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Speaking of attacking Mercys, I feel like mekaless D.Va deals more damage than her, is it true?

Buff Mercy damage desu



Yes she does. That's why some Dvas have such insane stats. They're just playing MEKAless D.Va with a healer up their ass

Jamison Fawkes!

For some reason this really annoys me

> hook a dva right in the middle of the team
> her ult is ready

can you post your abs?
i can post tits or something in return
i live for in-shape junkrat cosplays

big dragon


Thanks user

Depends on the range. In the best situation, no. But considering you're comparing a shotgun to a regular pistol, shit changes rapidly.


james is a great lil dude


I fucking love these pics

I'm a straight girl so attracted to Junkrat but I am pretty sure he's the canon homo character Blizz keeps talking about

There was like 4 other pictures of this shit in the other thread, why? What possible reason do people have for assuming Junkrat is both gay and also a flamer?

I don't know what this shit is

but I want more



>I'm a straight girl

No you aren't.

Mei is cancer. Mei players deserve cancer :)

how hard would it be for an overwatch player to learn competitive tf2? it looks pretty fun

1. To piss you off.

2. Probably because he doesn't flirt with anyone or express actual attraction to anyone... but clearly cares about Roadhog a lot, and wants his attention. So they assume that because he's so into Roadhog he is into guys in general.


Do you fags have a channel to join in game?
I want to meme it up with some dumbfucks

>boost tracer off ledge
>she recalls

>I'm a straight girl
>on the internet
>on Veeky Forums

Are you even trying


>been with TF2 since F2P
>considered myself decent enough
>Overwatch + god-awful disgusting comp. launch put me off it
>likely shit at the game now, have no drive to play it

once you go overbutts, you never go back

It has a lot less flexible meta (age and higher skill level), and is less forgiving. Counters are still in application but it's less rigid then Overwatch; ie a shotgun using character can kill a heavier then with another gun but it's not like shotguns vs roadhog or another fatass in Overwatch.

The ult system and how games are based on objectives in OW and not kills/deathmatch like in TF2 mean that rushing in to try and stop a is not worthless.

Overwatch is more 'casual' in the good ways, TF2 is a much older and not as well designed, but it has its good points.


> just in case you actually are

you need to learn the Veeky Forums chick language like the rest of us if you want people to believe you

I'm glad to see this kind of mindset here. People talk about OW comp with such high praise and/or act like it's at actual e-sport tier and I'm coming from when I used to do TF2 tourneys.

Shit is baby mode. And TF2 wasn't even that "hardcore" of a meta either.

Actually, villains have been queer-coded for a very long time! You know how like, sometimes main villains act girlish, fruity, sneaky, have fabulous voices, etc? (I'm trying to think of an example and the only one coming up is Scar from Lion King) It has to do with homophobia, so they make the gay characters the villains. Us queer folk have been seeing ourselves in villains for a while, and Junkrat, (a comedy villain) has a SUPER fruity laugh, he drinks boba tea out of a canister, has that "on top" line with roadhog, his laugh emote is the squealing of a teenage girl, not to mention his right hand man is the bear in his Bear/Twink solidarity combo, theyre both constantly shirtless and the bear is a fucking biker leather daddy who wears an animal mask (classic gay culture) we just. We love Junkrat. Junkrat is ours. Junkrat is one of us. Blizzard, hear my prayer, let us have Junkrat.

Here's Junkrat in red flannel so he can be a lesbian as well


shit wrong one
was meant for

>implying i don't adopt several different tones and text styles over the span of my shitposting

the ruse cruise, gals

>who wears an animal mask (classic gay culture)

Beg your pardon? I've never heard of this beyond satanic cults or furries or something.

I don't think so personally. Look at the Tracer butt "controversy" and how much Blizzard has gone out of the way to make the game *~DIVERSE~* and *~INCLUSIVE~*. Now look at game journos and SJWs, who throw a shitfit if they even THINK a game is implying something bad about a minority no matter how innocuous the thing they're whining about is. I love Junkrat, but the guy is a thief and an asshole and a borderline terrorist. I guarantee there will be an almighty shitstorm if he turns out to be the Token Gay Character, because there are people who will inevitably go "Oh, so Blizzard clearly hates LGBTQLMNOP because this is what they think they act like!" Chances are good they're going to go for the purest, most unassailably lovable character/s they have just in the interest of playing it safe, because they've already got a track record with this sort of thing.

That's just my read on the situation, though.

>when you have a psychotic Reinhardt on your team but it's working because your Zarya bubbles are keeping him alive

Too long

you're going to get a wall of angry (You)s but i just wanted to say this was an interesting read, thanks




There's a difference between being gay and being a fucking flaming faggot user.

I'd happily see Junkrat as the former, but not the latter.


Your literally putting all this gay shit on junkrat and roadhog, but you fail to realize one thing.


Junkrat is pants on the head bonkers and messed up from the radiation, and roadhog is almost as bad but seems to be at least capable of controlling junkrat.Both of them being crazy explains everything you pointed out.

>Us queer folk have been seeing ourselves in villains

Fucking pathetic if thats what you really think.

Why are you so pissed about silly fanart? It's not canon or anything.

Junkrat with a croptop/tanktop is objectively the best kind of shirt for him to wear anyway. He looks odd with sleeves.


Why does everyone hate having Hanzo on their team? At worst, he's a Widowmaker with better tools.

>this post


Everyone hates Widow too though
Being better than literal dogshit is not saying much, think about it
The fact you had to compare him to fucking Widowmaker to make him seem 'okay' says enough

Because as a gay dude it pisses me off since it's not how gay men actually act, it's how fat tumblr sluts imagine us for their own schlicking purposes.

Feel free to call me triggered or whatever, just my opinion man.

Blizz would be smart to just avoid the controversy of the LGBT shit and the sexuality of their characters until they get more of them.Then they can just slap the "gay" label on one that no one cares about and satisfy the SJW while also not pissing off a popular character fanbase.

capture tracer
brainwash tracer
enslave tracer

Last time I had a Hanzo on my team he was doing close range combat on his own vs three of the opponent team.
Instead of standing behind and waiting for the team to regroup.



Why is there a cap for competitive points? They're really going to force me to buy a shitty gold reskin? I have 4.5k points from reaching rank 73 last season, I'm sure the reward for this season would put me over 6k. Whats the reward in points this season for master/GM?

awww thank you user!

2000 master and 3000 grandmaster

Master is 2k and GM is 3k, and gotta make sure people don't save points for the next 1337 shiny release :^)

have you seen his laughing emote??? he does tippy toes


>I'm a straight girl
yeah, sure. And I'm 5000sr. totally


Honestly, I'd rather they just avoided bringing up the characters' sexuality altogether, or at least talk about it when it mattered instead of just dropping the "hey, someone is gay!" bomb and then not nutting up and saying who it is. I mean, it's a fucking colorful shooty video game. Who cares which characters like to put their mouth on whose genitals? Either talk about it organically or don't define it at all, let people ship whoever the hell they want and make up a billion sexualities for these characters.

It's his Reaper radar

>make credits useless for summer event so people can't buy what they want and to encourage spending money
>put a cap on comp points so people can't stockpile them for whatever new rewards come

Just Blizz things

Well you know there's a lot of people who just draw Rat normally, but still gay. I don't think there's any porn of him in stupid "flamer uniforms" or whatever. I think that's just like you said, kind of stupid ignorant shit.

Not worth getting mad over is all. I used to get mad at lots of headcanons. But just remember, it's not real. It's not in the game. Imagine Junkrat however you want but all that's true is his in-game appearance and actions.


I'm #1.

Taken last season. Currently Rank 9.


Why is there so much art of the Shimadas eating noodles?

Because they're redditors


>Why is there so much Hana eating Kimchi?
>Why is there so much Winston easting ?Banana ?
>Why is there so much of Roadhog/Junkrat eating shrimp and vegimite?
>Why is there so much of widowmaker sucking baggette

com'on son...

>Mfw I was sitting on 4k credits when the summer event ended and Nihon never dropped

just china things


>Last patch

They're mad they have a waste of space hero on their team

>This patch

No real reason, probably just slow to adapt and dont realise that hanzo is pretty fucking good now

He flirts with Mai, she just shots him down like a Malaysian Airliner.


>playing normal
>3 man group up on my team
>all of them acting like dickish tryhards
>get an idea
>place teleporter next to cliff side
>last 30 seconds of the game
>enemy team pushing hard
>3 team mates spawn at the same time
>all use my teleport
>all run of the cliffisde
>we lose
>biggest bitch fit i've ever seen ensues from the group up
>laugh my ass of for 10 minutes straight after wards

they deserved it


>implying calling her cold is flirting

>it is most often used to identify foolish, bumbling or carefree characters
What did Blizzard mean by this?

Why isn't Overwatch f2p? It's almost like Blizzard don't want a flourishing competitive scene

Telling someone that you feel cold just by looking at them is not 'flirting' and if you think that could be considered flirting then there's no question as to why you're still a virgin.

I think they said that they would do that 'talk about it when the situation called for it 'organically'.So you prob's will get your wish, and thankfully they arn't outright pandering to the SJW.

>get PotG
>one of my kills is me flying through the air after using my mine and getting a flying headshot on a flying Pharah
>Pharah player types "such bullshit" when it plays

Post predictions for tuesday's patch


Just about all my Junkrat POTGs are this kind of bullshit.

I love it. I play with some very high-ranked people. We're talking "top 50" on ranking sites on the entire platform. And my dumbass plays Junkrat and looks amazing with this stupid shit.

Love it.


>just hit 2500 again today after 2 weeks of solo queueing

>now I'm too afraid to play because it was hard to get there


I don't want to play with golden ranked shitters anymore

hey dude! op here, im a gay man myself, and i feel you on this. I'm sorry for being really in your face about flamer junkrat, you have a point that it gives fangirls shit to fetishize. I guess I just really like flamer junkrat because it pisses off homophobes. Knowing how media works, I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up falling back on a shitload of grating stereotypes for the gay character. It's annoying.

at least we can agree junkrat loves roadhog!



Something about Reapers teleport