- Update 1.1.6 now available for download!
- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com
- 1.1.5 Balance Patch Notes: smashboards.com
>Resources and Guides
Previous Thread:
- Update 1.1.6 now available for download!
- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com
- 1.1.5 Balance Patch Notes: smashboards.com
>Resources and Guides
Previous Thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
>new thread after the last one was bumped to 45 posts
>chazo OP again
Kill yourself pedonigger
Find yourself a different shitposting hub
At this point ssbg threads are just a way to spam Veeky Forums
/ssbg/ has an OFFICIAL discord now made by Chronos:
It's open for everyone and has no moderation - If you can't get along with others use the blocking function.
yes chazo is an autismal pedonigger with no positive traits or real friends
but just let it die, just report and dont bother posting at all
Calm down
Did you ever receive my request? I don't know why you weren't already on my list considering we've played before and not too long ago.
/ssbg/ .. you are alive , dont die on me please...
With the power of triples...I summon dubs. Anyone?
We're literally all in the discord, which can be found in the OP
smash just isn't interesting enough to have an active general on Veeky Forums anymore
I suggest you join the ssbg discord too if you want to keep in touch with us
It's not in the OP though. Take a link: discord.gg
Don't reply to nihilistic shitposters
I'm sorry I didn't see it, I will go and check my list again after these matches I am playing. Would you want to dubs? We will need two more.
I don't think Jigglypuff is bottom five. She wrecks ZSS and Shiek so how can she be so low?
The only major matchup disadvantages are the higher tier heavies and sword characters.
She loses to Mario though!
That's true. Lucas and Pikachu are pretty rough as well.
>which can be found in the OP
of last thread*
Saw it, added you back!
host host host host host
host host host
hosting for dubs
host host host host host host host host
yes! hosting duba
host host host host host host host host host host
we can do 1v1 rotations while we wait for a 4th
4th one coming, check your friendslist for tag