Fast food edition
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Fast food edition
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1st for Rumble
Shady contracts mostly. Contractz was literally held hostage by Ember for the better part of 4 months despite Ember not even having a League team. Mainly because Contractz was a highly sought out player, and Ember could just hold onto him and force a team to pay his massive buyout fee.
While that alone doesn't sound /that/ bad, considering Contractz' contract wasn't up, there's been plenty of instances where teams just outright don't pay players. (Biofrost when he was on Dream Team, Team Impulse in 2015)
>Person is a shitter
>Proves to be a shitter
>Dies like a shitter
>Expects you to gank
Random thought, why doesn't someone try to get a pair of Presidential skins out?
Like one for Azir and one for Lissandra to fit the US election?
Xth for my boy dyrone
And adding on to this, but sadly enough since 99% of players are going to be from like the 18-25 year old range, a lot of them don't know how a contract works, and thus players getting screwed out is more common than not
The most unfortunate part of it all is that, for the amount of work that players do in terms of manhours and living away from home for months at a time, most players don't make a lot for them to get an agent to defend their contract deals and whatnot.
Thinking about it, I would have liked to go into being an esports agent to get players the right deals... Untapped market atm
you are supposed to write League of Legends first otherwise you break the tracker
So how lowbrow are we talking as far as teams go, just strive for the best teams and go from there?
The one time we actually have all the links in the OP and this happens.
Is riven a cow?
Because ironically enough Lissandra is the more trump of the two of them so it doesnt make sense.
Also they'd be better as CEO and Vice CEO (Lissandra gets on a segway and Azir commands interns/drones)
As far as me viewing women as cattle, yes.
Companies dont want to officialy stand behind politics. Imagine making a skin for trump. People not supporting trump wouldnt buy it, people suppoeting trump maybe, all PR shit goes down and the skin ends up being bad quality anyway
Who would buy Hillary Quinn or whatever
Riven cant have calves
Not even close
Cows are for breeding
Riven can't
No, cows are for milking and then killing.
20th for Trundle Best Girl
Why is Draven abnormally wide in that picture?
Dairies have cows breed all of the time to make more dairy products
And then you kill them.
And then eat them.
got matched with a 3 premade
>unranked accounts not on
>talking like 14 year olds in chat
>one leaves 5 min in probably cuz of his mom or smth
>draven buys 6 tears
>nasus buys death cap
thanks riot, really enjoy dynamic queue!
Threadly reminder that Mordekaiser literally has the game's highest skill ceiling by virtue of his ghost minion allowing a player the opportunity to command an ADC, which demands ADC mechanics and fundamentals in order to reach maximum damage output, as well as Mordekaiser simultaneously, which has exponential complexity because Mordekaiser's W is dependent on his ghost and his relative positioning as well..
Just try to sign on with a reputable org's challenger team. (TSM is making a challenger team some time after worlds) So you don't get fucked over and play for no pay.
>game crashes during loading screen
>for a reason it doesn't even pass to login screen
>now I have to reinstall
Bravo Riot, bravo!
Ill take "shit that didnt happen" for 200
>really enjoy dynamic queue!
Why would solo queue be any different?
I've learned to trust my gut feeling on dodging games now. Better losing 3 lp or 10 lp than 20 and mmr.
>play for no pay.
Yeah wont happen.
I hadn't gotten an S+ in so long
level 6 here I come!!!
tfw no adc gf
I've decided I'm going to learn nidalee.
Why is Riven so rapeable bros?
i wouldnt have a bunch of underage faggots on their $10 smurfs ruining my game
promos :/
Who knows?
everyone wants to hatefuck her because of that one time she stomped your entire team
>everyone will call this b8
>nobody will refute it
>He thinks anybody cares about your clown election
newsflash: we don't
sej feels pretty strong right now
She feels better than zac if zac doesn't snowball his team early on, assuming that you can hit your r.
Also as long as nid/graves are banned it doesn't feel like you get punished hard early game.
Am I wrong for thinking this?
>i wouldnt have a bunch of underage faggots on their $10 smurfs ruining my game
Yea, you would actually have to play well instead of blaming other people.
Dynamic queue is literally just a new version of "my teammates are holding me back."
She isn't you delusional fucking waifufags.
League girls are the bottom of the barrel and anyone who wants them as a "waifu" is a sorry fucking shallow piece of shit who gets a new waifu every month and shitposts non-stop for no god damn reason.
Sej was allways strong. You just never play her.
Maybe I could be your girlfriend tonight~
>not a Kench skin for trump
>not a president Mundo skin
playing her into un nerfed rek'sai/graves/gragas/nid was pure suffering
are you actually saying its my fault with a leaver and two guys selling their items
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
How do I win with poppy?
Do you build ryalia's on Lulu too Meriipu?
Sorry user, I'm not looking for a one night stand.
sleep with ___me___
sleep with THE FISHES
xth for dumping loads in shyvana,most fertile league girl
sleepy user never replies, leave him alone
I'm not meriipu I think he's got like a billion Lulu points
I play support Lulu
a master, wtf is this
How do you win silver games? I can win lane, get tower fb or not, and then can't translate to a win. What am I doing wrong?
Its comfy welding.
Please do not call sona a cow it is very mean
>support blindpicking blitz and getting countered by alistair
>garen loses to yas top
>anivia cant proc her double damage E because she relies on Q landing to proc it
>ez calling everyone shit and kids
I love sundays.
oh! ok add me then
why does every lulufag seem to hold ultra right-wing political views and feels the need to spout them?
No, but stop acting like it's a dynamic queue issue when it would happen in solo Queue all the time.
Leavers and trolls are common.
>enemy support living in my jungle, even stole the level 1 krugs
>laners do nothing about it
>bot lane is somehow losing 2v1 to an adc graves
>the level 6 jungler is invading me when im level 2
>we win this game
>i carried
Silver is an amazing place
Diamond 2 promos. Pls wish me luck, everyone.
>doesn't even have a dash, a linear skillshot or high APM
>high skill ceiling
Yeah, nah, you're a cunt. Play somebody like Rengar if you want a high skill ceiling champ.
Is this where Tahm Kench's design came from?
good luck~
There are no "adc mechanics" because your ghost doesnt have any active skills. Its literally just point and shoot at people.
There's no reason for the enemy team to focus on your ghost since it has boosted stats and killing morde will also kill the ghost.
The only "high skill ceiling" involved with morde is killing jhin while he's on 4th bullet so your ghost would also be on 4th bullet permanently
Hey dude
I know I haven't replied in a while
I also don't have a picture of Rumble to post
Still. I want you to know that I'm rooting for you buddy.
good luck diamond 2 promo user
I don't hold any political views though I'm too dumb for politics
anyone else feel like theyre not winning because theyre getting slightly better every game, but because youre slightly less retarded than the enemy team
Shake Shake!
That never stopped anyone before
that's what you're saying now, but as soon as i'm not looking you'll start talking about exterminating muslims and jews
>make mistake
>feel bad because I think we're going to lose
>enemy team makes the same mistake except with catastrophic results for them
you're rooting for a corpse m8
I'm curious as to what is going on here?
Getting better isn't just about acknowledging your own mistakes and improving upon your gameplay, but also noticing the enemy's mistakes and capitalizing on them. There's retards in every game, and the thing to remember is that the enemy team has just as high a chance to get one as your team.
That's fine, I'm half a corpse myself
What runes should I be running on Veigar? Right now I have MPen marks x9, CDR seals x9, scaling AP glyphs x7 and straight AP glyphs x2, then Quints of Mpen, CDR and AP
do NOT bully
The panel before that showed Trist shoving a finger in Riggle's ass to make him shoot fire
i don't give a shit about politics user
i'm giving you my energy, user
know that fieri believes in you
Did somebody say bully?
that guy has been posting this shit for like two years now and obviously he doesn't do anything to improve his life
How are my picks? I don't know much about pro play other than the Chinese apparently choke hard when it comes to Worlds. However I don't know SHIT about the wildcard picks because I didn't get around to watching any of them. Could someone give me a rundown on who Albus Nox, I May, Flash Wolves, and INTZ are? I don't know these guys
I also have faith in TSM even though I probably shouldn't. They were just the first team I ever saw play of and I really think they're cool.
>there are people who dont know anything about politics
my sides
Most people don't, they just like reciting memes
I'm an actual retard and forgot to post the pic. Anyways, r8 em and tell me if i'm retarded
how is my boy shen jungle after the nerfs?
how does anyone think this game is still fun
disclaimer: I am actually curious
>There are people in the US who care about politics
my sides