"Remember No Genders" Edition
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"Remember No Genders" Edition
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>play 3 games tonight
>all losses
Should I make it 4?
And as tilted as I am, I don't think that's having any impact. I don't think me being tilted is causing me to make worse decisions than if I wasn't. Just 3 games in a row where my entire team, me included, are getting outplayed basically from the start.
Fertile Demacia's ripe for breeding.
stop playing, you're tilted.
You just need to git gud
goodnight lolg
she's literally ionian
Good morning Tyler
>immobile adc gets caught out mid and blown the fuck up
>rest of the team is pushing other lanes or farming my jungle
>enemy team kills baron and shoves baron buff up our asses
>git gud
haha, y-yeah
what? I just said to stop playing; you're tilted.
Post matches or you're just a shitter blaming everyone else.
> tfw carried through my promos
No shame in getting carried bro.
Hopefully you too can carry someone in the future
Do you believe ELO hell exists and it is a thing to be worried about or do you believe people should need a nice glass of get gud and a plate of getting your ass kicked for believing it.
why do you guys only talk about impregnating imaginary whores?
I responded to the wrong post, muh bad.
I'm not implying that I'm playing any better. I'm just pointing out that me being better isn't enough to stop my teammates from making retarded decisions.
With the meta being the way it is, one bad teamfight can have a very significant impact on the flow of the game, not to mention that in all 3 games we were basically losing from the start because we had no winning lanes and the enemy team could both outfight and out-rotate us, despite us being able to secure crucial objectives.
Elo hell definitely exists, but getting gud could slim your chances of avoiding it.
What, you want me to impregnate real whores?
what the fuck else would we talk about?
Well we certainly aren't gonna talk about impregnating real whores.
I'd rather be carried than lose. Thank RNGesus and move on.
Elo hell does exist, but the best way to get out of it, besides just being good, is learning how to play hardcarry champions, so you can 1v9 yourself out of elo hell
the game?
You haven't played in Plat.
Post em and Rate em
Damn this new match history is pretty long
Xth for Vlad
Cya nerds I'm going hiking
Elo hell exists. You can carry yourself out of a desired elo but it takes luck and the ability to successfully play 1v5 carries to slim your chances. If you can't or don't like playing 1v5 champions (not counting very late-game champs like Azir) then it's exceptionally harder
>people say Bronze,Silver,Gold,and Plat are elo hell. Which fucking one is it?
Instead of double posting, the tier listing on counterplay.xyz how accurate are they? I noticed for silver it listed skarner as S and I've seen him in quite a few game. Is he good now?
I hope you fall off a cliff and break your neck.
I really want to play Skarner, but I hate his stupid fucking passive. I like the rest of his kit, but fuck that passive.
Post more similar pics. Why is Lux so Cute? Riot should uncute her. She's almost Jinx-level of cuteness
How is Shen now after his nerf?
still strong, but you can't 1v1 people as well now
He is a real man, he can't be killed by women or mentally ill transgendered smurphs
Wanna band 2gether, form a party and go all out alahu akbaru on Riot HQ?
Shen will always be strong in 5v5 teams, very high elo or esports scene because being able to have two TP's and an AoE dodge is valuable.
Only problem is everywhere else like Diamond and below Shen can't do enough damage or engage strong. He's only there to save your teammates ass assuming your teammate is competent. Laning is already bad, falling behind is atrocious, can't really deal with the meta picks and doesn't have alternative builds that could if you do want to carry.
basically, still okay if your team knows what they're doing, pretty bad if they don't
He went from acceptable to "just pick maokai instead" from what I've seen so far.
Hm, I for some fucking reason have the battlecast skin for skarner. I'm currently B1 so I'm looking at silver champs to play. I can already play Zac/Mumu/WuKong/Vi at decent levels so I figure I should learn Xin and Skarner, just incase.
but Maokai lacks the "carry me please" ult
>I can already play Zac
Do it, reach diamonds, quit gaem. Congrats, you've just won in life
I don't really find his passive to be that much of a pain in the ass really. Sure, the enemy team can capture it. can gain some gold (10 I think) and possibly know my position but it's really useful from what I see.
Aside from the bonus MS and AS, I can also tell the position of some enemies by looking at the map and checking if an enemy captures my passive. With that info, I can warn my team the possible threats that they might encounter as well as predicting the enemy's next move. They capture my passive near the dragon? That could mean they are trying to take dragon. They capture one of my passive on one side of my jungle? It's most likely that they are trying to steal my camps and this can make me either steal some of their camps or inform my teammates to do a gangbang scene to the poor sucker.
> I can already play Zac/Mumu/WuKong/Vi
Don't learn any more champs. The less champions you play the better. If you can, just play Zac and Vi every single game, both are strong meta picks and both are simple enough for you to focus on decisions instead of button mashing.
What class are you?
why didnt you carry user?
not him but I'd rather have the 20% reduced damage that turns into a mini nuke than a single person shield that can be removed faster the later the game rolls on
>10 seconds of 20% damage reduction on a 40 second cooldown without CDR
That screams "carry me" to me user
I made a mistake, I picked Wu jungle.
What do
>So much truth in one post
Skarner is the only champ I can play reliably in the jungle, and this guy is spot on. I have to disagree though with one bit. You're welcome to your opinion on the MS/AS bonus, but I think they're the best part of the passive.
If you can stay on top of keeping crystal control, Skarner is unbeatable. Between the AS bonus helping you throw out more Qs, and the fact that you should have a chilly mitten anyways, at a certain point you just become inescapable and unkillable.
The only thing with me lacking with zac is my ganking. I'm used to ganking standard with zac (E from the bush) but I know his gank potential is great. Though really in Bronze/Silver/Gold I don't think it'll be an issue since no one ever fucking wards or pays attention.
that's not a mistake
Wu jungle is pretty good.
that sounds more like "ill carry" to me
you really think Maokai players below diamond consider the DR for allies part?
What do you think her poop smells like?
Well there is me and that one other guy I saw last week. That also concludes how many Maokia's I've seen in the past month.
I want all of them.
Also post loot I guess. No I did not accidentally post this in another thread on another board shut up.
fuck esports
>last player picks vayne adc vs zed mid, top malp, jungle gragas and jhin bard bot lane
I fucking hate these people
I ain't saying the AS/MS bonus is bad (heck it's the best part). I'm just trying to say that his passive isn't all gloom and doom since I'm presuming that he doesn't like the passive because the enemy can capture it.
Glad to see someone else enjoying this motherfucker.
To be fair it doesn't fucking matter what ADC you pick against that comp, you don't get to play league of legends anyway.
I had a guy pick Zed into Kayle when she was first pick.
challenjour nidalee is pretty good. as are the naut janna and teeto skins.
>Playing ADC
>Enemy Zed is fed as fuck, obvious smurf
>Zed does nothing but dive the backline and deletes you
>His team never follows up
>They lose the game
Thank fucking god.
Didn't play since 9 months, lost interest and then Overwatch came out and it was so much more fun...
What's the state of the game right now?
Im in a good mood today so
3 or 8 git gud
everything else fail
Honestly I kind of hate playing him a little, only because it feels like a cop-out. Like, I love him, as I love all bug heros in games like this (and bug skins for that matter), and I enjoy playing him, but as somebody who takes video games "seriously", I want to be good with other junglers too.
But I love him, and it's so, SO easy.
off by one
fucking loser
Riot got greedy and tries to make $$$ with loot boxes and shit.
N O T WORTH coming back.
Tried Rammus? He's my 2nd go to jungler.
I wanna cuddle with Twitch.
I know, but at least some adcs like trist or ez can kite that shit. I'm just mad he picked vayne, I fucking hate having a vayne on my team it means two things :
1. Bot lane will super feed 100%
2. Bot lane will do nothing every teamfight
3. It's a 3.5/5 the whole game (support is so tilted from being with vayne in lane he might not even have the will to keep going its why hes at half member level)
I have NEVER had a positive experience with a vayne on my team and I have NEVER lost a game against a vayne, every time I see that shit on the enemy team im 100% sure we will win because every teamfight will start with her being 1 shot by 1 ability and everything else collapsing immediately.
Shes honestly the absolute worst champ in the game, I'd rather have any meme bruiser adc like panth or morde bot lane instead of her every time at least they will do something in fights and are not free kill the entire time. It doesnt matter how good the vayne player is shes fucking worthless and barely performs her role even when the whole team is there to protect her ass every fight.
The ONLY time vayne has any use is when you are doing objectives but even then you can just pick cassio mid which is not only a very fucking good mage in general but also a vayne 2.0 vs objectives because she actually has damage the whole game unlike miss 0/29/2 with 97 cs at 40min.
Gas all vayne players pls thanks.
>riot giving out free content if you're a good player with a diverse champion pool
>got greedy
t. shitter with no crates or key fragments
I got Kled off a reroll from one of the boxes
I spent more buying the boxes than if I had just bought him outright
Are you implying the people here actually PLAY the game?
>tried rammus?
>pic related
What did I just say?
He's okay.
>buy keys goy you've earned all that you can
>you need to open those 142 chests every season after all
>support veigar can one shot everyone in the game
so glad they let him get AP just for hitting shit instead of just CSing
That was a lot of fun, went 4/2/4 but it started a bit rough then they surrendered.
>chest refill is 1 week
>142 chests
No one is forcing you to open as many chests as you can. I'm a player with a relatively small champion pool and i only play top lane. It's an impossibility for me to get even 25 chests a season and yet i'm not fucking wasting my money on crates and shit like that.
Riot isn't greedy because of their system, you are greedy because you want to open 142 crates every season.
what this guy
peopel say that u get "rewarded" but its just mental gymnastics. u will end up spending more for boxes than u got off rerolls like
>season is one year
>max 4 chest per month
this guy probably works for riot. what a cuck.
point being that you'll never have enough keys unless you buy them
d2g is ultra dead so I'm here instead now, what are you guys up to?
I had a match the other day where the enemy Xin Zhao got ridiculously huge, and, funny enough, our only hope of winning teamfights ever was our support Veigar ulting him.
Masteries for jinx? quick!
A good Vayne is better than pretty much any adc tho. Just that 99/100 Vaynes are bad
We're planning on blowing RIOT up, the fuckking arseholess ARRRRRGH
>"i'm out of actual arguments, better play the shill/cuck card!"
My point still stands. If you're such a retard that you spend money on any kind of microtransaction/crate system, you have no right to complain about it.
And if you're not spending any money on it, why are you complaining?
Discussing how Riot's getting greedy with a completely free crate system where both the boxes and keys are free apparently.
What the fuck is with support Sion? That shit fucking sucking laning against. That shit where he throws a minion+slow has what seems like unlimited range and you can't do shit against him early on.
But you can get 12 shards a month user
i dont even play this game but you're a cuck. you probably let people walk all over you irl.
and keep your gif reactions, fat!
What's wrong? All I've heard is that they're reworking tons of champs, and also gave Ryze underlords ult for some reason.
> you can't do shit about melee support early on
Do your team a favor and don't play botlane if you can't.
Who else reports all smurfs for smurfing and boosting? Cause I know I do.
>just play 200 games a month for that last one to drop summoner!
>and when the month rolls over you'll have 6 crates to open and 4 keys to earn!