/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

"Killers need a nerf, I'm totally not a survivor main I swear" Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE (embed) (embed)
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6 (embed) (embed)
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.1b)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


Well I didn't know what to tell them. Just hoped to use some excuse that would trigger some more responses. I've been to pugs stream yesterday for a bit, found out that all jungle gyms variations aren't even infinite. So technically angrypug isn't using any infinites.

Lunge ranges extend past the actual weapon model, steam forums are actually right in this case.

No, AngryPug does actually use non-jungle infinites. And the Coldwind Farm jungle gym is absolutely an infinite.

He uses the asylum loop as much as possible.

The point was the "Even when I play killer..." that you always see survivor mains spout when you and I both know that is almost never, and they didn't even have this thought until they got fucking killed.

This is /dbdg/, not /sfg/. Take your cancerous steam forums posts back to the actual fucking forum for them. This is getting worse than twitter screencaps.

If it wasn't for steam forum posts, we'd have a million unhooks you unpleasant cunt.

3/4 of those posts weren't steam posts, calm your autism. Besides we need something to make fun of beyond the incompetent devs.

What the fuck are you going on about, you autistic mongoloid? My post wasn't even fucking related to the Steam forums, you windowlicking spastic.

None of it is dbd related. streamers, specifically angrypug discussion is completely unnecessary.

>Discussing a streamer playing the game the thread is about has nothing to do with the game
He's basically the game's mascot with how much the devs suck him off.

Cry me a river but id do agree dont be a whiney cunt about it

It's silly that you criticize the devs for sucking him off when you're basically doing the same thing.

And you and I both know if they didn't say that people would just dismiss them as a survivor main. Of course it's pointless since there are obviously still people that'll call them survivor mains rather than consider what they say.

If they do make adjustments to lunges I'd like to see them extend the range of normal attacks. As it stands there's no reason to use normal attacks. Dunno about lunge ranges. I've seen some pretty wonky shit on both sides but I don't know if a nerf is necessary. However, they could make the cooldown for missed lunges longer. Dodging attacks seems pointless since they'll just turn around and hit you immediately.

And get rid of the fucking aim assist completely. Annoying as hell trying to hit an injured guy just to automatically turn 90 degrees and smack the guy at full health.

>Criticizing someone is sucking them off
I mean if you're into teeth being used i can see that analogy working.

>giving pug's tiny dick lots of attention isn't sucking him off
You're part of the problem.

Wow, you are one salty autist.

Thanks for the (You)'s autist.

>is an autist
>gets called out for autism
>backpedals saying "t-thanks for le (You) good sir! xD"

No (You) this time, just get out.

Which day in September do you think the patch will drop? I'm betting September 24 2022

>tfw cucking new players
Sorry Evan.

The meme team strikes again.

Reminder: infinite "fix" confirmed to be absolutely nothing

Lmao, congrats you're contributing absolutely nothing.

Like you're doing now?
I genuinely don't see how one person can lack so much self-awareness.
Please stop your shitposting.

I'm not the one who started the pointless shitposting, I'm just carrying your torch.

Stop this, I don't even know the context of your posts because I'm not going to bother looking for the post numbers

He's samefagging and "pretending" to be retarded for (You)'s. It was kind of you to donate. He seems in dire need.

Reminder that murf does it for free and still believes there is a matchmaking issue and not a lack of killers.

Fun game: press him for clarifications and evidence for any of his claims on the forum

>Hey murf can you prove that the ratio is even? What are the devs tracking?
>Murf starts sweating profusely
>Murf this fix clearly won't work and we can tell you how and why
>Murf shoves hot pockets in his mouth, tears and sweat pouring off him while he mumbles something about waiting and seeing

Oh dear.

This is an advanced technique.

>waiting and seeing
This is all I can think of whenever somebody says "j-just wait to see how the patch works out."


>those split second when you realize the chainsaw is right about to hit you

That's his default defense if you bring up the flaws with the idea on paper. He gets ass ravaged and whines that people always say each patch will ruin the game and that we have to wait and see.

>when the killer presses the lag switch

>he ... whines that people always say each patch will ruin the game
Those people are absolutely correct.

>when the killer activates his stand


Is there a better feeling than closing the lobby when you see a bloody dwight?

Not closing it and using a memento mori on him.

Closing the lobby on a four man SWF group with six seconds left to go.

Ding dong bannu, don't ruin the game for other community members

Not playing this shit game.

Personally, the Nurse just doesn't have a place in the game. You can't reasonably farm boldness off a Nurse, they can ignore collision and catch up to you 100% of the time (unless you're on the catwalk in the Ironworks).

I think that to make her balanced, she should move a little bit faster than the other killers, but only have 1 blink, 3 with add-ons. I say this as someone who has played Nurse, not a salty survivor. With 1 blink a Nurse can warp out of the center of the Disturbed Ward out into the ground level outside. I've never played a Nurse with perks either, mine's just level 1 with Iron Grasp. Even playing her, she just doesn't feel like she belongs in the game because all survivors have to juke you with is random chance that you fail teleporting to them, or hoping auto-aim won't proc if you get near them and an object they're trying to put between you and them.

I dunno, just some food from thought from me. As she is, she just feels like cheating becaue of how she ignores the central game mechanics the other killers have to adhere to.

This would be fine, perhaps with a 20% or so reduction in the stun duration after she blinks. Although maybe I'm just thinking in terms of a 3-blink stun, since I don't usually get my lunge off of just one blink.

>2 meme trinity fags teabagging right at the edge thinking he's untouchable
>mfw he doesn't realize I have Ultra Rare Unplug Router

I love how the autismos think farming in a PvP game should take a priority over the game being actually fucking fun. God forbid survivors can't just infiniloop and self heal without med kits all fucking day. Fuck survivor mains and fuck the devs.

>ding dong bannu
Goddammit now I'm mad again.

>You can't reasonably farm boldness off a Nurse
Oh, no, you can't exploit the game with a Nurse? :(

I've put in around 60 hours as Nurse and I destroy with her. Knew nerfs were incoming, but I don't think they're needed. She's the only one that balances out rank 1 prestige 3 cancer.

The walk speed change will necessitate IG3, it'll replace crows since that sucks now. The blink reduction won't change much, I rarely need 3 blinks.

>Survivor mains defending Pug's abuse and teabagging because he used to not infinite which makes it okay that he does now

So which map are they going to accidentally add infinites to in the next patch?

They are going to just add more pallets since they "fixed" infinites.

>Asylum getting more pallets

Killer that can throw tomahawks but if thrown deprives him of any attack unless he goes and grabs it again?

He'd probably be the strongest at low ranks and the weakest killer at high ranks, once people know not to run in a straight line. Then all the shitty low ranks would call for him to be nerfed on the forums.

Asylum's pallet placement is such shit. In every other map, pallets are supposed to be blockades that TEMPORARILY throw the killer off course, but the killer can easily recuperate in a second or so by walking around it. But no, in Asylum, pallets completely seal off the killer. The killer HAS to break it, because otherwise he can't get past.

Hey I just wanted to let you guys know that Im a survivor main now. Fuck you killercucks

>It's another round where a survivor sprint bursts for the asylum and you have to play the "whack-a-pallet" game until they get bored and disappear down the stairs and outside

I hope I get to facecamp my Sloppy-senpai.

what if while charging to throw he was slowed down like billy but the charge itself was pretty short, and like Trapper had addons where he could have up to 3 tomahawks on him? Tomahawks also pass over knocked over pallets and through windows, so no, "let me pull this down and self heal and then when he starts to break the pallet run," they'd actually have to escape him before using self heal like how it should work.

Fuck off killercuck I'm not your senpai

>when your sloppy gf doesn't know she's your sloppy gf yet

How long do the devs need to look into something before they get to the doing something part?

Maybe, we'll look into it. Not this week... but maybe after next week? For sure. Maybe.

It depends on which side benefits from it.

haha holy shit

survivors are retarded lmao
>finish a game, killer was a wraith where he only got 1 sad but still pipped from all the chasing and stuff
>he says gg
>I say gg
>rank 5 says he's a hacker
>says that he's only played for 7 hours yet he's prestige 3
>check killers profile
>he has 176 hours
>call him a retard
>keeps crying that the killer is a hacker

lynch all survivorbabbies

jesus christ how can they be this brain disorderly

nerf killers



>Start round as survivor
>FPS drops to 1 and stays there
>Game normally runs fine

That faggot needs to be lynched. Keep /tv/ in /tv/.

>Taunting sab faggots farming once the gates open
>They're massively ahead of me in terms of level
>I only have deerstalker 1
>It's okay though I safety pipped :^)

>70 replies
>20 unique posters
Dead game
Dead general

hello darkness my old friend

i had to refresh my level 50 blood web TWELVE (12) FUCKING TIMES for iron grip ONE

You're not even prestige 3 why did you even bother

not going to prestige a third time with wraith.

iron grip 3 was LITERALLY the LAST perk the game could have possibly given me. the absolute last perk i could have got was IG3, fuck this game and these shitty devs for making even the blood webs in favor of the surviviors

>refresh ... blood web

hit level 50, complete the bloodweb and it refreshes forever.

then how does one prestige?

the glowing red button right in the middle with the prestige icon on it you cheeky memer

>Replying to a brony who writes shitty autistic fanfiction
Stop giving it attention

>being a cyber bully

It's because common perks are bugged. After level 3 you won't see rank 1 or 2 of perks that start as common until you get ranks 1 and 2 of every uncommon perk available to you (including teachables).

In case anyone wants a sample of the autistic works of fiction the brony in question has made:


Quality game devs. I'd bet money that their matchmaking """"fix""" doesn't account for character level still, so you're still totally fucked over if you dare play anything besides the one killer you've poured points into.

>Sneaky prestige faggot tries to switch to his fully loaded out Bloody Dwight after hiding as plain Jake until 20 seconds are left
>Unready immediately
>Close lobby
My hillbilly is only level 8 you fucks, I don't have enough practice for 4 man wipes yet

Why don't you quit playing :^)

>Retard jake spends whole round sabotaging
>Trapper never fucking gets off my ass
>We could have had the exits powered if his stupid ass wasn't dicking around removing hooks
Jakes need to be gassed

That fucking shattered my soul.

>Sprint to combine because I need a vault point and the fucking cornfield isn't saving me
>Reach ledge and spam spacebar
>Suddenly time fucking rewinds
>Killer chainsaws into me 5 backwards
>Camps me super hard
I can't even use the combine as a regular fucking vault point without some faggot immediately thinking I MUST be infinite looping and booting his torrents up.

real quick what perks, what character, and was there anyone that looked like you in game?

I was running Kindred 2 as brown shirt/porn stache Dwight. Other players were 2 jakes (I think, I never even saw one before he died but I'm pretty sure his model had jake's hair) and a claudette wearing green, so no.

Only kindred? That's not it then. Either that other Jake you thought you saw was really a porn stache brown shirt Dwight that was an asshole or maybe he just got infinited by a different survivor recently. We're there any other combines/infinites?

Nah i think there was just the one combine.