League of Legends General /lolg/

I want Sejuani to run over me!


Old and busted like Lissandra:

xth for Kayle is the best champion

i wanna hold shyvana hand!

This is pretty much the only aka6 pic I find fappable.

Are there any pink haired and busty champs which are not midgets?

>Ribbon confirmed infertile
>Shyvana confirmed fertile


>support counterpicks himself
>enemy fiddle ulting bot exclusively
>top feeds irelia 8 kills
>mid feeds jayce
>all before 20 minutes

not my day lads

I want to marry Leona

xth for best jungle

Nigga, how the fuck is she supposed to be good at ganking when she doesn't even have a slow in her kit and wouldn't build a frozen mallet or anything like that until at most fourth item.

I don't see how ya'll think Shyv is good at ganking unless you mean to burnout > dragon > hope the burst is enough

Bear slaps or FACE THE STORM?

Any tips for playing ADC in silver. Mostly sivir

her ganks are shit, but they're similar to eve's where you rely on blue smite and red buff, that fucks people up pretty good. and if your team has reliable CC your ganks aren't complete garbage

Reposting in new bread because Shyvana image is important

Admittedly her damage output has been hurt significantly since Devourer removal, but she still deals a ton and has an incredibly flexible build path depending on what you need for the game.

>other than being babby's first jungler
See, you're talking shit but can't carry out of jungle from bronze. Learn how to play a control jungler like Shyvana. You're the fastest clearer in the game. Use that to your advantage to beat the enemy jungler to objectives and ganks. If you roll exhaust and get ahead, their jungler is now you're second jungle. Farm that first, then their, and a big level discrepancy will start to grow and you'll be able to 1v1 the enemy jungler at any time and win smite fights. You'll be able to climb and learn how to macro the game all at once. Yesterday I literally won a game where I was feeding because I've learned how to play the map and direct people to objectives. It'll do you good.

I love Lissandra!

How goes the climb /lolg/?

Hope it's going well

>gank a long lane
>bring red buff/exhaust
>collect kills

Dude you are unironically bronze. Ganks will prevent themselves when the enemy pushes under tower with no wards for 4 minutes straight. And if you pull off a countergank it's a free double

BB a shit

Ditch sivir and become a otp Vayne who constantly 1v5's and blame it on the supp/jg when you die.

how fertile are we talking about here? sona levels?

He didn't say Shyvana was an excellent ganker, he said she can gank. Which is correct. You catch someone pushed up to tower (which let's be honest shit happens even at higher elos) and they will have to have some fucking hypermobility and at least burn a flash to keep you off them and you'll be more than able to kill them before they can retreat.

Also counter-gank. Cannot stress that enough as Shyvana. You can easily turn one of your lanes shit positioning into a double/triple kill for your team and tower first blood if you just pay attention to the map.

Xth for Vlad steals either stealing your waifus or cucking you through a concrete wall because he is just this fertile.


post non lewd darius!

There are few champs who are as useful with good teamwork as Xerath. If your team peels properly, you can sit in the back and absolutely chunk the opposing team's health. And then there's the fact that when you get skilled enough to hit ult every time, and then get accused of scripting.

Don't suck. Practice csing in customs. Watch pros play the champion you want to play. Get good at wave management and backing at appropriate times (for example, not when the wave is pushing into your tower). Learn the mechanics of your champion like using w as an auto attack reset on sivir. Use attack move and attack move on cursor position rather than the target closer to you. Use quick cast with indicators. I personally have attack move on A and target champions only on S (although I never use it) and stop moving on X.

breddy gud I'd say


xth for having your top and support afk at 10 min and then in the next lobby get a teemo support

I love league of legends

just carry etc



>their jungler is now you're second jungle. Farm that first, then their,
Holy shit I reposted that with the world's most fucked up sentence, my bad. Should read:

Their jungle is now your second jungle. Farm theirs, then yours, and let the level discrepancy grow

is Taliyah shit now?

Shyvana was confirmed to be able to procreate with anything because she's half dragon. So higher than sona level.

Learn Swain

Adding on to this, using attack move click on A rather than attack move makes kiting really basic, if there aren't any other targets around, all you need to do is Rclick - A - Rclick - A - Rclick behind you

Kayle tips?

>their jungle is now your jungle
>implying enemy team doesnt have shacoxoxoxo

>not having amove on a mouse button
Kiting has never been easier mang

Morde is cool guy eh

Fuck and I tought this LoL general was going to be good compared to other games generals - but it's the same - degenerate autists fuck shit up and spam their sexual fantasies and autistically drawn pictures all the same, talking about anything but the game

I don't play any female champions, almost none of their kits appeal to me. The only ones I have games on is a couple with Sej and Vi.

>Also counter-gank.
This. If you play a lot of jungle you should have a rough idea of where the other jungler is on their clears or when they'll gank. From there just check the map. If you have an immobile laner or someone pushed to tower then there's a solid chance they'll get ganked. Run over there and fuck them up.

She usually outfarms me mid, but fails to actually beat me in fights

Singed and morde are cancer, but in a good way. nami's cool. 7/10

good taste all around, 8/10

>shaco beating Shyvana in the jungle

Omg please hahaha this is a joke right? The shaco needs to and must win that game through ganks. Trying to 1v1 Shyvana alone in the jungle will be a dead shaco. He can't even do clone shenanigans because she can aoe them both. God forbid if she's running exhaust lol

No idea why the nerfed her so hard. They probably just had no idea what they were doing and are not sure what to do now.

Kayle is pretty QT desu

god i love this picture so much

How do I climb as support

Pressing A is easier than fucking your settings up with left click and right click is convenient for movement more than it is attack moving. I find auxiliary buttons a bit awkward to press on my mouse personally.

Play """"Supports""""

Jax can be a little annoying top with his evade, but annie and kayle are pushovers. Strong champ pool though, 8/10.

Gotta work harder and get your other rank 7s family. 6/10 until you get those rank 5s out of here.

Well supports dont really affect the gameplay so you need to roll well with your teammates

a friend literally only plays female champs, other than teemo which doesn't even count. only owns female champs, besides xin which she doesn't even touch. She tries to tell people it's just a coincidence that she only enjoys the female champs, lmao.

(Lissandra is actually my second champion)


>everything is pointless
>gaining weight, losing muscle
>bad at everything
>no friends

league of legends

Yeah attack move click not just attack move my bad. Optimal setup I believe every ad carry should have.

I need to play more. Don't have enough blue juice to upgrade dragon bitch to m7 or leo to m6.

All fun champions.
I can't into animation cancelling on riven but if you can more power to you. Love the voli and kench.

get a higher elo friend who has a lower elo acct, and be their whore until they want to duo queue with you to win you games and make you happy. Then they will slowly teach you how to play the game over time

xth for Cute Ashe

what is this maymay

I want Shyvana to sit on my face!

I use a razer deathadder. Two big side mouse buttons that feel great to click. Front 1 is attack move, back one is smart cast item 1, works really great with Titty Hydra for auto resets. Try it out if you have side mouse buttons, they're quite handy

Some of the best choices for AP's 10/10

Sappy post inc expecting to just get "git gud" responses.

I've tried for a very long time to just get better at the game, and the past two seasons I've been high silver/low gold.

And it sucks. I really want to get better at this game, but it seems like I never will. I'm only good at Teemo and Caitlyn literally and I still suck. I'm losing games left anf right and went from a 55% WR to a 50% WR in the past month. I don't even know anymore. I don't know what to do to get better. I don't.

I just got done playing a game as Caitlyn, and I got ROCKED. Like INSTANTLY. A FIddlesticks mid completely handed me my ass, an Ezreal adc handed me my ass as well. I either have to stop playing bot lane (which is my best role) or just uninstall at this point.

This post is a mess of shit that doesnt make sense but I have nobody to tell anything to. I just go to work, come home, play games, sleep, repeat.

i just want to get better. :(

Gotta show all three for it to count family. Give syndra a special outline if you have too.
Solid support choices. I don't know much about shyvana, but i'll assume shes a good pick. 9/10 if you're above silver.

>Use your E basically whenever it's up, it's mana cost is really really low and dorans ring passive will recharge any mana you spend using it by just getting cs
>Max W second, Q is only good when really far ahead.
>You wont win vs Baker Spartan and Monkey Man. or really anyone that can get in your face early. Even Yasuo beats Kayle (top lane) early. Beg for ganks or take it in the ass.
>You need around 38% CDR to have E always up. You can get Nashors for 20, CDR boots for 10, and run scaling CDR runes for the extra.
>Kayle's E doesn't scale amazingly. On-hit is better than strict AP. Don't be afraid of buying a BorK vs tanky teams even though she may not have great AD ratios.
>Never trust anyone not even yourself. 90% of the time when you ult a carry expecting them to go ham, they wont react. Most players cant play around Kayle ult. You'll mostly just want to ult yourself in late game teamfights.

>autofill activates
>dodging quadruples
>Riot and the average player think this is a good system, a huge improvement over Team Builder

I have a razer deathadder too. Maybe I should just get used to it but I'm not sure what I would need to use there since I like using a for attack move.

are you on NA server? I am a master elo player and could help you out a little bit if you were

Daily reminder to stay motivated in your life!

I ma on NA, yes. do you want my summoner or can i have yours?

Who is THE most autistic poster in lolg history, active or not?

It's very hard to stay motivated when there's hardly anything to keep you going.

I'm pretty sure you just spam games believing that you will git gud eventually, to git gud you need to know what you lack and finding ways to fix it. Like with anything on life god damn it.

>implying Ironstylus would let you


>Left riot
He can't stop me

will riot ever change their balancing policy?
>vladimir is now unplayable
>azir is now unplayable
>aurelion sol is about to get the D
>kalista has been unplayable for a while
>taliyah is now unplayable
>shen is now incredibly weak
>ryze has been unplayable for a while but they won't buff him because they know that'd make him broken in competitive
why do they even release those champions in the first place? why do they nerf them to oblivion instead of admitting they fucked up and trying to rebalance them?

I try

add RiddlerShen I posted this picture to prove I am who I say I am

>tfw can't play league anymore because of 4 digit ping spikes

trick2g pls go

Fiora will keep you motivated user!

my nigga
6/10 Kayle and Annie Cancer Jax respect
Everything is perfect except bronzord

We already know each other. This will be interesting.

ImThem or Reese

fk u

her tongue sticking out the mouth ruins the pic tbqh. Why couldn't the author make her have a funny/weird smile or just a smile or whatever. Fuck you author-kun

I'm looking to git gud with her but I'm not sure what I should be doing.

>got leaverbusted
>finally got fed up with getting leaver'd over and over
>made a new account where punishments won't be so severe
>already starting to leave games on the new account too because of horrible uni wifi and constantly losing to people with full runes and masteries when I'm level 12

Had to go bigger because I'm over 3 level 7s now :x

I challenge any of you to prove to me that supports, fill and not fill, are the worst players in every game, rank and professional team.

I cheated on my husbando, /lolg/. I feel like shit.

How the FUCK IS THIS GUY MASTERS. It's not fair this guy gets carried but I'm stuck in Plat because of shitters.


why dont you do it instead

xth for infertile top laner

Season 2 Madlife
Season 4 Mata