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What's going on Veeky Forums

I've just bought Pic related for 620 Eurobucks and need a funny numberplate for it. See pic for format.

Needs to be R / ?? / ???

R is my City and / ?? / are two Letters and / ??? / are two or three Numbers.
Anybody got any ideas?
Also, did i do good?

Will check if it's still available if any of you faggots got any ideas.


>What's going on Veeky Forums
newfags visiting Veeky Forums


Will check, one moment please


Nope, sorry... that means somebody is driving the REEEE mobile already

R EK 7

Nope. Apparently i NEED 3 Numbers.. sorry

>two or three numbers
Good job

>buying a drivable sewing machine

even a fucking twingo sounds and performs better than a stock, non-RS fiesta


Good one. And available too... i hope my GF likes it

>620 Eurobucks
>for a '89 model Fiesta

That shit better has sub 90k kilometers on the clock, pristine condition with no rust, otherwise you paid way too fucking much for that heap.

Those shits normally change owners for fucking free or just go straight to the scrapper.

That's no '89 Fiesta, it's a '94 one.
Also it has "TÜV ohne Mängel" and almost no Rust. Also only 1 (!) Old Lady drove it before me and she dies 3 days ago. So yeah. Good deal i think

jesus, you bought a mk3 fiesta for 620 euros?
me and my mates bought a running, road legal 1992 fiesta 1.1 for 90 euros, worst car i've ever driven

Do you have pics?

Then it's an ok deal but it is usually called MK3 or '89 since it came out in 89 and got built until 96.

>implying your GF will enjoy having a plate on your car implying you're a rapist


R IP 257


>buying a haunted ferd


>change owners for fucking free
That's how I got mine. Couldn't afford to insure it, traded it for my mother's insurance excess when I bent her car.


regensburg a shit

R IS15

You'll either be shot or beheaded.



Her family didn't waste any time. Basically the car paid for the funeral and some alcohol.

the closest to refugee
R EF 053
R EF 533

R EF 093

ROT because it's red.

I don't know about the numbers though...

Hallo Regensburg!
If you lived in Nuremberg you could have N-AZ 1xx

they would not let you register that, not kidding

Why do you hate yourself?