>Patch 3.4 Preview
>Patch 3.38 notes
>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
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>Patch 3.4 Preview
>Patch 3.38 notes
>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
Previous Thread:
xth for pathological liars
Mafu/Laika cutest otp!
Ding ding!
Who /supergaycatboy/ here?
*avatarfags into the 5th percentile*
mafu's hair is ugly as fuck
reminder to /pet all lalafell on sight
TRUE Monks know that wasting even a moment of your life to introspection is like dropping GL3 stacks IRL
how can you be gay if you play catgirls and refuse to do anything that involves your actual voice and face with the people you "date"
fake gay
xth for don't forget to be abused by your wifey today
*unzips coffin lid*
post leezards
>wake up
>see this
xth for meltdowns
sup senpai
You're ugly as fuck!
wat. who have I dated? and if you wanna hear my voice or see my face just ask? add me on Skype or some shit
what a qt
looking for 8th player for static for 3.4
What about Shirou, Mikha and Mezzu?
Hey guys, I got a new cat :>>>>>>>
What should I name him? Post ending in 7 decides (must be ffxiv related!!!)
I'd scream
xth for everyone holds me back
clips.twitch tv/yamazaki83/CrowdedOysterSSSsss
that hair looks awful man
i saw some with it in fucking gray advertising for erp in quicksand. SHE LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING GRANDMOTHER
"I'm not getting out of bed today"
where is F'whalon Rhiki?
Get the pyre ready.
It's boyish and cute! Perfect for her!
greencat just post in r/ffxivrecruitment already
Hay that's me.
Hay that's my cat. I can tell this is F'whalon because I linked this specific picture in our raid skype group.
>wake up
>say guten tag to my dakimakura
>roll out of bed
>scrub under my folds and waddle to my computer
>see 3 other fat grown-ass men submit to me as the Burger King
>pull my pud
Shirou's such a worthless piece of trash, I forgot about him. The only thing I've seen mikha and mezzu do is be gay.
This was my first time doing a6s as NIN and I've never said everyone holds me back before.
Not there because I don't lie.
can you fuck them instead?
Hey that's a cute cat! I mean the real one not yours.
Your ff cat's always been good though
lzrd teacher giving private lessons ;]
never realized how low that thing rides
You should give your character black hair and lipstick, maybe fantasia to a lighter skin tone
I figure going goth is probably the best way to get people to want to raid in a graveyard
delete this before deleting youse lf
Remember that time you spent thousands to travel to meet a girl who didn't love you, and then cried pathetically when she said she didn't like you like that?
That actually wasn't me that posted it. I forgot you even had a cat.
What does playing a different job have to do with getting hit by sludge and then raising into ultraflash? You're even playing the same role. All you can do is make excuses.
You've said in these very generals that your old group was holding you back. You're lying again, something you claimed not even moments again that you never do.
Everything about this pic drives me crazy. My urge to transfer to mateus gets stronger by the day.
thanks, he likes to play tag a lot.
at 2 am
Nope, because there is A LOT of context behind that. Gotta do some stuff to make sure people stay safe sadly. :(
What makes catboys so goddamn sexual?
lmfao so your excuse is you were playing NIN when you already play another melee? pathetic and not an excuse for how you died.
aranea gc
>Nope, because there is A LOT of context behind that.
Except there's logs proving that there is nothing being left out of context in that scenario
I want this lizard to get on her knees for me and tend to my leaking member
I didn't say they were holding me back. I'm not lying. I made a mistake and I didn't get hit by sludge, I got hit by uhh, whatever happens when the water explodes. I had to ask because I didn't know what hit me since I was out of the way of the sludges. As for the ultraflash, I realized I made a mistake once I accepted it.
I wasn't using it as an excuse, you retarded faggot. I was simply stating it was my first time doing it as NIN. I tend to tunnel on classes I don't play often since I'm not using to when I need to reapply dots etc.
>I didn't say they were holding me back
yes you did. like every single day
cmon m8 make the b8 a little less obvious
it doesn't even make me ir8
How fat is F'wha IRL? He must be morbidly obese to eat this much bait.
Please post. I'm new here. I live for drama. Especially when twenty-three year old cucks get humiliated.
Except no, I didn't. Provide proof, jackass.
I'm actually probably underweight.
so you were holding your group back
got it
There's no stopping
Sounds like a bunch of excuses honestly LOL
post midlander/highlander husbandos
If you say so
You're the laughing stock of everyone here outside of your circle of friends you know
do you want the black hair and lipstick?
transfer and dps.
Do not ignore this post.
>Circle of friends
But he has no friends.
>black hair and lipstick
now I'm curious, go do it
you are disgusting
LOL except that's not what an excuse is. :^)
No, I was learning. The only reason I died in the clear is because I moved to not drop my mirage on the MNK but then the WHM decided to move closer to the boss and dropped their mirage on me and it killed both of us. Nobody said I couldn't come as a class I wasn't familiar with.
>I wasn't using it as an excuse
yes you were
You also died to single drill and height error. You're garbage.
i will end you
why didn't you group ever a8s?
Are you saying she's not worth it, Rheia?
>4 deaths
please post the fflogs LOL
Well it's kind of obvious?
>got drunk
>ordered a live size silicone sex doll from amazon
>not sure where to buy final fantasy or xivg outfits for it
where do you people buy your outfits from?
Whats your excuse for reviving during ultra flash?
what happened widdle user, are you scared? why aren't you replying ;w;? im so very bored...or were you just spouting shit? awww, is okee lil buddy, maybe next time you can have more material and a better argument! *pet pet*
post c@pits
>baiting fwha hour
im out
not a fan, anything else?
This is hot as fuck. It's almost like they're children, but they're totally not.
I'm in
Why couldn't F'wha ever out parse Rheia?
I died to drill because I tried to get an extra gcd off but then I got killed because of it. Yes, I made a mistake. The height error was a mistake too. Mistakes happen.
Because our WHM left, then our DRG had a stroke, and our MT's tank died.
You don't even know the definition of an excuse, retard. I didn't revive into ultra flash. One of the healers decided to raise me where the tornado was and I didn't realize it and then immediately regretted accepting it once I realized where I was being rez'd.
I'm not replying to you anymore.
Then explain why you spent all that money and time doting on a woman who clearly didn't love you?
And then to go back to her even after your "vacation".