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This suspense is killing me
in B4 buttmad buttbabbies getting buttravaged over same weapon models.
>level 40 light level 283
>buy exotic engram from xur
>level 20 Monte Carlo
What the fuck did I do to deserve this fucking shit
Destiny is a gateway video game of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive LIGHT faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the Gjallahorn, peculiar, colorful shaders, the whole light faggotry, the garbage PvP everything about the Destiny worlds fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party NPCs backgrounds, emphasis on DARKNESS, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
DESTINY is basically THE series to attract the most hated video game fanbase known to Veeky Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this game and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Destiny threads ever encourage the Deej apologists to show their faces here.
>trying to clear HM for the first time with (mostly) LFG
>at oryx for a solid 2 hours
>finally get to fourth cycle with no eaten orbs
>detonate them
>die while detonating
>oryx fucking survives
>when we wipe the game over screen tells us we detonated 16 bombs so it's not like we missed a knight
ha ha ha funny fucking jokes
>What the fuck did I do to deserve this
Didn't read, that's what you did.
what's the context for this?
you bought a legacy engram, it decrypts into stuff from y1 with y1 stats
You deserve for not learing how to read RETARD. READ
It's not an exotic engram, it's a legacy engram. So a year 1 exotic
now you can use legendary marks to get the y2 version at the kiosk, you knob.
>raiding on xbone
my first mistake and my last
calm down ironicc
What didn't I read? Did it say level 20 engram and I missed it?
Upbringing of Copper better have some new Tex Mechanica handcannons pls
Also more vault space and First Curse buff would be nice too
I'm glad you're back babe
What kiosk? I haven't bought a xur engram since y1
RoI interview
>tfw the salt consumes u
Chill bro, its just a game.
>not recogniZing the pasta
Lol I haven't seen this Naruto pasta in a long time. I hope we start seeing more edits of it
It's even a fucking banner!
go to the vanguard advisers. turn around and look at the sides of the entrance you just came through. there's a panel on the wall for exotic weapons and another for exotic armor. if you had a year 1 exotic you can purchase the y2 version for legendary marks. if you've already 'unlocked' an exotic it takes a shard and some glitter.
Wouldn't that also mean that everyone with the gally can just upgrade with marks once RoI hits?
Read what the engram at xur says and write it here
Thank you for your time and patience user, I'll try that now
When doing totems in Kingsfall, why do people feel the need to call out they are moving to the middle/back to their side?
You go to the middle once you get Deathsingers Power and you return to your side once you've gotten rid of it.
It's that fucking simple. Stop making everything a call out.
nah, it HAS to be obtained via quest.
No, there's going to be an exotic quest we've got to do for the Gjally apparently. I was hoping I'd be able to just upgrade it.
NP user. I was a returning Y1 guardian a couple of months ago and there was a lot of new shit thrown my way so I know what it's like, but you have to read more carefully.
>It's almost here
I know you and Pandox are back together but..I'm in love with you. I know it's too late to say that but I just neede you to know. Once.
Because the people in the middle are pre-occupjed with clearing adds and the aura/power times literally never sync up perfectly.
It's called courtesy you autist.
>stray still hasn't placed me on a raid team
Owl Sector Debrief to Ikora Rey, OS-I6 6
IR: Welcome to the Underwatch, Acting Liaison Ramos. How is Shun? Why are you laughing?
RAM: We had a bet. He said that'd be the first thing you'd ask. He’s still unconscious.
IR: My Hidden are at your command. We’ll do whatever’s necessary. Have you any idea what a cure might look like?
RAM: Not yet. Shun asked me to call this entry to your attention.
Jun has refused to perform required strength and intelligence tests. He has accused me, Willa Bray, and the Clovis Bray corporation of nefarious purposes thirty-two times since injection.
"Clovis Bray destroys the world to remake it in their own image. That's their goal. Look at me—the first step to your perfect colonist. But I'm just a prototype. You know what happens to prototypes, Dr. Shirazi."
I am not sure how this subject passed the psychological screen.
Visual observation suggests good health, despite the nimbus of white particles around his head.
This new?
I appreciate it. Glad I got back into this game though. For 150 legendary marks I can have a level 40 Monte Carlo that does 20 less damage than my legendary primary, but I'll take it.
Also, for some reason I'm completing the daily strikes for marks and I'm not getting them, is it possible that I've reached the daily limit? Or is there no legendary mark daily limit anymore?
Teamwork makes the dream work, shit bird
the marks cap is 200. i think there was some glitch with earning the marks since the last update so you might have to wait until ROI or that hotfix they're deploying.
>eric nguyen
>frank clark
what did she mean by this
Because it wakes up the retards sitting around on totems
Oryx might have closed his chest in time to survive. Whoever was in the center wasn't keeping his chest open by shooting it.
>This new?
On a side note, why is Fortitude lagging behind so much?
If everyone keeps tracks of their shit, then yeah, there is no reason to call it out. All you need to know is on the screen. Unfortunately though, there are shitters out there who need their hand held through the whole encounter.
Take these lads for example:
So I just decided to try this game again, is completing the dark below worth it at all? I'm at the last step.
Can I get some pointers? I don't know if the gear I have is up to speed, is that class even any good, and with rise of iron coming out in a few days do I need to reach the level cap? Is there even a hard cap?
Fair enough. Also is there some reason the kiosk exotics do 20 less damage than they're decrypted counterparts?
And do I need to keep my level 20 Monte Carlo to get the kiosk one?
I didn't even know that was a mechanic. That was probably it.
We ended up giving up for the night. Tomorrow, come morning, I'll beg for some help here. I'm at Oryx. There's no fucking way I'm not getting that fucking triumph. It's all I need.
It's 280 LL at the kiosk right? Just like if Xûr sold it to you. You're going to want to infuse it up anyway. Once you've got an exotic item linked to your account you can scrap it whenever for shards/mats. It'll stay available at the kiosks. You don't need to have the Y1 version in your inventory/stash to unlock a Y2 version. You've unlocked it on your account now.
Shun x Ikora best OTP
Hey assholes
How easy is Hard mode KF with challenges now? I have yet to complete hard mode but I feel I have to because I don't wanna miss out on the emblem
If you aren't 320 don't bother faggot, tired of you faggors having a WHOLE YEAR and the shitting up MY RAIDS. KYS
KF is not hard. It's just long/tedious. As long as you've got a group that is paying attention / staying on their tasks you'll be fine.
Warpriest and Oryx change absolutely nothing if you don't suck
Golgoroth is just a merry go round
Because it originated in fucking Straya
>bungo in charge of physics ever
Not even once
I'm 330 and I hate kings fall Normal because it's impossible to LFG good players. I fear my bout with HM will be the same
So why the FUCK are you playing normal if you're 330?
Just because you can 4 man it doesn't make you better than other players
literally use this
"330 XXclass for HM, looking for mature group to help finish my triumphs"
A lot better than any other teams in this thread.
I'm not. I've been playing PoE since I got back in the swing of things after a long break. I just meant back before Hard mode, it was literally impossible to not be infected with 1 shitter.
Fuck off already imposter
but what about le ɑ team meme
You're absolutely right
People shouldn't call out when they have the brand or unstable light either if everyone pays attention
>faggots who still play this shit game religiously get mad when returning players come back and make a fuck up
>the only reason they're not fucking up is their high light level and they're still shit at this casual babby game
Fuck you
His new lines feel so out of character
>faggot is too much of a pussy to call them out in person
>has to vent on Veeky Forums
Noob are you running a Hard Mode tonight?
Post name, bro. The ones bitching were doing anonymously in the tread, not in the raid. You guys take this pile of shit game so seriously it's hilarious
taco please.
>do poorly in a year old raid
>hurr the game is shit
you're shit
>I've never fucked up in any old content
Does anyone on PS4 wanna run through Nightfall and some quest shit with me?
Just got to 301 light
PSN: Nachoguy5
Is this game worth picking up again? I only ever played the initial game and didn't bother continuing through the expansions
>fucking up in kf
>true meaning of war won't carry over to ROI
Fuck might as well knock it out now I guess
>I admit man, you got me!
It's gotten a lot better since release
watch out, it hasnt been dropping high light level items anymore
eh I have enough fuel if it's a decent enough roll
It keeps the retard in the middle that is mouth posting and daydreaming about his Chinese cartoon waifu alert and awake
>6 Legendary Primary
>3 Exotic Primary
>2 Legendary Special
>2 Exotic Special
>4 Legendary Heavy
>2 Exotic Heavy
>3 Legendary Helm
>5 Exotic Helm
>7 Legendary Chest
>1 Exotic Chest
>9 Legendary Gloves
>2 Exotic Gloves
>9 Legendary Boots
>3 Exotic Boots
>9 Legendary Class Items
I can't wait for Christmas on Tuesday.
It isnt? fuck have they said what will take it's place?
are you going to decrypt as soon as you open roi or are you going to wait until you finish the new campaign? from some of the previews it sounds pretty short.
>shitposting as me
Nice to know that I have a fan, but please stop embarrassing yourself
If I dont post with oc, then it's not me
I've been shitposting and raiding with you for two years. It hurts me that you don't know me. JUST
Not sure, I've been stockpiling these up for a few weeks now so it may be hard to make myself wait. Campaign first might be a good idea though. Since we now know that they're no longer decided when you pick them up it might be beneficial to decrypt them at the highest light level possible to try to increase muh gainz.
Lmao after all these expansions these retards still never ever learn
>0 Legendary Primaries
>2 Exotic Primaries
>1 Legendary Specials
>3 Exotic Specials
>0 Legendary Heavies
>0 Exotic Heavies
>0 Legendary Helms
>0 Exotic Helms
>3 Legendary Chestpieces
>0 Exotic Chestpieces
>7 Legendary Gauntlets
>0 Exotic Gauntlets
>5 Legendary Boots
>3 Exotic Boots
>2 Legendary Class Items
almost no fucking weapons goddamn it
Learn what? That engrams are set when you pick them up?
Disproven. (see: Trespasser and LL 336+ items)
That Bungie doesn't allow engrams to roll new expansion items if you collect them before?
In an interview they declined to comment on whether or not engrams would carry over, despite outright denying it in past expansions.
Lmao after all these weeks of this being known information these retards still never ever learn
It's ok, Stray hasn't put me on a team either
Any faggots on XBone that can hit me with only Splendor? I want that yellow firefly effect on my Hunter for fashion reasons.