose psychology as my major. It's a very flexible degree and I'm hoping to go into grad school for I/O psychology. I changed my mind from majoring in a physical science because I didn't want to become a shitty high school or community college teacher.

dropout neet studies

nice blog faggot

Feminist Studies.


>you need to go into grad school
you have yourself to blame man. not saying life is tuff but you could have did something before it was too late.

wew lawdy lawdy lawd

Even if I majored in biology or chem and decided not go to grad school I would still have a not so decent job.

You NEED to go into some sort of graduate program no matter what degree you hold(unless you're in Engineering).

>Gives the faster finisher animations to the whip
>Gives the overshield effect thing to the dagger
Really makes you think

>you NEED
Nice meem. You don't need a graduate degree unless making bank is your only concern.

Enjoy earning a lousy 40k a year you cuck.

>no upward mobility
More like 40k starting. Anyway, that's enough salary if you don't plan on having kids, which me and my fiancé don't. Why would you want to raise a child in today's day and age?

>Why would you want to raise a child in today's day and age?
its only getting worse with no signs of getting better.

Guys how do I get into grad school if I had a shitty GPA in college

Be rich or suck a lot of dick.

40k starting, 50k max at best with that shitty baccaulerate degree.

Reminder that college is the new highschool. Graduate school is where you need to go if you actually want to make a living.

/wfg/ - career advice general
so when is DE being let go and the game fully transferred to sumpo chicken or whoever the fuck owns them

fat goblin

Let's talk about fucking video games


Reminder if you have a question about a frame, consult the frame guide first before asking /wfg/ to spoonfeed you. Also, reminder to ignore the shitterbait FAQs in the OP.

No changes since last time.

If you have suggestions or disagree with anything in the guide, state WHY, not just "Lol I can't believe you gave X frame a bad grade"

>what degree does she have

Slut studies. It's very useful!

>t. someone with absolutely no idea what they're talking about
Honestly though the new college is trade school. You make more money with a trade than you do with a fucking degree.

Guys how do I filter TQ

>tfw my sister majored in political science and works as a secretary making 30k a year while her husband is a construction worker making 80-90k a year

Kek. "You need college" my ass.


I want decisive judgement.

How much pain and suffering am I in for?

Ignore him and read the OP

To be fair, she's working a job that didn't require a degree. If she'd actually used that degree to do something more lucrative she'd be making more.

That being said, tradesmen make more money than most degree holders nowadays. My father is a union worker with carpentry trade and he pulls six figures.

Newish player here, this guide is shit and completely undermines most frames. The creator doesn't even play this game, probably gets everything from warframe builder and the wiki.

I can give you one if you post ign.

I'm a console fuck sadly so that's not an option

If you're new, why are you giving your opinion like it means anything?

It's like a college freshman going up to his physics teacher and saying, "I just started Physics 101 this semester, but I think your class is shit. You don't know anything about physics."

It's asinine

I've told my sister to use her fucking degree so many times but she doesn't want to quit her current job because she doesn't want to upset her boss or some shit.

why is excalibur fucking c

She's so fucking perfect. Oh my fucking god I just need to cum inside of her.

>those hips

She's literally made for cock.

came from double /pol/ to share something with you

have not posted here in over a year but I needed to share this with you all



stop talking about your dreams go to /r9k/ fags


Exalted Blade sucks at range
Exalted Blade at melee range can be outdps'd by regular melee like Galatine P that use Blood Rush + Body Count
Blind's LOS requirement and its casting cooldown makes it unreliable as CC

Personally I think Excal is a B-, but some people have been very insistent about him being "worse than Oberon"

Newish, not just starting, I've been playing since before endless missions were made pointless, but with nearly every "required" mod aquired and having tried out the majority of frames I have to say that the guide presented in the aforementioned post is garbage that doesn't reflect in-game capabilities in a helpful or meaningful manner. It'a an arbitrary tier list that ignores much of what each frame can do and also ignores a lot of game content for god-knows why. For what I can tell the guide only exists to inflate the ego of its creator, as he obvioisly has no value to Warframe's community as a player.

He might be new but everyone knows you know nothing about Warframe, hence your stupid guide that you claim new players should read when literally no one thinks it's a good guide.

becca is for breeding by forced insemination and public use

that mini guide is fucking shit
you should expand it
Room CC
Room Damage
Tileset CC
Tilest Damage

All women are made for cock user. It's kind of a biological prerequisite for sexual reproduction.

It is a glorious day. TQ has been officially BTFO by a newfag.

>It'a an arbitrary tier list that ignores much of what each frame can do and also ignores a lot of game content for god-knows why
Do you know what you are doing here? You are giving blanket statements with ZERO reasons or evidence. Literally all you're saying is "You're wrong." It's meaningless unless you back it up. What frame roles is the guide ignoring? How does it not reflect in-game capabilities?

>If you have suggestions or disagree with anything in the guide, state WHY

TQ blown the fuck apart by a newfie, someone screencap.

>giving TQ attention
For what purpose?

dude there's an entire pastebin that goes along with the image

when did you last leave your house


>the Zephyr mini game is called Happy Zephyr
Holy shit that's so fucking kawaii

This is photoshopped r-right

is not
was expecting a cartoon zeph not the frame itself

rhino B hahahahahahahahaha

I repeat it often because it happens so often. Retards think that spouting their opinion means anything when they don't have any reasons to back it up. It's fucking retarded. Then they cry about how I don't take their shitter opinions into account in the guide.

Blanket statments make sense because literally everything is wrong.

This "guide" has taken each warframe, broken them into arbitrary roles, and doesn't explain usefulness over all in-game content. Its basically "this is how I want you to play each frame" with a rating system based on personal opinions.

i dont fucking read faggot make an infograph
its a fucking image share board for godsake

Tier lists that aren't collaborative mean nothing. Your personal opinion =/= an objective observation of game balance. Into the trash.

>it's wrong
>it just is lol
so you're a retard, gotcha. Please refrain from replying any further, because your """"""opinions""""" make me want to shoot my computer

shooting your computer wont stop you from having inferior opinions compared everyone elses.

Everyone in /wfg/ hopes you do shoot your computer desu

Learn to filter.

>Tier lists that aren't collaborative mean nothing
It is collaborative. I've taken into account many opinions from other anons, even when I disagree initially with it, for example Excal's grade, Zephyr's description, etc. to name a few recent examples.

The guide IS collaborative. It's simply not collaborative with shitters, because why would you take "advice" from people who can't play the fucking game, especially when there are so many opinions that conflict each other? Unfortunately, most of /wfg/ is full of shitters who get mad I don't take their retarded opinions into account.


2 much info for an infographic

go read a book faggot

you forgot to tick the "Pretend to be Retarded"

if you dont make an infographic i will better load a youtube guide
i dont read sorry

>I decide who shitters are
According to this guide, you are the shitter.

I want you to visit this neat little website called "YouTube" and watch some warframe veterans play each warframe, then report back and tell me how Oberon does nothing well, or why your builds are superior.

You might as well delete this shit guide anyway because DE has rendered the game baby-easy so that any frame can function anywhere with the right mods, and new weapons make fighting tougher enemies a cakewalk.

if you'd rather watch a video go for it, nothing wrong with that. A note of warning though: there's a lot of shitty and outdated videos on youtube

>implying Oberon is good

now I know you're trolling

there's a lot of shitty and outdated information here, too, like

What's the best whip? Atterax?

I personally use the scoliac when I feel like using my dominatrix mag loadout.

I want to try the secura lecta though, I had good experiences with the normal version.

it's kept 100% up to date at all times, except when a new update is released, in which case it can take a few days for me to try it out and update the info

yeah, well, that's just like your opinion mang