talon rework when edition
talon rework when edition
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After Mordekaiser's you SHIT
The first little shit reminds me of some CLAMP series that i don't recall
The second ones are literally black and white mokona
The third one is obviously Kyubey
fuck all of you
Press F to pay respects
xth for cow tits
>tfw no Beast Shyvana based off of the Beast Hunter skin lines where her ultimate transforms her into a Tigrex
xth for Lux, if that ultimate skill is dong, imma kill myself
>people think league isn't an anime
How soon can we get lewds of my SG Jinxie in all of her delicious glory?
Nigga, please.
xth for fuck yordles
you can combine all 3 to make kyubey
xth riot failing to take my money
riot literally stealing money straight out of my wallet
>most generic
I'd prefer morg if janna was morg which it shouldve fucking been
xth for Rumble got his own FUCKING BOARD GAME
and a whole voice acted video
I'm going to CRY
whats their excuse for not removing kayle?
god top lane is fucking dead
Veeky Forums + Veeky Forums +4
So Yorick's got super obvious buffs incoming right? The minions are either going to be quicker to spawn, more numerous, stronger, tankier, or any mixture of the former issues. Maybe a boost to his Q which has pretty lackluster damage outside of Triforce's proc.
why does a magical star guardian have guns
>jinx, janna, poppy and lulu
To be honest I was maybe expecting Diana or Taric. Poppy and Lulu don't need more skins, and Jinx just got one.
>go look for my own logs
>turns out the first champ I played wasn't Sona, but Lulu
THIS CHANGES nothing but I guess I've been a Lulufag since the beginning
Looks like riot knows who plays their games.
These skins are going to sell so fucking much, they are gonna make a killing with this holy shit.
Only Star Jinx looks somewhat buyable
The other looks like literal shit
Who the fuck gonna buy this? Shittiest Lulu ever
>tfw you're trash and everyone in the match doesn't hesitate to let you know it
When was the last time you got carried by a renekton ,/lolg?
Or better put, when was the last time your renekton didnt feed his ass off in lane even though he`s a lane bully?
>still no tits
Janna skin hype. I'm really happy
well, she's shooting stars
Why the fuck not? Jinx doesn't play by the same rules as everyone else.
the only way I'd buy it is if they gave her a lot of unique voice lines
I'm not normally into pigtails but I really respect what they've done with Jinx's. It would look hilariously bad irl, but in context of weeb shit it looks good.
Taric just got one, and Diana is only allowed to have shitty skin
>Star guardians confirm Lux will be getting the next ultimate skin.
No wonder they just recently randomly buffed her.
I'll fucking murder you carlos, you little shit
They had that one magical girl that shot guns in that one anime.
I can't remember the name but I saw the gifs.
Card Captor Sakura you fucknut
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4
>lose 18 lp because dog unplugs pc while loading
>too fucking tilted in my next game to think straight and feed my dick off
fuck me man i was 16-2 over my last games and now i'm down 40 fucking lp goddamnit
give me some happy feels or something because i'm so fucking frustrated
Poppy hasn't had a new skin in forever. I'm fine with her getting it. I just don't think it looks good. It creeps me the fuck out with the huge head and eyes when it's supposed to be human.
Don't worry.
After sales of the ultimate skin slow down she's getting shitcanned.
You tell me
She doesn't need tits. She's already perfect.
Fuck off, Carlos. Don't you have a field trip to be on?
I usually distance myself from weeb shit . . . but this Jinx, man. She's doing things to my dick.
Soraka is cancer
facing ranged tops makes me want to kill myself
what a shit way to lose lp
Will Riot ever get desperate enough to have licensed shit for skins?
Go be a casual faget somewhere else
>Infernal Diana
>Lunar Goddess Diana (and their Chromas)
i haven't bought rp in 2 years but rito has finally broke me down with that fucking jinx skin
Only after Nunu
>Riot releases a board game that actually looks incredible
>/a/ fags more impressed by new pixels
you're all fucking retarded
>Poppy is supposed to be human
Name your 3 favourite board games faggot.
is the star guardian thing lagging anyone elses pc to fuck
its literally nuking my cpu on firefox, fuck this piece of shit browser
Monopoly x3 get at me nigga
Reminder that lulufags worship this.
The number of league weebs is higher than the number of people that play $80+ boardgames
Cancer is addicting.
Have you ever had bacon?
Pure cancer.
But the best thing ever.
Good job, carlos.
The yordle eyes, ears, and freakish head on what's clearly supposed to be close to human. It's weird as shit, user.
>This is actually becoming true
>There are actually retards who like it
>Incredible anything
vu when
Not him but i only have played the Planescape campaign and Neverwinter
I was going to try some warhammer but i couldn't play in the end
lel what a grindfest you're enjoying
/vg vs /vg 4+
So when will they make a clause that just says "Evelyn can't buy jungle items, ever."
They should totally do that, Eve should never be allowed to play in the role that has the least amount of map information
>when it's supposed to be human.
She's a yordle. And it doesn't surprise me that imaginary creatures make Lolgen scared considering this place is a hotbed of autism.
>figure I can play Yorick in 3v3 beginner bots to play 5 minute games and turbo grind to level 30
>20 XP
>19 ip
Lmao. No shit you think it looks "incredible".
>no star guardian riven
its like riot doesn't even want my money
aw you got me :^l
I'm calling it now, the Lux ultimate skin is going to have to be obtained through crafting. Something like you have to own Star Guardian Lux and collect 500 Star Essence and upgrade it.
screenshot this
The new skin's face is testing the waters for the vu
xth for my beloved waifu
No shit moron. Just play 5v5 normals to get to level 6 then spam ARAMs. Easiest way to level.
everyone with mage in the tag
is fucking cancer
dont deny it
Can you guys please stop going Deathfire's Touch on Jhin. Use Stormraider's Surge; it's better. The damage boost from DFT is miniscule in terms of value in comparison to Stormraider's. As an ADC one of the most important things you need to do in a fight is live. Stormraider's makes positioning braindead easy and makes you so slippery you don't die unless you act like a dumbass. If you go with Jhins best current build of Youmuu>Duskblade>RFC>IE, you will deal enough damage throughout the entire game to proc your Stormraider's against every Bruiser and against most tanks. You don't suffer from procing it like people initially said when Jhin would build Crit and AS. You go full Arm.Pen nowadays, so no matter what you have an oppurtunity to proc it.
Yes, this is a repost
I wonder why they never updated her base skin when pool party and dragon trainer lulu are literally her VUs.
But user she's too salty to be a star guardian.
fuck off evra bon
>Evelyn cant buy jungle item
>Also we gave her Annie passive in her Q
Poppy best star guardian
Best butt
Best girl
Veeky Forums + Veeky Forums 3+
>poppy has like no new particles
but riven is too bland to even get any amount of salt
>He took it seriously
delet urself
>interact with someone from /lolg/
>they memespout and can't stop referencing the culture of the general every other sentence they type
>they rage the hardest at their teammates out of anyone in the game
>they're also shit
>carry 4 games into promos then win the first one handily
>MMR now high enough for me to jump 2 divions to Gold 1
>get 3 games IN A ROW where people disconnect mid game
>MMR barely drops where I can't skip anymore
League of Legends is a torture simulator, absolutely nothing less.
Akali with fervor is literally broken,
why did no one tell me this,
as top lane i literally win all duals now in the early game and my autos aren't dodgy af
3 as 6 phy dmg then 9 armor then 26 ap for quints and glyphs,
12 0 6 masteries and ur set
hey that's me
does anybody want a bronze 4 account on NA
i have like no skins apart from the free ones
>implying they took it seriously
Wait a minute if SG Jinx is legendary then that means she gets a new waifu VO
And that means they could get Dekomori again for the japanese client